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Diet oatmeal. How is charlotte prepared without flour? Diet charlotte with apples and oatmeal

Many people love home apple pastries, but during the diet it is forbidden to use it. Then the simple will come to the rescue diet dish, which will not yield to palatability the usual charlotte. Calorie content is reduced by adding only proteins to the dough and replacing sugar with honey and is 117 kcal per 100 grams.

  • kefir - 210 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml.;
  • oatmeal (hercules) - 190 g;
  • powdered sugar - 5 g;
  • flour - 140 g;
  • baking powder - 7 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 2.5 g;
  • egg - 3 proteins;
  • sea ​​salt - 2 g;
  • apples - 400 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • honey - 60 g.


Preparing apples

Dough preparation

baking a pie

  1. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180°.
  2. Place the dough and bake for 45 minutes. A beautiful golden crust should form on the surface.

  1. For diet pie It's better not to use sugar. It significantly increases the calorie content. The ideal substitute is honey. It helps to sweeten the dish and improve health. Also, fructose and stevia will not harm the figure.
  2. For cooking, it is recommended to use kefir with a low percentage of fat content.
  3. Replacement will help reduce calories wheat flour oat.
  4. You can not spread the apples in one layer, but mix with the dough.
  5. A delicious pie is obtained with the addition of nuts, dried fruits and berries.

According to the proposed recipe, you can quickly cook low-calorie charlotte in a slow cooker. For this, following step by step description, place all products instead of a baking dish in the bowl of the appliance.

Set the "Baking" mode and set the timer for 45 minutes. If you immediately take the dessert out of the bowl, it will crack and lose its shape. Let it cool, and then with a sharp movement turn the bowl over and shake the cake onto a dish.

Home baking is definitely delicious. But for the figure, white flour pies with a lot of butter and sugar are not very useful. An example of not only delicious, but also healthy dessert oatmeal pie with apples can serve. Such baking is less high-calorie, in addition, it supplies the body with useful substances.

Exist different variants oatmeal pies with apple filling. For cooking, you can use cereal or oat flour. It is better to choose small flakes, you can use an instant product.

You can buy oatmeal at the store, but you can make your own oatmeal using a coffee grinder. You can also bake a pie from ready-made porridge, which is left, for example, after breakfast.

For the filling, choose apples with dense pulp and sweet and sour taste. Such fruits will make the taste of your cake more harmonious.

Pie with apples and oatmeal

Having prepared Apple pie With oatmeal in this recipe, you will be surprised that the pastries have a nutty flavor, although nuts are not included in the recipe. This effect is given by toasted flakes.


  • 140 gr. butter (15 gr. Separate from this amount to fry the flakes);
  • 100 gr. oat flakes;
  • 170 gr. sugar (40 gr. of this amount for sprinkling);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 gr. flour:
  • a third of a teaspoon of soda;
  • a little lemon juice;
  • 6 apples;
  • a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Melt 15 gr. oil in a frying pan, add flakes there and fry until a nutty aroma appears. The flakes should turn light brown.

Beat the remaining butter, adding 130 gr. Sahara. When the mass becomes lush, introduce eggs (one at a time). Turn off the soda lemon juice and pour this mixture into the prepared egg-butter mass. Add flour and toasted cereal, stir. Pour the mixture into a greased mold.

Cut 2 apples into slices, grind the rest on a grater or in a blender until puree. We spread the puree on the dough layer, and then beautifully lay out the slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture. We put in a hot oven (190 ° C) for 45-55 minutes.

Bulk pie with pumpkin and apples

For the base you need to prepare:

  • 300 gr. flakes;
  • 100 gr. flour;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground almonds or flaked almonds (optional)

For filling:

  • 300 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. raisins;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 2 apples.

We combine all dry products for the dough: cereal, flour, salt, sugar, baking powder. Pour in the melted butter, mix, you get a large crumb. The base is ready.

For the curd layer, mix the curd with raw egg vanilla sugar and granulated sugar, the mass must be rubbed well, achieving uniformity. Add thoroughly washed and dried raisins.

Grease the form with oil, lay out most (about two-thirds) of the base. Spread apples grated on a coarse grater on top. Then lay out curd layer. The top of the pie will be the remaining base. From above, you can sprinkle the pie blank with almond petals or ground nuts. Bake for 45 minutes on medium heat (180-190°C).

Oat flour pie

You can bake a cake not from cereal, but from oatmeal, such pastries are especially tender.


  • 1.5 cups of oatmeal;
  • 3-4 flour;
  • 50 gr. dried apricots;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of semolina;
  • some oil.

We clean the apples, cut into large strips. Dried apricots pour boiling water to make it softer. After 10 minutes, drain the water, wash the dried fruits and cut into pieces. Mix apples with dried apricots, add sugar to taste.

Advice! In the absence of dried apricots, you can add the same amount of other dried fruits or candied fruits to the pie. You can do without this ingredient.

Mix the eggs with vanilla and the remaining sugar and beat until a light, light foam is obtained. Pour baking powder into this mass. We gradually introduce oatmeal. Add it in small portions, mixing thoroughly.

Lubricate the form with any oil (odorless), sprinkle with semolina. Posting fruit filling, equalize. Pour the prepared dough on top. We cook the cake for three quarters of an hour at 180 degrees.

Baked oatmeal porridge

If oatmeal remains after breakfast, then you should not throw it away, it can become the basis for delicious pie. Such pastries are so delicious that, for sure, next time you will specially cook more porridge in order to bake the cake again.

To make a pie oatmeal would need:

  • ready-cooled porridge, cooked from 0.5 liters of milk and 0.5 cups of oatmeal with sugar (to taste);
  • Break the eggs into a bowl for beating, add half the sugar and beat at the lowest speed of the mixer. As soon as the mass begins to acquire splendor, switch the mixer to a higher speed and gradually add the remaining sugar.

Good afternoon, dear readers. In the last month of summer, you need to have time to enjoy fresh vegetables, berries, fruits. Therefore, today I will tell you how I prepare dietary charlotte with apples.

To please yourself delicious pastries and not harm the figure, it is recommended to purchase the following ingredients in advance:

  • 2 chicken protein;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar or sweetener;
  • 1 egg;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • apples (their number is selected individually);
  • cinnamon for decoration.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Proteins combine with sugar and mix with a fork. Then we drive in a whole egg and work with a mixer until airy foam appears.
  2. Gradually introduce oatmeal and continue to beat the air mass. We bring everything to maximum uniformity and let the dough brew for a quarter of an hour.
  3. During this time, wash the apples under cold water, cut out all the seeds. If the fruits are slightly beaten, then it is also allowed to cut off the entire peel.
  4. We take a round shape and put chopped apples on the bottom.
  5. Beat the dough again with a mixer at medium speed. Then pour it into the mold and carefully level the top with a spatula.
  6. For beauty, an oatmeal pie can be decorated with apple slices, laying them out in the shape of a fan or a beautiful semicircle. Everyone does it at their own discretion.
  7. Bake the charlotte in the oven (200 degrees) for about 40 minutes. Do not forget to check the readiness with a wooden stick or a toothpick.
  8. We take the pastry out of the mold, sprinkle it with cinnamon or vanilla.

It is very easy to make such a recipe at home if you have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 150 g of sifted flour;
  • 150 g oatmeal (Hercules);
  • 4 sour apple;
  • 2 proteins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. white sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • a pack of vanillin;
  • baking powder.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Pour Hercules into a deep bowl (pan) and pour kefir. Cover with a towel (lid) and leave alone for 10 minutes. During this time, the flakes should swell enough.
  2. In a separate container, combine the whole egg with granulated sugar and beat them until fluffy. Then add the proteins and work with a whisk for another 3-5 minutes.
  3. Mix flour with baking powder and gradually add it to the egg mixture. Do not forget to stir so that no lumps form.
  4. At the end, pour Hercules soaked in kefir and mix everything again until smooth.
  5. Wash apples and peel them off. Remove the core and cut into small pieces. For more bright taste they can be sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
  6. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. Coat the bottom of the mold butter. We put it in apple slices and fill everything with dough.
  7. We check the readiness of the cake after 40 minutes with a wooden stick or a toothpick.

In order to make your own cakes with cottage cheese, you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 200 g fat-free;
  • 130 g of buckwheat flour;
  • 130 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g of bee honey;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • vanilla is added as desired.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Whip egg whites fork or whisk. Gradually we introduce sifted flour (both types), cottage cheese, liquid honey and vanilla to them for a brighter taste.
  2. Wash the apples under cold water and cut off the peel from them. Cut them into small pieces. We do the same with the peeled pumpkin.
  3. Cover a round (optional) baking dish with baking paper. We spread the apples mixed with pumpkin into it, and fill everything with an even layer of dough.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven for 35-45 minutes. Serve the finished charlotte without sugar to the table warm.

To cook fragrant, you will need a standard set of products.

We need:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 3 ripe apples;
  • 1.5 cups of sifted flour;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup sour cream (preferably homemade);
  • Art. l. ground cinnamon;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 cup chopped walnuts;
  • vanilla is added to taste.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins and beat them together with granulated sugar. It is best to use a mixer.
  2. In the resulting mass, we introduce ground nuts, sour cream, baking powder and a little cinnamon. Mix everything with a spoon or whisk to make the dough homogeneous.
  3. Separately, beat the proteins until light foam and gradually add them to the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough thoroughly again and set it aside for 5-7 minutes.
  4. During this time, wash the apples and cut them into small cubes or thin slices. Before this, the hard core and bones can be removed.
  5. Mixing fruit with batter.
  6. We coat the bowl of the multicooker with a thin layer vegetable oil, and sprinkle the bottom with a small amount of semolina.
  7. Pour the prepared mass into it and bake the cake for an hour, setting the “Baking” mode.

Diet Charlotte with apples according to this recipe it will turn out very tender, airy and fragrant. And most importantly, even a novice hostess can cook it.

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See you soon, dear readers. Lose weight deliciously with us!

It would seem, from which only charlottes are not made, but to surprise with what else there is. For example, charlotte with hercules. Yes, yes, this may raise some doubts, but I assure you that the taste will undoubtedly please you. I advise lovers of sweet and sour taste to try no less tasty.

Ingredients for charlotte with apples and hercules.

Sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs.
Hercules - 200 g
Flour - 100 g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Butter - 15 g
Sugar - 150 g
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp
Chocolate bitter - 20 g

How to cook charlotte with apples and hercules.

1. It is best to use those apples that are dense (Granny Smith or Antonovka) for making charlotte. We wash the apples, peel and seeds. Cut into small pieces.
2. Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with butter. Sprinkle the sides lightly. breadcrumbs or flour, and the bottom - sugar (thin layer).
3. Put chopped apples on the bottom of the mold and, so that they do not darken, sprinkle with lemon juice.
4. Prepare the dough. It contains only proteins alone, and to make it beat better and faster, use chilled eggs. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the proteins and beat with a mixer until thick foam.
5. Add flour and hercules to whipped proteins. Knead the dough and spread it on the apples.
6. We send the cake to a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.
7. Remove the finished charlotte from the oven and sprinkle powdered sugar and bitter grated chocolate (a small pinch).

So that it is fragrant, tasty, and healthy, is it even possible? For those who adhere to the principles proper nutrition, in no way do you want to deviate from the intended goal. In most cases, people refuse sweets, pastries, once and for all. But, firstly, not everyone can do this, and secondly, do not rush to extremes. If you cook low-calorie charlotte for breakfast from time to time, do not absorb it alone, and do not seize on top of something else, this is very much included in these very principles of proper nutrition.

But even the lowest-calorie charlotte will affect the subtlety of your waist, if you make part of it, eat it in the evening, and do not deny yourself the number of servings - there are no such wonderful dishes!

The calorie content of dietary charlotte is 149 kcal per 100 g of product, not so much if this is your breakfast paired with unsweetened tea. If you have sweet yogurt for breakfast, the calorie content will be comparable, but the feeling of fullness will be different. So once a week, for ten days, cook charlotte with apples in the morning, and share this breakfast with someone close.

Low-calorie charlotte: what is its feature

What is the difference between a dietary charlotte and a regular, traditional one? There may be several points:

  • Honey instead of sugar - yes, imagine, you can not add sugar to the cake at all;
  • Oatmeal - they are both healthy and light, and affect the taste of the pie;
  • Cinnamon - and cinnamon is a well-known activator of digestive processes.

Of course, there are other low-calorie products, but if you mix all of them in one recipe, it is possible that the taste of the dish will be radically different from your ideas about charlotte - light, tender, but by no means your favorite apple pie.


  1. Flour - half a glass;
  2. Egg - 1 pc.;
  3. Chicken egg protein - 2 pcs.;
  4. Oatmeal - half a glass;
  5. Honey - 2-2.5 tablespoons;
  6. Sweet apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  7. Cinnamon - a pinch.

Recipe for low-calorie charlotte step by step

This recipe is simple for obscenity, the main trick is not to take the traditional antonovka for the pie, but to take sweet apples.

  1. Beat the yolk with a whisk until light;
  2. Separately, in a deep bowl, beat the egg whites well;
  3. Mix all this in the same deep bowl;
  4. Gradually, stirring, add flour to prevent the formation of lumps;
  5. Pour oatmeal there too;
  6. Gently, smoothly enough mix the dough from the bottom up, this is important, because the oxygen layers can be broken;
  7. Cut the apples into small cubes, add honey to them, and wait until the fruit releases juice;
  8. Pour apples directly into the dough;
  9. Cover the pie form with confectionery paper, sprinkle with semolina to prevent burning;
  10. Pour out the dough and send the cake to bake for 30 minutes, looking into the oven from time to time.

In half an hour you get a ready-made pie, a light version of charlotte with apples.

How delicious recipes charlotte was invented, and, perhaps, it is dietary that will become your signature. Look for your option, add your ingredients, and enjoy the fragrant apple charlotte, beloved by all generations.

Enjoy your meal!

Diet charlotte with apples step by step with a photo