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Omelet stuffed as much as needed for 2 servings. Stuffed omelet

Omelettes are made from fresh eggs, egg melange and egg powder. These dishes are prepared fried and baked from eggs alone, as well as with the addition of vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, cheese and meat products. Products are pre-boiled or fried until tender, except for those that do not require pre-cooking (cheese, green onion, parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.). When making an omelet, cold milk, cream or water, salt are added to the eggs and mixed thoroughly. This mixture (egg mass) is prepared in the same way for all types of omelets. For each egg, take 15 g of cream, milk, water or milk in half with water and 0.5 g of salt.

If an omelette is prepared from egg powder, then it is mixed with water or milk diluted by half with water (0.35 l of liquid and 4 g of salt per 100 g of dry powder) and allowed to swell for 30-40 minutes.

Fried omelet is prepared natural, mixed (with additional products) and stuffed. Natural and mixed omelettes are fried in separate portions in a pan, and in mass cooking, several portions on a baking sheet at once. Stuffed omelet is fried only in a pan, separately for each serving.


Pour the egg mixture over hot pan with butter and, stirring, fry over high heat. As soon as the mass becomes thick, stop stirring, bend the edges of the omelet with a knife from both sides to the middle, giving the shape of an oblong pie. When the underside of the omelette is browned, transfer it to a warmed dish or plate, seam side down, drizzle with oil and serve.

When making an omelette in large numbers Pour the egg mass onto a hot baking sheet with oil and, shaking from side to side, distribute the mass over the baking sheet in an even, continuous layer, the thickness of which should be no more than 0.6 cm.

First, fry the egg mass for several minutes on the stove, and when the mass thickens slightly, put the baking sheet in the oven for 3-5 minutes.

Roll the finished omelet into a roll. Before serving, cut the omelet into portions and drizzle with butter.

Eggs 3 pcs. or melange 130, water, milk or cream 45, butter 15.


Prepare an omelet as described above and place it on a plate or dish; put next to the omelette crumbly porridge, fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried zucchini, boiled brussels or cauliflower, carrot or green pea in milk sauce, or fresh fried mushrooms seasoned with sour cream.

Eggs 2 pcs. or melange 85, milk 30, ghee 10, ready-made garnish 75, 100 or 150.


Add finely chopped green onions to the egg mass, mix and fry in the same way as a natural omelet.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 20 onions, 15 cream margarine.


Chop the onion and fry in a pan with oil.

Then pour the egg mass into the same pan, mix it with onions and fry in the same way as a natural omelet.

Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, onion 20, melted butter 15.


Add finely chopped fresh parsley, cilantro or dill to the egg mass and fry in a pan like a natural omelet.

Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, butter or ghee 15, greens.


Mix eggs with sour cream, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette. When serving, omelet should be poured with hot sour cream.

Eggs 3 pcs., sour cream 50, butter 10.


Whipped proteins mix with sour cream, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette in a pan. Drizzle with sour cream when serving.

Egg whites 120 (from 4 eggs), sour cream 40, butter 15.


Rub well-squeezed fresh cottage cheese through a sieve or through a mashing machine, mix with eggs, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette.

Also make an omelet with grated cheese. In this case, the eggs are pre-mixed with milk.

Eggs 3 pcs., cottage cheese or cheese 50, milk 45, butter 15.


Fresh not sour apples peel and seed pods, cut into cubes about 1 cm in size and lightly fry in a pan with oil. Pour the egg mass over the apples, mix and fry, like a natural omelette, in a pan.

Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, fresh apples 70, butter 15.


Boiled ham cut into small (0.5 cm) cubes and lightly fry in a pan. Then pour the egg mass into the pan, mix with pieces of ham and fry like a natural omelet.

Also make an omelet with smoked brisket and sausage.

3 eggs, milk 45, boiled ham 45, pork fat or animal margarine 15.


Salted salmon or salmon without skin and bones (pulp) cut into cubes (1 cm), mix with egg mass and fry like a natural omelet. When serving, drizzle the omelet with egg-butter sauce with lemon juice, and around the omelet on a dish put toasted croutons from wheat bread or baked from unleavened puff pastry in the form of triangles.

3 eggs, 45 milk or cream, 10 butter, 35 salmon or salmon, 40 sauce, 6 croutons.


Canned crabs cut into small pieces, warm with butter, add milk sauce and boil. Prepare an omelette with this stuffing, as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk or cream, 40 crabs, 15 butter, 30 sauce.

omelet stuffed with ham

Pour the prepared egg mass into a hot frying pan with oil and, stirring, fry until the mass becomes thick. Then put minced meat on top of the mass in the middle of the pan, close it on both sides with an omelet, lifting the edges with a thin knife and giving the omelette the shape of a pie. For the rest, proceed in the same way as in the manufacture of a natural omelet.

To prepare minced meat, cut boiled ham into small cubes, lightly fry, add red or tomato sauce and let the stuffing boil.

Eggs 3 pcs., milk 45, ham 35, sauce 25, pork fat or melted butter 15.

omelet stuffed with kidneys

Peel veal, pork or lamb kidneys from the film, cut lengthwise into halves, then cut each half into thin slices, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry until tender. Add red sauce with wine to the fried kidneys and heat to a boil. Otherwise, prepare as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 50 kidneys, 25 sauce, 20 ghee or butter, pepper.

omelet stuffed with liver

Cut the veal liver into pieces of 5-6 g, fry with butter, add the red sauce with Madeira and let it boil. Then cook the omelet as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 40 liver, 25 sauce, 15 ghee or butter.


Cut the meat of the tenderloin, dorsal or lumbar part across the fibers into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick and beat with a chopper to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Cut the broken pieces into sticks 3-4 cm long, fry, add sour cream sauce with onions and bring to a boil. Then prepare an omelet as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 48 beef, 25 sauce, 15 butter or ghee.

omelet stuffed with zucchini

Zucchini cut into cubes, salt and fry in butter until tender, add sour cream and, stirring, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cook the omelet as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 65 zucchini, 20 sour cream, 20 butter.

omelet stuffed with asparagus

Cut the peeled asparagus into pieces 2-3 cm long, boil in salted water and drain in a colander. When the water drains, season the asparagus with milk sauce and butter. Prepare an omelet with minced asparagus as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 45 asparagus, 15 sauce, 20 butter.

omelet stuffed with green peas

Boil raw green peas in the same way as asparagus. Heat canned peas to a boil. Drain the broth, season the peas with milk sauce and butter. For the rest, proceed as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 40 peas, 15 sauce, 20 butter.

omelette stuffed with tomatoes

Scald fresh tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into slices and fry with butter. Otherwise, prepare the omelet as described above. When serving, put half on the omelet fried tomato and sprinkle with parsley.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 100 tomatoes, 20 butter, greens.


Grated or passed through a meat grinder raw carrots simmer with butter and season with milk sauce. Prepare an omelette with this stuffing, as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 50 carrots, 25 sauce, 20 butter.


Cut fresh white mushrooms or champignons into thin slices and fry with butter, then add sour cream, salt and let boil. Otherwise, prepare the omelet as described above.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 60 mushrooms, 20 sour cream, 15 butter.


Chestnuts, peeled and peeled, boiled in strong meat broth until soft, season with a thick (evaporated) red sauce with wine (madera). Make an omelet with this stuffing.

3 eggs, 45 milk, 100 chestnuts, 50 sauce, 15 butter.


Cut the biscuit into cubes (6-8 mm), add finely chopped pistachios, almonds or walnuts, natural bee honey diluted with hot milk; mix everything gently so that the pieces of biscuit retain their shape.

Mix the eggs with sour cream, add a little salt, pour into a frying pan with butter and fry, stirring, until the mass thickens. After that, put minced meat (biscuit with nuts and honey) on it and proceed as described above.

Eggs 2 pcs., Sour cream 30, biscuit 15, honey 15, nuts (kernel) 5, butter 10, milk 10.


Pour the egg mass, prepared in the same way as for a natural fried omelet, onto a greased portioned pan with a layer of no more than 1 cm or onto a baking sheet with a layer of 2-2.5 cm and bake in an oven.

The finished omelette should have a tender, slightly elastic texture and a fried top crust.

Omelet baked on a baking sheet, before serving, cut into portioned rectangular pieces, put on a warmed plate and pour over with oil. Serve with a side dish (potatoes, porridge, pasta, bean pods, green peas).

Omelette baked in a portion pan, serve on it.

Eggs 3 pcs. or melange 130, milk 45, butter or ghee 10, garnish from 50 to 150.


Cut raw potatoes into cubes 1-1.5 cm in size, fry until cooked, then pour the egg mass into a pan or baking sheet with potatoes and bake like a natural omelette.

Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, potatoes 75, butter, melted butter or lard 15.


Carrots, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, simmer with a little water and butter. Then pass the carrots through a meat grinder, mix with the egg mass and bake on a baking sheet.

3 eggs, 40 milk, 40 carrots, 10 butter.


Salt and stew fresh chopped cabbage with a small amount of butter, melted butter or lard, then mix with the egg mass and bake like a natural baked omelet.

Eggs 2 pcs., Milk 15, fresh white cabbage 80, butter, melted butter or lard 10.


Rice or millet crumbly porridge, boiled in water or milk, mixed with egg mass and baked like a natural omelet.

2 eggs, 30 milk, 20 millet or rice, 45 water for porridge, 10 butter or ghee.

Do you want to try an omelette in a new version. I suggest trying to cook a stuffed French omelet. It's easy to make and you can choose the ingredients to your liking.

Omelet stuffed with ham and cheese

Great breakfast food for kids and adults. Delicious and satisfying!

The required composition of products for an exemplary dish:

- three raw eggs;

- two slices of ham (about 100-150 g);

- two slices of cheese for a sandwich (100-150 g);

- 1.5 tbsp. l. olive oil;

- a pinch of salt.

Making a french omelet

1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt to them and beat for about 30 seconds with a fork.

2. Pour a little oil into a small non-stick frying pan and heat it over a medium burner flame.

3. Spread half of the beaten egg mixture over the surface of the pan.

4. Put two slices of cheese on the omelette, edges to each other.

5. Place slices of ham on the cheese plates as well.

6. Top with the 2nd part of the egg mixture.

7. Now you need to cover the pan on top with a plate. And carefully flip the pan so that the omelette is on a plate. Use gloves to prevent burns.

Cooking an omelette is not a tricky business, even a person who is not versed in cooking will tell you this, but still there are some subtleties. In order to make a stuffed omelette, you need to get a fairly dense structure so that it does not fall apart during the serving process. An omelette is made from beaten eggs and milk, instead of milk, you can use cream, then it will turn out to be more dense, or water - then more magnificent.

In order not to guess with the proportion, be guided by folk experience - for 1 egg, half the liquid shell. Eggs should not be beaten with a mixer or whisk, just shake with a fork, adding a little salt. In general, you can wrap almost any filling in such an omelet; for seafood lovers, the recipe for an omelet with crab meat will be interesting.

Recipe Ingredients:

For the omelette stuffed with sausage or sausages take:

  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Sausages (sausage, bacon, chicken, ham) - 35 g
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Butter - 15 g

For a stuffed omelet with champignons you will need:

  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Champignons - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Butter - 15 g
  • Sour cream or white sauce- 1 tbsp. a spoon

Cooking method:

  • Cut the meat component into small cubes, lightly fry in oil.
  • Prepare the egg mixture, pour into a hot and oiled skillet and fry until the bottom is browned and the top is curtailed.
  • Put on top of the sausage or sausage, sprinkle with grated cheese, close the scrambled eggs on both sides.
  • Using a thin knife, lift the edges and shape the omelette into a patty shape.
    Place seam side down on a plate, brush with a dollop of butter and serve immediately.
  • For the omelette stuffed with champignons, cut them into small cubes, fry a little with finely chopped onions, add sour cream or
    white sauce and let the minced meat boil a little.
  • Pour the prepared egg mass into a heated pan with oil and fry, stirring, until the mass thickens. Then put the minced meat in the middle on the mass and
    form a pie, as in the first recipe. Also brush with oil and serve quickly before it cools down.
  • Many housewives prepare fried eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast for their family members. However, even such a seemingly banal dish can be diversified in every possible way. Stuffed omelet is one of the interesting combinations of eggs with meat or vegetable ingredients. There is simple toppings, consisting of chopped ingredients, but there are options that need to be prepared in advance, for example, stew mushrooms with onions, boil chicken fillet or bake vegetables on the grill or in the oven.

    How to make a stuffed omelet, we will tell further in the article. You will learn the recipe for making the cake itself, as well as interesting options delicious toppings. We will tell you how to wrap it correctly different ways to make it easier to transfer the dish to a plate. Omelettes are served with different sauces and dill or parsley.

    omelette recipe

    To prepare a stuffed omelette for two, take 2 eggs and 250 grams of milk. You can use half a serving of milk and the other half of cream.

    It is most convenient to beat the ingredients in a mixer. Before cooking, it is recommended to put the bowl in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes so that the eggs are beaten into a chilled container. This way they fluff up better. They start kneading only with eggs, after a while add milk and cream and beat further.

    Some housewives, at the end of using the mixer, pour salt, spices if desired, finely chopped greens into the bowl.

    Cheese and tomato filling

    Pour the stuffed omelette mixture into a preheated pan and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Then pieces of sheep's fat cheese are poured into the middle, you can tear it right with your hands. Add either chopped fresh tomatoes, or use dried from canned food.

    Add your favorite herb for flavor and fold the omelette on both sides, folding the edges in towards the middle. Cover the pan with a lid and hold the omelette for a few minutes so that the cheese melts a little. Serve like this delicious omelette maybe with ketchup.

    Omelette with mushroom filling

    To prepare the next stuffed omelette according to the recipe, buy mushrooms - 200 grams, spinach greens - 50 grams, a clove of garlic and one leek. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a preheated pan, pour washed and chopped mushrooms, small pieces of garlic. When the mushrooms begin to brown and turn golden, add the spinach and simmer for 4 minutes.

    Separately, prepare an omelette and put the filling in the middle. Wrap the omelet with a tube or an envelope. Breakfast is an omelet with salad.

    Omelet stuffed with meat products

    Egg cake can be stuffed with sausages or meat products, but they also need to be cooked first. Protein products goes well with greens and hard cheese. Before cooking, large sausages are cut into pieces, ham can be chopped into strips, and sausages into circles. If chicken meat is used, then for an omelette you can boil it or first make meatballs, and then finely chop them.

    In a frying pan, fry the pieces of sausage and put them in the middle of the omelet, sprinkle with hard cheese cut into small pieces (can be grated) and add greens. It remains only to wrap the omelet and hold it under the lid for a couple of minutes on fire so that the cheese melts.

    In one filling you can combine different types meat products or sausage products. Such hearty breakfast you can serve it to an adult man before work or wrap it up with you to refresh yourself during your lunch break.

    As you can see, making an omelette is easy, and you can create stuffing fillings to your liking using a variety of products. If you have small pieces of sausage slices and leftover cheese, then The best way cleaning the refrigerator is to make a delicious stuffed omelet.

    Omelettes are made from fresh eggs, egg melange and egg powder. These dishes are prepared fried and baked from eggs alone, as well as with the addition of vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, cheese and meat products. Products are pre-boiled or fried until cooked, with the exception of those that do not need pre-heat treatment (cheese, green onions, parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.). When making an omelet, cold milk, cream or water, salt are added to the eggs and mixed thoroughly. This mixture (egg mass) is prepared in the same way for all types of omelets. For each egg, take 15 g of cream, milk, water or milk in half with water and 0.5 g of salt.

    If an omelette is prepared from egg powder, then it is mixed with water or milk diluted by half with water (0.35 l of liquid and 4 g of salt per 100 g of dry powder) and allowed to swell for 30-40 minutes.

    Fried omelet is prepared natural, mixed (with additional products) and stuffed. Natural and mixed omelettes are fried in separate portions in a pan, and in mass cooking, several portions on a baking sheet at once. Stuffed omelet is fried only in a pan, separately for each serving.


    Pour the egg mass into a hot frying pan with butter and, stirring, fry over high heat. As soon as the mass becomes thick, stop stirring, bend the edges of the omelet with a knife from both sides to the middle, giving the shape of an oblong pie. When the underside of the omelette is browned, transfer it to a warmed dish or plate, seam side down, drizzle with oil and serve.

    When making an omelette in large quantities, pour the egg mass onto a hot baking sheet with butter and, shaking from side to side, distribute the mass over the baking sheet in an even, continuous layer, the thickness of which should be no more than 0.6 cm.

    First, fry the egg mass for several minutes on the stove, and when the mass thickens slightly, put the baking sheet in the oven for 3-5 minutes.

    Roll the finished omelet into a roll. Before serving, cut the omelet into portions and drizzle with butter.

    Eggs 3 pcs. or melange 130, water, milk or cream 45, butter 15.


    Prepare an omelet as described above and place it on a plate or dish; next to the scrambled eggs, put crumbly porridge, fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried zucchini, boiled Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, carrots or green peas in milk sauce, or fresh fried mushrooms seasoned with sour cream.

    Eggs 2 pcs. or melange 85, milk 30, ghee 10, ready-made garnish 75, 100 or 150.


    Add finely chopped green onions to the egg mass, mix and fry in the same way as a natural omelet.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 20 onions, 15 cream margarine.


    Chop the onion and fry in a pan with oil.

    Then pour the egg mass into the same pan, mix it with onions and fry in the same way as a natural omelet.

    Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, onion 20, melted butter 15.


    Add finely chopped fresh parsley, cilantro or dill to the egg mass and fry in a pan like a natural omelet.

    Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, butter or ghee 15, greens.


    Mix eggs with sour cream, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette. When serving, omelet should be poured with hot sour cream.

    Eggs 3 pcs., sour cream 50, butter 10.


    Whipped proteins mix with sour cream, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette in a pan. Drizzle with sour cream when serving.

    Egg whites 120 (from 4 eggs), sour cream 40, butter 15.


    Rub well-squeezed fresh cottage cheese through a sieve or through a mashing machine, mix with eggs, salt and fry in the same way as a natural omelette.

    Also make an omelet with grated cheese. In this case, the eggs are pre-mixed with milk.

    Eggs 3 pcs., cottage cheese or cheese 50, milk 45, butter 15.


    Peel fresh, non-acidic apples from the skin and seed pods, cut into cubes about 1 cm in size and lightly fry in a frying pan with oil. Pour the egg mass over the apples, mix and fry, like a natural omelette, in a pan.

    Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, fresh apples 70, butter 15.


    Boiled ham cut into small (0.5 cm) cubes and lightly fry in a pan. Then pour the egg mass into the pan, mix with pieces of ham and fry like a natural omelet.

    Also cook an omelette with smoked brisket and sausage.

    3 eggs, milk 45, boiled ham 45, pork fat or animal margarine 15.


    Lightly salted salmon or salmon without skin and bones (pulp) cut into cubes (1 cm), mix with the egg mass and fry like a natural omelet. When serving, pour over the omelette with egg-butter sauce with lemon juice, and around the omelette on a dish put toasted wheat bread or baked from unleavened puff pastry in the form of triangles.

    3 eggs, 45 milk or cream, 10 butter, 35 salmon or salmon, 40 sauce, 6 croutons.


    Canned crabs cut into small pieces, warm with butter, add milk sauce and boil. Prepare an omelette with this stuffing, as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk or cream, 40 crabs, 15 butter, 30 sauce.

    omelet stuffed with ham

    Pour the prepared egg mass into a hot frying pan with oil and, stirring, fry until the mass becomes thick. Then put minced meat on top of the mass in the middle of the pan, close it on both sides with an omelet, lifting the edges with a thin knife and giving the omelette the shape of a pie. For the rest, proceed in the same way as in the manufacture of a natural omelet.

    To prepare minced meat, cut the boiled ham into small cubes, lightly fry, add red or tomato sauce and let the minced meat boil.

    Eggs 3 pcs., milk 45, ham 35, sauce 25, pork fat or melted butter 15.

    omelet stuffed with kidneys

    Peel veal, pork or lamb kidneys from the film, cut lengthwise into halves, then cut each half into thin slices, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry until tender. Add red sauce with wine to the fried kidneys and heat to a boil. Otherwise, prepare as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 50 kidneys, 25 sauce, 20 ghee or butter, pepper.

    omelet stuffed with liver

    Cut the veal liver into pieces of 5-6 g, fry with butter, add the red sauce with Madeira and let it boil. Then cook the omelet as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 40 liver, 25 sauce, 15 ghee or butter.


    Cut the meat of the tenderloin, dorsal or lumbar part across the fibers into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick and beat with a chopper to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Cut the broken pieces into sticks 3-4 cm long, fry, add sour cream sauce with onions and let it boil. Then prepare an omelet as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 48 beef, 25 sauce, 15 butter or ghee.

    omelet stuffed with zucchini

    Cut the zucchini into cubes, salt and fry in butter until tender, add sour cream and, stirring, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cook the omelet as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 65 zucchini, 20 sour cream, 20 butter.

    omelet stuffed with asparagus

    Cut the peeled asparagus into pieces 2-3 cm long, boil in salted water and drain in a colander. When the water drains, season the asparagus with milk sauce and butter. Prepare an omelet with minced asparagus as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 45 asparagus, 15 sauce, 20 butter.

    omelet stuffed with green peas

    Boil raw green peas in the same way as asparagus. Heat canned peas to a boil. Drain the broth, season the peas with milk sauce and butter. For the rest, proceed as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 40 peas, 15 sauce, 20 butter.

    omelette stuffed with tomatoes

    Scald fresh tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into slices and fry with butter. Otherwise, prepare the omelet as described above. When serving, put half a fried tomato on the omelet and sprinkle with parsley.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 100 tomatoes, 20 butter, greens.


    Raw carrots, grated or passed through a meat grinder, stew with butter and season with milk sauce. Prepare an omelette with this stuffing, as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 50 carrots, 25 sauce, 20 butter.


    Cut fresh white mushrooms or champignons into thin slices and fry with butter, then add sour cream, salt and let boil. Otherwise, prepare the omelet as described above.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 60 mushrooms, 20 sour cream, 15 butter.


    Chestnuts, peeled and peeled, boil in a strong meat broth until soft, season with a thick (evaporated) red sauce with wine (madera). Make an omelet with this stuffing.

    3 eggs, 45 milk, 100 chestnuts, 50 sauce, 15 butter.


    Cut the biscuit into cubes (6-8 mm), add finely chopped pistachios, almonds or walnuts to it, natural bee honey diluted with hot milk; mix everything gently so that the pieces of biscuit retain their shape.

    Mix the eggs with sour cream, add a little salt, pour into a frying pan with butter and fry, stirring, until the mass thickens. After that, put minced meat (biscuit with nuts and honey) on it and proceed as described above.

    Eggs 2 pcs., Sour cream 30, biscuit 15, honey 15, nuts (kernel) 5, butter 10, milk 10.


    Pour the egg mass, prepared in the same way as for a natural fried omelet, onto a greased portioned pan with a layer of no more than 1 cm or onto a baking sheet with a layer of 2-2.5 cm and bake in an oven.

    The finished omelette should have a tender, slightly elastic texture and a fried top crust.

    Omelette baked on a baking sheet, before serving, cut into portioned rectangular pieces, put on a warmed plate and pour over with oil. Serve with a side dish (potatoes, porridge, pasta, bean pods, green peas).

    Omelette baked in a portion pan, serve on it.

    Eggs 3 pcs. or melange 130, milk 45, butter or ghee 10, garnish from 50 to 150.


    Cut raw potatoes into cubes 1-1.5 cm in size, fry until tender, then pour the egg mass into a pan or baking sheet with potatoes and bake like a natural omelet.

    Eggs 3 pcs., Milk 45, potatoes 75, butter, melted butter or lard 15.


    Carrots, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, simmer with a little water and butter. Then pass the carrots through a meat grinder, mix with the egg mass and bake on a baking sheet.

    3 eggs, 40 milk, 40 carrots, 10 butter.


    Salt and stew fresh chopped cabbage with a small amount of butter, melted butter or lard, then mix with the egg mass and bake like a natural baked omelet.

    Eggs 2 pcs., Milk 15, fresh white cabbage 80, butter, melted butter or lard 10.


    Rice or millet crumbly porridge, boiled in water or milk, mixed with egg mass and baked like a natural omelet.

    2 eggs, 30 milk, 20 millet or rice, 45 water for porridge, 10 butter or ghee.

    Many housewives prepare fried eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast for their family members. However, even such a seemingly banal dish can be diversified in every possible way. Stuffed omelet is one of the interesting combinations of eggs with meat or vegetable ingredients. There are simple toppings consisting of chopped ingredients, and there are options that need to be prepared in advance, for example, stew mushrooms with onions, boil chicken, or bake vegetables on the grill or in the oven.

    How to make a stuffed omelet, we will tell further in the article. You will learn the recipe for making the cake itself, as well as interesting options for delicious fillings. We will tell you how to properly wrap it in different ways, so that it is more convenient to transfer the dish to a plate. Omelettes are served with different sauces and dill or parsley.

    omelette recipe

    To prepare a stuffed omelette for two, take 2 eggs and 250 grams of milk. You can use half a serving of milk and the other half of cream.

    It is most convenient to beat the ingredients in a mixer. Before cooking, it is recommended to put the bowl in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes so that the eggs are beaten into a chilled container. This way they fluff up better. They start kneading only with eggs, after a while add milk and cream and beat further.

    Some housewives, at the end of using the mixer, pour salt, spices if desired, finely chopped greens into the bowl.

    Cheese and tomato filling

    Pour the stuffed omelette mixture into a preheated pan and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Then pieces of sheep's fat cheese are poured into the middle, you can tear it right with your hands. Add either fresh tomatoes cut into small pieces, or use dried ones from canned food.

    Add your favorite herb for flavor and fold the omelette on both sides, folding the edges in towards the middle. Cover the pan with a lid and hold the omelette for a few minutes so that the cheese melts a little. You can serve such a delicious omelette with ketchup.

    Omelette with mushroom filling

    To prepare the next stuffed omelette according to the recipe, buy mushrooms - 200 grams, spinach greens - 50 grams, a clove of garlic and one leek. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a preheated pan, pour washed and chopped mushrooms, small pieces of garlic. When the mushrooms begin to brown and turn golden, add the spinach and simmer for 4 minutes.

    Separately, prepare an omelette and put the filling in the middle. Wrap the omelet with a tube or an envelope. Breakfast is an omelet with salad.

    Egg cake can be stuffed with sausages or meat products, but they also need to be cooked first. Protein foods go well with greens and hard cheese. Before cooking, large sausages are cut into pieces, ham can be chopped into strips, and sausages into circles. If chicken meat is used, then for an omelette you can boil it or first make meatballs, and then finely chop them.

    In a frying pan, fry the pieces of sausage and put them in the middle of the omelet, sprinkle with hard cheese cut into small pieces (can be grated) and add greens. It remains only to wrap the omelet and hold it under the lid for a couple of minutes on fire so that the cheese melts.

    In one filling, you can combine different types of meat products or sausages. Such a hearty breakfast can be served to an adult man before work or wrapped up to refresh himself during a lunch break.

    As you can see, making an omelette is easy, and you can create stuffing fillings to your liking using a variety of products. If you have leftover small pieces of sausage cuts and leftover cheese, then the best way to clean out the refrigerator is to make a delicious stuffed omelette.

    Did you know that you can diversify the usual everyday and serve a completely new and original dish- stuffed omelet! Did not know? Then let's cook it together!

    Omelet stuffed with mushrooms


    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • spices.

    For filling:

    • green canned peas- 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • mushrooms - 150 g;
    • bulb - 1 pc.


    Mushrooms are processed, thinly sliced ​​and fried in butter along with chopped onion half rings. Then add canned peas, heat for 2-3 minutes and mix. For an omelette, break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt, sugar, add flour and gradually pour in the milk. Lightly beat the resulting mixture with a whisk and pour into a greased frying pan. Bake the omelette on both sides until golden brown. Then carefully transfer it to a flat dish, cool a little, spread mushroom stuffing, fold it in half and serve with chilled sour cream.

    Omelet stuffed with meat products


    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • milk or water - 50 ml;
    • margarine - 10 g;
    • butter - 5 g;
    • spices.

    For filling:

    • ham or sausages - 40 g;
    • tomato sauce - 30 ml.


    The recipe for stuffed omelet is quite simple. First, prepare a mixture of chicken eggs and milk, salt it, mix well and fry in a pan for 5-7 minutes. This time we make the filling. To do this, take ham, sausage or sausages, cut them into thin slices, sauté with fat, add tomato sauce and boil for 1-2 minutes. As soon as the omelette thickens, put hot minced meat on its middle, close the edges, giving it the shape of a pie. Ready meal cool slightly and serve, pouring with melted butter.

    Incredible tasty dish! This hearty breakfast will energize you for the whole day. It seems to be ordinary products and the usual omelette for breakfast, but it is worth re-arranging it and a simple omelette turns into a new dish. Here again, there are Thai motifs. All the same, it is very tasty and healthy, since cooking takes a minimum of time and all the vitamins in the products are preserved. This dish is definitely worth a try! No more words, let's get down to business! Cooking hearty omelet with meat.

    Required products:

    • minced pork (you can use any to your taste) 200-250 g
    • bulb
    • big tomato
    • string beans - a handful
    • 3-4 garlic cloves (optional)
    • cilantro (roots, stems or leaves)
    • 2 eggs (for one serving)
    • 1 tbsp oyster sauce (optional)
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
    • 1 tsp fish sauce (can be substituted with soy sauce)
    • vegetable oil
    • sweet pepper for decoration

    Omelet with minced meat

    All the ingredients must be prepared in advance and put on plates, since the cooking process, as I already wrote, happens quite quickly.

    Mash the garlic with a knife and finely chop, cilantro also needs to be crushed and chopped. If you have a mortar, then this the best option. Pour in cilantro, garlic and you can take peas white pepper and all this should be kneaded in a mortar. Then all the flavors of these spices will be much brighter.

    Crush and mince garlic and cilantro

    Heat up a frying pan, add vegetable oil. First, warm up the spices a little - cilantro, garlic and white pepper.

    Roast garlic and onion

    Add tomatoes. Before slicing tomatoes, I recommend peeling them and cutting out the seeds so that there is less liquid.

    Adding tomatoes

    Warm up, stirring for 1 minute. Add minced meat, sugar and oyster sauce. Grind minced meat with a fork in a pan. Simmer for 5 minutes over high heat.

    We spread the minced meat, add sugar and oyster sauce

    Lay out the beans last. Simmer for 3 minutes.

    Lastly chopped green beans

    We shift ready stuffing on a plate.

    Transfer the cooked meat to a plate

    Now let's make an omelet pancake. Eggs must be beaten fish sauce fork.

    Add fish or soy sauce to eggs

    Beat eggs with sauce

    The pan needs to be taken with the largest diameter with a non-stick coating so that it can be easily removed. Heat the pan, add some vegetable oil and distribute over the entire surface, including along the side, with a silicone brush. It is not necessary that there be a lot of oil, just lubricate the surface.

    Grease the pan with vegetable oil

    When the pan is hot, pour in the eggs and spread the beaten egg over the entire surface of the pan so that it bakes on the sides as well. Cooking egg omelette.

    Spread the eggs all over the pan

    With a silicone spatula, carefully separate the omelette along the edge.

    With a silicone spatula, carefully separate the edges of the omelette

    When the egg omelette is well baked, remove from heat. We spread part of the minced meat and wrap the omelette pancake with an envelope.

    We lay out part of the minced meat and fold it into an envelope

    Do you want to try an omelette in a new version. I suggest trying to cook a stuffed French omelet. It's easy to make and you can choose the ingredients to your liking.

    Omelet stuffed with ham and cheese

    Great breakfast food for kids and adults. Delicious and satisfying!

    The required composition of products for an exemplary dish:

    Three raw eggs;

    Two slices of ham (about 100-150 g);

    Two slices of cheese for a sandwich (100-150 g);

    1.5 st. l. olive oil;

    A pinch of salt.

    Making a french omelet

    1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt to them and beat for about 30 seconds with a fork.

    2. Pour a little oil into a small non-stick frying pan and heat it over a medium burner flame.

    3. Spread half of the beaten egg mixture over the surface of the pan.

    4. Put two slices of cheese on the omelette, edges to each other.

    5. Place slices of ham on the cheese plates as well.

    6. Top with the 2nd part of the egg mixture.

    7. Now you need to cover the pan on top with a plate. And carefully flip the pan so that the omelette is on a plate. Use gloves to prevent burns.

    9. With a spatula, carefully place the finished omelette on a plate.

    10. Omelet stuffed with ham Top with chopped herbs.

    Enjoy your meal!