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Chicken cutlets stuffed “Princess. Chicken cutlets stuffed with mushrooms Chicken fillet cutlets stuffed

From poultry prepare semi-finished products in the following range: whole carcasses; stuffed carcasses, stuffed and unstuffed carcass meat rolls, stuffed chicken fillet cutlets; stuffed chicken legs.

Stuffed chicken (galantine). Galantine - it's traditional french dish, whose name comes from the old French word meaning "jelly", that is, we can say that galantine is aspic, but made very elegantly, with fiction and special French chic. The preparation of galantine is mandatory included in the program of all well-known culinary schools: chicken galantine with apricots, mushrooms, asparagus, etc. And everything is so refined and beautiful that it is simply hard to believe that the basis of all this splendor is an ordinary chicken, plus quite a bit of something for the beauty of the cut.
Ingredients: chicken - 940 g, pork - 270 g, bacon - 90 g, eggs - 2 pcs., Peeled pistachios - 80 g or canned

bath peas - 80 g, milk - 350 g, nutmeg- 1 g, ground black pepper - 0.1 g.

The sequence of preparation of galantine is shown in fig.

On the processed chicken carcass, you need to make a longitudinal incision along the spine and cut off the entire skin, leaving a layer of pulp up to 1 cm thick (Fig. 4.2, a). From the remaining pulp (Fig.

4.2, b) prepare minced meat: skip the pulp with the addition of pork through a meat grinder 2-3 times, rub through a sieve, add raw eggs, milk in several steps and beat out. Add diced bacon, pistachios or green pea, salt, pepper, nutmeg and mix. The resulting minced meat is filled into the skin, the incision is sewn up and the product is shaped into a whole carcass (Fig. 4.2, in).

Whole carcass stuffing. Stuffing of poultry carcasses is most often done through an opening in the abdominal cavity or through the throat. Ducks, geese, chickens, broilers (large chickens)

plates) are filled with the filling completely - the whole carcass and neck. When stuffing a turkey carcass with a filling, it is advisable to fill only the goiter of the gutted bird.

Chickens and young pigeons are recommended to be stuffed, laying the stuffing under the skin, which must first be carefully separated from the carcass so that you can put a thin layer of stuffing from the edges of the breast to the wings and back. Place the rest of the filling inside the carcass. There should not be too much filling under the skin, otherwise, during baking, the thin young skin of the chicken will burst and the filling will simply fall out from under the skin.

If the chicken carcass is chujaren in the oven, so that the carcass does not dry out during the frying process, it is necessary to inject a mixture of hot wine (approximately 100 g), salt and finely ground spices, taken to taste, into the wings, legs and breast of the chicken carcass using a kitchen syringe, or a mixture of butter melted in wine.

After filling the prepared bird with the filling, it is necessary to carefully sew up the holes through which the filling was inserted with thick white threads.

Chicken stuffed with rice, mushrooms and foie gras. Remove the breast bone from the treated chickens, using a small sharp knife and a canteen for this. Aozhtsu. Cut off excess protruding bones of the ridge with kitchen scissors. At this stage, it is important not to damage the skin.

Preparation of the marinade: peel and finely chop the garlic; mix in a deep bowl olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic; put the chickens in the marinade, close the bowl and shake so that the chickens are completely covered with it. Place the bowl in the refrigerator while the mince is cooking.

Boil the rice "al dente". Peel the onion, finely chop and sauté in butter for one minute. Add chopped boiled mushrooms and keep on fire for another two minutes. Foie gras cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients and add vermouth. Salt and pepper. Stuff the chicken with minced meat and fasten the edges of the cut with metal pins or skewers.

Stuffed chicken. Ingredients: chicken (carcass) - 1 pc. weighing approximately 1.5 kg, boiled rice - 30 g, dried apricots 50 g, prunes - 50 g, pitted raisins - 50 g, peeled walnuts - 50 g, apples - 200 g, cilantro, salt, pepper.

Wash chicken, dry. Cut apples into small cubes, chop dried fruits and cilantro, chop nuts with a knife. Mix apples, dried fruits and nuts with rice.

Stuff the belly of the chicken with the prepared mixture, fasten the edges of the cut with skewers. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper.

Duck stuffed with cabbage. Ingredients: duck weighing about -2 kg, onion - 100 g, black peppercorns, fresh cabbage (sauerkraut) - 400 g, lemon juice - 10 g, caraway seeds - 0.5 g, salt and pepper to taste.

Remove the bones from the duck through the evisceration site. Duck bones are removed in the same way as in chicken. .

Season the prepared duck with salt and pepper.

Shred the cabbage. Put chopped cabbage into a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry - simmer (with the lid open) for 10-15 minutes. When the cabbage gets a little soft, add the lemon juice, cumin seeds and salt. Lemon juice gives the cabbage some sourness, which makes it somewhat similar to sauerkraut. Can be cooked without lemon juice. Close the cabbage with a lid and simmer until completely soft. In the process extinguishing Stir occasionally and check for liquid in the pan. Cabbage should be stewed, not fried. If necessary, add a small amount of boiling water. Add chopped duck meat to the prepared cabbage, mix and let cool until warm. Stuff duck cabbage stuffing. After stuffing, the duck should take the original volume. If you put a lot of minced meat, then the duck may burst during further heat treatment. Sew up the place of gutting by tucking the tail of the duck inside; close the upper opening in the carcass, tucking the skin of the neck inward.

Goose, duck stuffed. Ingredients: goose or duck - 2.6 kg, table margarine - 50 g, potatoes - 2 kg or prunes - 1.3 kg or apples - 2.5 kg, sugar for apples - 50 g.

The processed carcass of a goose or duck is stuffed with medium-sized potatoes or sliced ​​​​and fried, or apples, peeled and seeds, cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar, or pre-soaked prunes, pitted and sprinkled with sugar.

Stuffed poultry roll. The sequence of preparation (Fig. 4.3): on the processed poultry carcass, make a longitudinal incision along the sternum, cutting the bone-fork (Fig. 4.3, a). Then separate the meat from the bones (Fig. 4.3, b, c).

You can make a longitudinal incision along the spine and start cutting the flesh from the back, then the bird fillet will be in the middle part of the roll. Then evenly distribute the pulp over the flattened boneless chicken carcass (Fig. 4.3, d). Lightly beat off, sprinkle with salt and pepper, you can chopped garlic. If the roll is used cold, then it can be sprinkled with gelatin (to preserve the shape of the roll).

Make an omelette with two eggs. Put the cooled omelet on the flattened pulp. Put the fried mushrooms cut into slices on top of the omelette (Fig. 4.3, e). Roll up the bird. Wrap in cling film or food foil or secure the edge with threads to shape (Fig. 4.3, e).

You can add chopped greens to the scrambled mixture. Also, for the filling, you can use soaked pitted prunes, dried apricots, olives, black olives, walnuts, pistachios, crushed sweet pepper.

Chicken roll with pistachios. Ingredients: chicken - 1.3-1.5 kg, cream with a fat content of 22% or more - 150 - 200 g, pork loin- 100-150 g, pistachios, salt, pepper. First you need to separate the chicken meat from the bones and unfold it into a layer, bring down the chicken wings, leaving only the upper phalanx. Remove the thymus bone located in the neck area ’Turn the thigh at the carcass, freeing the femoral joints. Cut the shoulder joint, freeing the humerus. Cut off the chicken tail along with the sebaceous gland. Cut the skin of the chicken on the right and drain along the spine. Carefully separate the chicken body, leaving only the thigh and shoulder bones. Carefully cut out the thigh and shoulder bones. Cover with cling film and beat lightly with a meat mallet.

chicken breast grind in a blender into minced meat. Salt minced meat and gradually mix with cream. Add cream gradually, in portions, each time kneading until smooth. You may need more or less than the above amount of cream. It is very important to knead the minced meat well every time after adding the cream.

Add pistachios, diced loin and finely chopped parsley to the minced meat. Mix everything well.

Lay out cling film on a work surface.

Put the chicken meat on the film with the skin down, and then on the chicken fillet - cooked minced meat. Roll up. Wrap the roll in cling film, compacting the roll when rolling. Wrap chicken roll three or four more layers food film. With each wrapping, make the roll a little denser. Roll the rolled roll on the working surface of the table, holding the free ends of the film with your hands. Tie the ends of the roll.

Chicken roll. Ingredients: chicken - 1 PCS. (weight 1-2 kg), salt, ground black pepper, garlic.

Place the gutted and washed chicken on a cutting board, breast side down. From the neck, make a longitudinal deep incision and, using a knife, carefully cut the meat from the bones without damaging the skin and fillet. Gradually separate the ridge, keel, ribs from the meat, gradually completely raise the skeleton and, cutting off the tendons, remove it, as well as the bones from the legs and wings. To do this, with a thin narrow knife, cut the bone from the meat, tendons and cartilage, then remove the meat shell from the bone. Spread the bird on the board, lightly beat the fillet so that it lies evenly on the skin, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, chopped garlic if desired, and rub the spices into the meat. Leave for a few minutes. Twist the carcass with a roll (along the body), wrap in several layers of foil. Seal the edges of the foil.

Preparation for stuffing the necks of fatty poultry. Ingredients: peeled neck skin - 150 g, beef - 80 g or pulp with skin of turkey, goose, duck, onion - 19 g, garlic - 1 g, salt and pepper to taste.

From fatty goose or duck necks, carefully scorched and washed, carefully remove the skin. Sew it on one side with threads, fill it tightly with minced meat and sew it on the other side.

For minced meat: chop the pulp (in a blender or with a knife), add finely chopped onion, garlic, ground pepper, salt, mix thoroughly. Pierce the stuffed necks with a fork in several places.

Stuffed necks you can stump in the oven, fry in a pan with fat or stew on " vegetable pillow”, picking up vegetables to taste. Fatty chicken (old poultry or broiler) necks can also be used for stuffing.

Stuffed chicken legs. Ingredients: chicken legs- 1 kg, fresh mushrooms - 0.5 kg, vegetable oil, garlic, black pepper, spices.

Cooking sequence (Fig. 4.4): rinse the chicken legs, remove the remaining hairs (Fig. 4.4, a). Then, trying not to damage, remove the skin from the legs (Fig. 4.4, b). Cut the tendons near the joint with a knife (Fig. 4.4, c). Carefully cut off the bone (Fig. 4.4, d). If the bone is crushed, remove sharp fragments (Fig. 4.4, e).

Fry sliced ​​mushrooms in a small amount of vegetable oil until cooked (Fig. 4.4, f). Separate chicken meat from the bone (Fig. 4.4, g). Make an incision on the inside of the leg, carefully cut the meat from the joint with a knife and remove the bone with your hands. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces (Fig. 4.4, j), squeeze out the garlic, add the fried mushrooms, salt, pepper and spices. Stuff with the stuffing

chicken skin (Fig. 4.4., l). To prevent the filling from falling out, fasten the legs with skewers (Fig. 4.4, m).

Poultry cutlets, stuffed with sauce milk with mushrooms. Ingredients: chicken fillet - 90 g, butter - 3 g, wheat flour - 5 g, milk - 30 g, fresh champignons

live - 18 g or dried mushrooms- 5 r f eggs for lezon - V 4 pcs m wheat bread for breading - 22 g.

Clean the bird fillet. To do this, separate the inner muscle (small fillet) from the outer (large fillet). Remove the tendons from the small fillet, and the rest of the clavicle from the large fillet.

Moisten the cleaned large fillet cold water and on the board with a sharp wet knife cut off the surface film. Open a large fillet by making an incision from the inside in the longitudinal direction, cutting the tendons in 2-3 places and repulsing. Insert the chopped small fillet. Put a thick milk sauce mixed with chopped boiled mushrooms on the prepared fillet. Moisten in egg and breaded in white breading (grate lightly stale bread), freeze slightly and bread again. Used for deep frying.

Chicken fillet cutlets stuffed with liver. Ingredients: chicken - 147 g (53 g), veal (chicken) liver - 51 g, bacon - 14 g, carrot - 5 g, celery root - 2.5 g, onion - 5 g, Madeira wine - 5 g, nutmeg - 0.5 g, ground black pepper - 0.02 g.

Stuff the prepared fillet (as for cutlets stuffed with liver) with minced meat, dip in the egg and bread twice in white breading.

For minced meat: sliced ​​carrots, onions, parsley, fry with bacon until half cooked, add chopped into small pieces beef liver(chicken), bring to readiness. Add Madeira wine and, after cooling, pass 3-4 times through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Used for deep frying.

Knell mass. The quenelle mass is prepared from the meat of the same species of poultry and game as the cutlet mass.

The meat of poultry and game is separated from the bones, cleaned from large tendons, skin and rubbed in a mortar until homogeneous mass, then add wheat bread soaked in milk (without crusts). The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve, put in a bowl and, setting it on ice, beat the mass with a spatula until fluffy, gradually adding egg white and then milk in small doses. Salt is added to the quenched mass and mixed well.

Knelnu mass can be prepared in another way. The fillet of poultry and game is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate, a crumb of white bread soaked in milk is added, mixed and passed through a mashing machine, and if it is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate for the second time, then the resulting mass is additionally rubbed through a sieve.

For 1 kg of meat take: wheat bread(without crusts) from premium flour - 100 g, milk or cream - 500 g, egg whites- 3 pieces of salt - 15 g.

The readiness of the knelling mass is determined as follows: a small piece of knelling mass should be lowered into a hot one and if it floats and remains on the surface (does not sink), then the mass is considered ready.

The longer and more thoroughly the knelling mass is whipped, the better and more magnificent the products are obtained from it.

When making large quantities of knelling mass, it should be beaten mechanically - in a food processor or blender.

The finished mass is used for stuffing and making dumplings (the mass is cut with two spoons or released from a pastry bag in the form of various figures), soufflé.

Bird soufflé. The flesh of a bird without skin is boiled, passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times, combined with a thick milk sauce and yolks, kneaded. Proteins are whipped into a thick foam and combined with boiled meat so that the foam does not settle. Dispense from a pastry bag into molds greased with oil. Used for indulgence.

Cutlets are prepared from fillets of chickens, turkeys, hazel grouses, partridges, black grouses and pheasants. They can be natural and stuffed.

For cooking natural cutlets in the treated and washed poultry, the skin is first removed from the loin of the carcass. Then cuts are made in the flanks, the carcass is placed on the back and, giving it a more stable position, the right and then the left fillets are cut first.

In chickens, along with the fillet, the wing bone is cut off.

Each fillet consists of a large (outer) and a small (inner). Cleaning begins with the separation of small fillets from large; tendons are removed from the inner fillet, and a fork-bone is cut out from the outer fillet. Then they clean the wing bone from meat and tendons and at the same time chop off the thickened part.

The cleaned fillet, moistened with cold water, is placed on a table or board and the outer film is cut off with a sharp wet knife. After that, a large fillet is cut from the inside in the longitudinal direction, slightly deployed and cut in two to three places of the tendon; then a small fillet is inserted into the incision, from which the tendons are previously removed, it is covered with the expanded part of the large fillet and a cutlet is formed.

For cooking stuffed cutlets the cleaned fillet is cut lengthwise, deployed in both directions, and then lightly beaten with a chopper to a thickness of 2-3 mm and cut in two to three places of the tendon. On the formed incisions, so that there are no breakthroughs, thinly beaten pieces of meat cut from a small fillet are applied. Chilled minced meat is placed in the middle of the prepared fillet, covered with a small fillet, which is previously beaten off, and the edges of the large fillet are wrapped, giving the cutlet a rounded pear-shaped shape.

Cutlets are sprinkled with salt, moistened in a mixture raw eggs with milk or water and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Cutlets are breaded immediately before heat treatment. Cutlets stuffed with oil (in Kiev style) are breaded twice so that the oil does not leak out during frying. The shaped patty is dipped in a raw egg and breaded in bread crumbs, then dipped in egg again and sprinkled with bread crumbs. Kudentsov, N.D. commodity science food products[Text] / N.D. Kudentsov. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001. - p. 82

Semi-finished products are placed in one row on wooden or metal baking sheets, lightly sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and stored in the cold.

Cutlet mass is most often prepared from the meat of chickens, turkeys, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridges, capercaillie and pheasants. The scheme for preparing the cutlet mass is shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6.

In the manufacture of cutlet mass from poultry carcasses, fillet and pulp of legs are used, and from game carcasses (except for pheasant and partridge), only fillet is used. Pheasant and partridge legs can also be used to make cutlet mass, as they do not have a bitter aftertaste. The skin is removed from the fillet and pulp of the legs and the meat is separated from the bones.

The prepared meat is passed through a meat grinder twice, combined with stale wheat bread pre-soaked in milk (the crust is cut off from the bread and soaked in milk 30 minutes before use), salted and mixed thoroughly. In the cutlet mass of game, in addition to bread and salt, put ground hot pepper. Then the cutlet mass is again passed through a meat grinder, added to it butter, which is well kneaded before, and still thoroughly mixed again.

The composition of the cutlet mass: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of wheat bread, 320-350 g of milk or cream, 30 g of butter, 20 g of salt, 0.1 g of ground pepper (the latter is placed only in the game cutlet mass).

Cutlets and meatballs are formed from the cutlet mass.

To check the quality, a test frying of one cutlet is made. If the consistency of the finished cutlet is very dense, then milk, cream, butter are added to the cutlet mass; on the contrary, if the consistency of the patty is too weak, add raw poultry or game meat.

The preparation of cutlets from poultry fillet is always complicated by the loss of the material used due to heat treatment, the removal of unnecessary elements. For example, consider several recipes for making poultry cutlets.

Cutlets natural

Ingredients: chicken legs - 2 pieces (500 g), White bread- 150 g, milk or cream - 1 cup (0.2 l), egg - 1 pc, butter - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, salt, breadcrumbs (150 g), vegetable oil for frying - 100 g.

Wash the chicken, pat dry and separate the meat from the bones. Soak white bread in milk. When the bread swells, squeeze it out. Grind chicken meat together with soaked white bread in a meat grinder. Salt the minced meat, add melted butter, an egg and mix the minced meat thoroughly.

From the minced meat, form small cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter or vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

Table 5. Ingredients

Quality requirements: the cutlets are evenly fried, the meat is homogeneous without lumps and bone residues, there should be no noticeable pieces of bread. Once ground crackers should be evenly distributed throughout the cutlet mass.

Implementation period - 3 days.

Stuffed cutlets

Cooking poultry meat does not differ from natural cutlets, the difference lies in the minced meat used.

Minced bread with raisins and apples

Bread cut into small cubes and fry in butter. Spasser the onions, parsley and dill and combine with the prepared bread, raisins, water, diced apples. Mix everything well and use for stuffing poultry.

Table 6. Ingredients

Minced meat with pistachios for stuffing chicken

Pass chicken meat, dry white bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder, add pistachios (not crushed); salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Table 7. Ingredients

Minced meat with bread and potatoes

Bread cut into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown. Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil, diced potatoes. Combine all prepared foods, add herbs, pour over melted butter and use for stuffing turkey, duck.

Table 8. Ingredients

Minced pork and tongue

Pass chicken pulp and pork meat through a meat grinder, add eggs, milk, salt and spices. Add diced boiled tongue to the prepared minced meat.

Table 9. Ingredients

Quality requirements: cutlet mass must be evenly fried, minced meat is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the cutlet.

Implementation period - 3 days.

Schnitzel according to the capital

Ingredients: chicken legs - 2 pieces (800 g), white bread - 200 g, butter - 80 g, salt, vegetable oil for frying - 100 g, tomatoes - 100 g, cucumbers - 200 g, canned fruits - 200 g.

Table 10. Ingredients

To prepare the breading, cut a part of a white loaf into thin strips about a centimeter thick and dry in the air.

Salt the chicken fillet without the wing bone to taste, dip in pre-beaten eggs, bread in breadcrumbs prepared in advance from a long loaf, and fry for 12-15 minutes in a hot frying pan with oil at 160 ° C on both sides until a golden crust appears. Then reduce heat and simmer until tender. Canned fruit (you can take any fruit - at your discretion) cut into slices, leave the berries whole, pour syrup over and stew in a pan.

Cut the remaining piece of loaf without crusts into slices in the form of a schnitzel and quickly fry in hot oil on both sides so that the oil does not have time to be absorbed into the bread. When serving, put the crouton (fried bread) on a flat dish, then put the schnitzel on it, garnish with heated fruit and butter. Serve with french fries, or mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, canned corn or green peas, heated in oil. Garnish with sprigs of herbs and sliced ​​cucumber.

Quality requirements: cutlet mass is subject to uniform heat treatment, fruits must retain their shape, slices of bread must retain their shape. Ready meat should be tender in taste.

Implementation period - 1 day.

The Kiev's cutlets

Ingredients: chicken, based on one cutlet - 500 g, garlic - 2 cloves, eggs - 2 pcs, butter - 80 g, breadcrumbs - 200 g, flour - 300 g, vegetable oil - 200 g, salt, black pepper - to taste, spices (basil, Provencal herbs, any ready seasonings for chicken).

sandwich fish meat dish

Table 11. Ingredients

An important component of success in the preparation of this dish is a properly separated chicken fillet. First, remove two segments of the chicken wing, leaving only one, the largest bone. Remove the skin, and lightly scrape the edge of the bone with a knife. That part of it, which will be the “handle” protruding outward. Then carefully, with a sharp thin knife, remove the fillet, separating along the ridge. Cut the fillet into two equal parts. You should end up with two identical pieces of chicken fillet, with a wing bone in each of them. On the removed fillet, make several notches, cutting through films and tendons so that the cutlets do not deform during frying. Lightly beat the meat. Then salt it, put a piece of butter in the middle, pour over the juice squeezed from half a lemon, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Roll up the meat. In this case, the bone should protrude 2.5-3 centimeters from the cutlet. Then bread the roll in flour, dip in beaten egg and roll well in breadcrumbs. Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the butter in the filling does not melt and leak out while the deep-frying is being prepared. In a saucepan or a deep frying pan of a small diameter, heat the vegetable oil to 160 degrees and fry the cutlets on all sides until a golden brown uniform crust forms for 7-8 minutes. Remove the finished cutlets with a slotted spoon, put on a dish. Serve with french fries and fresh vegetables. Wrap the edge of the bones with a papillot made from an ordinary paper napkin. To do this, fold the unfolded napkin in half along the entire length, then double again, and make cuts with scissors on the bent side along the entire napkin, not cutting to the end of 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

Wrap the edge of the rib with the resulting papillot, secure by bending the tip of the napkin inward, fluff it a little, giving it the appearance of a flower. Such papillots are made in order to make it convenient to take the edge of the bone without getting your hands dirty with fat. Serve hot, when cutting the patty, the oil should flow from the middle.

Hot cutlets from poultry festive table served on a cupronickel dish. Poultry dishes are usually eaten with a knife and fork. Quality requirements: appearance- fillet with a golden brown crust, decorated with greens; texture - soft, juicy with a crispy crust; color - meat - golden-ruddy, white on the cut, fillings - dark gray; taste and smell - gentle, with the aroma characteristic of chicken. Implementation time - 2 hours.

Poultry Dishes Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Chicken cutlets stuffed "Princess"

Chicken cutlets stuffed "Princess"

Beat the prepared chicken fillet with a bone and place minced liver on it in the form of a bar, cover with a chopped slice of small fillet from which the tendon has been previously removed, then wrap the fillet, give it the shape of a cutlet, dip in egg lezon (whipped protein mass), salt, pepper, breaded in white breadcrumbs and fry in a very hot frying pan in oil until a light brown crust is obtained. Bring the cutlets to readiness in the oven.

When serving, put cutlets on croutons, serve potato shavings, green peas, canned fruits, greens as a side dish.

Compound: chickens - 400 g, chicken liver- 60 g, butter -100 g, egg - 2 pcs., White bread - 80 g, crackers - 30 g, potatoes - 400 g, peas - 100 g, parsley, salt, pepper.

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PRINCESS COCKTAIL Required: 50 g tangerine liqueur, 50 g lemon juice, 70 g champagne, 50 g mineral water, blue grapes, mandarin slices, 1 egg, 50 g ice cream, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 70 g cream, ice cubes. Cooking method. Mash

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Shrimps "Princess" Shrimps - 12 pieces, small carrots - 500 g, brisket - 12 slices, young corn - 250 g, tomato juice with pulp - 200 g, vegetable oil - 60 g, vegetable broth - 4 tbsp. spoons, ginger, green onion, lemon balm, sage leaves, salt, hot red pepper - 1

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His Majesty Salmon and the "Princess of the Nile" Here, probably, it's time to say that "fish day" is not a Jewish concept. Personally, I met him when I was either thirteen or fourteen years old and I devoured everything that came across historical novels on hand.

From the book Your Pizzeria author Maslyakova Elena Vladimirovna

"Princess and Knight" Required: 250 ml of milk, 15-20 g of yeast, 60-70 g of sugar, 90 g of vegetable oil, 200 g of flour. For the filling: 150 g of cheese, 20-25 g of red and black caviar, 5 tomatoes , 3 cucumbers, 6 radishes, 150 g sausage, 20 g butter. Cooking method. Warm up the milk, dilute

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"Princess and the Pea" Required: egg, 250 ml of milk, 90 g of vegetable oil, 150-200 g of flour, 30 g lemon peel, salt. For the filling: 5 potatoes, 4 carrots and cucumbers, 3 green apples, kiwi and onions, 150 g sauerkraut, 250 g canned peas, 90 g vegetable

From the book Salads to New Year's table author Zaitsev Viktor Borisovich

Cutlets stuffed with liver Pork - 1 kg Liver - 200 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Onions - 2-3 pcs. Lard - 150 g Stale bun - 1 slice Milk, butter, animal fat, dried crackers, pepper, salt Filling: pour boiling water over the liver, cut off the film , pour milk for 2 hours.

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Salad "Princess on a Pea" Ingredients: 250 g canned peas, 200 g ham (or sausage), 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 glass of mayonnaise, 50 g cheese, 50 g parsley, salt to taste. Cooking method: Cut the ham into strips. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and

From the book Meat Delicacies at Home author Vasilyeva Yaroslava Vasilievna

Stuffed veal cutlets 100 g veal, 3 tsp. flour, 0.5 eggs, 1 tsp. ground white crackers, 30 ml of milk, 30 g of champignons, 10 g of ham or tongue, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. deep-frying fat, ground black pepper and salt - to taste. Cut the veal into wide pieces

From book Odessa cuisine author Potanina Irina Sergeevna

Cutlets stuffed with liver 650 g beef, 100 g pork, 100 g chicken liver pate, 0.5 cup milk, 1 garlic clove, 125 g green onions, 1 egg, ground crackers, 50 g melted butter, pepper, salt, herbs .From beef and pork, prepare minced meat. Add milk, pepper,

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Stuffed cutlets 300 g beef fillet (or good pulp), 2 eggs, 1 onion, a bunch of herbs, breadcrumbs, half a glass of sour cream, 50 g tomato paste, 200-250 ml of vegetable oil for frying, salt and ground black pepper - to taste. Put the eggs to boil, wash the greens and give

From the book History of Simple Food the author Stakhov Dmitry

Cutlets stuffed with cream 400 g beef or mixed minced meat, 80-100 g bacon, 1 onion, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of milk, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, breadcrumbs, a little margarine or vegetable oil, salt - to taste. Very finely chop the onion and bacon and

From the author's book

Stuffed chicken cutlets 450 g chicken or chicken meat, 25 g dried mushrooms, 1-2 onions, 60 g peeled walnuts, 50 g butter, 1 egg, 70 g stale wheat bread, 50 g fat, pepper, salt. Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with internal fat,

From the author's book

The Princess and the Pea If Odessans had to buy the sympathy of Paul I with the help of oranges, then his son, Emperor Alexander I, loved Odessa quite sincerely and disinterestedly. And the point here is not only justice and the desire to restore the wings clipped by Alexander's father

From the author's book

Stuffed chicken cutlets "Princess" Ingredients: chickens - 400 g, chicken liver - 60 g, butter - 100 g, egg - 2 pcs., White bread - 80 g, crackers - 30 g, potatoes - 400 g, peas - 100 g, parsley, salt, pepper. Prepared chicken fillet with a bone beat off and place

Let's prepare minced meat. Lay out minced chicken into a bowl. Soak a slice of a loaf in milk, chop and add to the minced meat, add the grated onion and chopped greens there. Now add egg, sour cream, salt and pepper. Mix everything well and set aside.

Now let's prepare the mushroom filling. Cut fresh mushrooms into a separate bowl, into small pieces. We place dry mushrooms in another bowl and fill them with a small amount of water, cover with plastic wrap on top, pierce several holes in it and put in the microwave for a few minutes to soften the mushrooms. Now drain the water and finely chop the mushrooms.

Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add chopped shallots, season with salt and pepper. Simmer for approximately 3 minutes. Add mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for about 7 minutes until the mushrooms soften and all the liquid has evaporated. Set the finished filling aside.

Wet your hands. Take a piece of meat and form a cutlet out of it, make a depression in the center. Now take a teaspoon mushroom stuffing and place the mushrooms in the recess of the patty. Form the edges so that the filling is inside the patty.

First you need to prepare the filling for the cutlets. For this piece raw liver pass through a large meat grinder grate, and cut the onion into small cubes.

Put butter, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and heat. Add onion and fry for 5 minutes.

Then lay out the liver. With continuous stirring, fry for another 3 minutes. The liver should just thicken, but not become completely cooked. Salt and pepper the filling.

Put it immediately on a plate to stop the process of further cooking for hot pan. Let her cool down.

In the meantime you can do chicken fillet. It must be washed, allowed to drain and cut into pieces. First you need to cut off a small fillet, then cut the large one into two parts along the thickness of the piece. One fillet will make 3 pieces. So you need to cut all the fillets.

Now it must be beaten off. To do this, moisten the board with water so that the meat does not stick to it. Cover it with cling film to keep splatter out. Beat it with a wooden mallet over the entire surface so that the piece is of the same thickness. It is not necessary to be especially zealous, since the chicken is very tender and the meat can tear. Thick edges must be beaten harder and longer than thin or middle ones.

Lightly salt and pepper the fillets. Put a little cooled minced meat on the middle and roll up the roll. You can try wrapping it in an envelope.

Press the finished cutlet well with your hands, giving it the desired shape.

Roll all cutlets in flour, then in egg and again in flour or breadcrumbs. If there is breadcrumbs on top, let the cutlets stand for 40 minutes so that it sticks to them better and does not fly off in the pan.

Now you need to pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat it and put the cutlets.

Fry on both sides with the lid open until cooked through on low heat. It takes about 7-10 minutes on each side.

Beef liver in the filling can be replaced with chicken. Then the stuffing will turn out more tender. Serve chicken cutlets stuffed with liver, better with vegetables and herbs, and hot.