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How to make regular sushi. Homemade rolls - the best recipes

Sushi is the most popular dish Japanese cuisine. But today the National dish Japan also gained its fame in other countries, including Russia. Interestingly, the first culture of sushi cooking appeared in the 4th century BC, but in Japan it became especially famous only in the 19th century.

The key ingredients of this fish delicacy are the following:

  1. Shari - boiled rice, which is also mixed with special vinegar for rice and salt;
  2. Neta - This term is used to refer to other components of land.

Not everyone knows that the most important ingredient in making sushi is not fish, but rice mixed with vinegar. Therefore, raw fish may not be part of this dish.

Also, classic sushi may include other components:

  • nori - leaves seaweed;
  • Fish - raw or smoked;
  • Vegetables;
  • Various cheeses.

Varieties of sushi

It is impossible to name all types of sushi, because there are so many of them that it will take almost an eternity to list them. In this case, you can specify only some of their most popular types in Japan:

  • Hosomaki - such a roll consists of nori leaves and usually includes only one filling, most often cucumber or tuna;
  • Nigiri-zushi - they include boiled rice, which is often rolled into a small ball, as well as wasabi sauce. classic look these sushi excludes nori seaweed, but they can be found in some cooking recipes;
  • Futomaki are small rolls, usually up to 6 centimeters in diameter. Consist of a sheet of nori and rice, also have a filling;
  • Uramaki - the origin of such sushi occurred in the USA. They are interesting in that their algae are inside, and the filling is outside. Inventive Americans decided to come up with this recipe, since nori, in most cases, is repelled by its appearance and smell;
  • Temaki - they are distinguished by their cone-shaped shape and large size. Temaki has seaweed on the outside and stuffing on the inside.

Selection of fish for sushi

Most online stores can offer fish specifically for sushi. If you buy it in a regular store, you can pay attention to both fresh and frozen fish. However, it is recommended to buy fresh chilled.

Frozen can be purchased only if the preparation of sushi is not delayed for several days. It is advisable to keep the purchased fish in the freezer on ice.

You should also resort to general recommendations when buying fish. Do not take a product with an unpleasant smell of rot. On the appearance it should look neat, without incomprehensible stains and damage. You should also choose whole pieces, as they are easier to cut.

Features of cooking rice for sushi

Since rice cereal is one of the key products in the recipe Japanese food, it is important to cook it, taking into account all the nuances.

It is necessary to choose cereals hard varieties, it is advisable to buy round rice. It should also be noted that for sushi there is a special rice cereal, which differs from the usual one not only in its shape.

Rinse rice should be more than 3 or 5 times. Japanese culinary specialists assure that in order to prepare a quality dish, this must be done 7 times, or even more. During the final washing of the cereal, the water should be perfectly clear. Cooks also advise to dry the rice a little before cooking.

As for the ratio of cereals and water, the most optimal is 1: 1.5. When cooking, you must first wait for a boil, then cook for another minute and cover. The lid should not be removed so that the steam remains in the pot (this has a positive effect on the taste of the finished rice).

You need to cook for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave the pan closed for a quarter of an hour. Sushi rice is fully cooked after adding rice vinegar.

How to make sushi at home: the easiest recipe for beginners

There is a recipe for this dish, which is suitable for people who are familiar with the traditions of Japanese cuisine for the first time.

First you need to cook rice, taking into account all the recommendations mentioned just above. Then unfold the nori sheet and distribute the key filling with your hands. At the same time, about 1-2 centimeters should remain from the edge of the sheet. It is also better to wet your hands before this procedure.

In the center of the resulting layer of rice, cheese must be distributed. This can be done conveniently with a knife for butter. The cheese track should be no more than 4-5 centimeters.

Salmon should be cut into oblong pieces and then placed on top of the cheese. Also, both avocado and cucumber can act as a filling. In both cases, it is necessary to rid the fruit of the skin. It is better to cut the avocado into cubes, and the cucumber into strips. vegetable stuffing should be placed on top of the fish.

After that, you can form a roll by holding the edge of the rug and starting to roll it inward. It remains only to cut it into several equal pieces, as a result, you should get about 8 pieces.

Recipe for classic sushi rolls at home

You can prepare such sushi from different varieties fish, such as salmon, eel, tuna, and so on. Also, vegetables can be used instead of fish. For these rolls you will need the following components:

  • Nori sheet - 1 piece;
  • Rice intended for rolls - 100 g;
  • Wasabi sauce - a small amount;
  • Eel - 200 g;
  • Cucumber - 1 piece.

First of all, you need to cook rice for sushi. Once it is ready, you can take the mat and put the nori matte side up on it. After wetting your hands in water, you should distribute the cooked rice over the nori sheet, leaving 3 free centimeters of the edge. If desired, rice can also be smeared with some wasabi sauce, the main thing is not to overdo it, as it is quite spicy.

You can put stuffing on top. It will be an eel, which must first be cut into oblong pieces, as well as straws of a peeled cucumber. It is better to put the fish on the bottom, and the vegetable on top.

Now you can wrap the roll. To do this, you need to take hold of the edges of the mat and begin to twist the nori inward with both hands. It is desirable to fold, slightly pressing, all the components of the roll should be tightly pressed against each other.

It remains only to cut the resulting sausage into equal portions.

You can eat classic sushi rolls by dipping them in soy sauce.

How to make Philadelphia sushi at home

It is "Philadelphia" - the most popular type of fish delicacy in all countries. It is prepared on the basis of red fish and is distinguished by its thin delicate taste. To prepare it at home, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Salmon or trout - 500 g;
  • Avocado or cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 250 g;
  • Nori sheet - 3 pieces;
  • Wasabi sauce.

Having prepared rice groats, you can start creating rolls. One of the selected vegetables should be pre-peeled and cut into strips. The rug must first be wrapped in cling film. Place ½ sheet of nori on the mat, shiny side down.

After wetting your hands in water in advance, you need to spread the rice over the sheet, and also put slices of chopped fish on top.

Now you need to turn the sheet over so that the fish is on the mat, and put avocado or cucumber straws on one of the edges of the nori. Also next to the sheet should be smeared with cheese.

It remains to wrap the roll in the usual way, with the salmon on top. When cutting the resulting sausage, you get about 7 sushi.

is particularly delicate. Read on to learn how to cook this dish.

How to cook steamed fish in a slow cooker to preserve all the useful trace elements.

How to cook apples in caramel at home. This one will appeal to both adults and children.

Sushi without nori at home: a step by step recipe

Although this ingredient is used in almost all recipes, not everyone can appreciate its smell and taste. Therefore, you can cook rolls that do not include algae. They will need:

  • Rice intended for rolls - 400 g;
  • Avocado - 1 piece;
  • Cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Eggs (for batter) - 3 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise (for batter);
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Vegetables must be peeled and cut into strips. The same should be done with crab sticks just cut them in half lengthwise.

After boiling the rice, you can spread it on a sushi mat, after covering it with cling film instead of nori. At the same time, on the one hand, the mat should remain 5 centimeters free, and on the other side - 20. Hands must be wetted before this. Vegetables will serve as the second filling, which must be placed in the center of the rice. Now you can spin the roll by grasping the edges of the sushi carpet and cling film.

The next step is frying, which is slightly unusual when making rolls. You need to cut each sausage in half to make it easier to place them in the pan. To prepare the batter, you need to beat mayonnaise and three raw eggs.

Then you should take the rolls with both hands, dip in batter, and fry on each side until golden brown. It remains only to cut the sausages into equal parts, allowing them to cool slightly beforehand.

Dessert sushi for the sweet tooth

People who prefer sweets and desserts may like fruit-based rolls. For them, you can use any fruit. For one of the recipes you will need:

  • Rice intended for rolls - 250 g;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Bee honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Nori sheet - 1 piece;
  • Large plum - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Carrots should be washed and peeled, then cut into strips. Honey must first be brought to a liquid state by heating in a water bath. It will act as an oil for frying carrots, it should be fried for about 4 minutes.

Lay a sheet of algae on the mat, spread a layer of rice on top. After rice, you can put oblong bars of carrots. It remains only to wrap the rolls and cut into equal portions.

Plum and sugar are required to make a sweet sauce. It is necessary to wash the fruits of the berries and remove the seeds from them. Then you should throw them into boiled water (200 ml) and cover with sugar. Cook for about half an hour over high heat.

Sushi is a dish that is perfect for the table for any occasion:

  • Cooking them is easy if you know the technique;
  • The main thing is to be able to cook rice correctly, taking into account cooking tips;
  • Exist various recipes sushi, among which there are both simple and more complex;
  • You can use any fish, based on preferences;
  • You can even make rolls for the sweet tooth using fruits or sweet vegetables.

Japanese cuisine has exploded in popularity over the past 10 years, with sushi chefs coming up with new recipes every month, and it's no wonder. If you look at the pricing policy of restaurants or boutiques that sell takeaway rolls, you can conclude that they have excellent revenues. However, not everyone can afford to show off like this every week, hence the need for training in culinary arts. You can cook rolls yourself, because even small towns have the necessary ingredients.

Roll composition

Before talking about how to cook rolls, you need to figure out what they include and what this or that product should be like. Consider important aspects in order.

  1. Rice. Japanese craftsmen and chefs working in establishments of this kind use a special rice for sushi called "Nishiki". The product is a round grain with a high starch content. It is due to this feature that rice sticks together so well after cooking, so the rolls do not fall apart. As a rule, the pricing policy of such rice is quite high, so it makes sense to consider other options. Choose any round-grain or medium-grain rice, but just not parboiled, otherwise it will not stick together.
  2. Ginger. In most cases, the main property of ginger is considered to be its antimicrobial effect. The product kills bacteria found in raw fish. In fact, not everyone knows about it, but ginger is used along with rolls to interrupt the taste when you eat several types of sushi.
  3. Nori. They are sheets of seaweed in which rice and stuffing rolls are wrapped. Nori is made from red algae and brings out the flavor of the dish more fully. The product is rich in many vitamins, including groups A, B, C, D, E, which a person needs for a full life. As for the variety, there are nori three types: A, B, C. The first are considered the highest class, they are of higher quality and denser.
  4. Soy sauce. It is difficult to imagine eating rolls and sushi without soy sauce. It gives the dish piquancy, sophistication and lightness. In addition, soy sauce is good for the heart and liver if it is produced by a natural fermentation method. When choosing a product, pay attention to the "Composition" column, it should not contain components unfamiliar to you. Soy sauce is made from wheat and soybeans, vinegar, sugar and salt. In some cases, garlic is added during the production process.
  5. Wasabi. The product is a paste or powder formulation. Wasabi is horseradish, which comes in two varieties: sawa and seiyo. Seio horseradish is the most common, since it is cheaper and belongs to the economy segment. It doesn’t matter which type you choose, they are almost identical in taste. As for the consistency, buy powdered wasabi that is diluted with water to a thick sour cream (it is completely natural).
  6. Rice vinegar. Used to add a sweet flavor to rice. Vinegar also glues the grains, and then retains a kind of sticky consistency for a long time, which does not allow the roll to fall apart. The best option for the product is considered to be real Japanese vinegar, on the label of which there are no symbols in other languages.

The basis for making rolls at home is well-cooked rice. As mentioned earlier, choose a special formulation or a round grain product that contains the largest number starch.

  1. Cooking a Japanese dish begins with a thorough rinse of rice in cold water. To do this properly, add ice cubes, rice grains, and regular running/filtered water to the pot, leave for half an hour, then proceed to rinse. As practice shows, it is necessary to do 10-12 repetitions, so that eventually the water becomes crystal clear.
  2. Place the washed rice in a saucepan with thick sides and a bottom. Pour cold (!) Water per 1 kg. rice / 1.5 l. water. Cover with a lid, turn on medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. After the appearance of the first bubbles, reduce the heat to the minimum mark, cook for another 10-12 minutes. At the end of the term, turn off the burner, do not open the lid, leave the product for half an hour. Then move the rice to another container, leave to cool to room temperature.
  3. When you have cooked the grains, you can proceed to the next step - cooking rice dressing using Japanese technology. There are several options, we will consider them in order.

Refueling based apple cider vinegar. It is not necessary to use special vinegar for sushi, a traditional apple composition is quite suitable. It is important to understand that such technology will change taste qualities, but not to a great extent. Buy in store healthy eating 6% apple cider vinegar solution, pour 60 ml. product in enamel pan and put on a slow fire. Wait until it boils, then pour in 30 ml. purified water, pour 75 gr. granulated sugar(preferably cane), add 30 gr. salt. Bring the composition to homogeneity, stir it with a wooden spoon. Once the pellets have melted, remove the dressing from the stove.

Rice vinegar dressing. Of course, this type is more traditional. If possible, cook the rolls in this way. Connect together 35 gr. sugar and 35 gr. crushed salt, pour in 100 ml. rice vinegar. Put on medium heat, wait for the mixture to boil, then immediately set the minimum mode. Stir constantly so that it does not burn. Refueling is considered ready at the moment when the crystals of salt and granulated sugar have melted. After that, it must be cooled to room temperature and mixed with rice.

Rolls are internal and external. In the first case, rice is inside nori along with other ingredients. In the second version, the rice is twisted outward, and the filling remains inside. In order to properly roll the roll, you need to purchase a bamboo mat, and then wrap it with cling film so that the grains do not stick to the mat.

Internal rolls

  1. Place a container of water next to you, dilute salt in it, wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  2. Cut the nori sheet into 2 equal parts, leave one of them. Lay it on the mat, glossy side down.
  3. Dip your hands in acidified water, scoop up a handful of rice and roll it into a ball.
  4. Place it in the middle of the sheet, step back from the top edge of the nori 1 cm (do not put rice on this area). Roll out the grains in an even layer, constantly moisten your hands so that the composition does not stick.
  5. Distribute the filling closer to the bottom edge in thin strips, do not overdo it, otherwise the roll will not wrap completely. For the first time, it is recommended to put less than more.
  6. Pull the nori sheet with the rice already on it to the bottom of the mat. Pick up the bamboo mat along with the roll and start rolling it into a cylinder. Hold the filling with your fingers.
  7. When you get almost to the end, dip your finger in the water and run it along the indentation line in the top section. This must be done in order for the roll to stick together well.
  8. Continue rolling it until the edges of the nori meet and are sealed together. After that, run your hands through the mat along the cylinder, giving the roll a square shape.
  9. Moisten a sharp knife in cold water, cut the resulting roll first into 2 equal parts, and then divide each section into 3-4 more pieces (optional).

External rolls
All famous rolls are prepared in this way. The most common Japanese dishes include the Philadelphia, California, and Caesar rolls.

  1. Cut the nori in half, take one piece and place it glossy side down on the mat.
  2. Wet your hands in cold filtered water, scoop up a handful of rice, and roll into a ball.
  3. Now be extremely careful. Distribute the grains so that the layer of rice protrudes 1 cm from the bottom edge of the mat (it turns out that this area will lie on the mat). At the same time, you need to step back from the top edge by 1 cm (there should be no rice in this area).
  4. Knead the surface with your fingers to make it even, paying special attention to the edges. Then pry off one part and turn the roll upside down.
  5. Spread the desired ingredients on the surface of the nori, stick to the bottom. Now lift the mat, grabbing the seaweed, start twisting the roll into a roll.
  6. As in the previous case, give the roll a square shape, cut first into 2 sections, then into 3 more.

  1. "Philadelphia". Rolls are prepared on the principle of external twisting, in which the rice is turned inside out. When you turn the nori over, place cream cheese, avocado or cucumber slices, then roll up. Cut the salmon into thin slices, put on top of the rice, twist with a bamboo mat to make it stick. Cut into equal pieces with a sharp knife dipped in cold water.
  2. "Caesar". grind chicken fillet thin slices, then fry until golden brown. Cut the tomato into strips, do the same with the lettuce. Spread the rice over the nori, turn it inside out. Brush seaweed with Caesar sauce or garlic mayonnaise. Place chicken, lettuce, tomato on top, grate hard cheese so that it covers all the ingredients. Roll up. Crack an egg yolk into a bowl, season with salt and whisk. Cook in a frying pan thin pancake, place it on the roll and wrap it up. Cut the roll into equal sections, serve with walnut sauce.
  3. "California". The roll is prepared externally. Brush the upside-down nori with cream cheese, top with medium-sized shrimp or crab meat, cucumber slices, and fresh pineapple chunks (optional). Twist the roll, sprinkle it with tobiko caviar of any color, use the mat again so that the caviar seeds do not fall off. Cut the roll into pieces.

If you have sufficient knowledge regarding the technology of making rolls, difficulties should not arise. We have given the most common recipes that can be easily made at home. Now you know how the outer and inner rolls are twisted, which means you can bring to life any version of the Japanese dish you like, found on the Internet or in the menu of your favorite Japanese restaurant.

Video: how to cook sushi - step by step instructions

The Japanese sushi dish has long been included in the menu of the inhabitants and has ceased to be an overseas curiosity from raw fish. Sushi is distinguished by a wide and varied assortment, they come with the most amazing toppings and are served in almost every self-respecting institution. Sushi has firmly taken its place in the list of preferred dishes.

How to cook rice for sushi?

Many people have decided to go further than just wandering from restaurant to restaurant comparing sushi from different chefs. Some especially gambling enthusiasts try to cook sushi at home, bringing some new ingredients and fresh solutions to them. Although sushi is not an easy dish to make, it is quite possible to make it at home.

The main and indispensable ingredient is, of course, rice. It is rice, not fish, that is the main component of sushi. If you can experiment with fillings, then sushi will not work without rice. Rice must be round grain or special for sushi so that it holds its shape.

Two servings require one glass of rice. After pouring the rice into a deep container, pour the cereal cold water and rub it between your palms. Then drain the water. Repeat a few more times until the water is as clear as possible. This is necessary so that the cereal is cleansed of excess gluten and starch. They are completely unacceptable when preparing sushi. Let the rice dry out a bit.

Dip the rice in a deep saucepan and fill with a volume of water twice the volume of cereals. Put it on maximum heat and bring it to a boil under the lid. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and cook for 12 minutes. Then, without removing the lid, remove from heat and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls

Prepare the rice dressing. To do this, in 25 ml of rice vinegar (if you took a glass of rice), you need to dissolve 5 grams of salt and 15 grams of sugar. Mix everything until completely dissolved. To make this process faster, you can warm up the vinegar a little, but only a little.

Add dressing to rice. To do this, lay the rice in an even layer in a dish with a flat bottom. Pour the dressing over the spatula into the rice, the trickle should be thin. Stir the mixture thoroughly immediately. Mix from bottom to top and from left to right. Then, having collected the rice in one direction, begin to drag it to the other side with sharp smearing movements with a spatula (without stirring!). Repeat the procedure several times. Then flatten the rice and cover with a damp cloth. Then leave it to cool down.

Ingredients for making sushi at home

To make sushi at home, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • seaweed "nori" - they are sold in different sizes, for sushi - in small plates, for rolls - twice as much (the price depends on the quantity)
  • package of pickled ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish), it is better to take wasabi in powder - so it will be spicier
  • soy sauce (distinguished by the degree of salinity)
  • rice vinegar, designed specifically for making sushi (it is slightly sweet and gives the dish a special aroma and exquisite taste)
  • rice (either special or regular, uncooked, round grain rice)
  • salmon fillet (salted or smoked), mackerel fillet (mackerel may also work), ready-made shrimp or any other seafood for stuffing
  • Philadelphia cheese (or any cream cheese without additional additives)
  • fresh cucumber
  • flying fish roe (this component is optional and is optional, you can do without it)
  • sesame seeds (roasted or raw)
  • avocado
  • bamboo mat
All these products are easy to buy in a large supermarket or small oriental stores.

How to cook rolls?

In addition to rice, there is another important point in the preparation of sushi and rolls - they must be twisted. Otherwise, we will have rice with fish, not sushi. Seafood with cucumber and avocado is also used as a filling.

This is easier to do with a special bamboo "mat". Place a sheet of special nori seaweed on it, rough side up, on which the filling holds better. Put the cooled rice on the nori, 0.7-1 centimeter thick, spread it evenly over the surface. Leave 1 and 0.5 cm of clear space at the top and bottom of the sheet, respectively. This is necessary to secure the roll.

How to quickly make sushi at home

Prepare the filling in advance - cut the desired ingredients with elongated sticks, 3-5 mm thick. Put the stuffing on the rice and start rolling the roll, which will later turn into sushi. Gently lift the end of the nori with a bamboo mat (makisu) and slowly roll it into a tight tube. Gently squeeze the roll inside the mat and roll it around a bit.

For better adhesion of nori into a roll, you can soak the seaweed in the place where there is no rice and combine with the roll. pushing back ready roll to the side, proceed to the manufacture of the next portion.

If, nevertheless, this task seems unattainable for you, you can always use the services of companies that provide sushi orders at home.

How to cut the rolls correctly?

To properly cut the rolls, take a sharp knife. Dip its tip briefly in vinegar water. Then you should raise it with the tip up so that the vinegar water wets the entire surface of the knife. Then it will be easy to cut the rolls.

Then place the rolls seam side down on a cutting board. First, you should cut the resulting roll in half, and each half into three more. The knife can be periodically soaked in water, either vinegar or just cold, to remove the sticky component of the rice.

How to make rolls: a master class from the chef

Then put the rolls on a tray, pour soy sauce into ceramic bowls and serve.

What is the best sushi?

Sushi, as mentioned above, can be very diverse. Therefore, the choice of the most delicious remains, of course, yours. But the most popular, according to the editors of the site, have always been and remain Philadelphia and California rolls, as well as sushi with eel, salmon and mussels.

Roll "Philadelphia"

Cooking sushi "nigiri"

While the sushi rice is cooling, you need to cut the fish. It is better to choose the cleanest and most beautiful part of the fillet. The denser it is, the thinner the pieces should be. For nigiri, it is better to cut the fillet at an angle towards you. In order not to have to “cut” the fish (which is unacceptable for sushi), pick up a very sharp knife.

Stepping back from the edge of a rectangular piece of fillet by 1-1.5 cm, cut off a piece of fillet at an angle of 45 degrees in one motion. Thus, cut the whole fillet.

We begin to form nigiri. To do this, prepare a container with wasabi and vinegar water (pour a couple of tablespoons of rice vinegar into boiled water). Put about one and a half tablespoons of cooked rice in your right hand and give it an oval shape. In the left put a plate across the fingers fish fillet. Without releasing the rice, scoop up some wasabi and brush over the rice. Put rice on it and lightly press it with the thumb of your left hand.

Then change hands and press the rice with the index and thumb of the right hand. Gently turn the nigiri over on the fingertips of your left hand, fish side up. Then move them to the base of the fingers. Ready!

It is only important to ensure that the fish preparation is larger than the rice, and that the rice is not compressed too much.
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Japanese cuisine is becoming more and more popular every day. Their satiety, attractive appearance, refined and original taste leaves no one indifferent. You can eat rolls not only in a restaurant, but also cook them at home, which will be cheaper.

Rolls are a dish traditional for Japan and Korea, sometimes they are also called sushi rolls. They are prepared from various ingredients that can be combined and combined in different ways, each time getting a new and original dish.

To prepare this dish, you definitely need a mat, with which rolls are rolled up, as well as some products:

  • rice vinegar;
  • nori sheets;
  • wasabi;
  • soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger;
  • fish;
  • avocado;
  • cucumber.

For the preparation of rolls, it is best to use only fresh food. Rice, vinegar, sauce, ginger and wasabi can be bought individually in the store or in one set, other products will have to be chosen at your discretion.

To prepare more exotic rolls, you can use several types of fish, caviar, mussels, octopus, crabs, shrimp, sesame seeds, and various cheeses.

How to prepare rice for rolls

One of the main products in the preparation of sushi and rolls is rice of a certain variety. It is prepared using a special technology.


  • rice - 0.4 kg;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • rice vinegar - 4 tablespoons;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Calories per 100 grams: 342 kcal.

cook delicious rice for rolls is very simple if you follow the instructions and follow them completely.

  1. Pour the rice into a sieve and rinse it under cold running water;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, put rice, cover with a lid and bring to a boil and let it boil for 2 minutes, then remove the container from the heat and let the rice swell for 10 minutes;
  3. Remove the lid from the saucepan and let the rice cook for 10 minutes until the end;
  4. Pour vinegar into a saucepan, put sugar, salt, mix and heat;
  5. Put the cooked rice in a bowl, add the marinade to it and mix well.

Rice cooked according to this recipe turns out exactly as it should. Combined with algae, various ingredients, it will fully open.

A simple step-by-step recipe for rolls at home

One of the most delicious and easy to prepare is rolls with cucumber and shrimp. They turn out tender and refined, but at the same time very light, which will appeal to those people who prefer diet food.


  • 6 nori sheets;
  • 0.25 kg shrimp;
  • 350 grams of cooked rice;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 1 tablespoon sesame.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 156 kcal.

Cooking such rolls is a pleasure, because even the most inexperienced cook can handle this activity.

Ready-made rolls will be appreciated by all family members, despite their simplicity, they turn out to be very tasty and unusual.

Philadelphia rolls at home

For a person who has never tried sushi, it is best to start discovering the world of Japanese cuisine from Philadelphia rolls. Thanks to their gentle, refined and balanced combination of products, these rolls are liked by everyone, without exception.


  • 450 grams of cooked rice;
  • 0.6 kg of trout;
  • avocado - 1 piece;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • nori - 4 sheets;
  • 0.3 kg Philadelphia cheese.

Calories per 100 grams: 160 kcal.

These products are enough to prepare 6 blanks. This amount will make a whole set of 48 rolls, which is enough for the whole family.

Despite some difficulties in preparing rolls, with a strong desire and diligence, everyone will learn how to make them.

How to cook Caesar rolls at home

Cooking delicious and perfectly shaped rolls is a task that not every novice cook can handle. But with a strong desire and patience, this can be easily learned.


  • 0.4 kg of cooked rice;
  • nori sheets - 4 pieces;
  • fried chicken breast - 200 grams;
  • sesame;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 100 grams of bacon;
  • 100 grams of Grana Padano cheese;
  • 100 grams of lollo rosso salad.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 165 kcal.

Cooking Caesar rolls is a real pleasure, because, despite the multi-component nature of the dish, everything in it is quite simple.

  1. Rice is boiled and brought to the desired state in advance, cooled a little and laid out on a sheet, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Nori is best laid out on a bamboo mat, covered with cling film;
  2. Nori is covered with the free edge of the mat and turned over, and chicken breast, cheese, bacon, lettuce are laid out on the reverse side, and cucumber and avocado in the center;
  3. Form a roll, and grease the edge of the algae with water and fix;

Such sushi is ideal for those people who like to experiment. Cheese, chicken, bacon and other ingredients create a rather delicate and harmonious taste that is simply impossible to forget.

Baked rolls at home

If you are tired of ordinary sushi and want to try something new and unusual, you should cook baked rolls. This dish will appeal to all family members, both adults and children.


  • slightly salted salmon - 0.2 kg;
  • hard cheese - 160 grams;
  • nori - 4 sheets;
  • 1.5 cups of cooked rice;
  • cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 148 kcal.

Baked rolls - delicious and unusual dish which not all sushi lovers have tried. All ingredients are perfectly combined with each other and create a delicate and harmonious taste.

  1. Rice is boiled, dressed, cooled;
  2. Cucumbers are washed, if necessary, the skin is cut off from them and cut into strips so that their thickness is 0.5 centimeters;
  3. Put a food film on the mat, put a sheet of nori on it, put a layer of rice on top and gently turn the seaweed up;
  4. Put the sliced ​​cucumber on top of the sheet, and wrap the roll so that the rice is on top;
  5. Cut the fish into small pieces and mix well with grated cheese and mayonnaise;
  6. Cut the rolls into 6 parts, put on a baking sheet and top with a mixture of mayonnaise, fish and cheese;
  7. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Hot sushi is best served immediately so that they do not have time to cool. Their taste will be a little unusual and spicy, but they only benefit from this.

Rolls with egg pancake

To create not just rolls, but a real culinary work that will appeal to children and adults, anyone can handle it. Such sushi is not only tasty and tender, but also has a presentable appearance, so they can even be served on the festive table.


  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • nori - 2 sheets;
  • soy sauce;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • 40 grams of cream cheese;
  • 60 grams of salted pink salmon;
  • rice vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 100 kcal.

Cooking sushi with egg pancakes is quite simple and takes a minimum of time. This dish is very light, but at the same time satisfying, so it is ideal for breakfast or lunch.

Sushi prepared according to this recipe always turns out tender and tasty. egg pancake instead of rice, brings an unusual sound to this dish.

Making rolls at home is a real art that needs to be learned. Cooking them perfectly, the first time, will never work, but with a great desire, patience, this art can always be learned.

  1. To cut rolls, you must use a knife with a wooden handle and a well-sharpened blade;
  2. To prevent sushi from falling apart, it is best to use a bamboo mat, which firmly compresses the rice and stuffing;
  3. Products must always be fresh to make the dish tasty and healthy.

Rolls are a dish that spoils very quickly, so it is best to cook them before the reception itself. After 6 hours, they can deteriorate, and this is dangerous for human health and life.

During the preparation of rolls, you can safely experiment with various fillings, add fish, red caviar, cucumbers, avocados, cream cheese, shrimp and other ingredients that you can wish for.

Cooking options for several more options for rolls are in the next video.

Rolls are healthy and low-calorie rolls, sometimes used in weight loss diets. At first glance, they are prepared simply, do not require special skill. Why are there crooked pieces with crumbled rice and an unpleasant taste? It is impossible to take them with chopsticks, being afraid to turn a unique dish into a banal side dish with vegetables! Watching how deftly and quickly the sushi masters do, not every culinary specialist pays attention to the technique of twisting rolls. He mistakenly assumes that uramaki or hosomaki are easier to make and prettier to serve than pancakes. How to cook Japanese rolls at home?

Roll preparation technology

The taste and presentability of a Japanese dish largely depends on the skill of the sushi chef and the quality of the rice. You should be especially careful when choosing sushi grits, because it may not be long enough and with little stickiness. Ready-made grains do not absorb moisture well, they turn out to be boiled or too crumbly. Cooks recommend using the Nishiki or Yoshi variety. It is undesirable to buy a Vietnamese product because of an unpleasant specific smell.


Cooking rice for rolls and sushi is an art! It is necessary to strictly observe the proportion and monitor the time. It is better to steam cereals in a rice cooker, but you can use a slow cooker (set the “Extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes, then switch to heating). If the product turned out to be damp, next time you need to increase the amount of liquid.

The cooking technology is simple:

  • Rinse 1 kg of rice thoroughly in cold water until it becomes completely transparent (it is more convenient not in a bowl, but in a colander);
  • let the water drain (10 minutes is enough);
  • pour rice into a dry bowl of a rice cooker, pour 1.2 liters of cold water, sushi people sometimes add a couple of drops of vegetable oil;
  • cook for 25 minutes, then turn off the equipment and count 10 minutes (the lid cannot be opened);
  • prepare any wooden surface, remove the bowl from the rice cooker and turn it over (usually a thin dry crust forms on the bottom and side, so the rice will fall on the board in one lump, like a head of cheese);
  • wait 5 minutes for the cereal to cool slightly;
  • using a plastic spatula, carefully remove the crust (you can pour sauce over it and eat it), transfer the porridge to a plastic bowl or a special wooden basin;
  • weigh 200 grams of cold rice dressing, spread over the entire surface until the porridge has cooled;
  • Gently mix the rice with a spatula so as not to disturb its integrity, and leave to cool completely.

As the dressing is added, the porridge becomes a little watery, but warm grains will quickly absorb the aromatic sauce. The main component of the rolls will turn out not boiled, sticky, odorous and with a pleasant aftertaste. After cooling, it is transferred to a non-metallic container, covered with a film in which small holes are made. You can store it in the refrigerator, although it is more correct when room temperature no more than 2 days. Perfectly cooked rice is the basis of the taste palette of the Japanese dish.

How to make spicy dressing

The sauce for rice will give the dish an exquisite flavor. They take mitsukan (rice vinegar) as a basis, throw in a lot of sugar (almost 2: 1) and salt. To make the liquid more fragrant, a small leaf of kombu seaweed and a couple of grams are often added. lemon peel. In order not to lose the specific sourness, it is advisable to bring the dressing to a boil, cool and strain. It is stored for a long time in the refrigerator, it turns out a yellowish tint and slightly viscous consistency.

Nori is an important ingredient for rolls.

The quality of the pressed algae (red) determines the presentability of the rolls. It is better to bypass cheap options: in the process of cooking, nori breaks or crumbles, quickly shrinks and tears under rice. Cooks recommend buying grade A: the sheets are dense, with smooth edges, rich green in color without a reddish or reddish tint. In the light, they practically do not shine through.

The sheets are lined with lines into 7 parts, which help to cut the product into identical (wide or narrow) strips. Nori seaweed is usually divided into two parts, but for making large or hot rolls, whole plates are taken. In order not to accidentally tear them, it is better to use scissors or a sharp knife, although experienced sushi masters easily fold the sheet in half, press it on the bend and tear it.

Nori is an excellent source of iodine, so you should not get carried away with sushi so that there is no excess of it in the body. The product is stored in tightly closed packaging or a metal box. Due to moisture and steam, the sheets shrink, so during cooking Japanese rolls or felix, wet the edges with water very carefully. If there is not enough practice, it is better to seal the seams of the roll with a few grains of rice.

Making delicious rolls is a real art!

The important components of the dish are ready, it remains to cut the filling (vegetables, raw or salted salmon) into cubes and discover the secrets of making rolls:

  1. It is advisable to cover the bamboo mat with cling film on both sides, carefully wrapping the edges. It should fit snugly
    mat (can be pierced with a toothpick to release air).
  2. Put the rug on flat surface, place nori on it with the rough side up so that the grains do not slip off during the formation of the roll.
  3. So that the croup does not stick to the fingers, it is advisable to moisten the hands, or put on disposable cellophane gloves.
  4. Weigh the rice (80-130 grams depending on the type of roll) and place in the microwave for a couple of seconds. The beans should be warm, but not too hot. Put in the middle of the sheet and gently spread over the entire surface, especially on the sides. Do not press the grains to the algae!
  5. If the roll has nori on top (hosomaki or futomaki), when laying out rice, retreat 1 cm from the far side of the sheet. Spread the filling from the near edge. Wrap carefully, slightly lifting and pressing the mat. Moisten an uncovered strip of nori with water and completely twist the roll. The seam of the product must not come apart.
  6. If there is rice (uramaki) on top, then a clean strip of nori should be left on the near side, next to you. From the far side, the grains should protrude 1 cm beyond the edge of the sheet. Sprinkle the grits with sesame seeds or tobiko, lightly iron with the palm of your hand. Turn the algae over, put the filling on the edge. Slightly lift the strip of nori not covered with rice, cover the vegetables, press and twist the roll. The seam will not be visible, because the croup will close it.
  7. Put the resulting roll on the board, cover with a rug and press. Turn the product over to the other side, press down again with a mat, be sure to run your fingers along the entire length at the same time from above and along the sides. At this stage, you can form a square, round or triangular roll. If you cook "Philadelphia" or "Dragon", first lay out the plates of fish, and then form them with a mat.
  8. In order for the roll to have smooth and beautiful edges, they need to be pressed with the palm of your hand, holding the product with a rug. It should turn out perfectly even, the grains with fish should fit snugly against the roll.
  9. In order not to disturb the fish top, the Japanese roll can be covered with a film. Moisten a sharp knife in cold water, visually divide the product in half and quickly cut. Wash the blade, put the pieces together and divide into 3 parts. The result should be 6 triangles or squares. When cutting, ideal edges can be damaged, so the pieces are lined up and pressed again with a rug. Roll is ready.
  10. Often the ends of the product come out uneven, so before dividing the roll, ugly edges can be cut off. The pieces should be the same height and dense. It is desirable that the fish plates completely or half cover the sides of the product.

How to File a Japanese Artwork

Rolls look great on black Asian plates, but clear dishes can be used. Pieces are laid out in different ways, based on the type of product. "Dragons" usually wriggle like a snake, "Philadelphia" and "California" are assembled in a checkerboard pattern. From large futomaki they form a slide and decorate with a neat bouquet of mixed salad. Japanese eel rolls, "Green" and "Yellow Dragon" are poured over unagi and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Sets (assorted) rolls look especially beautiful. However, it is difficult to combine several products to make a unique picture, and it is convenient for guests to eat from all sides.

You need to lay out the kegs in even rows, as if under a ruler. Diagonals and carelessly scattered pieces are not welcome. There should be room on the plate to complement the dish with delicious products:

  1. Pickled ginger is preferable to use white, because it is without dye. First, it is slightly squeezed out so that the excess marinade is gone, they form a slide and, as it were, put it on a plate. With beautiful petals of the root, it is easy to neutralize the aftertaste of the eaten piece and fully enjoy the flavor of another.
  2. Many mistakenly assume that the pale green wasabi powder neutralizes harmful microorganisms that may be in sea ​​fish. Unfortunately, we sell tinted horseradish seasoning, and the real valuable root is too expensive and is considered a delicacy. However, the pseudo product is quite sharp, so it is more convenient to knead it with your hands, wearing gloves, preferably near the hood or an open window. Put a spoonful of wasabi in a bowl, add a little cold boiled water and mix thoroughly. If the mixture turned out to be liquidish, you can throw in more powder, but it is worth remembering that the mass is slightly compacted during storage in the refrigerator. Place the green mass in a small pastry bag, land on a plate in the shape of a flower. If you make the wasabi thicker, it is better to form a cube or a leaf.
  3. Soy sauce is served separately in a gravy boat. If it is too saturated and salty, it can be diluted with water, brought to a boil. Mirin and sake will add interesting notes. During the meal, wasabi is often put in the sauce.

Sometimes a plate with rolls is decorated with a slice of lemon, and a towel (oshibori) moist and heated in the microwave is always served on a special wooden stand. They wipe their hands before and after a meal, only after use it is customary to carefully smooth it.

You can store the rolls in the refrigerator, but not more than half an hour, after wrapping them with cling film. With every minute, their taste and appearance are rapidly deteriorating, rice and vegetables are saturated with other smells and lose their individual aftertaste. Cooks are sure that the product should be eaten immediately after cooking, while the rice has not cooled down too much, and the filling has not yet warmed up.

How to properly prepare the components of the rolls?

Fragrant rice and specific algae are the backdrop for creating a sophisticated flavor range. The dish needs to be completed bright bouquet fillings. Products must be fresh, colorful and properly prepared.

Vegetables and fruits

The taste of the roll depends on the shape of the cutting components. They can be chopped into thin and long straws or neat even sticks. Hard root vegetables and fruits (daikon or green mango) are best crushed as finely as possible. Fresh cucumber be sure to peel the green peel, cut into thin plates in full length, wrap the roll or make a felix. For the filling, the juicy center with unripe grains is often removed, then the dish turns out to be more crispy.

Avocado should be moderately ripe. For the back of the "Green Dragon", the fruit is cut into slices exclusively with the tip of the blade, without lifting the knife from the board. With your left palm, you need to slightly press the semicircular pieces and pull up, and then gently lower them down. Should be a ladder. Pick up the avocado with the blade of a knife and place it on the dragon's back. The fruit can be cut with a housekeeper, only each piece must be laid out immediately on the roll.

Tiger chrimp

They are often used to make "Yellow Dragon", hot rolls and sashimi, and are brewed in a special way. Seafood (without a head) is cleaned of the shell, leaving 2 plates at the end of the tail, the intestinal thread is removed on the back. To prevent the shrimp from twisting into an arc during cooking, they are put on long wooden skewers, starting from the head. Throw in boiled unsalted water for a minute, and then immediately into the ice. The meat is tender and juicy. The shrimp is removed from the skewer, an incision is made along the entire length with a sharp knife (from the side of the abdomen to the back, without cutting in half). After that, they gently straighten, remove uneven places (usually near the head) and give a beautiful shape. The product can be stored for one and a half days.

Tempura shrimp is often added to the roll. In this case, raw seafood is strung on a skewer, dipped in a thick batter based on a special flour mixture, eggs and water, deep-fried until golden.

Fish is an indispensable component of rolls

Fillet fresh tuna, salmon, lakedra should be dense, elastic, without loose and exfoliated fibers. Any unpleasant smell, dull color and opaque juice in the package indicates the spoilage of the product. It is better to buy fish chilled and whole or frozen fillets. After thawing, the product is stored in a dry container for no more than 24 hours.

For the filling, the fish is cut into even cubes. To get beautiful thin plates for the top of the roll, the blade must be held parallel to the fillet. Make a small incision and slide the knife smoothly from right to left, holding the layer with all fingers. This makes it easier to control the thickness of the piece.

Smoked eel is freed from excess sauce, divided into two parts along the back line. Be sure to check if there are any small cartilages that have not completely softened during the manufacture of the product (usually they are located on the sides). For the back of the “Yellow Dragon” roll, the golden upper part is removed (obliquely to the skin at an angle of 30 degrees). For sushi, the eel is cut obliquely and at a slight slope along with the skin. You should get pieces of 12 grams (with sharp edges), a bit like petals.


It is impossible to forget the enchanting aftertaste of shiitake rolls! Dry mushrooms are poured with water for 5 hours to swell, and washed. Boil until cooked, cool, free from liquid, cut into thin slices. A preheated pan is filled with prepared shiitake, sprinkled with sugar and warmed up (you can season with black pepper along with soy sauce). Sweetish taste with specific notes will elegantly complement almost any vegetable roll.

Video recipes

A professional chef prepares several types of rolls on a regular home kitchen. Tells about the rules for cooking rice, about folding rolls. And as a bonus prepares a couple Japanese soups, including .

Japanese dishes attract with their simplicity, beauty and usefulness. However, without knowing the intricacies of making rolls, it is impossible to create an exquisite "Philadelphia" or a sophisticated "Green Dragon" at home.