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Cognac tincture. Moonshine on almonds Traditional medicine almond nut prepare an alcohol tincture

Almonds are widely used in cooking for all kinds of dishes and pastries. And if you make almond tincture at home, you get a drink that resembles the famous amaretto.

The “almond nuts” themselves are the seeds of the fruits of the common almond, which has two varieties: sweet and bitter. Bitterness is given by the substance amygdalin, which, when it enters the human body, turns into hydrocyanic acid, a well-known poison. Therefore, only sweet almonds are used for food, and bitter almonds are added in very small quantities to enhance the flavor (in minimal doses, it is not dangerous).

For the recipe for the preparation of tincture on almonds on vodka (alcohol, moonshine), only sweet almonds are used. It contains virtually no amygdalin. However, as they say, God saves the safe: if you are not sure about the origin of almonds, you want to add bitter almonds to enhance the flavor, or you will use apricot kernels instead of the usual almonds, then the tincture is necessarily prepared sweet. This is done due to the fact that sugar neutralizes the action of hydrocyanic acid.

As for the alcohol base, a double-distilled fruit or grain distillate is well suited for tincture. You can also use sugar distillate or vodka. Medical alcohol is used only diluted to a strength of 40-45 degrees. It is possible to get home-made moonshine, however, the simplest solution will be (we recommend choosing a device with a brand distillation column) that meets modern quality and food safety standards.

Consider two recipes for almond tincture on moonshine (vodka, alcohol)

Recipe one - classic

For a liter of alcohol base, you will need to take a third of a glass of roasted almonds.

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Pour the kernels alcohol base close the lid tightly.
  2. Remove the container in a dark room for 40-45 days, periodically shake the container.

Strain the finished tincture. Assess the taste and, if desired, add a little honey or sugar syrup.

Recipe two - with the addition of oak chips

This recipe makes almost a real amaretto if you use high quality grape distillate. You can find the correct information on our portal. And before purchasing, be sure to visit the websites of official manufacturers, you can safely and at the lowest price.

To make real amaretto, grape syrup is used to neutralize hydrocyanic acid during the distillation process.

Ingredients for the recipe per liter of alcohol base:

  • almond kernels - 75 grams
  • raisins (black) - 50 grams
  • oak chips - 5 grams
  • granulated sugar- 150 grams


  1. Pour boiling water over oak chips in a shallow container so that it barely covers them. Leave them like this for a day and a half.
  2. Toast the almonds quickly in a dry frying pan.
  3. Mix the alcohol base with water drained from oak chips, add sugar and stir it until completely dissolved. Leave the liquid under the lid for 3-4 hours.
  4. Put the almonds and raisins into the infusion container. Pour in the resulting alcohol mixture. Close the lid and shake the container well.
  5. Clean in a dark room for three to four weeks.

Filter the finished tincture through gauze and remove for another 15-20 days in a cool place.

Moonshine-3l, black tea premium- 1 tbsp sugar 3 tbsp, bay leaf - 5-6 pcs. , allspice- 5 peas, black pepper - 5 peas, red pepper - 0.5 pod, lemon balm 1 tbsp. l, vanillin on the tip of a knife. We mix all the ingredients, pour moonshine and insist 10 days in a dark place. Then we drain the finished tincture, filter it and bottle it, use it.

Recipe for the use of oak chips;

For 1 liter of moonshine with a strength of 40-45 degrees, put about 5-10 grams of oak chips and a teaspoon of sugar. Place the container in a dark place. Shake regularly and open the lid as Alcohol requires a regular supply of oxygen. Somewhere in two weeks you will feel how the smell of moonshine begins to change, noble notes of cognac appear (I approached the jar almost every day in order to feel this pleasant smell). A month later, the product is ready for use. But I repeat, you can leave it to infuse for a longer period.


Moonshine 1l, cinnamon - 0.5 tbsp, grated nutmeg - 1 tbsp. l. , vanillin 1 tbsp. sugar 2 cups. Cinnamon, grated nutmeg and vanillin are mixed, poured with moonshine and insisted for 2 weeks. Then the tincture is drained, filtered, sugar is added, put on fire, brought to a boil and cooled, after which it is bottled.

Methods for coloring moonshine

To obtain brown moonshine, we take granulated sugar, melt it in a copper bowl and cook until dark. The resulting solution is diluted hot water or moonshine, also hot. The solution can be stored in a glass container tightly closed.

Distillation of mash with galangal root gives a light brown color to moonshine.

If you are going to sweeten moonshine, then coloring should be done only after sweetening, so that the color and transparency of moonshine do not deteriorate.

Sweetening moonshine

Let's prepare a special syrup. We take 1 kg. sugar, pour 1l. water, cook, skimming the foam until it stops forming. We cool and insist 2 weeks, so that all the sediment goes to the bottom.

When moonshine is mixed with syrup or honey, a chemical reaction occurs and the solution heats up. You need to wait until the end of the release of gases. Then we throw a few tablets into the solution activated carbon and shake vigorously. Then insist 2 hours at room temperature and filter through a thin cloth. The resulting drink is packaged in different containers and kept for three days at a temperature of 3-4°C. The resulting drink will have pleasant taste and an almost complete lack of alcohol taste.

Jam is also used to sweeten moonshine. It is taken in proportion: 3 liters of moonshine for 4 teaspoons of jam.
Class! one
In addition to the taste we need, we also need a certain color of moonshine.

If we infuse moonshine with saffron and add a little juice from blueberries or blueberries, we get a golden-orange (orange) color. Also, this color is obtained by insisting moonshine on orange peel, partitions walnut or the peel of an unripe orange.

The color yellow is saffron. By adjusting its amount, you can get different shades of yellow. To get a yellow color, moonshine can also be infused with lemon balm, veronica, mint, or using parsley leaves, celery or horseradish.

To give red color moonshine insist on dried blueberries. You can grind cream of tartar and food carmine paint to a powder and mix in a ratio of 1:6, then dissolve in hot water. Filter the resulting mixture and add to moonshine.

For the scarlet color, you need to prepare a special dye. Cook 4g. food paint powder and 4g. purified powder cream of tartar in 1.1 liters of water. We defend, filter through cheesecloth. Add to moonshine in the amount depending on what shade of scarlet you want to get.

Purple color is obtained by infusing moonshine on sunflower seeds. You can also tint moonshine with carmine and strain through yarrow or femur flowers, or add a little, just a few drops, of a thick decoction of sandalwood or blueberries.

Straining moonshine through yarrow or femur, without tinting, gives it a pale blue color.

Infusion on cornflower flowers gives moonshine a blue color.

Using various varieties jam can get shades of red, yellow and purple.

And now let's get green - like absinthe. We take chervil, finely grind it, put 4 handfuls in a thin cloth and filter the moonshine through a funnel with chervil. The second method involves the infusion of moonshine with blackcurrant leaves. Green color can also be obtained by infusing moonshine with onion feathers or parsley leaf juice.

If you will use green onion, then first wash it, then dip it in hot water and boil it 2 times. After that, move the onion into cold water. Place the feathers in a thin cloth or gauze and squeeze out the juice. Place the juice in a silver pouring spoon and cook until the juice volume is reduced by 2 times. Now the resulting paint can be infused with moonshine

In order to get moonshine of the taste we need, we need to insist it on some plant, then overtake and insist again on the same plant.

Experiment with the taste of moonshine using various raw materials and components from herbal supplements.

Moonshine, like a strong alcoholic drink, reacts strongly to additives, so you can’t overdo it with them. So that you can determine the taste of future moonshine when using certain additives - we give a table of taste characteristics when infusing moonshine for at least two weeks. Name Taste Number of additives, g / l
Orange peel bitter 50 - 100
Lemon peel bitter 60 - 250
Orange peel bitter 2.5 - 50
Rosemary bitter-spicy 0.5 - 1
Saffron bitter-spicy 0.1 - 0.5
Star anise bitter-bitter 3 - 20
Cinnamon bitter-bitter 3 - 15
Vanilla bitter 0.5 - 2
Bay leaf bitter 0.5 - 2
Cardamom spicy-burning 4 - 20
Nutmeg spicy-burning 3 - 6
Allspice moderately hot 3 - 6
Hot ginger 1.5 - 12
Carnation burning 0.6 - 3
Hot black pepper 2 - 24

The substances listed in the table can be combined with each other in certain proportions (except for saffron). If you increase the amount of additives by 20-30%, then you can make moonshine in 2-3 days, but it’s better not to get carried away with this.

To give moonshine aroma, aromatic substances infused with alcohol are used. In order to extract substances from plants, they must be insisted on moonshine, after grinding. Insist until the moonshine takes all the flavoring substances from the plant. Moonshine, for insisting, should be a strength of 45-50οС. The solution needs to be decanted periodically, then the flavoring substances should be added again and shaken, and the more times this is done, the higher the concentration of the infusion will be. You can boil raw materials in a sealed container while boiling for 10-15 minutes.

Tinctures are usually made within 3-5 weeks. But if the temperature is raised to 50-60°C, then the infusion time can be reduced to 5-8 days. That's what quickies do.

In order to obtain a tincture with saturated aromatic substances and the desired aroma, but not to change the taste of the drink, it is necessary to distill the decoction from the raw material.

Also distilled and infusions. We take a finely ground spice to your taste, pour it with boiling water in a proportion of 400g. spices for 3.5 liters of water, tightly close and insist for 24 hours. Then add 2.5 liters of water and distill. You need to distill until the moment when the smell of the spice begins to disappear. After that, add new spices and distill again. Then you can overtake again. The resulting "triple" water is used for moonshine in the proportion of 200g. water per 1.2 liters of moonshine to obtain a taste similar to the taste when distilled with spices.

It is not recommended to add plants and spices to the mash itself, because. the aroma will not be strong. It is best to infuse water with spices separately or make a decoction, and only then add it to the mash.

If we prepare the mash on flavoring water, then we will beat off the smell of fuselage and give the moonshine a good aroma.

Blueberry Tincture

Pour a kilogram of blueberries into a three-liter jar and fill it with moonshine. You can use it after a month. If you stand for half a year on oak chips, the taste changes dramatically for the better. The color of the tincture is almost purple. Maybe if you reduce the concentration of blueberries, the color will become lighter, but I don’t think that this will affect the taste for the better.

Tincture Borodino

Borodino tincture.

A sample of 3 liters of 50% alcohol or moonshine.
Coriander seeds - 12g
Cumin seeds - 9g
Pearl barley, lightly fried - 20g
Burnt barley - 30g

Coarsely grind all the ingredients, pour into a jar, pour 50% alcohol (moonshine). Leave for 1 week, shaking daily. After filtering, add sugar color if necessary, bring the fortress to 40-42%

Cooking roasted barley. We take half a glass of pearl barley, pour it into a frying pan. We put on medium fire. We stir constantly. As soon as it starts to brown, we pour out half. The rest is roasted to approximately coffee color. The drink has a smell and resembles the taste of Borodino bread, the smell of moonshine is well masked if made on it. You can and should experiment with proportions.

Rye tincture

Rye tincture
Take a loaf of Borodino bread. Cut the flesh without a crust into pieces 2x2 cm. Dry to the degree of minimal toasting in the oven. The result was firm, fragrant crackers.

Pour half a glass of these crackers (no more) with vodka or 40% moonshine in three-liter jar(up to the lid). Insist two weeks. Drain and filter thoroughly. The tincture will be slightly brown, quite fragrant.

Cognac tincture (for coffee)

For 3 liters of moonshine. 2 tablespoons of sugar. 1 tablespoon of coffee. 5 cloves. 5 bay leaves. Heat to 70-75 degrees (until the bulges go), let cool at room temperature, filter. You can drink immediately.

Garlic tincture.

Garlic tincture. My favorite tincture, made quickly and drunk well. For 1 liter of vodka 1 clove (not a head) cut into three parts. 10 black peppercorns. Infuse for a day. Filter, use.


Marmuletka - For 0.5 moonshine, a pod of hot pepper (thin, long) and two cloves of garlic. Infuse for 2 - 3 weeks.


Kolganovka. For 3 liters, 30 grams of finely chopped galangal and 50 grams of honey. Infuse for three weeks. Filter, consume.

Kolganovka 2 "Erofeich" For 1 liter. 1 tbsp. 1 tablespoon Ivan tea. 1 tbsp of leuzea sofrolovidnaya (maral root) lie for 2 weeks.


Fucked up. Fresh peeled horseradish root, cut into thin circles 100 - 150 gr
Zest of 1 lemon
Vanillin (not vanilla sugar, namely vanillin) - one 2-gram sachet
Cloves (buds) - 10 pcs
Honey - 50 grams (if there are no scales - about 4 teaspoons).
Ginger, ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon each.

Pour all this into a 3-liter jar and pour diluted alcohol or moonshine.
We close and insist for 5 days, not forgetting to shake 1-2-3 times a day. After five days, we filter through a strainer, horseradish and the rest we canalize, the infusion is back into the bottle. Top up with moonshine or diluted alcohol, close again and rest for 3-4 days. You can drink it right away, but if you let it stand, the turbidity will settle and the view will be more beautiful. And yes, the taste too.


1 tablespoon of honey, 2 chili pods, a teaspoon of dried paprika, a few crushed black peppercorns, a few pieces of lemon peel, a pinch of propolis. A few grains (on the tip of a knife) of vanilla sugar, a piece the size of a fingernail, cinnamon. In chili pods, make several longitudinal cuts with a very sharp knife or razor to quickly get alcohol inside.
Of the ingredients, honey and pepper are mandatory, the rest to enrich the bouquet.
Infuse for 1 week, shaking regularly, then filter and consume.

Moonshine in 2 hours

10 kg of sugar, 100 g of yeast, 3 liters of milk, 30-40 liters of water are placed in the washing machine. Spin for 2 hours, then let stand and overtake.

Moonshine per day No. 1

5 kg of sugar, 500 g of yeast, 1 liter of milk, 1 kg of peas pour 15 liters of warm water, leave for 1 day, then overtake. Yield 5 l.

Moonshine per day No. 2

5 kg of sugar, 500 g of yeast, 3 cups of milk, crumble 4 loaves of bread, crush 25 medium potatoes, pour all this into 25 liters of warm boiled water and mix. Insist 1 day. Then overtake.

Moonshine sugar

6 kg of sugar, 200 g of yeast, pour 30 liters of warm water and mix well, add a bunch of dry dill and currant leaves for smell. Insist in a warm place for 6-7 days, then overtake. Output - 6l.

It is widely believed that 1 liter of moonshine is obtained from 1 kg of sugar. If you use efficient devices, 10 l good moonshine get from 7 kg of sugar. Excess sugar in this case is not required, since it will go to waste anyway.

Starch moonshine

Dilute 10 kg of starch with 20 liters of water and brew like jelly, add 500 g of yeast and 1 kg of sugar. Insist 3-5 days. Then overtake. Output - 11l.

moonshine syrup

Dilute 6 liters of any syrup in 30 liters of water and add 200 g of yeast. Insist 7 days. Output - 7l.

Moonshine from tomato paste

Candy moonshine

Dilute 5 kg of sweets with filling in 20 liters of water. Insist 4-5 days, then overtake. Output - 5l.

Moonshine from jam

Dilute 6 liters of fermented jam with 30 liters of warm water, add 200 g of yeast and 3 kg of sugar. Insist in a dark place for 3-5 days, then overtake. The output will be 9 liters. If you do not add sugar, the yield will be 6 liters.

Moonshine from tomato paste

Dilute 1 liter of tomato paste in 30 liters of water, add 0.5 liters of beer and 10 kg of sugar. Infuse in a warm place until fermented, then overtake. The output is 7-8 liters.

moonshine orange

Double moonshine insist on orange peel seven days (in a ratio of 5:1). Then dilute

water, the amount of which should be half that of the used moonshine, and overtake so as to obtain a volume equal to the original volume of moonshine. Then carefully cut the zest from two or three oranges and pour over the distilled vodka. Infuse in a warm place for 5-8 days, then filter. You can sweeten it up a bit.

Moonshine from fruit juice

Add 250-300 g of yeast to 9 liters of juice, leave for 14 days in a dark place at a temperature of 20-24 ° C. When fermentation stops, overtake. Yield 2-3 liters.

Moonshine Anise No. 1

(Peter I's favorite drink.)

Pound 200 g of anise seeds, pour them with 10 liters of purified double moonshine and leave for 4 weeks. Add 5 liters of water and overtake. Add 200 g of crushed anise seeds to the distilled moonshine and insist again for 4 weeks. Filter and dilute 1/3 with soft spring water.

Moonshine Anise No. 2

Crush coarsely 1, 2 kg of anise seeds, pour them with 6 liters of purified double moonshine and leave for 3 days. Add 9 liters of purified double moonshine and overtake.

Moonshine Anise No. 3

Pound 300 g of anise seeds, add 150 g of dill seeds, pour 10 liters of double moonshine and leave for 4 weeks. Then dilute with 5 liters of water and overtake. The volume of distilled vodka should be equal to the original volume of moonshine. After that, add 1-1, 5 kg of lemon zest, 20 g of ginger, 20 g table salt and insist 4-5 weeks. Filter.

Moonshine Anise No. 4

400 g of anise seeds, 50 g of cumin, 40 g of orris root and 45 g of dry lemon peel are crushed together. Pour 7.5 liters of purified double moonshine and overtake.

Moonshine Anise № 5

Finely crush 200 g of anise, pour 5 liters of double moonshine into it and leave for 15 days. Dilute 2.5 liters of water and distill until 2.5 liters of moonshine is obtained. After that, sweeten with strong syrup to taste and filter.

Moonshine Anise No. 6

1.2 kg of large crushed anise, 2.5 g of orris root, 60 g of salt, pour 12.5 liters of purified double moonshine and leave for two days, then overtake.

Moonshine Anise No. 7

Finely crush 200 g of fresh anise, pour 12 liters of double moonshine into it and leave for 4 weeks, then distill over moderate heat so as to get 9-10 liters of moonshine. Prepare a syrup from 1.6 kg of sugar and 1.2 liters of water and sweeten the vodka. The mixture will turn milky. For clarification, put there 1 egg white and mix as best you can. Shake occasionally for several days.

Moonshine Anise No. 8

400 g of fresh anise seeds, 200 g of star anise, 200 g of coriander, 50 g of fennel, pour 12 liters of double moonshine and leave for 4 weeks, and then overtake. To the 10 liters of moonshine obtained by distillation, add 3.3 kg of sugar diluted in 1.6 liters of water and strain.

Moonshine Anise No. 9

Distill 400 g of anise, 12.5 liters of moonshine over low heat, putting 50 g of crushed anise in the canvas under the coil outlet so that the moonshine goes through it. In order for the moonshine to be green, crush 50 g of dried birch leaves and put them in a canvas under the coil outlet.

cherry moonshine

Remove the pits from the cherries, mash the pulp and put in a separate container in a moderately warm place. During fermentation, cover the container with a lid and periodically stir with a stirrer for two days. Crush the cherry pits and, at the end of fermentation, mix with the pulp and overtake. Ready-to-use moonshine has no color. As soon as it begins to become cloudy during the distillation process, it should be collected in a separate container. Muddy moonshine can be distilled again. Cherry pits give the resulting moonshine a special almond taste and smell.

Dry cherries are also suitable for making moonshine. To do this, they are first placed in hot water, and then, when they soften, they are crushed with pushers. Further, the process is carried out in the same way as described above. Fermentation in this case is slower.

Moonshine Cherry No. 1 (sweet)

Purify moonshine by insisting it on coals (see cleaning methods). Pour the pulp of cherries and crushed bones with purified moonshine and overtake. Fill the bottle prepared for moonshine with fresh cherries and pour over the distilled moonshine so that the moonshine covers the cherries by 8 cm and insist. The readiness of the drink is determined by the density: if the moonshine sticks to the glass, then it can be drained and it is ready for use. Sometimes sugar is added to such moonshine at the rate of 100-300 g of sugar per 0.6 l.

Moonshine Cherry No. 2 (sweet)

Remove the pits from the cherries, mash the pulp and put it in a cool place for 2 days to extract the juice. Then squeeze the pulp through the canvas, and mix the pomace with crushed bones, pour 3.5-4.5 liters of French vodka (see recipe) and overtake. Dilute the resulting moonshine with cherry juice at the rate of 2: 1, add sugar, mix well and filter.

Moonshine Cherry No. 3 (sweet)

Take 30-36 liters of cherries, remove the seeds, squeeze the pulp through a canvas or double gauze. Grind the pomace and bones and put them in a bucket cube, pour over French vodka (see recipe), add 1.2 liters of milk and overtake. Add cherry juice and powdered sugar to the distilled moonshine, mix well and filter (for 1 liter of moonshine - Zl of juice and 600-650 grams of powder).

Moonshine Cherry No. 4 (sweet)

5 l double moonshine, 65 g cinnamon, 25 g cardamom, 15 g cloves, 15 g nutmeg, 0.6 liters of water, distill 4 handfuls of crushed cherry pits until pure vodka comes out. Squeeze the juice from fresh cherries, pour it into a container, let it stand, and when the thick falls, strain. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and cook until 1/3 part is reduced, then add cinnamon, cardamom seeds, cloves, cover and simmer over low heat without boiling, then cool. For 1.2 liters of juice, 400 g of sugar, 15 g of cinnamon, 6 g of cardamom, 10 g of cloves are taken. Dilute the resulting moonshine with the prepared juice at the rate of 2: 1 (one part is moonshine), mix and filter.

grape moonshine

In 10 liters of grape pomace, add 5 kg of sugar, 100 g of yeast, pour 30 liters of water. Infuse for 7 days, then overtake twice.

Moonshine Pear No. 1

Boil 10 kg of rotten pears, add 400 g of sugar and 40-50 g of yeast, pour 1-1.5 liters of water. Insist in a warm place for 7 days, then overtake 2 times.

Moonshine Pear No. 2

Half fill the container with wild pears and let it rot. Then knead and insist 15-20 days, then overtake 2 times.

Moonshine Gvozdichny No. 1

Finely grind 100 g of cloves, pour 6 liters of double moonshine into it, tightly cork the bottle, put in a warm place or in the sun for 7 days, then overtake. Boil syrup from 2 kg of sugar, dilute in moonshine and leave for another day, then filter.

Moonshine Gvozdichny No. 2

Grind together 800 g of cloves, 800 g of raisins, 100 g of cloves, pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 7 days, then overtake and sweeten with syrup to taste.

Moonshine Gvozdichny No. 3

Place 10 g of cloves in a bottle, pour moonshine and leave for 14 days, then dilute with water at a rate of 2: 1 (one part is water) and distill so as to obtain the initial volume of moonshine. Crush white raisins (50 g per 1 liter), add cloves (5 pieces per 1 liter) and leave for 14 days on already distilled moonshine. After that, strain, add milk (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) and filter. Can be sweetened (100 g of sugar per 1 liter).

Moonshine Gvozdichny No. 4

Grind 90 g of cloves, pour 12 liters of moonshine into it and leave for 7 days, then add 200 g of cloves and overtake. Sweeten at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 12 liters.

Moonshine Angelica No. 1

Finely cut 1.2 kg of dry angelica root, pour 5 liters of double moonshine, leave for 3 days, then add 6 liters of double moonshine and overtake.

Moonshine Angelica No. 2

Grind 500 g of fresh angelica seeds, pour 10 liters of double moonshine and leave for 3 days. Then overtake. Distillation should be carried out until the resulting moonshine remains transparent and does not have a milky tint. Sweeten with sugar syrup to taste and filter.

Moonshine Angelica No. 3

120 g of angelica, 100 g of cinnamon, 100 g of cardamom, 50 g of lemon peel pour 18 liters of moonshine. Insist 4 days, then overtake.

Jasmine Moonshine

Freshly picked jasmine flowers 200 g, pour 4 liters of moonshine, overtake over fairly high heat. Sweeten with syrup and let stand.

gastric moonshine

Mix 400 g of mint, 400 g of sage, 400 g of anise, 100 g of galangal, 100 g of ginger and pour all 12 liters of double moonshine. Infuse in a warm place for 21 days, shaking every day, and then overtake.


Pour 1-2 liters of dry lemon peels with 8-9 liters of moonshine and leave for a day, and then overtake. Take 100 g of cinnamon, 35 g of cloves, 45 g of star anise, 45 g of cardamom, 10 g of nutmeg and 4 nutmegs, chop everything. Then take a bottle of thick glass, fill with the resulting mixture and pour moonshine, leaving free space on top. Coat the bottle with 6 cm thick dough and seal tightly. Preheat oven to high temperature and turn off. Put the bottle in there and wait until the oven has completely cooled down. Heat the oven and put the bottle there 8-10 times. Inspect the dough after each use. Cover the cracks that appear in it with dough. Then filter the moonshine and sweeten with syrup to taste.

Raisin moonshine

800 g of raisins, 400 g of cardamom mix and chop, pour a bucket of double moonshine. Insist 7 days, then overtake.

Moonshine Cardamom No. 1

Coarsely crush 800 g of cardamom, pour 4 liters of moonshine and leave for 3 days. Then add 3.5 liters of moonshine and overtake.

Moonshine Cardamom No. 2

100 g of cardamom, 1.2 kg of lemon peel, 200 g of cinnamon, 100 g of galangal, 100 g of cloves, 100 g of orris root, 40 g of anise pour 12 liters of moonshine. Insist 3 days, then overtake.

Moonshine Cardamom No. 3

50 g of cardamom, 25 g of anise, 20 g of cloves, 15 g of angelica pour 12 liters of moonshine. Insist 7 days, then overtake.

Moonshine Potato No. 1

Wash and grate 20 kg of potatoes and add it to boiled and cooled to 60 ° C water, stirring at the same time. Add 1 kg of flour and a little crushed wheat straw, mix well. When the mixture becomes light, drain it, and refill the remains in the form of sediment with water at a temperature of 50 ° C. Stir and infuse a little more time than the first time. Then drain the liquid and mix it with the liquid from the first drain. Add yeast at the rate of 100 g per 5 liters and leave for 10-15 days, and then overtake as usual.

Moonshine Potato No. 2

Wash and grate 10 kg of potatoes. Then grind 6 kg of oats, pour boiling water over it and mix well. While stirring, gradually add the grated potatoes. After 3 hours, add 37 liters of water and mix again. Then add 1.8 liters of yeast and mix again. Seal the container tightly and infuse for 3-4 days in the dark until a precipitate and bubbles appear. After that immediately overtake.

Moonshine Cinnamon No. 1

Finely crush 400 g of fresh cinnamon, pour 12 liters of double moonshine, cork tightly and insist in a warm place or in the sun for 7 days, then overtake. Sweeten with sugar syrup prepared at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 1.2 liters of water.

Moonshine Cinnamon No. 2

Finely crush 400 g of cinnamon, pour 5 liters of double moonshine and leave for 15 days. Then add 2.5 liters of boiled water and distill over low heat until 2.5 liters of moonshine is obtained, which is sweetened to taste with syrup boiled in cinnamon water.

Moonshine Cinnamon No. 3

90 g of cinnamon, 45 g of cardamom, 15 g of marjoram, a handful of rosemary and sage, 4 violet roots pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Insist 3 days, then overtake.

Moonshine Cinnamon No. 4

Finely crush 400 g of cinnamon, pour 2.5 liters of hot boiled water, cork well, put in a cooling oven. When the cabinet has completely cooled down, rearrange the container in a warm place and leave for a day. Then shake and start distillation. When 0.5 liters of moonshine is distilled, pour another 0.5 liters of water into the cube, then another 0.5 liters of water in the same way. Continue to distill until you get another 1 liter. Then take 2 kg of sugar, dilute 1.2 liters of cinnamon water and boil the syrup. Mix 1.2 liters of double moonshine, the first bottle of distilled cinnamon water and syrup, add 3.5 liters of double moonshine and the remaining cinnamon water, mix, cork well and infuse in a warm place for 3 days, then filter.

Moonshine Cinnamon No. 5

1, 2 kg of dry apples pour 12 liters of double moonshine and overtake. Pound 200 g of cinnamon and add it to the distilled moonshine, cork tightly and leave for 7 days. Then overtake on the smallest fire.

Cinnamon #6

Pound 400 g of cinnamon, pour 2.5 liters of double moonshine and leave for 7 days. Then overtake, sweeten with syrup to taste and filter.

Fixing moonshine

Take 100 g of cinnamon, 100 g of nutmeg, 100 g of nutmeg, 30 g of cloves, 100 g of coriander, 200 g of pistachio nuts, 100 g of frankincense, 90 g of galangal, 90 g of rose petals, a handful of rosemary, a handful of sage, 4 violet roots . Mix everything, grind with a crush and pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Put in a cooling oven, and then within 3 days put in a cooling cabinet 3-4 more times, and during breaks wrap the container warmly and leave it in a warm place. Those who have an oven can put it there for 3 days. Then overtake over low heat, add 100 g of licorice root and leave for 3 days. Drain carefully, sweeten to taste and filter.

lavender moonshine

100 g of lavender color, 25 g of cloves, 25 g of cinnamon, chop and mix. Pour 12 liters of double moonshine and leave for 7 days. Then put in the infusion a piece of bread, smeared with honey, and distill over low heat.

Laurel moonshine

Finely crush 800 g of bay berries, pour 12 liters of double moonshine, leave for 3 days, then overtake as usual.

Lemon No. 1

Infuse 3 weeks double moonshine on lemon peel(take 5 parts of moonshine and 1 part of zest). Then dilute with 2.5 parts of water and overtake. The volume of distilled vodka should be equal to the original volume of moonshine. Cut off the thin top layer of zest from three small lemons, put in a bottle and pour over distilled moonshine. Infuse in a warm place for 5-8 days, then filter. You can sweeten it a little (200 g of sugar per 1 liter).

Lemon #2

400 g of lemon peel, 400 g of violet pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 6 days, and then distill over low heat until 6 liters of moonshine come out.

Lemon No. 3

Pour the zest of 30 lemons with 5 liters of double moonshine and 3.5 liters of water, add the peels of 4 oranges or 5-6 green oranges, a handful of crushed coriander and 4 cloves. Infuse in the sun or in a warm place for 30 days. Then distill until you get 2.5 liters of moonshine. Sweeten with syrup and filter.

Lemon No. 4

1, 2 kg of coarsely crushed lemon peel, 60 g of salt pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 3 days, then overtake and sweeten 1.2 kg of syrup.

Raspberry No. 1

800 g of fresh raspberries, 35 g of finely crushed violet root pour 12 liters of double moonshine, leave for 6 days, then overtake.

Raspberry No. 2

Pour 400 g of fresh raspberries into 12 liters of moonshine and leave for 2 days, then overtake and sweeten to taste.

Juniper moonshine (gin)

1, 6 kg of juniper berries crush and pour 8 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 14 days, then overtake to ¾ of the original volume.

Moscow moonshine

8 g of galangal, 8 g of ginger, 8 g of anise, 8 g of mint, pour 1 liter of double moonshine and leave for 3 weeks. Then add 1.5 liters of water and overtake, having obtained the initial volume.

Moonshine Mint No. 1

4 handfuls of dry mint pour 3 liters of double moonshine, leave for 3 days, then overtake. Again, insist until you get a green color on a handful. fresh leaves blackcurrant or lovage. Sweeten with syrup from 1.2 kg of sugar boiled in 0.6 liters of water and filter.

Moonshine Mint No. 2

200 g of mint, 25 g of wormwood, 15 g of rosemary, 25 g of sage, 15 g of cardamom, 10 g of cloves pour 12 liters of moonshine, cork tightly and insist in the sun or in a warm place for 3 days. Then overtake and add syrup to taste.

Moonshine Mint No. 3

800 g of mint, 1.2 kg of honey, 60 g of salt, pour 12 liters of double moonshine, leave for 3 days, then overtake and filter.

Bulk moonshine (for liqueurs)

Fill the container 1/3 with berries, from which the liqueur will be made, pour moonshine and overtake. Dilute the resulting moonshine by 1/3 with boiled water and mix thoroughly. Such moonshine will acquire the smell of berries, and the liqueur will turn out with a natural smell and a pure taste.

Peach No. 1

For 12 liters of double moonshine, take 2 kg of peach leaves, leave for 2-3 weeks and overtake. Then take 400 g of peach kernels and bitter almonds, chop, dilute with milk to a state of jelly and push through a sieve. Add this jelly to the distilled moonshine and leave for 2 weeks, filter.

Peach No. 2

Finely crush 800 g of peach kernels, dilute with water to the state of jelly, fill a thick-walled bottle, cork tightly, coat with dough and put in a cooling oven 8-10 times within two days. Then filter, add 100 g of raisins, pour 6 liters of double moonshine and overtake. Sweeten with syrup to taste.

Peach No. 3

Grind 400 g of peach kernels, dilute 6 liters of moonshine, pour into a thick-walled bottle, cork tightly, coat with dough and put the oven on medium heat for 3 days. You can put it in a cooling oven for days, but then this must be done at least 12 times. Then filter and overtake. A handful of birch leaves, a handful of blackcurrant leaves, a handful of bird cherry leaves, ½ a handful of mint put in moonshine and leave for 1 day. Then strain and sweeten to taste.

rosemary moonshine

400 g of rosemary, 60 g of salt, 12 liters of double moonshine insist 3 days. Distill and sweeten 1.2 kg of syrup.

Pink #1

1 kg of fresh pink flowers pour 4 liters of purified moonshine. Infuse for 1 month, then overtake until you get 2.5 liters of moonshine. Take 0.4 kg of fresh pink flowers, dilute 1.6 l soft water and distill over low heat so that 0.4 l of rose water comes out, add another 0.4 kg of new fresh rose flowers and 1.2 l of soft water and distill over low heat until 0.4 l of double rose water is obtained. Dissolve 800 g of sugar in the resulting water. Sweeten moonshine with syrup and filter.

Pink No. 2

Collect rose petals, mash them in a mortar, place in a container and cover with a layer of salt on top. The thickness of the layer should be such that a normal pinch can be taken. Spread a wet cloth, cover with a circle with oppression and insist in a cool place for 6-8 weeks until the petals begin to rot. Put everything in a cube, pour water at the rate of 1: 1, mix and overtake. Pervach will contain alcohol from roses and therefore have a strong smell. Subsequently, moonshine will go almost odorless. It should not be used. Distill the first moonshine again, sweeten, filter.

Wormwood moonshine No. 1

800 g of anise, 200 g of wormwood pour 12 liters of moonshine, leave for 14 days, then overtake.

Wormwood No. 2

300 g of wormwood tops, 60 g of salt, pour 12 liters of double moonshine, leave for 7 days. Then add 1.2 kg of honey and overtake.

Wormwood No. 3

1.5 kg of the tops of young shoots of wormwood, 100 g of angelica root, 100 g of violet root, 100 g of oregano leaves, 50 g of anise and 50 g of anise, pour 12 liters of double moonshine and leave for 4 weeks. Then overtake to obtain 8 liters of moonshine, in which add 1.2 kg of sugar dissolved in 0.6 liters of water. Such moonshine is tinted green by insisting on a handful of blackcurrant leaves or lovage.

Wormwood No. 4

2 kg of wormwood tops, 300 g of angelica pour 6 liters of moonshine and leave for 2 weeks. Then add 3 liters of water and overtake to obtain 6 liters of moonshine. This moonshine can also be made green by tinting it by infusing for 2-3 days on a handful of blackcurrant leaves or lovage. Then filter and sweeten to taste.

Wormwood No. 5

400 g of anise, 200 g of finely chopped wormwood pour 12 liters of moonshine and overtake.

Orange No. 1

Pomeranian (grapefruit) can be replaced with green oranges, but they will need twice as much. Pour 800 g of orange peel without pulp into 12 liters of double moonshine. Insist 3 days, and then overtake.

Orange No. 2

1.5 kg of orange zest pour 6 liters of double moonshine and leave for 3 days. Then add 8.5 liters of double moonshine and overtake to obtain 8.5 liters of vodka. Sweeten to taste.

Orange No. 3

400 g of orange peel, 200 g of star anise, 45 g of cardamom, 45 g of cinnamon, 45 g of fennel, 35 g of cloves pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 7 days, then overtake, sweeten to taste and filter.

Orange No. 4

Dilute 12 liters of moonshine with 6 liters of water and distill over low heat until 3 liters of double moonshine are obtained, add 200 g of finely chopped orange zest there, cork and insist in a warm place for 7 days. Distill and sweeten with syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar.

Orange No. 5

20 g of crushed cloves insist in 6 liters of moonshine for 3 days. Then take 400 g of orange peel, pour 12 liters of moonshine and also leave for 3 days. Add cloves to it and stir. Distill and sweeten with syrup to taste.

Orange No. 6

400 g of orange peel, 200 g of star anise, 85 g of nutmeg, 85 g of nutmeg, 85 g of cardamom, 85 g of cinnamon, 200 g of pistachios, 70 g of cloves pour 11 liters of double moonshine. Insist 7 days, and then overtake.

Simple moonshine #1 (double)

Distill any moonshine through the cube again.

Simple moonshine No. 2 (from millet)

Boil 3 liters of millet, dilute with warm water, add 100 g of yeast, 1.2 kg of sour dough and leave to ferment. When sour and ferment, overtake 2 times.

Simple moonshine No. 3 (from fruits)

Fill a large container halfway with moonshine and fill it with any berries and fruits, fresh and rotten carrion. When the container is full, everything should ferment. After that, drain and overtake the moonshine, and add new moonshine to the remaining fruits and let it ferment again, and then drain and overtake it.

Rice moonshine No. 1

A bottle of malaga, 200 g of crushed rice, 400 g of large raisins boiled in water, and as much sugar syrup as needed to taste. Add 400 g of water and 200 g of white brewer's yeast there, leave to ferment in a bowl for 3-4 days. Then add 12 liters of double moonshine, 6 liters of soft spring water and overtake so that 9 liters of moonshine come out. Pour 0.2 liters of 70° alcohol or triple moonshine into a separate bowl and add 3-4 teaspoons of vanilla. Insist 3-4 days, then filter. Add vanilla tincture and 2 drops of rose oil to already distilled moonshine. In a canvas bag put 600 g of fresh oak bark and 5 g of galangal root. Place this bag in a container with moonshine and tightly cork.

Rice No. 2

2.5 kg of crushed rice, overcooked like coffee, 25 g of saffron, pour 60 liters of purified moonshine and overtake to obtain 43 liters of vodka, which can be tinted with burnt syrup.

Rowan number 1

Collect 3 kg of ripe mountain ash before frost, knead, add 80-100 g of yeast, pour 12 liters of fresh bread kvass and insist at a temperature of 15-16 ° C. When active gas evolution stops, stir and overtake. Then add 6 liters of moonshine and overtake again until odors are eliminated.

Rowan number 2

After the first frosts, pick up rowan berries, mash and squeeze the juice out of them, which is put on fermentation in a warm room. When fermentation is over, overtake twice. You will get moonshine without fusel oils with a taste reminiscent of French cognac.

Rowan number 3

Mash the mountain ash, pour it with moonshine so that the berries are barely covered, and the container is half filled, add yeast at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 liter, close tightly and leave for 14 days, then overtake 2 times.

Beet No. 1

Grate and boil 8 kg of sugar beets. Add 5-6 kg of sugar to still warm beets, pour 10 liters of water at a temperature of 25 ° C. Add 500 g of yeast diluted in a small amount of water. Insist in a warm place for 3-4 days. When the beets sink to the bottom and a crust forms on top, mix everything and overtake 2 times.

Beet No. 2

Grate the beets, add water and boil for 1-1.5 hours. Drain the liquid into a container, and again pour water over the beets and boil again for 1-1.5 hours, then drain. Pour again, boil and drain. Drain all the liquid obtained during three boilings into one container, filling it no more than 2/3 of the volume. Add yeast at the rate of 40 g per 4 liters and infuse for 10-15 days until the formation of foam stops. When sugar, potatoes or other ingredients are added, the infusion lasts 4-7 days. At the end of fermentation overtake.

Beet No. 3

Prepare 4 liters of beet liquid in the same way as in the previous recipe, add 2 kg of Poltava groats and leave for 4-5 days at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. Then add another 15 liters of beetroot liquid and leave for 15 days until ready, then overtake.

Beet No. 4

Made from molasses. Take 10 liters of molasses, 200-250 g of yeast, pour 25 liters of water. Insist in a warm place for 7 days. Overtake 2 times.

Beet No. 5

Grate sugar beets, boil and squeeze the juice. Take 30 liters of juice, 200 g of yeast and insist in a warm place for 5-6 days. Then overtake 2 times.

Plum moonshine No. 1

Mash 12 liters of plums, add 1-1.5 kg of sugar and leave for 12-16 days. When fermentation stops, pour everything into a cube and overtake 2 times.

Plum No. 2

The most mature plums, along with the pits, are pounded in a mortar. At the same time, water is added until the mass turns into a liquid porridge, which is set to ferment. When the "porridge" stops emitting gas, it is poured into a cube and distilled 2-3 times.

Caraway moonshine No. 1

1, 2 kg of coarsely crushed cumin, pour 5 liters of moonshine and leave for 3 days. Then add another 5 liters of moonshine, overtake and sweeten to taste.

Cumin No. 2

Take 1.8 kg of cumin, crush it, pour 12 liters of moonshine, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 800 g of sugar.

Cumin No. 3

Grind 400 g of cumin, 50 g of anise, 60 g of orris root, 50 g of dry lemon peel, mix, pour 3.5 liters of double moonshine and leave for 2 days. Then add 2.5 liters of soft spring water and drive through the cube until the resulting moonshine acquires a white color and a sharp taste. Sweeten with syrup to taste and filter.

Cumin No. 4

200 g of cumin, 100 g of coriander, 50 g of anise pour 18 liters of moonshine and overtake, then filter.

Herbal Moonshine No. 1

Take 1 liter of pine cones, 1 liter of centaury, 1 liter of blackcurrant leaf, 1 liter of lovage (dawn), 1 liter of wormwood, 1 liter of thigh, 1 liter of mint, 1 liter of rosemary, 1 liter of raspberry root and pour it all over with double moonshine to cover the grass. Insist 2-3 days, then overtake.

Herbal No. 2

45 g of cinnamon, 20 g of nutmeg, 20 g of nutmeg, 20 g of galangal, 20 g of orris root, 20 g of incense, 50 g of pistachios, 15 g of cloves pour 12 liters of double moonshine, add 800 g of crushed raisins. Insist b days, then overtake over low heat.

Herbal No. 3

Take 2 handfuls of marjoram, 2 handfuls of sage, 2 handfuls of hyssop, 2 handfuls of oregano, a handful of anise, 2 handfuls of basil, 2 handfuls of cypress flakes, 2 handfuls of juniper berries, a handful of spearmint, a handful of rosemary, 400 g of raisins, 100 g of orange peel, 20 g angelica. All this pour 12 liters of double moonshine. Insist 7 days, then overtake.

Herbal No. 4

50 g cinnamon, 50 g cardamom, 50 g nutmeg, 100 g pistachios, 120 g lemon peel, 35 g anise, 35 g frankincense, 20 g cloves, pour all this into 12 liters of double moonshine and close tightly. Insist in a warm place for 4 days, then overtake.

Herbal No. 5

Take 50 g of cinnamon, 50 g of orange peel, 200 g of pistachios, 35 g of frankincense, 35 g of nutmeg, 35 g of nutmeg, 35 g of cardamom, 30 g of cloves. Pound all this, mix, pour 15 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 6 days, then add a slice of black bread, smeared with honey, and overtake over low heat.

Herbal No. 6

Take 155 g cumin, 155 g sage, 155 g hyssop, 155 g marjoram, 100 g lemon peel, 100 g rosemary, 120 g pistachios, 20 g cinnamon, 20 g nutmeg, 20 g nutmeg, 20 g frankincense, 20 g cardamom, a handful of juniper berries, 20 g of cloves. Pour 18 liters of double moonshine. Infuse for 6 days, then add 800 g of raisins and a slice of bread smeared with honey. Distill on slow fire.

Herbal No. 7

Take 120 g of lemon peel, 100 g of lemon balm, 60 g of black cumin, 50 g of mint, 50 g of thyme, 50 g of bay leaf, 50 g of verbena root. Pour 12 liters of moonshine, leave for 3-4 days, then overtake.

Herbal No. 8

Take 50 g cinnamon, 50 g cardamom, 50 g ginger, 50 g galangal, 50 g nra (calamus), 50 g rhubarb, 50 g licorice root, 50 g star anise, 130 g rosemary, 35 g sage, 15 g capsicum, 15 g marjoram, 35 g nutmeg, 50 g orange peel, 50 g angelica, 50 g cumin, 50 g parsley, 50 g rose petals, 35 g cloves. Pour 12 liters of double moonshine, leave for 6 days, then overtake over low heat.

Herbal No. 9

Take 15 g of marjoram, 15 g of sage, 15 g of cinnamon, 15 g of cloves, 15 g of nutmeg, 1.6 kg of sugar, pour 6 liters of good moonshine. Insist 2-3 days, then overtake.

French Vodka No. 1

(So ​​in the old days they called vodka of very good quality).

Rotten fruits and berries are used, which are poured with water so that it slightly covers them. Then add grape wine and yeast at the rate of 0.7 liters of wine and 50 g of yeast per 12 liters of water-fruit mixture. When everything turns sour, overtake through the cube 3 times.

French Vodka No. 2

37 liters of moonshine, overtake 6 liters of milk until 20 liters of moonshine are obtained. Add 3 liters of milk, 1.5 kg of rye bread, 6 liters of grape wine, 2.5 kg of raisins, 800 g of sugar and overtake until 12 liters of moonshine are obtained.

French Vodka No. 3

Distill 37 liters of moonshine, 6 liters of milk. Add 3 liters of soft spring water, 3 liters of milk, 3.3 kg of rye bread and overtake again. Then add 3 liters of white

grape wine, 1.2 kg of raisins, 400 g of sugar, close tightly and put in a cool place.

French Vodka No. 4

Pour 800 g of raisins into 12 liters of moonshine and overtake.

French Vodka No. 5

12 liters of grape wine, add 650 g of yeast and distill through the cube 2 times.

Bread moonshine No. 1

Grind 4 kg of wheat, add 1 kg of sugar, pour 3 liters of water and insist in a warm place for 5 days. Then add 5 kg of sugar and 18 liters of water, leave for 7-8 days. When the mash becomes bitter, strain and overtake 2 times. Do not throw away waste, but add 5 kg of sugar, 8 liters of warm water to it and leave for 8-10 days. Then strain and overtake this mash 2 times.

Khlebny No. 2

Sprout 6 liters of rye, wheat or barley, and then grind. Soak 8 loaves of black bread in 10 liters of water and also grind. Boil 10 kg of potatoes and mash them. Mix potatoes with grains and bread, add 1 kg of yeast and infuse in a warm place for 7-8 days. Overtake 2 times.

Khlebny No. 3

The grain is soaked in tubs for 3 days, dried on baking sheets for 2 days and dried in an oven. When the grain dries to the crunch stage when biting, it is ground. Then 2 buckets of hot water are poured into the tub, 8 kg of ground grain are added and mixed. After two hours, add 2 buckets of hot water and mix again. After an hour, add 0.5 buckets of cold water, mix and put the yeast. Insist in a warm place for 3 days, then distill.

Khlebny No. 4

Germinate 10 kg of wheat, grind, add 0.5 kg of yeast, pour 30 liters of water. Infuse in a warm place until fermented, then overtake 2 times.

Khlebny No. 5

1, 2 kg of dry bread crusts of Borodino (caraway) bread, 40 g of cinnamon, 30 pieces of cloves pour 10 liters of moonshine and leave for 4-5 days. Then add 5 liters of water and overtake to obtain 10 liters of moonshine.

Khlebny No. 6

Germinate 6 kg of rye, wheat or barley and then grind. Soak 8 loaves of black bread in 10 liters and grind too. Boil 10 kg of potatoes and mash them. Mix potatoes with grains and bread, add 1 kg of yeast and infuse in a warm place for 7-8 days. Overtake 2 times.

Khlebny No. 7

Soak rye, wheat, barley, millet, corn or peas in warm water, spread a layer no thicker than 2 cm and let germinate, making sure that the grain does not sour. Dry the sprouted grain, grind it into flour and add a little to boiling water, stirring constantly. Bring to a state liquid jelly. Then cover the container and infuse for 10-12 hours, then cool until room temperature and add yeast (for 2 buckets of sourdough - U2 kg). If there is no yeast, add 1 kg of dry peas. Ferment 5-6 days (with peas - 10). When fermentation is over, overtake. It turns out a very good classic moonshine.

Khlebny No. 8

Sprout the grain, as in the bread recipe No. 6 and grind it. Boil the potatoes and crush hot to the state of jelly with the water in which it was boiled, while pouring a little malt flour. Then pour the rest of the flour on top and leave for 10-12 hours. Then mix, add 0.5 kg of yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 days, then overtake. 2-2, 5 buckets of potatoes are boiled on a bucket of malt.

tea moonshine

Pour 200 g of good green tea into 1.2 liters of boiling water, close tightly, let cool and strain. Dilute 7.5 liters of double moonshine with this tea, squeeze the tea leaves through the canvas, close tightly and leave for 8 days. Then add another 100 g of green tea, 2.5 liters of boiled water and overtake until you get 3.7 liters of moonshine. Sweeten to taste and filter.

Sage Moonshine No. 1

200 g of sage, 50 g of coriander, 25 g of dill, 60 g of wild rose or pink color pour 12 liters of moonshine, close tightly and leave for 2 days. Then overtake and sweeten to taste.

Sage No. 2

Take 400 g of sage, 50 g of coriander, 50 g of dill, pour 25 liters of moonshine and overtake over low heat. Sweeten and filter.

Apple moonshine No. 1

Pour moonshine over fresh apples so that they are all covered with liquid, and leave for six months. Then strain, pour into a saucepan, sweeten to taste and let boil 3 times, making sure that the moonshine does not flare up. Let stand in a cool place so that the thick settles to the bottom, strain and add water at the rate of 2.5 liters per 10 liters of moonshine. Then overtake and filter.

Shop from great choice moonshine stills and accessories.

There is a huge amount of preparation of simple, but at the same time very tasty alcoholic drinks at home. People have learned to use natural ingredients, combine them with each other, get fragrant cognacs, tinctures and liqueurs.

Almond tincture among winemakers is quite popular because of its original and unique taste, pleasant aroma and a large number of useful substances.

Benefits of almond juice

Almond tincture at home can be prepared for several purposes. Someone uses it exclusively as medicine, takes a few drops a day, gets all the benefits of a product like this. In another case, such a tincture may be a homemade alcoholic drink that is used as an aperitif.

There are actually quite a lot of cooking recipes, but not everyone shares professional secrets. The drink may have a soft, enveloping taste if it has enough a large number of sugar and other additives, alcohol will only play an additional role. Otherwise, almonds can only emphasize precisely alcohol taste drink. Fortress and exposure depends on the method of preparation and on the products that are used.

In small quantities, almond tincture can only benefit the body. It's all about the large amount of antioxidants contained in the nut kernels. The drink helps to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, even liver diseases can be treated with this drink. Of course, in medicinal purposes you need to know the measure, and not use the tincture just like a drink.

Almond moonshine

Cooking at home various kinds moonshine. The drink has become popular and one might even say cult. Today you can find a huge number of drink recipes, the recipe can be changed to taste, add new ingredients and enjoy unusual combinations.

How to insist moonshine on almonds can be learned from professionals. To prepare a drink correctly, you need to know professional secrets. The use of bitter varieties of almonds can turn an alcoholic drink into a deadly poison. The fact is that bitter varieties of nuts are rich in substances, after splitting, which remains hydrocyanic acid.

To avoid poisoning and completely neutralize harmful substances, you just need to add a large amount of sugar to the drink, this will protect everyone from harmful hydrocyanic acid.

Homemade, sweet almonds are absolutely safe for health and can be safely used in the process of preparing an alcoholic drink. Professionals in the industry do not recommend the use of artificial almond flavor substitutes or essences. It will make the taste finished product too harsh.

Moonshine on almonds, a recipe that requires the use of certain components, is prepared from the following products:

  • moonshine - 50 degrees 1 l;
  • almonds - 5 - 7 pcs.;
  • raisins - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oak chips - 5 g.

Moonshine on almonds is prepared as follows:

  1. Oak chips should be poured with water and left to infuse for a day. The minimum amount of water should be used, it should only cover the oak chips.
  2. After a day, strain the infused chips and add moonshine to the water, put sugar, leave to infuse for 2-4 hours.
  3. After several hours, you need to add almonds and raisins to the bottle with a drink, shake everything well, cork and send it to infuse for 3 weeks at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  4. After 3 weeks, moonshine should be carefully filtered and sent to infuse for 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. After the allotted amount of time, homemade almond moonshine is ready, they can be treated to guests, or used as a medicine in the treatment of colds.

Fragrant liqueur

Amaretto almond-flavoured liqueur is popular among the fairer sex. Almonds are used to prepare the drink, and if you know the technology, then a couple of bottles of such alcoholic yummy can always be kept in reserve at home. Distillers warn: sweet varieties of almonds should be used for cooking, this will allow, do not worry about harmful hydrocyanic acid contained in bitter species
To make almond flavored liqueur, you need to take:

  • moonshine - the strength of the drink is 45 degrees - 750 g;
  • peeled sweet almonds - 100 g;
  • nuclei apricot kernels- 100 g;
  • peach kernels - 100 g;
  • reading water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 350 g.

There is nothing difficult in making liquor, you just need to follow the rules and recipes.

  1. All peeled kernels, peach, apricot and almonds should be dried well. An oven will do. Within 30 minutes, the kernels will dry well and will not have time to burn, the main thing is not to set the temperature too high and do not forget to mix.
  2. After drying, all the kernels should be crushed in a blender or using a conventional meat grinder and sent to moonshine.
  3. Cook separately sugar syrup, after complete cooling, it must be added to the moonshine and chopped nucleoli.
  4. The tincture should be tightly closed, shaken well and left to infuse in a cool, dark place.
  5. After the appearance of a bitter taste, the tincture must be carefully filtered and left in a cool place for another 3-4 weeks.
  6. The finished Amaretto liqueur will acquire interesting notes if you add a little instant coffee or vanilla.

A drink can become a favorite and gain well-deserved popularity not only among household members, but also among all friends.

Almond cognac

Cognac on almonds at home can be prepared, it does not require much effort, you just need to properly withstand the entire recipe. For cooking you need to take:

  • vodka or moonshine - 1 l;
  • almonds - 10 g;
  • oak chips - 5 g;
  • raisins - 10 g.

Cognac with almond flavor is very easy to prepare, you need to use natural products and follow all the necessary steps:

  1. First, pour oak chips with a minimum amount of boiling water and leave for 1 day.
  2. After a day, you need to strain everything and combine water with vodka, add raisins and almonds and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Cognac on almonds will be infused for 28 to 40 days, during which time it will have a characteristic color and aroma.
  4. At the last stage, the drink should be filtered several times and poured into a prepared bottle.

Almond cognac can act as an alcoholic drink on its own, and some people like to add it in small amounts to tea or coffee.

Almond wine

Wine with almonds is quite rare today, even in stores. The drink can really be called exclusive and original. At home, it is easy to prepare fragrant cocktails and mulled wines, where wine with almonds will be added, or the kernels of the sweet variety of the plant will simply be used.

In combination with alcohol and with the fulfillment of all prescription prescriptions, almonds will be able to give a person a new, fragrant and very healthy drink. Folk recipes and advice will allow you to prepare such a treat or medicine and use it at your pleasure.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, N 28, item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Production by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is the distillation of water and the preparation of components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.