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Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker step by step: the best recipes for delicious charlotte. Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - the best step-by-step recipes for making delicious charlotte

The number of acute respiratory infections caused by infection with viruses or bacteria has long been a leader. The defeat of the respiratory system leads to the occurrence of symptoms in patients such as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dizziness (due to insufficient oxygen supply), and fatigue.

Cough is accompanied by a feeling of sore throat, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches. Application medicines on the basis of plant natural raw materials deservedly receives preference in the treatment of such diseases. Licorice root (syrup) is very popular for treatment, we will tell you in detail how to use it for children.

What helps

Licorice root (licorice) has long been used in medicine in the form of a decoction, infusion, tincture and syrup. Initially, the laxative effect of the plant was noted in observations. But as it was used, it gained recognition as a cough suppressant in both adults and children.

Licorice root syrup helps very well in complex treatment:

  • herpetic infection;
  • hyperacid gastritis (with high acidity);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheitis;

The drug has a stimulating effect on the immune system as a whole, and a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of the drug

In its composition, licorice root syrup contains naturally natural bioflavinoids. It is they who determine the effects of the use of the remedy. In descending order, the composition of the substances are as follows:

  1. Glycyrrhizic acid (about 13.5 - 16%).
  2. Glycyrrhizin (4-6%).
  3. Flavinoids: liquiritin, liquiritozide.
  4. sitosterol.
  5. Pectins.
  6. Sugar.
  7. Starch.

Important! The low sugar content, along with a decent content of natural licorice carbohydrates, allows the syrup to be used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in young patients with diabetes.

Therapeutic action


It is due to such a high content of flavinoids, glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhizin in the drug that licorice root syrup has a pronounced expectorant effect. It is due to the fact that there is an active stimulating effect on the epithelium lining the inner wall of the bronchi. The villi begin to produce bronchial secretions, bind pathogen cells and actively promote already liquefied sputum along the bronchial tree.

Important! Dry, hysterical, debilitating cough turns into a wet one. Sputum, together with the causative agent of infection, leaves the respiratory tract faster and easier.


The next important action of licorice root syrup is antispasmodic, relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi. It is known that a person can influence the striped muscles consciously (i.e. pump up the abdominal muscles, for example). The smooth muscle system includes the muscles of internal organs: stomach, duodenum, broncho-pulmonary system. We cannot have a stimulating or relaxing effect on this type of organs. It is precisely this valuable action - to relax smooth muscles, and allows the use of licorice root syrup in the treatment of not only coughs, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anti-inflammatory and antiviral

The anti-inflammatory effect of the syrup is realized due to the presence of sitosterol in the composition of the natural non-steroidal substance. But its content is small, so the reduction of inflammation occurs in combination with all other effects.

Antiviral action is actively used in the complex treatment of herpes infection, viral respiratory diseases.

The immunostimulating and regenerating effect is on the body as a whole, so licorice root syrup can be used in the treatment of not only pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, but also gastric and duodenal ulcers,.

Instructions for use

Previously, a decoction and infusion of licorice root were used, which, despite the presence of natural licorice polysaccharide in the plant, had a rather pronounced, not very pleasant taste and slightly greenish in color. The syrup is devoid of these shortcomings. He has a pleasant sweet taste, thick consistency and dark brown amber color. For these reasons, both adults and children are happy to take the medicine. Since the syrup is a fairly concentrated dosage form, there are several features in its use.

  1. It must be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. It should be diluted in a proportional amount of boiled water. If it is a treatment for children over 12 years of age, the dose is as follows: one tablespoon per 100 ml of water. Take at least three to four times a day.
  3. In children from one to 12 years old, a single dose is one teaspoon per 100 ml of water, also 3-4 times a day.
  4. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

How to take children under the age of 1 year

The children's body of young children is very different from the body of an adult. There are few special medicines for the treatment of babies under the age of one year. Licorice root syrup can be used to treat young patients.

Only a doctor can prescribe a qualified medicine, but if necessary, you can calculate the dose based on age and weight:

The dose of an adult patient is designed for approximately 60 - 70 kg of weight. Therefore, 1 tablespoon (20 ml) divided by 60 gives about 0.3 ml of syrup per 1 kg. Knowing the weight of the child, you can calculate a single dose of the drug. For example, the weight is 8 kg, so you need to take 2.5 ml of syrup (this is about half a teaspoon) and dilute it in 1.5 teaspoons of boiled water.

  1. If the weight of the child is unknown, you can calculate the dosage for his age: up to 6 months 1/10 - 1/8 of the dose of an adult, 6 months - 1 year - 1/6 - 1/7 of the dose of an adult patient.
  2. It is necessary to take syrup no more than 3-4 times a day.
  3. Course reception should also be no more than ten days.


For the most part, contraindications are individual intolerance to the drug. It is important to note that children suffering from hypertension should also use licorice root syrup with caution. Liver diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature are an obstacle to treatment with this drug.

Imagine that you can cook this airy dessert, not only in the oven, but there is also a very good kitchen appliance called a slow cooker. Although it was invented not long ago, it has already pleased modern housewives with its work.

Baking in this miracle device is tender and fluffy, it just melts in your mouth. They make it at any time, but it turns out to be the most delicious when the season goes. fresh apples, and not stale in the store. Basically, apples or ranet take sour varieties, then the cake turns out to be tastier. The dough for charlotte is made mainly from eggs, flour and sugar.

By the way: we add only chilled eggs to all charlotte recipes.

I want to offer several recipes, cooking in a slow cooker, and you see for yourself which one suits you with a cup of coffee or tea.

Cooking in a slow cooker is very easy and simple, this recipe can be used both for a holiday and for everyday breakfast or lunch. We cook this wonderful dish with my wife almost every day, you can do it not only with apples, but also with pears and plums, but we will not deviate from the topic, because the pie is the tastiest from apples. Even if there are children in the house, they will definitely like it.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Apples - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • Vanillin - about 5 teaspoons.
  • Lemon zest - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Raisins - 0.5 cups.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

1. We break the eggs and knead until they increase their volume, then add sugar a little bit, without stopping stirring.

By the way: eggs give splendor to charlotte.

2. We put a little vanillin and lemon zest in our batch (to improve the flavor).

3. Continuing to knead, gradually pour in the flour.

Advice is best to take flour premium and be sure to sift it so that it is saturated with oxygen and the lumps that clog during transportation are removed.

4. Cut the apples into small cubes.

Tip: you can spray them lemon juice so they don't turn black. And yet, someone makes pastries from sour apples, namely this method of charlotte can be made from any variety, it still turns out very tasty.

5. Add chopped apples to our dough and mix well, but not with a blender anymore.

6. We also send raisins there, washed and sprinkled with flour.

By the way: you can also add any nuts if you wish, combinations of raisins with nuts together give a very tasty effect.

7. Multicooker bowl, grease vegetable oil and pour a little flour on the bottom so that when they take it out, the cake is not stuck and burnt. We spread our mixture in a plate from under the multicooker.

8. For decoration, you can add a few cherries.

9. Put in the slow cooker, press the baking for 1 hour 30 minutes.

10. After the appointed time, open and see what happened.

11. We take it out of the multicooker, cutting through the side with a wooden or plastic spatula. Then let cool and cut into pieces, serve to the table.

The simplest and most delicious recipe for charlotte with apples, on kefir:


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder or soda - 1 teaspoon.
  • Apples - 3 - 4 pcs.

1. In a deep bowl, drive in chilled eggs and start kneading with a mixer until foam forms. While beating, add sugar little by little and stir for 5-6 minutes until a homogeneous lush mass is formed.

2. We peel and pit the apples into small slices.

3. Then pour out the kefir and again stir for a couple of minutes, add the sifted flour, baking powder and apples. Mix, but not with a mixer, but with a spoon or spatula.

4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil and pour our mixture into it. Set the baking mode for 40 minutes.

Tip: do not open the multicooker lid ahead of time, otherwise it may lose airiness.

5. We take out the charlotte from the multicooker onto a special cooling stand and sprinkle powdered sugar.

6. Cut into portioned pieces and serve.

Charlotte with apples in a hurry in the Redmond slow cooker

How many times have you cooked with your family in a slow cooker, it always turns out charlotte in it is pale, but very tasty, so after baking it can always be decorated with grated chocolate or powdered sugar. You can put berries on top or sprinkle with grated nuts. cooking in this device is quite fast, but it turns out you will lick your fingers.


  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Vanillin - 0.5 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet (10 gr).
  • Apples - 2 pcs.

1. Peel apples and cut into cubes.

2. Mix eggs and sugar in a food processor or mixer until foamy.

3. Open the lid, put vanillin, baking powder, and add flour. We stir again.

4. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil and pour half of the dough, throw apples and add the other half of our batch.

5. Close the lid and do not open it until the end of baking. On the baking mode, plus set for 50 minutes.

6. After the appointed time, turn off the multicooker and let stand for 15 minutes. Let's open it and see what happens.

7. We take it out of the device and turn it over onto a plate. Decorate as you please and serve.

Happy tea!

Cooking a tender apple pie in the Polaris slow cooker:

There are a lot of multicooker models, but we are considering more popular ones. I want to present another recipe in this device. Cooking in it is a pleasure, just load the ingredients and go about your business, waiting for it to bake. Charlotte turns out awesome, that is, tender and tasty.

Since in any multicooker, almost all methods are the same, I suggest watching the video.

The secret to making charlotte without soda and baking powder:

This recipe will be prepared in the Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker, it turns out very tender and surprisingly fluffy pastries.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 40 gr.
  • Medium apples - 6 pcs. or 1 kg.

1. Mix eggs with sugar.

2. We fall asleep the sifted flour and shake again.

3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, after setting the cooking time to 65 minutes.

4. Apples are peeled, pitted and cut into small slices. Pour into bowl with oil.

5. Pour the dough on top and close the lid.

6. After baking, let cool and cut into pieces.

Enjoy your meal! Eat for health.

Milk pie recipe:

The most delicate version of charlotte, which will appeal not only to you, but also to your children. It is done very easily, we can say a budget option.

By the way: the difference between a slow cooker and an oven is that the cake does not burn in it and is more beneficial to health.


  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp flour.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

1. Beat the eggs with milk with sugar, a mixer or a food processor.

2. Gradually pour sugar, sifted flour and baking powder into our mixture, not forgetting to stir.

3. Remove the bones from the apples, cut into slices and mix into the dough.

4. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil and throw in our mixture.

5. Bake on the baking mode for 60 minutes. If you have a slow cooker - pressure cooker, then 40 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Your family loves pies, but you don't want to spend a lot of time on it. And then the multicooker helps the housewives in the kitchen. For lovers of simple delicious homemade baking, recipes with photos from this article will help you learn how to cook fragrant and lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker.

There are a lot of models of various multicookers. They differ from each other in appearance and location of function buttons. In general, the way of cooking in them is the same.

Dear readers, first I want to ask you to pay a little attention and deviate a little from the main topic. Because I want to remind you that very soon, on June 14, a book will be released on how to create and maintain your own blog, something like mine. Thanks to a blog, you can run a business from the comfort of your home, with a computer and Internet access at hand. Everything else you will find in the very book edited by Denis Povaga. Earlier we already talked about this and there was a separate post on this blog ().

Today, June 14, on Blogger's Day, you get a link to a special page where you can download a book for free, limited time. Within a certain time, the book will be available, do not miss this important point download right now. This link is already active for free download of the book And now let's get back to our recipes for making lush charlotte in a slow cooker.

Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Sugar sand - 150 gr
Soda - 0.5 tsp
Vinegar or lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
Flour - 1.5 cups
Butter - 20 gr
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Apples - 500 gr


Wash the apples, cut out the core. Cut into small pieces.

Dissolve eggs in a bowl, add sugar, beat.

Add soda quenched with vinegar and salt.

Sift flour. Gradually add to the bowl with the eggs, beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Add apples to the resulting dough. Mix.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter. Put in a bowl ready dough. Close the lid.

Set the Baking/Soup program for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

On a note
All "bulk components" are measured with multicooker glasses. The volume of the 1st multiglass is 160 ml. Apples are recommended to take hard, juicy and slightly sour.

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

Flour - 3/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Eggs - 3 large pieces.
Slaked soda - 1/2 tsp
Apples - 2 pcs.
Cocoa optional - 1 tbsp l.


Beat eggs with sugar in a mixer. Until several times larger.

Add sifted flour with cocoa and slaked soda. Mix until homogeneous mass spatula. It is better to entrust this work to the combine, set the minimum speed.

We clean and cut apples.

We spread the dough in a greased bowl, pour the chopped apples evenly. You don't need to stir, as the apples will drop on their own when baking. We cook charlotte on the Baking mode for 1 hour.

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker will turn out very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for apple charlotte in a Panasonic multicooker

For dessert, we will prepare charlotte to drink tea in the evening.
(The volume of the 1st multi-glass is 160 ml)
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 1.5 multi-cups
Flour - 1.5 multi-cups
Medium-sized apples - 3 pcs.
Butter - for lubrication

How to cook charlotte in a Panasonic multicooker:

Mix two eggs with 1.5 multi-cups of sugar. While the sugar is dissolving, peel 3 small apples.

Add 1.5 multi-cups of flour to the eggs and sugar.

Cut the apples into cubes and put them into the dough. Lubricate the pot with butter, pour the dough into it. And set the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes on the Panasonic multicooker.

At the end of cooking, you do not need to be afraid of the view from above - the multicooker does not bake from above, so the charlotte in the multicooker remains the color of raw dough.

But the bottom is beautiful and roasted! Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Charlotte from apples on kefir in a slow cooker. Video recipe

Enjoy your meal!

The recipe for lush apple charlotte in the Redmond slow cooker

Charlotte turns out to be very tender, lush, the dough slightly resembles a biscuit.
Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 1 cup
Flour - 1 cup
Vanilla sugar - 10 gr
Apples - 3 pcs.
Creamy margarine - for greasing the mold
Baking powder - 1 tsp


Three chicken eggs beat with a glass of sugar.

Add a glass of flour, vanilla sugar or vanillin and a teaspoon of baking powder. Beat well until smooth.

Carefully grease the multicooker form with margarine or butter according to your desire.

Sprinkle with sugar and put apple slices on the bottom with a flower.

The remaining apples must be peeled, core removed and cut into small cubes.

Add apples to the whipped mass and mix well. Pour carefully into the form of a multicooker so as not to damage the laid out apple flower at the bottom.

We select the baking program, set the time to one hour and fifteen minutes. Since the form is 3 liters, small in diameter, but deep inside, so a little more time is needed. If you have a sufficiently wide capacity, set the time less, one hour will be enough.

Next, lift the lid and our charlotte is ready. Let her cool down.

Turn the multicooker mold over to get the charlotte. You can see our flower from apples. Any pattern can be made. Happy tea!

Cottage cheese charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

egg - 5 pcs.
sugar - 280 gr
flour - 160 grams
apple - 4 pcs.
cottage cheese - 350 gr
butter— 60 gr
vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
cinnamon - to taste


Cooking dough. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.

Gradually add the sifted flour, mixing with a spatula.

We are preparing the stuffing. 50 gr butter room temperature grind with sugar using a mixer. Add vanilla sugar and low-fat cottage cheese. Mix until smooth.

Peel and cut apples.

Grease a baking dish with butter. Throw in some apples.

Fill them with half of the batter. Smooth out with a spatula.

Add curd filling. Pour in the second half of the dough.

Carefully place the rest of the apples on top. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if desired.

Bake for 60 minutes on the Baking mode. AT conventional oven bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

After baking, decorate the top of the cake with powdered sugar.

Bon Appetit everyone!

How to quickly make apple charlotte in a Mulinex multicooker

1 cup flour
4-5 pcs. apples
1 cup of sugar
4 eggs


Wash and cut apples into slices.

Next, beat the eggs with sugar, then add the flour and mix again. Stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

We coat the bottom of the multicooker with oil and pour apples into it. Then fill with dough.
We turn on the “Baking” mode for 50 minutes. After the cooking time has elapsed, pierce the cake to check its readiness.

After that, we take out the charlotte from the multicooker and put it on a plate. Enjoy your meal!

Charlotte with apples in the Polaris slow cooker

All "bulk components" are measured with multicooker glasses. The volume of the 1st multiglass is 160 ml.
Flour - 2 cups
Apples - 2 pcs.
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Baking powder - 2 pinches
Vanillin - a little
Sugar - 1.5 cups
Butter - a little

How to bake a fluffy charlotte with apples in a Polaris slow cooker:

Break the eggs into a small deep bowl and add sugar to them. Then, using a mixer or a fork, beat them into foam, which must be stable.

Cut apples into small cubes or slices.

Add sugar and flour to the whipped mass, then mix the mixture thoroughly again.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil and put the apples on the bottom, distributing them evenly. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar and pour over the dough.

We turn on the baking mode, which is on each model of the Polaris multicooker, and set the time to 40 minutes. You can check the readiness of the dish with a match or a fork.

As you cook, you need to immediately pull the apple charlotte out of the bowl so that it does not get damp and start to break. Can be sprinkled upon request ready-made pastries powdered sugar or decorate fresh fruit. Enjoy your meal!

Apple pie (charlotte) in a slow cooker

Flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Apples - 800 gr
Butter - 50 gr
Sugar (preferably brown) - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook rosy charlotte with apples in a slow cooker:

Baking in a slow cooker is lush, but pale. How to make a pie rosy? The secret is that it is necessary to achieve a ruddy bottom - then the pastries can be left upside down, it looks very appetizing.

Peel apples, remove seeds and cut into slices.

Turn on the multicooker in the heating mode and put a piece of butter in the saucepan so that it melts. When melted, lightly grease the sides of the saucepan with this oil and add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Brown sugar will give a more golden color, but you can use regular sugar. Stir with a wooden or plastic spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved in the butter.

Lay the first layer of apples on the bottom. Remember, this will be the top of the pie. Then put the rest of the apples on the first layer, not very tightly.

Beat the eggs with the sugar with a mixer until the sugar dissolves.

Add a glass of flour and continue beating. The dough will be like sour cream.

Pour batter over apples. Set for 40 minutes, baking mode.

When the charlotte is ready, invert it onto a serving platter.

Top browned too much.

But the cake is very fluffy and tender. Flies away at the table in 10 minutes, still hot. Enjoy your meal!

Charlotte with apples in the Redmond slow cooker

The result will please you: charlotte rises well, cooks quickly, without problems.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 1 cup
Flour - 1 cup
Baking powder - 1 pack
Vanillin - 1 pack
Apples - 1 kg
Powdered sugar - 1 pack


Cut apples into large slices.

We throw them into the multicooker bowl, greased with oil.

Mix eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and vanilla in a bowl with a mixer until smooth.

Pour the apples and put on the baking mode for 1 hour.

We'll get it in an hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Happy tea!

Cook with pleasure! Please, surprise your loved ones with fragrant, appetizing and simple homemade cakes- charlotte with apples. This dish can be served both cold and hot. After all, apple charlotte made in a slow cooker will be tasty and juicy in any form. See you on my blog!

musical card-congratulation on this wonderful holiday. For older people, this will be a small journey into the past, the world of childhood - remember the magnificent spiritual films "Youths in the Universe", "Solaris", "Milky Way". The red thread in them is the hope and dream of mankind - the exploration of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the Universe. Happy viewing!

Dear readers, another important and useful news from my blogging mentor Denis Povag. I recommend to those who want to earn:

Charlotte, is one of the most delicious culinary masterpieces. Since ancient times, people have treated each other with such delicacies, while today such a dessert can be prepared a little differently than before. For example, charlotte in a slow cooker with apples, the recipe will not leave indifferent even the most inveterate critics, because it has an amazing taste and aroma.

Charlotte can be made with cinnamon and powdered sugar, and then served with tea. Such a cake will truly fit even in festive feast and will remain on the list of indigenous desserts for a long time. Very quickly and simply, the pie is prepared in a slow cooker, and for this it is not necessary to have confectionery or cooking skills.

  • Charlotte recipe without eggs
  • Simple charlotte from a loaf
  • Chocolate charlotte
  • Charlotte with apples and pears

Classic apple charlotte in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a great helper in creating real, delicious treats. A classic for a family of 4 will take about an hour to cook. For this you need to prepare:

3 apples;
- 3 eggs;
- 0.2 kg of sugar;
- 0.2 kg of flour.


Important! Peel the apples just before they are added to the dough, otherwise the fruit will quickly darken. Break the eggs (pre-chilled) into a deep bowl, add sugar and beat everything with a mixer (until a lush, thick mass is obtained). It is preferable that the “beaten egg consistency” does not eventually slip off the corollas, that is, it is thick, not liquid.

Next, using a wooden spatula, mix the flour gradually poured in in order to avoid lumps collected in a heap. You can turn on the whisks for a few seconds. When the consistency of the dough has become homogeneous, add prepared fruits there, mix so that the apple is evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Then grease the bowl of the multicooker, put the dough for charlotte there, and set the baking mode for 1 hour. A sweet variety of apples is ideal for such a dessert. After baking, cool the treat and serve.

Charlotte recipe without eggs

A delicious and simple recipe with a photo step by step will help even novice housewives to prepare a real sweet treat for family and friends. Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker does not take long to prepare and does not require special subtleties technological process.


6 apples (you can take both sour and sweet varieties);
- 0.3 liters of kefir;
- half a glass of semolina;
- 0.2 kg of sugar;
- 0.2 kg of flour;
- baking powder;
- vanillin for flavor;
- dessert spoon of salt;
- oil (for lubricating the bowl intended for baking).


From apples, a simple charlotte recipe can be prepared both in a slow cooker and in the oven. If it is preferable in the oven, then the baking time will be 40 minutes, while in the slow cooker - 60 minutes. Mix all ingredients except baking powder and apples.

The dough should not be too liquid, that is, the consistency is obtained, like thick sour cream. Next, add baking powder and fruit. Mix and transfer to a baking dish. Set the required time and bring to readiness.

Lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

Undoubtedly lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - it's incomparable tasty treat. Not only does this famous dish take little time to prepare, but this treat will always come in handy, by the way, for any holiday or just dinner. To prepare the test, you will need the following ingredients:

3 apples;
- 3 eggs;
- a glass of sugar;
- a glass of flour;
- baking powder;
- cinnamon;
- breadcrumbs;
- oil (for lubricating the bowl for baking);
- half a teaspoon of salt.


Remove the skin from the fruit (even if it is too thin) and cut into small cubes. After that, make the dough. Break the eggs in a deep bowl, add sugar and salt to them. Then beat the mass to a thick consistency (this is important, because the splendor of the finished dish depends on it).
Next, slowly add the sifted flour, while stirring with a wooden spatula, when the consistency has become homogeneous, add the baking powder and apples. Now the dough is ready to bake. Pour into the mold and send to the slow cooker for 60 minutes. Usually this time is enough for the dish to cook. When serving, sprinkle the dessert with cinnamon - this will give a pleasant and appetizing aroma.

Simple charlotte from a loaf

To bake such a dessert, you do not need to separately prepare the dough. The fact is that this is considered the simplest recipe, which includes a finished loaf. You can bake a dish with oven, as well as in a multicooker. The only caveat here is that such a cake is baked in the oven a little faster, about half an hour. Otherwise, everything will be the same.

Charlotte with apples, the recipe for which is cooked in the oven, does not tolerate frequent opening of the door. Usually housewives, watching the cooking process, often look at the product. So this can reduce the quality of the dish, because the cake can settle and turn out sticky.


Baton (it is better to take it stale);
- 5 apples (not too sour to taste);
- 4 eggs;
- 0.2 l of milk (preferably warm);
- a pinch of salt;
- semolina for sprinkling;
- butter (for greasing the baking dish);
- 3 tablespoons of sugar;
- a pinch of cinnamon.


Free the apples from the rough skin (because after baking it becomes tough) and cut (you can cube 1 by 1 cm), just like a loaf. Connect all this. Grease the form with oil and sprinkle with semolina. Put the mixed apple-bread mass there.

Crack the chilled eggs into a bowl (at the same time, the container should not be metal in order to avoid darkening and an unpleasant aftertaste of the mass), add sugar (it is permissible to use powdered sugar), milk and salt. Then beat. When the mass stops slipping from the whisks, then cover the apple-bread mass with it and you can send it for baking. When serving, it is permissible to sprinkle with cinnamon, because it is great for the aroma and taste of this treat.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples

A delicious dish is charlotte with caramelized apples! Initially, this treat was prepared exclusively with apples, however, over time, pastry chefs began to add an assortment of various fruits to it. Often even a mixture, but in connection with different experiments taste and was born new recipe with amazing taste.

Caramelization is a process that allows you to change the taste of an apple, that is, to make it more saturated. To do this, they use a special cooking technology, and such a dish is often cooked in a slow cooker, because there biscuit dough settles less due to vacuum. So, first prepare the necessary ingredients:

5 apples;
- 3 tablespoons of thick sour cream and the same amount of cottage cheese;
- 4 eggs;
- 0.2 kg of flour and the same amount of sugar;
- slaked soda on the tip of a knife;
- 0.2 kg of butter.


Peel the apples and chop the pulp into small cubes. Take a deep dish, melt half of the taken portion of butter in it and add the prepared apples and part of the sugar. The sweet mass should cover the fruit. For such a technological process, it is convenient to use a deep frying pan.

When the color of the sweet mass changes and acquires a different shade, remove the apples from the heat and transfer to a bowl. Break the chilled eggs into a deep cup, pour in the remaining sugar, salt and start beating until the mass acquires a thick consistency.
Melt the remaining butter in a frying pan, mix it with soda and flour, and then add to the beaten eggs plus sour cream and cottage cheese. Lubricate the form in which the charlotte will be baked with oil and lightly sprinkle with semolina.

Lay caramelized apples on the bottom, and cover them with prepared dough on top. After that send for baking. When a tasty treat is cooked, cool it and pull it out, turning it upside down. Sweet pie sprinkle with cinnamon and serve. Such a dish is a win-win option for a festive celebration, which is why it is so popular.

Chocolate charlotte

Varieties of taste of apple charlottes know no boundaries! After all, using a step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can easily create real confectionery masterpieces that have a charming aroma. One of these treats is just a lush charlotte with apples, which can be easily cooked in a slow cooker or in the oven. First you need to prepare the required ingredients:

Eggs - 5 pcs.;
- flour - 1 cup;
- sugar - 1 glass;
- cocoa - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
- apples - 2 pcs.
Glaze Ingredients:
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
- cocoa - 2 tbsp. l;
- milk or water - 3 tbsp. l;
- butter - 20 g.


Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites into a thick, stable foam. With constant beating, add sugar, and then, when it dissolves, pour in the yolks. Add cocoa powder to the egg foam and mix gently from bottom to top so as not to precipitate the dough. After cocoa, add flour in the same way.

Peel the apples from the skin and seeds, and then cut into slices. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and sprinkle with flour. Put half of the resulting mass and distribute apple slices on top.

Submit the second part of the test. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Baking” mode.

Put the finished charlotte on a cooling board or immediately on a tray on which it will be covered with icing.

To prepare the glaze, you need to stir the sugar with cocoa,

add water or milk and then butter.

Boil over medium heat until boiling, the glaze should thicken.
Drizzle the hot chocolate over the charlotte (you can use a knife to smooth the top and sides of the icing) and decorate as you like.

When preparing this dessert, additional ingredients such as raisins or nuts are often used. Happy tea!

Charlotte with apples and pears

As already mentioned, there are many varieties of sweet desserts. Pastry chefs know how to cook delicious charlotte with apples in a slow cooker or oven, which is why they share their skills and tips. Such a dish is prepared with the addition of various fruits, although the original origin of the sweet pie was exclusively with the addition of apples.

In Russia, it was necessary to cook such a treat for the harvest of apples, and after the work prepared with charlotte, they treated all the workers to their fill. The pleasant aroma of freshly baked bread lingered in the house for a long time. It was then that they began to experiment with various ingredients, so a recipe appeared not only with the addition of apples, but the well-known fruit, the pear, also joined them. To prepare such a delicacy you will need:

Granulated sugar - 200 gr.;
- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
- chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
- flour - 180 gr.;
- baking powder - 10 gr. or 1 tsp. soda quenched with vinegar;
- apples - 3 pcs.;
- pears - 3 pcs.;
- butter - 5 gr.


Free apples and pears from the peel and seeds, and cut the pulp and sprinkle with lemon juice. You can sprinkle with cinnamon and leave.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl (they must be cooled in advance),

then add sugar, salt and vanillin to them, and then beat thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

When the egg mixture has reached the desired consistency, slowly add flour to it and mix with a wooden spatula.

Then add baking powder. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter and put the prepared fruit.

Gently top with batter and smooth out.

Close the bowl and set the "Baking / Roasting" mode. Cooking time is 45 minutes.

After the cake is ready to be taken out, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with red currant berries and fragrant mint leaves.

How to cook in a multicooker Redmond

Charlotte with apples in the Redmond slow cooker cooks quickly, which is convenient. After all, you can't always afford to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. In order to start cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

2 apples;
- 0.2 kg of sugar and the same amount of flour;
- a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice;
- cinnamon for flavor when serving;
- 3 eggs;
- oil for greasing the bowl for baking.


Remove the seeds and skin from the apples, then cut into small cubes and drizzle with lemon juice. This is done so that during the preparation of the dough, the peeled fruits do not darken. Next, eggs are broken into a deep container, pour sugar and beat for about 15 minutes. The whipped mass should have a thick consistency.

After the desired density has appeared, gradually introduce the flour, but, already stirring with a wooden spatula, otherwise, with strong speeds of the beaters, the dough may settle and the dessert will be spoiled.
Next, put sliced ​​​​fruits on the bottom of a greased baking bowl and pour over the prepared dough. Select the "baking" function. Charlotte in the Redmond slow cooker is preparing for an hour. The recipe with apples is the most popular, however, fruits can be added according to your own preference. After the dessert is ready, cut it into portions, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

How to cook in a Panasonic multicooker

Charlotte with apples in the Panasonic multicooker turns out to be lush and tender, and cooking in it is a pleasure. Thanks to the non-stick coating, the product will not burn and it is very easy to wash such an “assistant”. After the dough is poured into a special bowl, you must select the "baking" function and set the required time.

After cooking, the product is allowed to cool slightly and served at the table. Charlotte in the Panasonic 18 multicooker can be cooked with various fruits, that is, it does not have to be apples. Often use pears, raisins, prunes and other products.

Apple charlotte in the Philips multicooker

Charlotte with apples baked in a Philips multicooker is in no way inferior in taste to products baked, for example, in an oven or a multicooker from another company. It's all about convenience and personal preference. Of course, the recipe cards of the prepared dessert can differ significantly, but otherwise the cooking rules are quite similar.

- large sweet and sour apples - 3 pcs.;
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
- wheat flour - 150 g (about a glass);
- granulated sugar 4 tbsp. l;
- sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- baking powder - 1 tsp;
- vanilla sugar - 10 gr.;
- butter - 30 gr.


Remove the skin and seeds from the apples, and then cut them into cubes.

Put in a multicooker bowl, add butter and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode. Enough 5-7 minutes.

To prepare the dough, break the eggs and combine them with vanilla sugar, and then beat them into a fluffy mass.

Next, add flour, combined with baking powder and add sour cream. The dough should be thick but runny.

Add the apple to the dough and mix so that the pieces are evenly mixed in the mass.

Close the lid of the appliance and select the "Baking" mode. For complete cooking, 40 minutes will be enough (at 140 degrees).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar when serving.

Charlotte in the Polaris multicooker

Cooked charlotte with apples in the Polaris multicooker turns out tender, lush and tasty, and the convenient functions of the equipment itself give a lot of pleasure when working with it. You can experiment with different prescription cards. All of this is based on personal preference. Charlotte dough can be made on kefir with apples or peaches, as well as plums, grapes and many other fruits.

The main subtlety in the preparation of charlotte is to correctly make the base, that is, the dough. It should not be sagging, but, on the contrary, should be light and tender. This is when the baked product turns out to be lush and pleasant to the taste.

Charlotte is convenient to bake in a slow cooker, because there is a special mode for this type of dish - "Baking". Sometimes it can be replaced with another one (it all depends on the type and model), but this standard mode is optimal and is present in all equipment of this type.

cooking secrets

Cooking rules largely correspond to those intended for baking in the oven.

  • Beat eggs with sugar first biscuit dough do not forget to sift the flour, choose sour apples.
  • If only a sweet variety of apples is available, then feel free to add products with “sourness”: lemon zest, cranberries, currants. Apples are combined with almost all fruits.
  • Remove the skin from them only if it is hard.
  • Sprinkle apples with lemon juice to make them more fragrant.
  • Do not take a lot of berries, a small amount is enough, otherwise the dessert will turn out wet.
  • The recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker with apples has long gone beyond the standard, do not be afraid to experiment and add something of your own.
  • For simple recipe you need biscuit dough. It can be given different shades of taste by adding vanillin, cinnamon, instant cocoa or coffee, and even mint.
  • The dough for charlotte in a slow cooker can be sand or puff.
  • In order to protect pastries from burning, you can use vegetable or butter, margarine.
  • Buy a special silicone brush that can be used to coat the bowl with oil. It distributes the oil more evenly, and the hands do not get dirty.
  • During cooking, try not to open the lid so that the charlotte does not settle.
  • Let the finished pie cool.
  • Don't forget to decorate the top as it is rarely ruddy.

Basic Recipe

This recipe is considered the main one, since it includes only the main ingredients for the dough and filling.

You will need:

  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • butter, baking powder.


  1. Carefully remove the seeds from the apples, cut into slices.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar until foamy.
  3. Sift flour, add baking powder. Add in portions to the egg mixture.
  4. Add the apples and place everything in the greased multicooker bowl.
  5. Put on the "Baking" mode for an hour.
  6. Do not open the lid immediately after cooking, wait 10 minutes.

Lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is obtained by beating the eggs with sugar until a dense white foam, and sift the flour several times.

If you need to make the charlotte more airy, add a couple of eggs. The more of them, the more magnificent the baking.

Variations of charlotte in a slow cooker

On the sand test

Apple pie allows you to experiment not only with the filling, but also with the base. Following given recipes, you can learn how to make shortbread charlotte with apples in a slow cooker. For cooking delicious dessert you need to knead a quality crumbly dough. The whole secret of its preparation is in the addition of ice water and freezing.

You will need:

  • flour - 150 g;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • cold water - 2 tablespoons;
  • baking powder, vanillin salt.


  1. Mix flour with salt and baking powder.
  2. Soften butter, rub with sugar. Add eggs, mix until smooth.
  3. Combine the ingredients, add ice water, mix well. You can add more ice water if needed. Knead.
  4. Roll out the dough in the form of a layer, pack in cling film or foil, place in the refrigerator for two hours.
  5. Peel apples from seeds and peel. Cut into squares.
  6. Divide the dough in half, put one part in the multicooker bowl previously greased with oil. Make a "border" around the edges, as you will need to put the filling in it.
  7. Put the apples, grate the remaining dough and sprinkle on top.
  8. Cooking time in the "Baking" mode is 70 minutes.

According to this recipe, charlotte with apples in a slow cooker will come out like a pie or a kind of cake. His unusual taste perfect for festive table.

With cottage cheese

This recipe is useful to those who are thinking how to cook charlotte with apples in a slow cooker, not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy. It is also a great option for those whose children are not lovers of this source of calcium, which they so need.

You will need:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vanillin, baking powder.


  1. Remove seeds from apples, cut into squares.
  2. Grind cottage cheese with a sieve. Add to it about a quarter of the sugar and softened butter. Mix with a blender.
  3. Beat the remaining sugar with eggs until foamy.
  4. Add baking powder, cottage cheese to the sifted flour and transfer to a bowl with eggs and sugar. Beat with a mixer.
  5. Cook for an hour using the "Baking" mode.


The recipe for apple charlotte in a slow cooker, which is based not on the usual light biscuit, but on chocolate - one of the most successful original recipes this dessert. It is liked by chocolate lovers, children and is a great substitute for cake at any celebration. And, importantly, it is prepared much faster and easier.

You will need:

  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • condensed milk with cocoa - 100 ml;
  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • vanillin, baking powder, a couple of squares of dark chocolate.


  1. For eggs and sugar, use a mixer. Beat until a whitish foam forms.
  2. Sift flour, mix with baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Add the condensed milk to the whipped milk first, then the flour in parts. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Slice the apples.
  5. Lubricate the multicooker with oil using a special brush.
  6. Put apples in it and fill it with dough.
  7. Use the "Baking" mode for an hour.

How to make charlotte in a pressure cooker? Technology is no different. The thing is that the "Baking" program does not imply the inclusion of the "Under pressure" function.

Baking delicious charlotte in a slow cooker is easy. enough to know classic recipe, the desire to pamper the household with delicious unusual pastries and have a little time and imagination.