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Unusual cupcake recipes. Cupcake recipe with photo step by step

Cupcakes are mini cakes with a variety of flavors. For you, we have collected recipes for the most delicious and beautiful cakes.

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Autumn is the time for creative experiments in the kitchen too! After all, it’s so nice to spend the whole day at home on the weekends, creating all sorts of goodies.

Cupcakes - "cupcake in a mug" - a wonderful option for serving a delicious mini-cake, decorated with cream, icing. Such cakes are enough for everyone - so you can safely invite guests for tea.


flour 300 gr
baking powder 1.5 tablespoons
soda 1.5 teaspoon
salt 1.5 teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
sugar 200 gr
vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil ml
kefir 150 ml 1/2 buttermilk

powdered sugar 100 gr
Mascarpone cheese 200 gr
fresh berries

How to cook:

1. Mix flour, baking powder, salt.
2. Beat the eggs with a mixer, add sugar, beat again.
3. Add vanilla extract and vegetable oil to the egg mixture.
4. Add half of the flour mixture and half of the yogurt, beat.
5. Then another half of the flour mixture and kefir, beat with a mixer,
6. Transfer the dough into paper molds by ¾.
7. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes.
8. For cream, beat Mascarpone, powdered sugar. Decorate them with cooled cupcakes, put berries on top.


sugar 150 gr
flour 400 gr
salt teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
ryazhenka 200 gr
soda 1.5 teaspoon
vinegar 1.5 teaspoon
pecan nuts 150 gr

butter 100 gr
cheese "Mascarpone" 300 gr
powdered sugar 100 gr
vanilla extract teaspoon

How to cook:

1. Beat sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, fermented baked milk, vanilla extract with a mixer.
2. Add flour and salt. Soda extinguish with vinegar, add to the dough. Mix.
3. Add pecans to the batter.
4. Fill paper molds ¾, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180C.
5. For cream, beat Mascarpone, soft butter, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Decorate cooled cupcakes.


egg 2 pcs
250 gr flour
100 gr ground almonds
200 gr sugar
butter soft butter 120 gr
honey 2 tablespoons
lemon peel 15 gr
lemon juice 2 tablespoons

almond petals

How to cook:

1. Beat sugar and butter with a mixer.
2. Add eggs, mix.
3. Add lemon peel, lemon juice, honey, beat.
4. Separately mix flour, ground almonds. Add to dough.
5. Mix all ingredients.
6. Put the dough into paper molds ¾. Put raspberries on top and press a little.
7. Bake for 18-20 minutes at 180C.
8. Cool, sprinkle with almond petals.


flour 130 gr
ground almonds 50 gr
baking powder 1.5 teaspoons
salt 0.2 teaspoon
cinnamon 0.5 teaspoon
butter 150 gr
brown sugar 90 gr
honey or maple syrup 100 gr
vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
pear 2 pcs

How to cook:

1. Melt the butter in a saucepan until brown, strain and refrigerate.
2. Mix flour, almonds, baking powder, salt in a bowl.
3. In another bowl, beat brown sugar, honey or maple syrup, eggs, vanilla extract. Add butter, beat.
4. Mix ingredients together from two bowls.
5. Finely chop the pears, add to the dough.
6. Pour the dough into paper molds by ¾, bake for 20 minutes at 180C.


butter 230 gr
sugar 150 gr
brown sugar 150 gr
egg 4 pcs
bitter chocolate 2 bars
kefir 200 gr
vanilla extract teaspoon
flour 200 gr
soda teaspoon

cream 30% 100 ml
bitter chocolate chips or drops 130 gr

How to cook:

1. Beat soft butter, sugar, eggs with a mixer.
2. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath, add to the dough, mix.
3. Add 100 gr of kefir, soda, flour. Mix. Add the rest of the kefir. Mix.
4. Pour the dough into paper molds by ¾, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180C.
5. For chocolate ganache Boil the cream, melt the chocolate in them, mix. Cool, and then cover the cupcakes with it.

Happy tea!

Mysterious and intriguing mini-cakes - cupcakes have already gained popularity around the world, because not a single celebration can do without them!

The biscuit base with a creamy cloud on top just blew up the dessert light. Thanks to such an unpretentious serving, now there is no need to cut personalized cakes, dividing them into an unthinkable number of servings so that each guest gets his own piece.

It is enough to bake cupcakes and each of the invitees will have their own sweet dish, and sometimes even several, if you decide to create various mini-cakes with different flavors, since the number of recipes for their preparation is steadily growing every day! To keep you always ready for birthdays and other holidays, bookmark this page and prepare these delicious desserts with love and inspiration.

Recipe 1: Classic Cupcake

Classic variant creating cupcakes is not boring and not monotonous, because most of these cakes are prepared exactly according to it! Therefore, if you have such secret recipe, then you can only change the cream shells and each time the cupcakes will be completely different.

Required Ingredients:

- 100-120 g of sugar;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 100-120 ml of milk;

- 200 g wheat flour;

- a little salt.

- 100 g of sugar;

- 50 g plums. oils.

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;

- 4 chicken proteins;

Cooking method:

Beat soft butter with sugar - remove the butter in advance so that it softens. Add 2 eggs to the same place, sprinkle them with salt and beat again with a mixer. Pour the baking powder mixed with flour, mix, and then pour in the milk as the final step. It turns out not too thick fragrant dough.

Spread it into special paper cupcake liners and bake at 170-180C for about 18-20 minutes, watching its surface.

Take care of the cream - place the proteins with sugar in a container in a bowl of boiling water and beat until all the sugar crystals dissolve, but do not heat too much, otherwise the proteins will curdle. Remove from the bath and pour in the lemon juice, continuing to beat, followed by softened butter and coloring, if desired.

Place the cream in the cold for 28-30 minutes and then the oil will seize and the cream will thicken. During this time, the baked base will just cool down. With a pastry syringe filled with cream, decorate the biscuit base and serve the cupcakes to the table. Enjoy!

Cupcakes 2: Rum Cupcakes

These cupcakes are reminiscent of the famous " rum baba" only with oil cream. They are also easy to prepare and keep their shape perfectly. Alcohol gives the dessert a slight piquancy when tasting.

Required Ingredients:

- 200 g butter;

- 140-150 condensed milk.

for impregnation:

- 100 g of rum.

Cooking method:

Bake cupcakes according to the classic recipe above. Beat the condensed milk with soft butter and cool the whole mass. Optionally, you can add any dye. The cooled cream will become more dense and elastic. Soak the cooled biscuit base with rum and let it dry for about 10 minutes, and then decorate it with cream using a pastry syringe or an ordinary bag with a cut corner. You can add some caramel on top and you're good to go!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cream Cupcakes

Such cupcakes are a duet of a light biscuit base and dark pungent that perfectly combines with each other. chocolate cream which is made from dark chocolate.

Required Ingredients:

for the test, purchase the same ingredients as in the classic recipe.

- 200 g of black 72% chocolate;

- 200 ml cream 33%.

Cooking method:

Bake the biscuit base according to the classic recipe and let it cool for about 15-20 minutes.

At this time, slightly heat the cream, but do not boil, and pour it into a bowl, where you previously broke the bar chocolate into pieces. It will be necessary to stir the mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved in dairy product. Then the cream should be cooled in the refrigerator and put on the base in beautiful waves, decorating cupcakes if possible. fresh berries.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Coffee Cupcakes

These mini-cakes are completely saturated with chocolate spirit with coffee: both the base and the cream, and therefore those sweet tooth who cannot imagine a day in their life without this delicacy will definitely like it.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp coffee (solv.: Jacobs, Nescafe, etc.);

- 1 tsp baking powder;

- 1.5 tbsp. cocoa powder;

- 1 tbsp. flour;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 100 g granulated sugar;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 200 g plums. oils;

- 150 ml of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

heat the milk and stir it in instant coffee along with cocoa. Rub the butter with sugar and, gradually adding one egg at a time, beat with a mixer. Pour in the cooled coffee mass and add flour. Beat with a mixer. Spread the dough into molds and bake for 15-20 minutes at 170C in the oven. Be sure to cool the finished biscuits before applying the cream.

Beat condensed milk with butter and create cupcakes to your liking.

Recipe 5: Orange Cupcakes

Those who love a citrus note in desserts and treats will definitely like orange cupcakes, because both the dough and the cream contain Orange juice.

Required Ingredients:

- 2 pcs. oranges;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 1.5 tbsp. flour;

- 200 g of sugar;

- 1 tsp baking powder;

- a little salt.

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 3-4 egg yolks;

- 1 orange;

- 1 tbsp. milk;

- 110 g of sugar;

- 3-4 tablespoons flour.

Cooking method:

When preparing the dough, rinse the oranges in hot water and remove the zest from them, and then squeeze the juice. Whisk eggs with salt and sugar. Add baking powder, flour, orange juice and zest. Mix together and pour in the melted butter. The final touch will be the infusion of milk and mixing the dough. Fill the molds with it and bake in the oven at 180C for about 23-25 ​​minutes. After cooking, cool the orange bases.

When preparing the cream, grate the zest from an orange and squeeze out the juice. mix chicken yolks with juice, zest, flour and sugar. Heat the milk in a saucepan and pour in a thin stream, stirring immediately. Put the mass on the fire and stir until it thickens, and then add the oil to it. Beat with a mixer and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Orange custard lay on the base and decorate with citrus slices.

Recipe 6: Mushroom Cupcakes

Incredibly delicate taste mushroom cream is fully complemented by a salty juicy biscuit base. These cupcakes will be a wonderful decoration. holiday table as a formal appetizer.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml vegetable oil;

- 200 g flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp salt mixed with spices.

- 400 g of champignons;

- 150 ml of 33% cream (homemade);

- a quarter tsp salt.

Cooking method:

Pour seasonings with salt into beaten eggs. Pour in milk along with vegetable oil. Add the sifted flour with baking powder and stir to break up any lumps. Put the dough into paper molds and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180C in the oven. After cooking, be sure to cool the base.

Wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. In a saucepan or in a frying pan, heat half the mass of the cream and stew the mushrooms in them, sprinkling with salt for 5-10 minutes until soft. Whip the remaining half of the cream until creamy. Cool down stewed mushrooms and grind with a blender. Combine both parts and puree with a blender, forming a cream.

Decorate the salt base mushroom cream with green sprigs and serve.

Recipe 7: Snack Cupcakes

Such salty cupcakes with herring cream are the perfect solution for a buffet table or buffet. You can arrange them in any way and decorate with greenery.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 200 g flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp salt mixed with spices.

- 2 pcs. herring fillet;

- 150 ml of 33% cream;

- 1 p. greens.

Cooking method:

Prepare the salt dough base as in the previous recipe, chilling it after creating.

Cut the boneless herring fillet into portions and chop with a blender along with greens. If you wish, you can add half a green apple to the cream - it will add piquancy to the herring. Pour in the cream and beat until a thick cream is formed.

Decorate the cooled bases with cream and serve.

When baking bases for cupcakes, do not open the oven door, as they may fall off - it is better to give them a little time after turning off the equipment for self-precipitation and only then take them out. Either way, your cupcakes will be delicious!

It is difficult to find in our time a person who would not love various festive events. Children are always waiting for them. After all, all friends gather and there is an opportunity to have fun from the heart. And what celebrations take place without a variety of treats? The organizers are trying to pick up delicious, original and loved by many. Today, among sweets, cupcakes are becoming popular, a recipe with step-by-step photos of which can be found not so much in cookbooks how much on the internet. Being a unique American pastry, they are increasingly winning the hearts of our compatriots.

For residents of Great Britain and the United States, not a single holiday passes without interesting and very appetizing " cup cakes". This is how you can interpret the English word cupcake, which we know as "cupcake". This delicacy has been delighting with amazing taste for more than two centuries. A represents biscuit cupcake, filled with a certain filling. From above, it is necessarily covered with a hat. air cream and a variety of edible decorations.

Cupcakes with cream, recipes with photos of which will help any housewife to bake such a delicious meal, can be fully considered real cakes, only in miniature. Known technologies for the preparation of these cakes in a variety of variations. The biscuit differs depending on the composition of the main ingredients and happens:

  • Chocolate, if cocoa is added to the dough;
  • Banana, if one of the ingredients is a grated banana;
  • Strawberry, in the case when the test is present Strawberry jam or pieces of strawberries;
  • By adding whole or ground peanuts to the basis of future baking, they get a peanut cake.

They can be vanilla, carrot or any other. Necessarily inside cupcakes with filling, recipes with photos of which are not very complicated, there are delicious additives. It can be raisins, cherries, peach, other fruits. Highly unusual taste has a sweetness with chocolate chips inside. Also used as filler fruit jam or regular condensed milk.

Being holiday baking, cupcakes require special decoration. Using confectionery mastic there is an opportunity to create real works of art.

Decorating the top of the treat makes it different from a regular cupcake and is a must. Creatively approaching the preparation of cupcakes at home according to recipes with photos, each hostess can realize the most unusual fantasies. On top of a beautiful slide of fluffy cream or whipped cream, thick mastic or cream cheese it is possible to place candied berries, make bright drawings that will echo the theme of the celebration.

How to cook cupcakes

Today you can find many various recipes cupcakes with photos step by step. But in order to get an unsurpassed delicacy that just melts in your mouth, you need the following main ingredients:

  • Butter, never margarine.
  • Powdered sugar.
  • Fresh eggs.
  • Flour must be of the highest quality.
  • baking powder (baking soda).

Depending on the recipe, sour cream or milk is sometimes added to the dough for mini-cakes.

Among the huge variety of cupcake recipes, at home (see photo) you can make pastries, which double or even triple during the heat treatment process. And there is one that practically does not change its original volumes. This feature of the test affects the required amount when laying it in the forms. In order for the cakes to be of the same size, a certain scoop is used, since the consistency of the dough can be said to be watery.

For baking homemade cupcakes, recipes and photos of which can be found in large quantities on the Internet, certain molds are needed. Can be found in aluminum, silicone or paper. Are very popular Silicone forms. Putting dough in them and putting it in the oven, you can be sure that it will not burn, and it is much more convenient to get ready-made mini-cakes from such ones.

It is better to use corrugated paper molds. They are multi-colored and with the presence of beautiful patterns. get ready-made pastries you don’t need them, but you can serve them directly to the table. Such forms serve as an excellent additional decoration for sweets.

It is not difficult to make cupcakes with filling. Recipes with photos step by step describe this work well. There are two approaches. In the first case, the filling is laid along with the dough. To do this, lay out a layer of dough in the form, then the filling, which is closed with a second layer of dough. In the second case, the core is removed from the cakes that have cooled down after baking and the resulting void is filled with filling. Then proceed to the design of the upper part of the mini-cakes.

Basic cupcake recipe

Thanks to creativity chefs to prepare the delicacy in question and introduce new nuances into the recipe, the variety of cupcakes today is measured in hundreds and even thousands of varieties. But for beginners, it would be more correct to start making these amazing cakes from the basic recipe.


  • Self-rising flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Eggs, 3 pcs.;
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp. l.;
  • Strawberry jam for filling.

Cooking: Several simple operations, the sequence of which is desirable to maintain.

  1. Butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla are whipped until fluffy and airy.
  2. Eggs are introduced into it. At the same time, you need to do this in stages, adding each egg separately and bringing the mass to a homogeneous one, beating it.
  3. Flour and milk are added in two stages. After adding half of these ingredients, the dough is well kneaded. After that, the rest of the milk and flour are added and also thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting dough is laid out in pre-oiled molds, also in two layers. The first is well distributed along the walls to make a glass. Jam is launched into it using a confectionery syringe, which is covered with a second layer of dough. The form should be two-thirds full.

Next, the forms are placed in an oven preheated to 180 0 for baking for 15 minutes. After this time, the cakes are removed from oven, and cool down a little in the molds. And then they need to be carefully removed and placed on a dish to cool, then decorate with cream.

Classic cream for cupcakes - recipe with photo

Particular attention is paid, of course, to the cream for cupcakes. A recipe with a photo step by step will help you get the perfect one, even if it is being prepared for the first time. An important condition is a sufficiently high density of the resulting mass. This is a necessary condition that will provide the opportunity to build a beautiful slide. To make its shape amazing and unusual, it is better to use a confectionery syringe.


  • Butter 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar 80 g;
  • Milk - approximately 70 milliliters.

Cooking: The main secret of the density of this cream is slightly warm milk, which is added to pre-mixed with powdered sugar butter and whipped at high speed.

Chocolate cupcakes - recipe with photo step by step

It is not difficult to prepare chocolate cupcakes, the recipe with a photo of which we present for lovers of such a delicacy. Ingredients:

  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Butter - about 170 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 5 s. l.;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 4 s.l.;
  • Cocoa - 4 s.l.;
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • Condensed milk.

Cooking: It is worth starting work by mixing half a serving of butter, cocoa, sugar and all milk. Next, the resulting mass should be put on low heat and allowed to boil with constant stirring.

After cooling, add pre-beaten eggs to it. Then add flour and baking powder and mix thoroughly. Put the dough into two-thirds of the greased molds and place in a preheated oven to 180 0 for 25 minutes. And at this time, you can prepare the cream. To do this, mix sour cream, the remaining sugar and cocoa and put on fire until boiling. Then remove, cool and add butter, beat well. And after the cupcakes are ready, carefully remove the middle and fill with condensed milk and decorate with cream on top.

Thanks to an interesting set of ingredients, ease of preparation and extraordinary taste, Hummingbird cupcakes are very popular.


  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Brown sugar - ¾ cup;
  • Vegetable oil - ¾ cup;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Walnut - 0.5;
  • Bananas - 300 g;
  • Pineapple - 150 g.

Cooking: In a bowl with sifted flour, to which soda and cinnamon have already been added, add sugar and mix. Make a well in the center and pour in the butter and lightly beaten eggs. Then lay banana puree, finely chopped pineapple and crushed nuts. The mass is thoroughly kneaded, after which it is laid out in oiled forms. An amazing cake is baked for 20 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 0. The last step is the obligatory decoration, for which any cream is suitable.

What holidays are cupcakes good for?

At children's holidays and home celebrations, at various corporate meetings and just in any cafe, mouth-watering cupcakes do not leave anyone indifferent. Mini-cakes with cartoon characters will look original at the children's event. And how beautiful marzipan little animals and hearts look on cupcakes. You can decorate them with butterflies or cute faces. For a corporate party, pastries are suitable, with sweet company logos. And if you put unusual cupcakes in a multi-tiered cake, then the treat will be worthy of any admiration. And eating them is a pleasure. No cutlery or cutlery required. The knife also does not spoil the overall spectacle, since it is simply not used in this case.

A recipe for cupcakes with cream with a photo step by step will help to prepare a delicacy for any housewife. She will be in place during the New Year's feast and at the birthday celebration. At a wedding celebration, thematically decorated cupcakes, neatly arranged on a decorative stand, will successfully replace the wedding cake. Ladies on March 8 will not refuse this dessert, even slightly deviating from their diets. After all, apart from palatability, mini-cakes are a worthy decoration of the table and are sure to give a festive mood.

Hello my friends!

If you want to surprise your guests with a delicious yet easy-to-make dessert, then this homemade cupcake recipe is just what you need.

Cupcakes are a universal thing: they are prepared simply, quickly, they do not require any special skills and are suitable for any celebration. But for me, their greatest value is that you can always take them with you. Cupcakes are very convenient to treat colleagues at work or classmates of a child at school. In fact, this is the same piece of cake, but for which no plates or forks are required, no need to think about how to cut it so that there is enough for everyone. In short, beauty.

The only thing I want to remind you: use paper molds for such cupcakes, having previously placed them in a metal mold. If you are using silicone molds, then you do not need paper capsules. There are still dense disposable paper forms on sale, for these, molds are also not needed.

The main thing - do not try to bake cupcakes in simple paper capsules without any support. It will be sad.

This recipe is my lifesaver in cases where I need to attach somewhere egg whites because these cupcakes are cooked only on proteins.

But most of all, mascarpone cream is suitable here.

For him we need:

  • heavy cream, cold, 33-36% - 250 ml
  • mascarpone cheese, cold - 120 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • fruit or berry puree - 50 gr. (0optional)


  1. Put all the ingredients (except puree) in a mixer bowl and beat on low speed for 1 minute, then on high until stable peaks (the cream should clearly hold its shape).

    If overwhipped and the cream curdled, add 50 grams of liquid cold cream and mix.

  2. At the end, if desired, introduce fruit puree and gently mix with a spatula until a homogeneous consistency.

cupcake decoration

Perhaps my top tip for decorating cupcakes is to ask do not buy plastic nozzles for a piping bag and those horrible syringes! This is money thrown to the wind. Nothing good will come of you with them. It’s better to cut off the corner of the package, such a hat will look much neater.

And ideally, of course, you need metal nozzles, then your cupcakes will be handsome even at home.

We decorate cupcakes with fresh berries, herbs, cookies, sweets, etc., etc.

Good luck, love and patience.

cupcake recipes with simple step by step photos instructions

cupcakes recipe

45 minutes

316 kcal

4.62 /5 (13 )

cupcakes- sweet and soft cakes, decorated with delicate cream. It is the perfect accompaniment to tea or coffee.

I learned how to make homemade vanilla cupcakes at home for a long time. My friend taught me this. I like that the ingredients are the simplest, those that can always be found in the kitchen or in the nearest store. And yes, the process is quite fast.

So that you can make cupcakes for your family, I will share with you classic recipe with a photo step by step to prepare this dessert at home.

  • Stock and kitchen appliances: mixer, deep bowls, cupcake molds (paper or silicone).

Required products



How to make cupcakes at home: a step by step recipe

Before making homemade delicious cupcakes, I recommend getting the butter out of the refrigerator, cut into small pieces and leave it at room temperature two hours. During this time it warm up and get softer.

The largest cupcake was made in the city of Washington. He weighed a little over 555 kg. Cream for decoration took 250 kg.

  1. First of all, mix already soft butter, sugar and vanilla sugar in a deep bowl. It is most convenient to do this with a mixer that needs to be set to high speed.

  2. Then, into the finished lush mixture, we introduce two eggs alternately.

  3. In this case, you must constantly continue to thoroughly beat all the ingredients.

  4. In a separate deep bowl we will mix dry ingredients. Pour flour, baking powder and salt into it. Stir to combine the ingredients evenly.

  5. Then it will introduce the dry ingredients into the liquid ones. Add half of the dry ingredients to the egg-cream mixture and mix well with a mixer set to low speed.
  6. Next, pour in 50 ml of milk there, knead until smooth.

  7. Pour the remaining half of the dry ingredients.
  8. Cupcake dough is ready! It should turn out tender, creamy, similar in texture to thick sour cream.
  9. For baking, I usually use a metal mold for 12 servings, I additionally place special purchased paper molds in the cells. I also sometimes use small silicone molds for cupcakes. You can choose the option that is more accessible and convenient for you to use.
  10. We spread our dough in baking dishes.

  11. For one cupcake, about one tablespoon of dough is enough. Be guided by the fact that the form should be filled out no more than three-quarters. After all, the dough will still rise, and if there is too much of it, then it will simply flow out of the molds and the cupcakes will no longer turn out as beautiful and neat as we would like.

  12. We put the forms with the dough in the oven for 20 minutes to bake at 170 degrees. After this time, check the readiness of baking using wooden stick. Poke a cupcake with it. When the pastry is ready, then you will get the stick dry. If there is sticky dough on the skewer, then put the cupcakes in the oven to bake for a few more minutes.
  13. We take out the finished cupcakes from the oven, let them cool for a couple of minutes, and then take them out on a wire rack or other surface and leave them to cool completely.

Watch your oven. If the tops of your cupcakes crack during the baking process, lower the baking temperature slightly next time.

We will decorate the completely cooled pastries with cream.

How to decorate and serve cupcakes beautifully

Cupcakes differ from ordinary cakes and muffins in that they are decorated cream cap. There are many recipes for such creams, but I will share with you my favorite recipe for protein-butter cream, which keeps its shape perfectly and is great for decorating cupcakes.

  1. To prepare the cream, we first take the eggs and very carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

  2. Place the egg whites in a heatproof bowl, add sugar and place the mixture on water bath. Make sure the bowl does not touch the surface of the water. We turn on the stove on medium fire.

  3. We take a mixer and beat the protein mixture at the lowest speed for about 8-10 minutes.

  4. We need to warm the proteins to a temperature of about 60 degrees. In this case, the sugar should be completely dissolved, and the mixture should be whipped to sharp peaks.

    The whisks of the mixer and the utensils where we add the ingredients for making the cream must be initially dry and fat-free. Otherwise, our proteins will not go astray.

  5. Now remove the protein mixture from the water bath, transfer to another cold bowl or to the mixer bowl and continue to beat everything thoroughly until the proteins have completely cooled.
  6. Next, we begin to add butter to the proteins. Make sure that the oil is the same temperature as the proteins themselves. This is necessary so that our cream does not go lumpy and exfoliate. Add oil in small portions, literally a teaspoon. Before you add the next portion, the previous one must completely connect with the cream.

  7. When finished, we introduce vanilla extract into the mixture, or any other flavor. For example, you can add liquor.

  8. Whisk the cream thoroughly. At the finish, we should get a lush, delicate, but at the same time quite dense texture. Cream is ready! If you wish, you can color all or part of the cream with any gel coloring to make your cupcakes even more beautiful and add original touches.

  9. We spread the cream in a pastry bag, since it will be more convenient to decorate our cupcakes with a special nozzle. I usually use an open star bait.

  10. Additionally, you can decorate the cupcakes to your taste. Put a few berries on top: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc. You can also sprinkle chocolate or coconut flakes and even chopped nuts.

Use only fresh ingredients to make cupcakes. The flour must be of the highest quality.

If the dough can still be kneaded by hand, then it is unrealistic to prepare a high-quality stable cream without a mixer, so make sure that such a miracle of technology is at your fingertips.

When preparing the cream, follow the indicated temperature recommendations. If you think that you can make a mistake when determining the temperature “by eye”, and you plan to cook cupcakes and other pastries often, get yourself a special kitchen thermometer, which for a long time will become your faithful and reliable assistant in the kitchen.

In America, cupcake lovers opened an ATM in 2012, or, as it was called, a “cupcake machine”, where you could buy this delicious pastries any time of the day.

Cupcake recipe video

I recommend watching this video recipe for making vanilla cupcakes. Here, the consistency of the dough at all stages of cooking is clearly demonstrated, which will greatly help the hostess, who first decided to cook such a dessert. Also featured in the video interesting shape cupcake decorations. Part of the cream turns pink, and part remains white. As a result, in an uncomplicated way, you can get two-color hats on your cupcakes, which looks incredibly beautiful and original.

cupcakes recipe

Cupcakes, portion cakes, decorated with a hat of gentle cream. Perfect for parties, birthdays and any occasion.

Disposable bags
Nozzle 1m

80 g butter at room temperature
100 gr sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla sugar or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs at room temperature
150 gr flour
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
50 ml milk at room temperature
Bake at 170° for about 20 minutes.

Protein butter cream recipe

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The composition "Italian Afternoon" belongs to the artist Twin Musicom. License: Creative Commons Attribution (


Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

I hope you can easily and with pleasure prepare cupcakes at home according to this recipe and please yourself and your loved ones with such a delicacy. Tell us, what other cupcake dough recipes do you know? What cream do you like to decorate your pastries with the most?