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How to make delicious pancakes with meat. Pancakes with meat - recipes for thin pancakes with meat filling! Pancakes with meat - hearty dishes in the best Russian traditions

Hello! On the agenda pancakes? So let's treat ourselves and bake delicious, very juicy and tender pancakes with meat! And at the same time I'll tell you how to cook stuffing that literally melts in your mouth.

Pancakes with meat. My version

In a special presentation pancakes with meat dont need. And yet I will briefly describe my option.
The highlight of pancakes is a juicy, tender and at the same time non-disintegrating filling. This structure is achieved by one secret trick. I once learned it from the eminent culinary specialist I. Lazerson. Now I am happy to share with you.
For toppings will do even dry beef. I'm not talking about pork or poultry meat. But if we talk about preferences, then the most delicious pancakes are made with beef meat. But this, as for me. And you already choose the main product according to your desires and capabilities. Today, for example, I had pork loin. Pancakes are good with her too.
The meat for the filling is not boiled. And stewed in a frying pan with onions. Yes, even in the sauce. From what ready product becomes much tastier.
Pancakes can be cooked with milk, kefir, and yeast. In a word, you can use your favorite pancake dough recipe. I like the milk version the most, I use it most often.
I advise you to build the workflow like this
1. Prepare the filling in a pan. Set aside to cool.
2. At this time, hammer in the pancake dough. Leave him to rest.
3. Twist the cooled filling in a meat grinder.
4. Fry pancakes and simultaneously roll them with meat stuffing.

On this principle, I will begin to describe the recipe.

How to cook juicy and tender meat filling for pancakes. Recipe with photo

So, for your attention - filling for pancakes melting in your mouth.

What products need to be prepared

· Pork (pulp) - 1 kg.
· Onions - 4 medium pcs.
· Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
· Butter - 20 - 30 gr.
· Sunflower oil - ml. thirty
· A mixture of peppercorns - 1 tsp (you can also use ready-made ground pepper)
· Ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp and salt to taste.

I repeat that you can choose any meat.

How to prepare stuffing

1. Meat cut into pieces. You don't need to grind hard. Cut so that it would be convenient to pass it through a meat grinder.

2. Onion cut into cubes or strips. Size does not play a role here. Onions will also be passed through a meat grinder.

3. warmed up with sunflower oil frying pan send onions. Reduce heat and sauté lightly until translucent and fragrant.

4. Place the meat on the onion pillow. Hold like this for 1-2 minutes. Then mix and fry everything together for min. 5. On the onion pillow, the meat will be prepared for the thermal process, it will not burn. And at the same time it will be fed with onion delights.

5. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar.
6 . Salt the meat, pepper. It is not necessary to bring it to readiness at this stage. The main thing is that it would grab. Changed color.
7. Add flour, mix. Fry for another min. 1-2. The addition of this ingredient is the main secret of the non-disintegrating filling.

8 . Pour ml. 70-80 water. Mix.

9. Add butter, nutmeg ground, mix. Salt if desired.

10 . Simmer min. 10-15. Our task is to get a kind of goulash in sauce. And this sauce will make our pancakes very juicy.
11 . Turn off the fire, cool the meat a little.
12. Pass through the meat grinder the entire contents of the pan. And meat, and onions, and watery sauce. Be sure to taste, add salt and pepper if not enough.

The filling is ready. I will only add that this time I chopped the meat in a food processor. If you use a meat grinder, then the pieces of meat will be slightly larger. But thanks to the sauce, the filling will also turn out to be very juicy and tender.

Thin pancakes with milk

Do you have a favorite pancake recipe? I dare to offer mine. Pancakes I get thin, elastic.


♦ Milk 900 ml.

♦ Flour 220 gr.

♦ Eggs 5 - 6 (if small, then you can lay 7 pieces)

♦ Vegetable oils 2 - 3 tbsp.

♦ Sugar 3 tbsp. without a slide

♦ Salts 1 tsp. without a slide.

Cooking pancakes with meat

1. Mix all ingredients for the pancake batter in a bowl. Beat with a mixer until smooth. The dough should be liquid, like heavy cream.

What do you think about making empanadas? First and foremost, it is incredibly tasty - velvety, appetizing, juicy, fragrant. Secondly, satisfying - enough energy until lunch. Thirdly, just aesthetically pleasing - put a couple of rolled pancakes with meat on a plate and see for yourself.

Of course, this breakfast cannot be called the easiest to prepare, you have to tinker a little and play around. But, spending a couple of hours on empanadas, you will get a mountain of food that you can freeze and get as needed - at least for every breakfast in a row!


for the test

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 8 eggs
  • 4-6 art. l. vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 300 g flour

For filling

  • 500 g boiled meat
  • 4-6 bulbs
  • salt, pepper to taste

Time 1 hour for boiling meat
20 minutes to prepare the filling
Output: 30-35 pieces

How to cook pancakes with meat

First, we deal with the filling: pancakes are cooked quite quickly, and then they cool down and dry just as quickly, and in order not to provoke them to such a disgrace, it is better to hurry in advance and provide them with filling. Of course, nothing critical will happen if the pancakes stand for an hour or two (of course, under a plate or wrapped in cling film), but it is still much easier to roll them into rolls when they are fresh and soft.

Filling for pancakes with meat

So, stuffing. We take out the meat cooked the day before from the pan. The coolest thing, of course, is if it is beef or veal - the films and streaks hated by everyone in this meat after a long boil turn into jelly compounds that play the role of a juicy component in the filling. If you do not want veal, you can take pork. Most useful but least delicious option- turkey, chicken.

Cut into ugly pieces- if only quickly and inexpensively, there will still be an opportunity to think about beauty ahead.

And we twist the pieces of meat through a meat grinder. We choose the grate to taste: a small one will give uniformity, a large one will make you feel that you are eating not just something with meat, but meat.

Slicing the onion at the same time- half rings, rings, cubes, triangles, or even in the style of expressionism. Appearance in this case, it doesn’t matter at all, because in the future the onion will go to the meat in the same “meat grinder” way.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until light golden. Try to catch the moment when it is already golden, but still soft and not dry - otherwise the onion will not give juiciness to the minced meat, and this is not interesting. In general, it is better to undercook than to overcook.

We twist the onion - also through a meat grinder. Porridge will work, yes. But we need it!

Add salt, pepper(oh, by the way, do not neglect this simple spice, it is very, very requested here, pancakes with meat and without pepper are just nonsense).

We mix. If you did everything right, the minced meat will “mould” a little, this is necessary so that the filling from ready meal did not fall out, so it was convenient to eat.

Pancake dough

We do pancakes. Pour the milk into a large bowl. Better - room temperature or slightly, very slightly heated. If the word "slightly" seems too vague to you, let it be just room. If you do not want to think about milk in advance, it will also come from the refrigerator.

We break the eggs. We are not greedy, we put exactly as much as needed according to the recipe, or better - a couple more: the eggs will give the dough elasticity, allow the pancakes to curl up beautifully.

Pour in vegetable oil, add salt and sugar. And mix until smooth. With a mixer - the easiest way, manually - longer, but mentally, and sometimes, you see, you can afford such a luxury.

Before you start frying pancakes, let the dough stand and rest - the gluten of the flour will swell during this time, and the dough will turn out to be much more convenient to work with.

pancake frying

We heat the pancake pan, grease it with vegetable oil (a couple of drops - only for the start), pour a small amount of dough, immediately distribute it over the entire surface of the pan, shaking it in a circle and from side to side. The faster and smoother you do this, the more beautiful the pancake will be. We fry on fire, a little more than the minimum.

As soon as the surface of the pancake has become dry, and ruddy "laces" have appeared around the edges, it's time to turn over. It is convenient to do this simply by hand - pry off the edge and turn it over. A little hot, but quite tolerable. If this method is not for you, try a spatula - however, in this version, you will most likely need to add a little more oil to the dough so that the pancakes “slide” more easily and do not cling to this very spatula. Well, a little more accuracy is required - tearing a pancake with your hands is much more difficult than with tools.

Op, and done! A couple more seconds...

And you can shoot. Pancakes fry very quickly.

In general, with sufficient skill, you can fry and wrap at the same time - try it, the time it takes to cook a pancake on one side is just enough to stuff the previous one.

So, we spread the pancake on the work surface, on the one hand we distribute about a spoonful of minced meat, trying to give it the shape of a “sausage”. We make one and a half turns. We wrap inside the "wings". And we finish it to the end.

Very simple. The main task is to find a golden mean, in which you will make pancakes with meat quite dense and tight, but not tear the dough.

Ready pancakes are folded into a convenient form, close the lid or cling film and store in the refrigerator, reheating as needed.

Yes, by the way, about "warming up". It is most delicious to do this in a pan with butter, and do not regret the latter! Serve with sour cream. Crispy dough and juicy toppings - it's ... it's just a gastronomic ecstasy.

P.S. If suddenly you get tired of cooking the same pancakes with meat, try to diversify the filling - you can add boiled rice to the minced meat, fried mushrooms, stewed cabbage, prunes and dried apricots, boiled eggs, cheese. Anything that seems personally compatible with meat to you will do. And it won't be boring!

Probably in national cuisine Every country has its own recipe for pancakes. Somewhere they are made thick, by leaps and bounds, somewhere - thin, like dough lace. Tortillas, crepes, crepes - all these are pancakes. The toppings are even more varied. After all, pancakes can be served as a dessert - with berries, sweet cottage cheese, apples. But they can also serve a full meal if their filling contains meat, hard cheese, spinach, caviar or cabbage.

Each housewife has her own recipe for minced meat for such dough envelopes. In the article we will talk about how to prepare meat filling for pancakes. This dish is suitable for both breakfast and lunch. It can be put as a lunch for a schoolboy. The dough for this case should be unsweetened. Any meat is suitable - beef, pork, lamb, poultry. Heat treatment can also be different. For pancakes, you can twist boiled, fried, baked or smoked meat. Below you will find a selection of minced meat recipes.

We need four hundred grams of lean pork or veal pulp. Boil the meat until fully cooked. Cool down. If you scroll a hot piece in a meat grinder, the knives can become dull. We clean two medium or three small onions. We chop them as small as possible. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Culinary experts say that the more onions there are, the juicier the filling for empanadas will come out. Boiled and cooled to room temperature veal or pork cut into medium pieces. We scroll them through a meat grinder. Add the fried onion to the minced meat along with the remnants of vegetable oil. Knead.

We bake pancakes, lubricating each piece with butter. Immediately lay out the minced meat and wrap it with an envelope. Some housewives like to send grated carrots to the pan where onions are fried.

Secrets of delicious meat filling

Pancakes will be juicier if you pour half a ladle of broth into the minced meat. You can also put a piece in there. creamy meat. The filling for empanadas will be tastier if you mix varieties. The classic combination is beef and pork. In such a mixture, the perfect balance of juiciness and fat content is achieved. In minced meat, you can enter (except for the obligatory onion) not only carrots, but also other vegetables.

Very tasty pancakes stuffed with fried champignons or others edible mushrooms. They should be added to the pan when the onion is already golden, and fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. In the finished minced meat, you can add a small fraction sauerkraut. It will give the dish a pleasant sourness. If there is little meat, and you baked a lot of pancakes, you can add hard-boiled and chopped eggs to the filling.

Minced Smoked Brisket and Bacon

These ingredients can also be used to make delicious meat pancakes. The filling recipe with a photo allows you to use raw brisket - on the bone, with a small layer of fat. But in this case, it must be put in a cauldron in a whole piece, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Then you need to add peeled large carrots cut into pieces, two bay leaves, a few peppercorns, salt and cook until the meat itself separates from the bone (about two and a half hours).

We take out the brisket from the broth, cool. In the meantime, chop two or three onions. We need to cut them as small as possible so that each piece is the size of a grain of rice. We cut six pieces of bacon into strips. Put in a cold pan. Turning on a small fire, melt the fat from the bacon. Put the onion, fry until golden brown. Add 2-3 peeled and finely chopped garlic cloves to the pan. We fry for another four minutes. We pass the cooled boiled or smoked brisket through a meat grinder. We put this stuffing in the pan. Add nutmeg, salt to taste. Fry for a couple more minutes. Before spreading the filling on pancakes, it should be cooled.

Minced chicken

What is good about this dish is its economy. The broth in which the chicken was boiled (along with the onion, carrots and spices) can be used to make soups. And from the carcass of a bird it will turn out delicious stuffing for pancakes with meat. Finely chop two onions, pass them in vegetable oil. Remove the poultry meat from the bones. We need about 600 grams of chicken. Put the meat with onions in a blender bowl and puree. Season with spices, salt. We make pancakes.

Cottage cheese minced meat

According to this recipe, we should boil 600 grams of boneless beef. Cool the piece and pass it through a meat grinder. Mix with onions sautéed in vegetable oil. You can add carrots, grated with large chips, to the pan for taste. Cheese filling for empanadas is easy to prepare. We only need three hundred grams of fat homemade cottage cheese and one a raw egg. But to make the stuffing tastier, you can also add 100 gr. cheese cream mass. It could be Philadelphia or Mascarpone. Salt and mix all the ingredients until smooth. For each pancake we put a spoonful of meat and cheese filling. Roll the dough into a tube. Place pancakes on a baking sheet close to each other. Drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle breadcrumbs and put in the preheated oven for ten minutes.

liver pie

We fry ten-twelve thin pancakes on milk. So that they retain their elasticity, smear them with butter. We clean four hundred grams of turkey liver from films, cut into small pieces. Fry until cooked in vegetable oil. At the very end, salt and add your favorite seasonings.

We clean the carrots and rub with large chips. Mix with cookies. We send these two ingredients to a blender. Mix the finished puree with fifty grams of softened butter. So our stuffing for pancakes with meat is ready. The photo will make it clearer how to place it. Spread a little of the filling on the buttered pancake. Smooth out with a thin layer. Coat with mayonnaise. I put another pancake. We proceed in exactly the same way as with the first. And so on, until the stack of pancakes forms a pie.

Stuffing from purchased minced meat

This recipe is suitable for those who do not have a meat grinder at home. Better buy mixed minced meat(from pork and beef). The meat filling for empanadas is very simple in this case. We chop the onion in the proportions of one piece per 250 grams of minced meat. You can also grind a couple of cloves of garlic to taste. We heat the pan, pour refined vegetable oil and spread the minced meat. Immediately add onion with garlic, salt and season with spices. Stir and fry for five minutes. After that we add some warm water or broth (at the rate of half a glass per 250 grams of minced meat). Cover the pan, reduce the heat and simmer for about twenty minutes.

We make a lezon. To do this, we release the egg into the bowl. Whisk it with a pinch of salt and a little water. We take eggs at the rate of one piece per 250 grams minced meat. Pour the ice cream into the pan. Stir and simmer covered for another five minutes. Only after that we start frying pancakes. Lubricate each finished product with melted butter and lay out the filling. We wrap it in an envelope.

Original pancakes with meat: filling recipe, like for shawarma

Fry minced meat with onions and garlic, as indicated in the previous recipe. When the meat is ready, add canned beans and a few spoonfuls tomato paste and broth. Season with spices and salt. Stir, simmer covered for about ten minutes. Wash lettuce, divide into leaves. hard cheese cut into strips. We bake pancakes. On each of them we put a leaf of lettuce, a couple of spoons of meat filling and a strip of cheese. Wrap in envelopes. Place pancakes on a baking sheet. Lubricate the surface with sour cream and bake.

Such a pancake "shawarma" can be prepared with smoked chicken. The meat should be removed from the bone and divided into pieces along the fibers. chicken, lettuce, you can add sweet canned corn, ketchup or mayonnaise to taste.

Hello grandma Emma! Great recipe for delicious pancakes! And the filling is amazing, so you will lick your fingers, and the pancakes themselves are golden and tender. The pleasure is simple. And you cook them mentally somehow, it was even nice to watch the video.

As a girl with a culinary education, I would like to make a few comments on this recipe. I will introduce a number of unique additions to your recipe for delicious pancakes. The dough for pancakes should be prepared according to the technology, which, by the way, has already received recognition and positive assessments from all chefs. Distinctive feature in this process is the obligatory sifting of flour. These actions help to get rid of unwanted lumps and knead homogeneous mass. Milk and eggs present in the recipe must certainly be at room temperature. You should also pay attention to the fact that the liquid ingredients are mixed first and only after that the flour is gradually introduced. And in order for the minced meat to be more tender, fried in a pan, it must be scrolled through a meat grinder again. You know how to cook pancakes with meat, and my advice, I hope, will help make them really tasty.

In principle, not bad. You can bang a couple of times a month. I knew how to make pancakes before, but this time I decided to do it from scratch. The problem is in the test. If you make pancakes very thin, as in the video, you can burn them. My extractor hood only worked while frying. Need good frying pan and the reaction, then the count goes on for seconds. Thanks for the recipe though, Emma! The task of diversifying the menu is completed.

Don't know. Didn't work out. The meat filling for pancakes resembles some kind of porridge. Probably the meat is bad. Or didn't take it. I don't like beef. I took pork. Maybe this is the case. The recipe might be good. But the result was not pleasing.

Oh, I’ll tell you now how I cooked it, laughter, and nothing more! I was looking for recipes for pancakes, I found yours, I decided that I would cook according to it. I seem to know how to cook pancakes, but I decided to completely trust your description. So she poured milk into a bowl, took out the eggs and flour. While the preparations were doing everything, the child drank half the milk. He is generally a fan of "helping" his mother in the kitchen. Well, I had to add some water. I started kneading the dough with a mixer - and turned off the light right there! Mixed with a whisk. Although the stuffing was already ready at home. Stove, thank God, gas. I made pancakes, but what do you think, the child quickly ate a few of them! So the 20 pieces you promised did not work out for me. But still, the process turned out to be funny, given how the circumstances developed. Yes, and the pancakes, apparently, turned out to be delicious, since my homemade ones ate them on both cheeks. Thanks for the recipe!

I was looking for a delicious pancake recipe and came across this one. Well, I don't know what to say. Maybe the professionals on the video did everything right, that's why they turned out so cool, but I have some kind of nonsense. The dough for pancakes does not seem to be thick, but all the same, the meat is wrapped in it badly - it falls out, and picking it up with a fork from a plate separately and eating it with a pancake is not the same. I'd rather buy it in the store and warm it up than mess around with it so much and not get any pleasure from food. No, this recipe is not about me, in general.

Well, actually just everything. I decided to do it for my wife. Picked up all sorts of tips on how to cook pancakes. All sorts of nonsense happened. And you have pancakes with meat that you need. Put everything according to the recipe, and then no problems. I will look at the recipes now only here, they are good with you.

Yes Yes Yes! Everything turned out very tasty! I didn't know how to make pancakes! And here I cook for the first time and such a success! I will recommend your site to my friends, and I will watch your recipes myself!

Meat pancakes have always been a favorite in our house. Even my grandmother at one time knew how to cook them in a special way. Everyone ran to the table - from young to old, when a familiar aroma appeared in the kitchen. I never thought that I could make such a miracle so tasty. But after seeing your recipe for pancakes, I decided to try baking them. Everything turned out incomparably tasty, and my children admired my success in such a difficult task for a long time. Thank you so much for this very clear explanation!

Grandma Emma, ​​I did it! Added another favorite to my pancake recipes! Although I made a mistake with frying pancakes at the end - either the fire was strong, or I overexposed it - I don’t know, but they burned a little. But it's still the most delicious pancakes with meat, which I ate. Now my husband asks me to make them all the time for dinner, but I don’t mind - they are easy to prepare. So thank you, they taught me how to cook pancakes, now I will fill my hand, I hope they don’t burn next time.

Hello!!! Thank you so much for this pancake recipe! I licked my lips while watching the video, and what happened to me when there were villages is indescribable. Very tasty! Now I will advise all my girlfriends, I don’t understand why they write in the comments that they didn’t succeed, it’s like in general. Meat filling for pancakes - just chic! Special thanks for the normal description of what and how to do with it, so that it turns out as it should. So I'm happy, now at least I know how to cook pancakes with meat. I'll keep looking for recipes on the site!

The children asked to make pancakes with meat, they were fed them at a party, you see. Actually, I don’t like to do this, but I think I found a recipe for delicious pancakes in my piggy bank! I want to tell everyone who is just trying to do it - mix the ingredients for the dough thoroughly. There should be no lumps! It is important!!! I interfered with a fork, but better with a whisk or even in a mixer, but whoever has it. As I understand it, the dishes here are cool, some frying pans are worth something! I don't have one. The daughter says - tell me how to make pancakes, I will cook it myself. Saved the site to bookmarks, let him read.

Meat filling for pancakes is one of the most popular among the people. This version of the dish is very satisfying and tasty. Other family members can be involved in the process of their preparation - while the next portion of pancakes is being fried, someone has to wrap the stuffing in them! Meat pancakes can be in various combinations with other products, and below you will find the most delicious and interesting ones.

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 300 gr flour;
  • 150 gr plums. oils;
  • ½ tsp salt for the dough and ½ tbsp for the filling;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • 200 gr minced pork or beef;
  • 1 bulb.

First, break the eggs into a mixing bowl. Salt and mix thoroughly. Pour the sugar into the egg mixture and mix again. Add about ⅔ milk, mixing with a whisk. Add flour three times in equal proportions and mix each time so that there are no lumps in the dough.

Melt butter. While it is melting, add the rest of the milk and knead the dough. When the oil becomes liquid, add it to the dough. This ingredient will give a very gentle creamy taste dish. You can leave it to brew for a quarter of an hour.

Now you need to prepare the filling. First, chop the onion and fry until light golden. After we spread the minced meat to it, salt, add other spices if desired (pepper or a set “for meat”).

While the meat filling is frying, we bake pancakes.

When the filling is ready, spread about a tablespoon on one pancake and wrap it with an envelope.

On a note. Before serving, fry the finished stuffed pancake on both sides so that it crunches.

Recipe for cooking with chicken meat

Chicken meat is considered dietary and is a very popular meat component in many dishes:

  • bow 2 pcs;
  • chicken fillet 1-2 pieces;
  • black pepper;
  • lavrushka;
  • salt;
  • oil;
  • a portion of ready-made pancakes.

Pancakes can be prepared according to the previously described method.

And here's how we make the chicken stuffing:

  1. First of all, you need to boil the chicken. We lower the washed fillet into cold water, add a little salt (for 1 fillet ⅔ tablespoon of salt). Add peppercorns and lavrushka to give a spicy smell.
  2. Cut the onion as small as possible and fry in a hot frying pan filled with oil. When the onion becomes slightly golden, add a couple of cubes of butter to make the filling juicier.
  3. While the oil is heating, cut the cooled fillet thinner and fry for several minutes.

The filling is ready. Pancakes with chicken filling goes well with sour cream.

With meat and mushrooms

Mushrooms and meat always go well together, so they will be very tasty in pancakes:

  • 1500 gr of any minced meat;
  • 2 goals Luke;
  • 700 gr of any mushrooms;
  • pepper, salt and other spices;
  • oil.

First, we prepare the mushrooms: we cut off the defective areas, wash them, cut them into small plates and send them to fry.

In a separate saucepan, meanwhile, fry the chopped onion and minced meat. It is very important to constantly mix the filling so that the minced meat does not stick together in lumps, otherwise it will be difficult to make it homogeneous and convenient for subsequent use. While the filling is being prepared, prepare pancakes according to your favorite recipe.

When the stuffing reaches readiness, turn on the mushrooms to it and cook for another 10 minutes. The filling is ready for use.

With the addition of cabbage

Another recipe for filling for pancakes - with cabbage:

  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 Wednesday onion;
  • 300 gr cabbage;
  • 700 gr minced pork;
  • 2 tbsp sweet and sour sauce;
  • salt and spices.

First, we prepare a simple frying - finely chop the onion into quarters, you can grate the carrots. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. In the meantime, chop the cabbage and you can spread it along with minced meat, sauce and spices. Don't forget to lighten up a little. Simmer until the cabbage is completely softened, and the minced meat is cooked through.

With meat and eggs

  • 4 eggs (hard boiled);
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • onion;
  • chicken fillet, boiled until tender;
  • salt, pepper, turmeric.

We cut the chicken meat into small pieces, and then grind it in a blender. Cut the onion into smaller pieces and fry in oil, adding turmeric. Eggs, pre-boiled hard-boiled, cut into cubes and combine with meat and frying. It will also be delicious to add finely chopped green onion feathers. Salt and pepper the filling. We mix everything well. We check that there are no large pieces, otherwise they will tear the pancakes.

On a note. If the filling seems too dry, then you can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Recipe delicious pancakes for Shrovetide Week was described by Yulia Vysotskaya in her issue “We Eat at Home”.

Composed of:

  • sea ​​salt 5 g;
  • 50 gr buckwheat flour;
  • 120 gr wheat flour;
  • 100 g wholemeal flour;
  • 50 g fresh strawberries;
  • 30 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of powdered sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 gr plum oil;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil

The butter needs to be melted - it will give a pleasant yellowish tint and shine. Meanwhile, mix eggs, yogurt, sugar and salt. We combine all types of flour together and add to the egg mixture, stir lightly. Pour in half the flour and already melted butter. At this stage, we bring the consistency to the state of a little liquid sour cream: mixing the whole mass at a slow speed with a blender, gradually adding milk. The author recommends: the dough should be covered with a film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Thanks to this trick, pancakes will be easier to fry, better to lag behind the pan and reach the desired, obedient state.

Fry pancakes as usual. Outwardly, they will be a little "freckled" thanks to buckwheat flour.

We wash the strawberries and simply cut them into small cubes. We use it to decorate pancakes before serving. Can also be served with maple syrup berry jam and other options, not necessarily sweet.

Pancakes with meat and potatoes

  • 400 gr boiled beef;
  • 300 gr boiled potatoes;
  • medium onion;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

Cut the boiled beef and root vegetables into small cubes and grind with a meat grinder or blender until smooth. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden. Add spices and onions to the prepared filling, mix well by hand or in a blender bowl.

pancakes, stuffed with meat and potatoes, go well with sour cream and horseradish.

Options for preparing dough for pancakes with meat

The main rule for pancakes with savory filling- don't be too sweet. And this means that when calculating the main ingredients (for 3 eggs, 600 ml of milk), sugar should be added no more than 1 tablespoon without a slide. You can, of course, not add it at all, but in this case the dough will be a little bland.

Otherwise, you can use various methods of preparing dough:

  • on classic recipe(water/milk, eggs, flour, salt and sugar);
  • with a sponge;
  • with sparkling water;
  • with boiling water.

In any case, it is desirable to add eggs, since without them the pancakes are less elastic and there is a big risk that they will tear when frying or wrapping the filling. Pancakes need to be fried thin so that when wrapped they do not turn out to be too thick.