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Brussels sprout recipes. Benefits of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a home bred plant that you will never see in the wild. Originally from Belgium, this is a rather whimsical and heat-loving plant. However, this did not prevent the inhabitants of our country from falling in love with the amazing taste of this "Belgian" gift. Brussels sprouts contain carotene, sodium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins PP, B, C. Such a useful, and most importantly, dietary product could not fail to gain due popularity in the culinary arts.

General rules - fry and cook cabbage without worries and hassle!
The first rule that you need to follow if you are going to cook a guest from Brussels is the quality cleaning of the product. Remove yellow cabbage leaves and soak in water for 10-15 minutes. So you can get rid of dirt on the leaves, as well as insects that accidentally got into the cabbage leaves. Then thoroughly rinse the product again and remove the stems.

Brussels sprouts can be boiled. Gently place the heads in the boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. "Brussels" gift can be prepared in microwave oven. To do this, you need to put the heads of cabbage in a bowl and fill it with water about one-fourth. Cabbage is cooked in the microwave for 5-8 minutes.

In order to fry magnificent Brussels sprouts, you must first clean them in the manner described above. Then you need to cut the heads of cabbage in half and mix the cabbage with a small amount of vegetable or olive oil.

Transfer the product to the pan, cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the lid and cook for about 5 more minutes. To prevent the cabbage from burning, stir it.

The best Brussels sprout recipes for every day!

Brussels sprouts with ham
A quick cabbage recipe. Perfect option for family dinner. Due to heat treatment in the oven, Brussels sprouts retains its beneficial features and most importantly, amazing taste!


  • Brussels sprouts - 500 g;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • hard cheese(grated) - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • tomatoes - 300-400 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  1. Gently lower a small head of Brussels sprouts into boiling, lightly salted water. Cook for 3-5 minutes until done.
  2. In a baking dish greased with oil and sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs, spread the cabbage, alternating it with slices of tomatoes and slices of ham.
  3. Top the dish with cheese and the remaining breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180°.
  4. When serving the dish on the table, you can lightly sprinkle it with chopped herbs.
Brussels sprouts baked with walnuts


  • Brussels sprouts - 500-600 g;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • a mixture of Provence herbs - 2 teaspoons;
  • onion (purple, red) - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  1. Carefully cut the cabbage into half rings. If the sprouts are too large, then it is better to cut into quarters.
  2. Getting ready for the Brussels sprouts. Combine olive oil, herbes de Provence and soy sauce.
  3. Thoroughly peel the red onion from the husk, and then cut into half rings.
  4. Mix cabbage and onion.
  5. Add walnuts to the dish.
  6. Pour everything with previously prepared dressing.
  7. We spread everything in a mold and bake at a temperature of 200 °. Serve baked cabbage with herbs.
There are many recipes for Brussels sprouts. Soups, side dishes, salads, pies - all these dishes will decorate their marvelous taste with Brussels sprouts. Experiment - and you will succeed!

Cooking Brussels sprouts is not that difficult. This noble product will give you not only vitamins and minerals, but also magical moments of enjoying the divine taste of dishes.

    Brussels sprouts can be called a versatile food with a high nutritional value, which is good in any form: boiled, stewed, fried. There are many ways to cook Brussels sprouts, however, for some reason, this green vegetable is often undeservedly forgotten to add to your daily diet. Meanwhile, Brussels sprouts are very useful and able to maintain their qualities both fresh and frozen.

    How to cook Brussels sprouts the right way

    Boiled cabbage:

    Before cooking Brussels sprouts, remove any yellow leaves from the cabbage and soak it in cold water for 10 minutes to get rid of insects or grit in the leaves. After that, rinse the cabbage thoroughly in cold water. Carefully cut the stems, but so that the leaves do not fall off.

    In order for Brussels sprouts to reach readiness, it is enough to boil them for 8-10 minutes in boiling water or steam them for 5 minutes. Boiled Brussels sprouts should be served hot.

    Fried cabbage:

    Remove yellow leaves, wash cabbage, pat dry and cut in half. Add some olive oil, salt and lemon juice, mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Transfer the Brussels sprouts to a baking dish or skillet and roast for 45 minutes in a preheated oven, stirring occasionally to brown evenly.

    Brussels sprouts can also be roasted on the stovetop. To do this, prepare it in the same way as described above, transfer to a pan, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Then remove the lid and cook for another 5 minutes to completely evaporate all the liquid. Don't forget to stir the Brussels sprouts occasionally while cooking.

    If Brussels sprouts are bitter

    In order to rid Brussels sprouts of bitterness, seasonings should be added during its preparation. Boil the heads of cabbage cut in half for 10 minutes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the cabbage along with a few minced garlic cloves until nicely golden.

    You can also reduce the bitterness of Brussels sprouts by adding a teaspoon of vinegar, a pinch of salt, and a little sugar.

    How to cook Brussels sprouts in the oven


    0.5 kg fresh Brussels sprouts

    3 eggs 0.5 cup milk



    It's simple and quick recipe how to cook brussels sprouts. To do this, rinse the cabbage thoroughly, drop it into boiling, lightly salted water and cook for 10 minutes.

    Heat up a frying pan and fry the cabbage in butter. If they get caught too large heads Brussels sprouts, cut in half.

    When the cabbage acquires a delicate golden crust, then eggs mixed with milk and a pinch of soda can be added to it. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the cabbage, smooth it out and place in the preheated oven.

    The cabbage will be ready in 10-15 minutes.

    It's delicious, tender and very healthy dish should be served warm.

    Chicken breast with Brussels sprouts


    300 g chicken fillet

    0.5 kg Brussels sprouts

    4 tomatoes

    1/3 cup shelled walnuts

    3 tablespoons walnut oil

    3 onions

    2 tablespoons sunflower oil

    2 tablespoons of vinegar


    Wash the cabbage, peel, divide into leaves and boil in boiling water for 2 minutes. Throw the cabbage in a colander and rinse in cold water, dry.

    Rinse and dry chicken breasts, salt, pepper and fry them on both sides in hot oil until tender.

    Cut the onion into small rings, salt. Pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, add Brussels sprout leaves, walnut oil.

    Cut the tomatoes into quarters and arrange on a platter with Brussels sprouts. Coarsely chop the nuts, sprinkle on top. Lay out the chicken breasts, garnish with herbs.

    This is a simple, but at the same time delicious recipe for preparing Brussels sprouts for the festive table.

    How to cook Brussels sprouts with pumpkin


    0.5 kg Brussels sprouts

    0.5 kg pumpkin

    1 cup cranberries

    1 apple

    1 bulb

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 tablespoon soy sauce

    0.5 teaspoon curry

    1 tablespoon brown sugar

    Salt, pepper to taste


    Clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut into large cubes. Cut the washed Brussels sprouts in half, cut the apples into cubes, and the onion into half rings.

    Transfer all products to a baking sheet, add cranberries, which, depending on the season, can be replaced with rose hips or black currants. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

    In a separate bowl, mix the sauce, curry and oil. Whisk everything thoroughly and pour the chopped vegetables with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle brown sugar on top to add flavor to the dish. pleasant taste and aroma. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Put the baking sheet with the food in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake them for 20 minutes. Remove the baking sheet, gently toss the vegetables, and return it to the oven. Bake for another 20-25 minutes until all vegetables are browned and soft.

    If you don't know how to cook brussels sprouts, remember two rules: they should boil a little in boiling water, after which you can cook them any way you like, showing your own imagination!

The Belgian “dwarf” is how, lovingly, its admirers call Brussels sprouts (and you probably thought about Hercule Poirot?). And there is nothing offensive in this. The cabbage is actually small - cabbages barely reach 5 cm in diameter. And this type of cabbage was brought out of leafy farmers from Belgium. And Carl Linnaeus decided to perpetuate the handiwork of vegetable growers, calling it Brussels. It was later that breeders from Turkey, the Czech Republic and Holland developed their own varieties on the basis of the main variety.

The plantation on which Brussels sprouts grow looks interesting, the photo will clearly demonstrate this to you. Stem up to 95 cm high crowned cabbage leaves. But they are not valued and go to food. Around the entire stem from the ground to the top, small cabbage heads are located on small cuttings. This is the Brussels sprouts carefully bred by the Belgians. From one bush, you can remove 50, and 70, and 90 heads of small cabbage.

The value of Brussels sprouts

Yes, Brussels sprouts are small, but their benefits, however, are incomparable with their size. One cabbage contains from 85 to 120 mg for every 100 g, which is more than in, and the same as in blackcurrant. So we can not be healthy with fruits alone, vegetables are also good helpers.

In addition to vitamin C, small heads of cabbage contain vitamins A and K, groups and PP, vitamin E and. But that's not all. The amount of calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium contained in cabbage is enough to take care of our bones and internal organs and nerves. These are macronutrients. Of the trace elements, the analysis can detect iodine and copper, iron and fluorine, molybdenum and manganese, cobalt and zinc. It is amazing how heads of cabbage with such a content of elements do not ring and do not magnetize.

There is not much in cabbage, only 1 gram, the calorie content per 100 g of fruit is 28-40 kcal. However, Brussels sprouts are dietary products and helps to shed those extra pounds.

Benefits of Brussels sprouts

Such a small Brussels sprout, its beneficial properties, however, oh, how great. The vegetable helps to cure or alleviate the course of many diseases. And this is not only intestinal peristalsis, that is, improved digestion - all cabbage relatives are famous for this quality.

Here is a sample list of ailments that Brussels sprouts cope with. Benefits and harms, I wonder if it has or only solid pluses:

  • anemia and diabetes;
  • coronary heart disease and insomnia;
  • tuberculosis and constipation;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis and other similar diseases;
  • atherosclerosis and asthma;
  • problems with the pancreas and urinary system.

Useful cabbage for expectant mothers. The high content of folic acid makes it invaluable for the little man growing inside - the cub develops better and without any deviations (if this is not a pathology).

And cabbage juice accelerates the healing of wounds, cuts, acting as an antiseptic. Sailors on long voyages take dried or frozen heads of cabbage with them as a remedy for scurvy and other inflammatory processes.

Contraindications, as it turned out, also exist. But they are associated with exacerbations of diseases.

So, with gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of an ulcer or acute pain in gastrointestinal tract, after operations on the chest or abdominal cavity, immediately after a heart attack, it is better to take care and stop eating cabbage for a while. You can’t eat it for people with a thyroid problem either - the substances contained in cabbage cause a malfunction of the gland, interfere with the absorption of iodine, and can even provoke hypothyroidism. This applies to all cruciferous products.

How to cook delicious Brussels sprouts?

Like any cabbage, Brussels sprouts do not like long cooking. It is enough to boil sprouts for 4-7 minutes so that they retain their sweetish taste and elastic structure.

In order for the vegetables to be ready and crispy at the same time, you need to apply one trick. In the TV series “Kitchen”, beloved by many, local celebrity Rodion Sergeevich taught the novice chef Max the art of cooking “al dente” vegetables. After boiling, the vegetables are leaned back in a colander and immediately immersed in ice water. Try it, you will like it.

From cabbage you can already cook the most different dishes. From risotto with vegetables to vegetable casserole. Have you already cleaned and washed your Brussels sprouts? Recipes for cooking dishes from the category of “you will lick your fingers” we post immediately.


This salad needs to be eaten before it gets cold. Although it is good in any form.

  • About 100 grams of a mixture of any nuts (,) fry in a pan and cut into large pieces.
  • Melt a couple of large spoons in a frying pan. butter, squeeze out a clove and sprinkle with a pinch . Add salt to taste, pepper and stir.
  • How to cook Brussels sprouts - you already know. We boil it. We need 500 grams.
  • We spread the vegetable in a frying pan with fragrant nut oil, mix.
  • Pour into a salad bowl and serve immediately. From above, you can crumble the cheese and add a leaf.


For the first time, we have a vegetable soup - light and tasty. After winter and before summer, the body needs unloading so much.

  • Take a leek and cut it. Leaves on stripes, the white part - in thin rings.
  • Two washed and cleaned cut into circles. Three potatoes - sliced.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons into a bowl vegetable oil and fry onion rings in it.
  • Add carrots to them and simmer for 3 minutes in oil, stirring constantly.
  • Now you can put the potatoes and fry it for 5 minutes.
  • One and a half liters of vegetable broth (you can take chicken if you want to get a rich soup) pour into a saucepan. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Wash 300-350 grams of Brussels sprouts and put in a saucepan. Add spices.
  • Turn off the soup after 5-7 minutes.

If desired, chopped greens and green onion strips are added to the soup, seasoned with sour cream or natural yogurt and serve on the table.


For the second, we will serve the most delicate casserole.

  • Boil one chicken breast.
  • Boil 200-250 grams of Brussels sprouts.
  • While the cabbage is cooking, chop 2 onions into rings or half rings and fry them in vegetable oil.
  • We shift the prepared cabbage to the onion and vigorously fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Cut the breast into cubes and simmer in a pan with cabbage for 8-10 minutes. Salt and pepper everything to taste.
  • Put the semi-finished product from the pan into the baking dish. Smooth, flavor with aromatic herbs, pour a glass of cream, sprinkle with cheese and send to a preheated oven (190 degrees).

After 20 minutes, the casserole will be ready.

For dessert, we serve fruit: an orange or a fruit salad.

Brussels sprouts. Cultivation and care

It’s not enough for us to have tomatoes and potatoes in our gardens, we want to grow something like that, experiment, feel like “Michurins”. So who's stopping?

For those who appreciate how good Brussels sprouts are, growing on their own plot will not be difficult - the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Brussels sprouts prefer fertile, calcium-rich soil. Therefore, before hibernation, it is worth fertilizing the area allotted for vegetables with ash or lime.

If there is no ready seedling, it needs to be done. If in April seeds are sown in cups with earth (if there is a greenhouse or a greenhouse, you can do it there), then by May seedlings should already appear. From mid-May to early June, cabbage can be planted in the garden. It is necessary to plant sprouts at a distance of at least 65-75 cm so that the upper leaves do not interfere with each other. There is no need to make a slide near the sprout, since the cabbages will grow directly from the base of the stem.

The plant has not yet reached 25 cm in height, and the first cabbages have already appeared under the upper leaves. And while the cabbage grows, small heads of cabbage grow on the stem.

Collect heads of cabbage as they ripen. The bottom rows ripen first. They collect medium-sized heads of cabbage, very large specimens are bitter and no heat treatment can get rid of this.

Brussels sprouts love to drink. Therefore, it must be watered regularly, especially in dry summers. Although she is cunning - the root system is powerful and able to hold out for some time on groundwater. But this is for the last resort.

Ripe cabbages can be frozen. In the refrigerator in a bag, they can be stored for a month, two or more.

For the winter, cabbage is dug up with roots (if not all heads are harvested) and stored in the basement at above zero temperatures or in greenhouses in boxes, sprinkled with moist soil.

Do you know?

Brussels sprouts are so popular in Belgium that only crystal sprouts are given as a prize to the creators of the most interesting and informative popular science programs.

Interestingly, do we have crystal or are they also a prize for any achievements? Although rather for anti-achievements ...

Hello dear readers! I’ll start the article by saying that Brussels sprouts are very healthy vegetable. However, most housewives do not know how to cook delicious Brussels sprouts. In vain, since there are a lot of vitamins in it, and in terms of taste characteristics it is not inferior to color or white cabbage.

Brussels sprout recipes

Brussels sprouts differ from their relatives in size and shape. Moreover, small cats that grow in the axils of the leaves are eaten. These cats are stewed, boiled and fried, used for salads and soups.

Since cats have an original shape and small size, modern culinary specialists widely use them when decorating dishes. Real gourmets highly appreciate the taste of dishes prepared from such cabbage.

Brussels sprouts in the oven

I dare to suggest that you, dear readers, are far from aware of how Brussels sprouts are cooked in the oven. Now I will fix it by revealing wonderful recipe.


  • Brussels sprouts - 500 g
  • olive oil - 50 ml.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • bread crumbs - 0.5 cup
  • pepper, thyme, salt.


  1. First of all, I wash the heads of cabbage and cut them in half.
  2. I send the chopped cabbage to the pan and fill it with water so that it covers the vegetables. I put the pan on the fire and cook for two minutes. Then I drain the water.
  3. Olive oil mixed with crushed garlic and thyme.
  4. Dredge Brussels sprouts in oil, salt and pepper. Then I send the vegetables to a baking dish and sprinkle with bread crumbs.
  5. I put a baking sheet with seasoned cabbage in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. I bake for half an hour.

Video recipe

Finally, I will add that it takes me only 35 minutes to prepare the dish. This means that in case of unexpected guests, you will quickly prepare delicious and original treat and you won't find yourself in a bad situation.

Brussels sprouts with mushrooms

Once I wanted to please my family with a wonderful and delicious dish. A friend shared a recipe for Brussels sprouts with mushrooms. I note that all members of my large family are crazy about this dish. I hope you will like it too.



  1. Wash the cabbage well and remove the yellowed leaves. I leave the small ones whole, and cut the large ones in half.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add lemon juice and salt. Then I send cabbage to the dishes and, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes. After that, I throw the boiled cabbage into a colander.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into thin strips. I peel the garlic and finely chop.
  4. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces. If they are not available, oyster mushrooms will do. I send them to a heated pan and add a little salt. I fry until golden brown.
  5. With a spoon with holes, remove the mushrooms from the pan. I add a little oil and onion to the dishes. Fry over low heat until soft.
  6. Mushrooms combine with onions and chopped garlic and mix well. Sprinkle the resulting mixture with flour.
  7. I add vegetable broth and heat it up. Stir the resulting sauce until it becomes thick. I add salt and pepper.
  8. It remains to add cabbage, mix and cover with a lid. After a few minutes, the dish is ready.

Before serving ready meal sprinkle with chopped parsley. For a side dish, I most often use pasta or rice. I often serve treats with mashed potatoes.

Video recipe

Brussels sprouts casserole

From this wonderful vegetable, housewives prepare a variety of dishes. I'll tell you the recipe for the casserole. I can say with confidence that the dish will appeal to both an ordinary eater and a real gourmet. In addition, it is a great option for the New Year's menu.


  • Brussels sprouts - 4 heads
  • chopped meat- 150 g
  • tomato paste - 200 g
  • onion - 400 g
  • hard cheese, sour cream, salt and pepper.


  1. Pour a little water into the pan, add cabbage, salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Finely chopped onion fry in a pan until blush, add tomato paste, spices, minced meat and salt.
  3. I fry the resulting mass until the minced meat is ready. After that, I pour in sour cream and stew until boiling.
  4. I put boiled cabbage in a pan. I spread the contents of the pan on top and add the grated cheese. Bake in oven for 10 minutes until cheese is melted.

Finally, I note that the menu of modern European restaurants contains dishes that include Brussels sprouts. Every chef knows how to make a casserole. Now you know about it too.

Notably, most of these dishes include cream. Thanks to the cream, the taste of Brussels sprouts becomes more delicate and refined.

Brussels sprout salad recipe

Salad, prepared according to my recipe, is an excellent side dish for pork. Small Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamins, protein and potassium, but they have little fiber. It is excellent for diet food. Moreover, it is recommended to be eaten by people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Brussels sprouts contain many chemicals, carotenes and minerals that heal the body and prevent diseases.


  • Brussels sprouts - 500 g
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • sour cream - 50 ml.
  • banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • sage, white pepper, salt.


  1. I remove the top leaves from Brussels sprouts, wash them and cut the heads into quarters.
  2. Pour in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. I drain hot water, pour vegetables cold water, and after that they are thrown back on a sieve.
  3. I remove the skin from the apple, remove the seed chamber and cut into pieces. After that I pour lemon juice.
  4. I mix the cooled cabbage with chopped apples, add a little pepper and salt.
  5. It remains to prepare the dressing. I peel the banana, knead it with a fork, salt and pepper. After that, add sour cream and lemon juice, mix well and beat.
  6. I serve it on the table in portions, pre-watering with dressing and sprinkling with sage.

As you can see, the salad recipe is simple, and preparation does not require much time. This means that you can please your loved ones at any time.

Cooking brussel sprout soup

Housewives cook Brussels sprouts in different ways. Boiled, fried and stewed. I like cooking with this vegetable fragrant soup.

I note that I do not fry vegetables for soup, but put them in fresh. As a result, it turns out fragrant and rich. Would you like to learn how to cook soup? Read on for my recipe.


  • Brussels sprouts - 200 g
  • chicken hearts- 200 g
  • potatoes - 5 pieces
  • carrots - 1 piece
  • celery - 50 g
  • dill, parsley, salt.


  1. chicken hearts boil on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  2. At this time, I pass the celery root and carrots through a grater, and finely chop the onion. I send the prepared vegetables to the boiling broth.
  3. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into small cubes. I add it to soup.
  4. After about 10 minutes, add Brussels sprouts, salt, bring the soup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. At the very end I add dill and parsley. I turn off the fire and leave the soup for a quarter of an hour under the lid to infuse it. Serve hot with toasted toast.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making soup. In addition, it is prepared from the most simple vegetables. Now you will please your relatives with this concoction. If they don't like it, cook delicious borscht.

Video recipe with nuts and red onions

Growing Brussels sprouts

Finally, let's talk about growing Brussels sprouts. It differs from its relatives quite strongly and in appearance, and agrotechnics of cultivation.

As you know, ordinary cabbage has only one head. Brussels can have up to 70 such heads, it can easily withstand 10-degree frost.

In almost all regions of our planet, cabbage is grown in seedlings. Ready seedlings are planted in the ground in early summer in a well-lit place. The fact is that even a slight dimming can cause a delay in the formation of the crop.

Our culinary piggy bank replenished interesting ideas how to easily and inexpensively diversify family menu vitamin dishes. Today we offer several original recipes how to cook frozen brussels sprouts so that they do not taste bitter and become amazingly tasty.

With the help of a double boiler, microwave oven or an ordinary frying pan, you can turn this modest vegetable into a real delicacy in just a few minutes.

Blanching - against the bitterness of Brussels sprouts

Whatever dish we plan to cook from this vitamin vegetable of ours, first you need to rid it of bitterness, because of which "Brussels" sometimes falls out of favor.

It is as easy as shelling pears to do: the cabbage, thoroughly washed under a tight stream of water, must be placed in a colander and blanched, that is, steamed for five minutes.

So, we have small cabbage, which was stored in the freezer. We thawed it and removed the unpleasant bitterness. Now it remains to bring it to full culinary condition, using best recipes cooking. The question of how to properly cook Brussels sprouts frozen for future use at home can be answered in different ways.

Recipe 1: How to Boil Brussels Sprouts

The miniature "Brussels" has such dense tufts that it is not easy to cook them. If they are not handled properly, the upper leaves can be digested, and the inside can remain raw. So how much and how should you cook Brussels sprouts so that they cook evenly and taste delicious?

Before sending it to the permafrost, each of the heads must be cut crosswise at the location of the pokers - they will be cooked evenly.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts deliciously

  1. We take out a portion of kocheshki from the refrigerator. We put them in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers all our vegetables.
  2. We send the container to the fire. When the water is hot, add salt.
  3. It is highly undesirable to keep cabbage buds in boiling water for too long so that they do not have time to lose all their vitamin reserves. Enough - 15 minutes after boiling water, and taking into account blanching - no more than 10 minutes.

Ready vegetables are sent under a cold stream and - immediately on a plate under chopped greens or in a casserole.

Recipe 2: how to cook "brussels" in the microwave

Second way easy cooking the most delicate and very useful cats - in the microwave. Everything is so simple that we do not even have to use the defrost function.

  • We take out the "Brussels" from the freezer and put it in a cooking container, pour a quarter of a glass of water.
  • We send the bowl to the stove, close the lid, turn it on at full power. Cooking time - 5-6 minutes.

Having opened the door, salt the vegetables, season with spices, stir - and another 5 minutes of heat treatment with the door closed.

To check if the cabbage is ready, we take one head of cabbage out of the oven, cut it in half and take a sample. If inside and outside it is equally boiled, then you can have lunch (dinner).

Recipe 3: Brussels sprouts in the oven


  • "Brusselka" frozen- 400 g + -
  • - 2/3 cup + -
  • - 2-3 tablespoons + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • We remove bitterness from the sprouts with the help of blanching and send the sprouts to a frying pan with heated oil.
  • We fry, not forgetting to stir the vegetables, for 5-8 minutes, and then pour the broth mixed with sour cream.
  • Salt and pepper and send the container to a well-heated oven.
  • After 15 minutes, we take it out of the brazier, cover it with a layer on top. grated cheese and put it back in the oven.
  • When the cheese is melted, take out cabbage casserole, cool - and on the table.

    To feed a hungry family with a healthy dinner, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive delicacies. In addition, knowing how tasty and quick to cook Brussels sprouts frozen for future use, you can not worry about the arrival of unexpected guests - they will not be able to take us by surprise. And as a light side dish, and a "crown" main course, this vegetable is great! ..