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Cooking laboratory work. Lab: Cooking Labs

KULINAm RIm I(lat. cul onariuskitchen, cooking)the art of cooking.
Kulinam R1) master of cooking; 2) one who is skilled in cooking.
Entrecote(from fr. entre between, and coteedge). In classical French cuisine, a piece of ox meat cut betweenribs and spine.
Bechamelone of the main sauces of French and European cuisines. Ingredients: 100 g butter, 1 tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of boiling broth (meat, fish, vegetable - depending on the purpose of the sauce), 1 cup of hot cream, fresh thin sour cream or, in extreme cases, milk.
meatballs(cues) small round minced meat patties (originally chops). Also dishes of this type, prepared not from meat.
Blanching(from French blanchir to pour boiling water over) quick scalding or scalding of any food product: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, as a result of which they change (lose) color, most often turn white. The product is doused with boiling water in a closed vessel (but not in a colander where water passes) or immersed in boiling water (up to 1 minute).
Steak(from English. beef(beef) +steaks(pieces)), fillet steaka dish of roast beef, originally a type of steak, steak from the head of the tenderloin.
Breezingkind of quenching. When brazing, a slight golden crust appears on the surface of the meat; the meat juice formed in this process is called a brez
Varem Nicky(ukr vareniki, w ?? r ? n ?? k ?? ) a Slavic dish, most common in Ukrainian cuisine, in the form of boiled unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries, cottage cheese.
Galum shki(ukr. dumplingsm , Slovak halusky ) a dish of Eastern European cuisine (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine), which is pieces of dough boiled in boiling water. In Ukraine, dumplingsand served as a separate dish (with oil or with sour cream) or cook soup with dumplings.
Drochen(also drachena) a dish of Russian cuisine from eggs mixed with milk with cereals, flour or grated potatoes. In some cases, jerking off is a semblancescrambled eggs, in others it is more solid like a baked tortilla.
Zham rkaa process in which food is cooked in direct contact with fat or without fat (on a metal surface (frying pan), in oil (fryer) or on open fire) at a temperature that ensures the formation of a specific crust on their surface, which is the result of the decomposition of organic substances contained in the product under the influence of high temperature and the formation of new ones.
Canapem (fr. canape ) tiny sandwiches weighing 6080 g, thickness ~ 0.5 cm 7 cm. toast, chopped various and edible bases (fish, meat, cheese), put on skewers, which can be put into the mouth as a whole, without biting off a piece.
Carbingmaking shallow cuts on the surface of a piece of meat in order to soften.
Knedley or dumplings(German Klo? ) European flour product, usually with the addition of cheese, potatoes and eggs in the form of small pieces. Usually added to soup or served with it.
Croquettes(from fr. croquer, bite) culinary dish cylindrical or round shape minced meat or vegetables, breaded and deep fried.
Liezon(fr. Liaison connection, connection) a liquid mixture of eggs and milk, or cream and water. Liezon binds the food product.
Melangefrozen mixture of egg yolks and whites.
Moussea sweet dessert dish prepared from some aromatic base (fruit or berry juice, puree, grape wine, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, etc.), which gives the taste and name to this or that mousse, and from auxiliary, nutritional substances that promote foaming and fixation of the foamy state of the mousse (gelatin, agar-agar, egg whites), as well as from sugar (saccharin, honey, molasses), informing the dish sweet taste or reinforcing it.
omlem t(from fr. omelette) dish french cuisine made from lightly beaten eggs fried in a frying pan.
Singeingthe process of removing wool and hairs from the surface of offal and poultry carcasses during their processing.
Parfait ? it is a type of ice cream. It is prepared from whipped cream with sugar, egg-milk mixture, flavorings and flavorings.
Breadingapplying an edible coating (panada) to the surface of the product to help retain moisture in the dish. It can be different, ranging from crackers to flour.
Breadcrumbs (fr. Paner sprinkle with breadcrumbs) crumbs from dry white bread, used for fried meat, fish and vegetable dishes (eg cauliflower).
Sauteingthe process of frying products at a temperature of 110-120 0 With no crispy crust.
Profitrom whether(fr. profiterole, profit ) small (less than 4 cm in diameter) French culinary products from choux pastry With various fillings(both sweet and savory): custard, lettuce, mushrooms, meat, etc.
Pum ding(English) pudding) an English dessert made from eggs, sugar, milk and flour, cooked in a water bath. Fruit or spices are added to the pudding. Cooling of the pudding is carried out in a special form, although this is not necessary. It is usually served chilled.
Sambuca sweet cold dish made by whipping fruit puree with sugar and egg yolk.
Soufflem (fr. souffle ) a dish of French origin made from egg yolks mixed with a variety of ingredients, to which white whipped eggs are then added egg whites. Can be a main course or a sweet dessert.
Sym rniki(cottage cheese) (ukr. sirniki, from ukr. syr cottage cheese) a dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine in the form of curd fritters; fried cakes made from cottage cheese mixed with flour (some cooks believe that flour is not added to real cheesecakes) and eggs.
Sem ndwich, FROMa ndwich(English) Sandwich) a type of sandwich. Consists of two or more slices of bread (often a roll) and one or more layers of meat and/or other fillings.
Thosem fteli or teftem whetherminced meat dishes in the form of balls. In addition to meat, meatballs can include rice, bread, breadcrumbs, onions, various spices, and eggs. Meatballs are fried, baked, steamed or stewed in sauce.
Extinguishingmiddle procedure between frying and boiling. In contrast to these methods, heat treatment is always carried out under a lid, in the presence of water (other liquid) and fat. Stewing is always a continuation of the frying or boiling procedure.
flambé(from French flamber to singe) the term means such a final stage of cooking, when, in order to give the final taste and, to no lesser extent, for the corresponding solemn culinary and decorative effect, a dish already served on the table is doused with a small amount of alcohol or cognac and set on fire.
Meatballs(ital. frittatellafried) dish, which is balls of minced meat or fish.
Schneem goal(German Schnitzel from schnitzencut) a thin layer of veal, pork, lamb, chicken or turkey breast, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and fried by deep dipping in hot oil (deep frying). It differs from chop in that the meat may not be beaten off, and in the way of frying. From escalope breading. Properly cooked schnitzel is golden-orange in color and crispy.
forcingthe introduction of small particles of another product into the product. As a rule, this is the introduction of fat (lard) inside with a lard needle. lean meat. A variety of stuffing can be attributed to the introduction of liquids into the product through a syringe.
Eclair(from French eclair gloss, i.e. a hint of the shiny surface of cakes covered with icing) a common type of choux pastry cake, oblong closed shape, filled with cream (sweet or sometimes salty) and covered with icing (chocolate) or couverture.
Escalope(fr. escalope) in Russian-French cuisine, escalopes were usually called even, round layers of meat, cut from tenderloin (veal, pork) or from other parts of the pulp (also in even circles, across the fibers).

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"Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky"

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Methodological guide for laboratory work

Professional module« »

by specialty 260807 FOOD SERVICE TECHNOLOGY

Faculty of secondary vocational education

basic training


Organizational and methodological section……………..……………………3

Approximate list of laboratory work………………………………8

Laboratory work No. 1 Topic: "Borscht and cabbage soup"………………………10

Laboratory work No. 2 Topic: "Pickles and hodgepodges"………….15

Lab #3

Topic: Vegetable soups, with cereals, pasta…………19

Laboratory work No. 4 Topic: “Soups-puree”……………………………23

Laboratory work No. 5 Topic: "Clear Soups"…………………27

Laboratory work No. 6 Popular soups of European cuisine ... ... .32

Lab #7Subject: Cold soups………………………….37

Laboratory work No. 8 Topic: "Dishes of fried vegetables"………40

Laboratory work No. 9 Topic: "Vegetable Dishes"…………………..44

Lab #10

Topic: "Dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta"……………49

Laboratory work No. 11 Topic: "Fish Dishes"…………………..53

Laboratory work 12 Topic: "Dishes of fried and stewed fish.59

Laboratory work No. 13 Topic: "Dishes from fried meat"………..64

Laboratory work No. 14 Topic: "Meat Dishes"………..68

Laboratory work No. 15 Topic: "Baked Meat Dishes"…….72

Laboratory work No. 16 Topic: "Dishes from minced meat"……….77

Laboratory work No. 17 Topic: "Poultry Dishes"…………………81

Laboratory work No. 18 “Dishes from eggs and cottage cheese”………………… 86





« Technology for the preparation of complex hot culinary products » help students of the specialty (specialties) SVE / profession 260807 Product technology Catering in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD):

PC 3.1. Organize and carry out the preparation of complex soups.

PC 3.2. Organize and conduct the preparation of complex hot sauces.

PC 3.3. Organize and conduct cooking complex dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese.

PC 3.4. Organize and conduct the preparation of complex dishes from fish, meat and agricultural (poultry) poultry.

The student must be able to: organoleptically assess the quality of products for the preparation of complex hot culinary products; make organizational decisions on the processes of preparing complex hot culinary products; carry out calculations using formulas; safe use of production equipment and technological equipment when preparing complex hot culinary products: soups, sauces, dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, fish, meat and poultry; choose various methods and techniques for preparing complex hot culinary products; to choose temperature regime when serving and storing complex hot culinary products; assess quality and safety finished products different ways;

The student must know: a range of complex hot culinary products: soups, sauces, dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, fish, meat and poultry; cheese classification, storage conditions and quality requirements various kinds cheeses; classification of vegetables, storage conditions and quality requirements for various types of vegetables; classification of mushrooms, storage conditions and quality requirements for various types of mushrooms; methods of organizing the production of complex soups, dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese; principles and methods of organizing the production of sauces in a restaurant (sauce station); quality requirements and rules for the selection of products and additional ingredients used for the preparation of complex soups, hot sauces; quality requirements and rules for the selection of semi-finished products from fish, meat and poultry and additional ingredients for them in accordance with the type of heat treatment; the main criteria for assessing the quality of prepared components for the preparation of complex soups, dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese; the main criteria for assessing the quality of finished complex hot culinary products; methods and combination options various ways cooking complex soups, hot sauces, fish, meat and poultry dishes; options for combining vegetables, mushrooms and cheeses with other ingredients to create harmonious dishes; options for selecting spices and seasonings when preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms; a range of flavors for complex hot sauces and options for their use; rules for choosing wine and others alcoholic beverages for complex hot sauces; rules for the sauce composition of hot sauces; temperature, sanitary conditions and cooking rules for different types complex soups, hot sauces, fish dishes of various types, meat and poultry, various types of cheeses; options for combining main products with other ingredients to create harmonious soups; options for combining fish, meat and poultry with other ingredients; rules for the selection of spices and seasonings to create harmonious dishes; kinds technological equipment and production equipment for the preparation of complex hot culinary products; technology for preparing complex soups (puree-like, transparent, national), hot sauces, meat and poultry dishes; technology for preparing special side dishes for complex puree-like, transparent, national soups; side dishes, dressings, sauces for complex hot dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, fish, meat and poultry; organoleptic methods for determining the degree of readiness and quality of complex hot culinary products; rules for the selection of hot sauces for various groups of dishes; the technique of cutting into portions of finished fish, poultry and hot meat; rules for portioning poultry cooked as a whole carcass, depending on the size (weight), fish and meat dishes; serving options, decoration and ways of serving complex soups, dishes from fish, meat and poultry, vegetables, mushrooms and cheese; traditional and modern combinations of wine and fruit with cheese; design options for plates and dishes with hot sauces; serving temperature for complex hot sauces, cheese dishes, vegetables and mushrooms; rules for cooling, freezing and thawing preparations for complex hot sauces and individual prepared hot complex sauces; safety requirements for the preparation, storage and serving of ready-made complex soups, dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, fish, meat and poultry; requirements for the safety of preparation and storage of ready-made complex hot sauces and preparations for them in chilled and frozen form; risks in the field of safety of the processes of preparation and storage of finished complex hot culinary products; methods for monitoring the safety of products, the processes of preparation and storage of finished complex hot products.

The purpose of the manual for the implementation of laboratory work on the course « Technology for the preparation of complex hot culinary products » – to help students consolidate knowledge of cooking technology, acquire the skills necessary to apply rational technology techniques while cooking several types of dishes and culinary products as well as organizational skills.

The guidelines highlight the methodology for conducting practical classes on all topics of the course, describe the technology, provide the recipe, the output of the first and second courses, side dishes and sauces for them.

To teach students the correct organization of the workflow, a certain sequence of operations is provided for the simultaneous preparation of several dishes.
Organization of laboratory classes on technology

Work in the laboratory is carried out by teams of four people. All teams have a permanent workplace - a table and a stove, inventory and utensils.

Each group is divided into two subgroups of 10-15 people. Each subgroup has a foreman.

Each brigade has a duty officer whose duties include checking the personal hygiene of the brigade members and distributing duties between them. To develop the skills of organizational work, all members of the brigade should be on duty in turn. The duty officer is responsible for the cleanliness of the workplace during work, for the order in the laboratories, and all members of the team are responsible for the quality of the prepared dishes and the yield of finished products.

In the laboratory, in a conspicuous place, there should be beautifully designed internal regulations, personal hygiene and safety precautions, which students are introduced to in advance.

Students must have a workbook in which they complete their homework for classes. It consists in making technological maps on various dishes with a brief description of the technology of their preparation and output.

As a rule, in practical classes they prepare for 1-2 servings, the calculation is carried out in a repeated column of CRP. Required amount vegetables is calculated according to the season. Required Products for sauce and garnish for the dish are calculated in the same table.

At the beginning of the lesson, the foremen report to the teacher on the completion of written homework by students. The teacher conducts a survey; with a satisfactory result of the survey, subject to completed homework, the student is allowed to complete the laboratory work. The teacher checks the correctness of filling in the technological cards, the correctness of the calculation, corrects them if necessary, determines the sequence of operations when performing the work.

After preparing the dishes, the student, under the guidance of the foreman and teacher on duty, culls the prepared dishes. First, dishes are tasted with delicate taste and then with a sharper one. The teacher evaluates the work of students, taking into account: taste, smell, texture, shape, design of dishes, compliance with output standards finished products; correct selection of dishes. The timeliness of the completion of work is taken into account; correct conduct technological process, observance of sanitary rules.

Personal hygiene rules

The student is allowed to work in the laboratory only after passing the test for bacillus carrying and a medical examination. Before starting work, students thoroughly wash their hands with a brush and soap and rinse them with a 0.2% clarified bleach solution. This is also necessary after a break in work, when moving from one type of work to another (for example, from processing raw foods to operations with products that have passed heat treatment or preparing for vacation).

Nails should be cut short, without polish. Watches, rings, brooches and other jewelry should be removed.

When visiting the toilet during work, sanitary clothing is removed, hands are washed especially carefully and rinsed with a 0.25% solution of clarified chlorine suspension.

Sanitary clothing consists of a dressing gown or jacket, cap, apron made of white cotton fabric. You must bring your own towel. Sanitary clothing should cover home clothes and completely hair. It is not allowed to leave the laboratory in sanitary clothes. Students must wear a change of shoes with low heels. At the end of classes, students clean the workplace, wash tables, inventory, tools with soda and put them in cabinets. The attendants are cleaning the premises. The foreman checks the quality of cleaning of workplaces and premises.


Topics, classes.

The content of laboratory work.

Lesson 1.

Organization of the technological process of preparing cabbage soup, borscht. Quality control.

Lesson 2.

Organization of the technological process for the preparation of pickles, saltworts. Quality control.

Lesson 3.

Organization of the technological process of preparing soups with vegetables, cereals, legumes and pasta. Quality control.

Lesson 4.

Organization of the technological process of preparation of puree-like soups. Quality control.

Lesson 5.

Organization of the technological process of preparation of transparent soups. Quality control.

Lesson 6.

Organization of the technological process of preparing popular soups of European cuisine. Quality control.

Lesson 7.

Organization of the technological process of making cold soups. Quality control.

Dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms.

Lesson 8.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from fried vegetables. Quality control.

Lesson 9.

Organization of the technological process of preparing dishes from stewed and baked vegetables. Quality control.

Topic 3.4. Dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

Lesson 10.

Organization of the technological process of preparing dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta. Quality control.

Dishes from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials.

Lesson 11.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from stewed and baked fish. Quality control.

Lesson 12.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from fried fish. Quality control.

Meat dishes.

Lesson 13.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from fried meat. Quality control.

Lesson 14.

Organization of the technological process of preparing stew dishes. Quality control.

Lesson 15.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from baked meat. Quality control.

Lesson 16.

Organization of the technological process of preparing minced meat dishes. Quality control.

Poultry, game and rabbit dishes.

Lesson 17.

Organization of the technological process of preparing poultry dishes. Quality control.

Dishes from eggs and cottage cheese.

Lesson 18.

Organization of the technological process of cooking dishes from eggs and cottage cheese. Quality control.

Lab #1

Theme: "Borscht and cabbage soup"
Broth preparation:

1. The bones are chopped weighing no more than 100 g, washed, pork and veal are lightly fried.

2. Prepared bones are poured with cold water and boiled at a low boil, periodically removing fat and foam.

3. Carrots and onions are cut into halves, put cut side down in clean, dry cast-iron pans and roasted without fat until a light brown crust forms.

4. Fat-free vegetables are placed in the broth 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking.

5. Bouillon from beef bones is boiled for 3.5-4 hours, from pork and veal bones - 2-3 hours.

Ready broth is filtered.

Name of products

B per 1 liter

H per 1 liter

Food bones






Parsley (root)











Borscht Moscow № 274
1. The broth is boiled with the addition of smoked pork bones, put the meat 1 hour before the end of cooking.

2. Beets are stewed: Beets cut into strips are poured with hot broth (15-20% by weight of beets) 10 minutes before the end of stewing, browned tomato, onion, carrots and vinegar are added. Stew at a low boil under a closed lid.

3. Shredded cabbage is placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 10-15 minutes at a low boil.

4. Onions, carrots are chopped into strips and put in a pan with fat heated to 150 º C, sauted for 5 minutes, put the tomato, bring to readiness and lay in the beets.

5. Prepared beets put in borscht, bring to a boil.

6. Bring to taste (salt, sugar and spices) and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

7. Boiled meat, ham, sausages are cut one piece per serving, poured with broth, brought to a boil, boiled for 3-5 minutes.

8. Put a meat set in a deep plate, pour borscht, top with sour cream and finely chopped greens.

Name of products



Smoked meat bones









fresh cabbage






tomato puree






Vinegar 3%






Food bones






Sour cream

















Borscht with prunes and mushrooms № 264
1. Thoroughly washed dried mushrooms are soaked for 15 minutes, washed, poured with water (1: 7) and left for 3 hours, and then boiled in this water.

2. Stew the beets: pour the beets cut into strips with hot broth (15-20% by weight of the beets), 10 minutes before the end of the stew add browned tomato, onion, carrots and vinegar, stew at a low boil, under a closed lid.

3. Rinse and boil prunes.

4. Shredded cabbage is placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 10-15 minutes at a low boil.

5. Onions, carrots are chopped into strips and put in a pan with fat heated to 150 º C, sautéed for 5 minutes, put a tomato, brought to readiness and put in beets.

6. Prepared beets put in borscht, bring to a boil.

7. Put the mushrooms cut into strips. Pour strained mushroom broth and broth from prunes.

8. Bring to taste (salt, sugar, spices) and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

9. They release borscht with prunes, sour cream and herbs.

Name of products






Dried white mushrooms






fresh cabbage






Parsley (root)



cooking oil






tomato puree






Vinegar 3%






Sour cream 15





* weight of boiled prunes

Shchi daily № 285

1. Cook the broth with the addition of meat.

2. sauerkraut finely chop, add fat, broth (20-25% by weight of cabbage), smoked pig bones and stew for 3-4 hours.

3. Carrots are cut into small cubes, onions are finely chopped and sautéed with the addition of tomato puree.

4. Prepared vegetables and tomatoes are put in cabbage 20 minutes before the end of the stew.

5. Put into boiling broth stewed cabbage with sautéed vegetables, bring to a boil, add sautéed flour diluted with chilled broth, bring to a boil, put salt, pepper, spices.

6. Put the meat in a pot, pour over the cabbage soup and put it in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Chopped garlic, sour cream and herbs are put in ready-made cabbage soup.

Shchi is released in a pot on a small table plate. A deep plate is served separately.

Name of products



Smoked pork bones









Parsley (root)






tomato puree



cooking oil



Wheat flour









Food bones






Sour cream








Boyar cabbage soup No. 287
1. Dried mushrooms are washed, poured with cold water (1: 7), left for 3-4 hours, then boiled in the same water, filtered, the mushrooms are washed and chopped into strips.

2. Finely chop sauerkraut and stew for 1.5-2 hours with the addition of mushroom broth.

3. Carrots and onions are chopped, sautéed together with tomatoes, put in cabbage 15-20 minutes before the end of the stew.

4. For a cake, the yeast is diluted in warm water with a temperature of 30-35 º C, sugar, salt, sifted flour are added, the dough is kneaded and put for 3-4 g for fermentation in a room with a temperature of 35-40 º C. In the fermentation process 1-2 times are crushed. Ready dough divided into pieces weighing 18 g and rolled into round cakes.

5. The meat is cut into portions and fried.

6. Put meat, stewed cabbage with sautéed vegetables in a pot, pour water, add mushroom broth, bring to a boil, season with sautéed flour, diluted water or mushroom broth, put salt, spices, cover with a dough cake and bring to readiness in an oven for 15-20 minutes.

7. Shchi is released in a pot covered with a cake on a small table plate.

A deep plate is served separately.

Name of products









Dried white mushrooms












tomato puree



Wheat flour

















* Mass of boiled mushrooms

Product Summary Table for Lab #1

Name of products



Borscht with mushrooms and prunes

Shchi daily

cabbage soup




Smoked meat bones











fresh cabbage










tomato puree




















Food bones











Sour cream





Beef (wt.)













Dried white mushrooms




Parsley (root)



















Wheat flour







Pork (wt.)






Lab #2
Topic: "Pissels and hodgepodges"
Rassolnik Leningrad № 297
1. Weld meat and bone broth(See Lab #1).

2. Sort pearl barley, rinse, pour hot water, boil for 7-10 minutes and leave to steam under a tightly closed lid.

3. Peel cucumbers, cut into diamonds, pour hot water and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

4. Peel onions and carrots, rinse, chop into strips and sauté with tomato puree.

5. Peel, rinse, cut potatoes into slices or cubes.

6. Put sliced ​​potatoes into boiling broth, bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes, add steamed grits and cook for 10 minutes, add blanched cucumbers and browned vegetables, bring to a boil, put salt, spices, strained, boiled cucumber pickle, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

7. When vacationing, put meat products in a soup bowl or plate, pour pickle, put sour cream and finely chopped greens.

Name of products






Pearl barley or rice






Parsley (root)












tomato puree



table margarine









Sour cream





Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education


Faculty of food production

Department of food production technology


on production practice

Head: Biryukova N.V.

"____" _________________2007


student gr. 03-TVOP

Kirzeev O.V.

"____" _________________ 2007

Orenburg 2007

Lab #1

Geometric and physical characteristics of grain and its impurities


To get acquainted with the method of determining the geometric and physical characteristics of grain and its impurities with the selection of sieves and sorting schemes for efficient cleaning and separation of grain.


2. Build a polygon for separating grain by size and determine the composition of impurities in each fraction.

Work order

A sample of grain weighing 100-200 g is sifted on a sieving analyzer, in which sieves with holes are installed, depending on the analyzed culture.

The resulting fractions are weighed, and each gathering is disassembled into normal grain and impurities. Impurities are weighed and expressed in%. The amount of normal grain is determined as the difference between the mass of the fraction and the amount of impurities.

The analyzed culture is barley.

Table 1 – Sieving results

Sieve Remainder, %
3x20 1,2
2.5x20 37,4
2.4x20 17,0
2.0x20 29,6
1.7x20 10,8
Pallet 2,4

Conclusion: We studied the method for determining the geometric and physical characteristics of grain with different contamination on a sieving analyzer. A polygon for separating grain by size was built and the composition of impurities in each fraction was determined.

Lab #2

Influence of grain size on the yield and quality of flour

Objective: determine the evenness of the grain in the test batch

Equipment: sieving analyzer, set of sieves, scales.


1. Sorting several grain samples with different contamination on a sieving analyzer.

2. Dial 100 g of grain on sieves (large fraction), (fine fraction).

3. Grind the original grain and two fractions. Determine the type of flour on the R3BPL device.

By sieving the grain, fractions were obtained:

Pallet - 10.77 g

We collect 100 g of grain on sieves (large fraction), (fine fraction).

We will grind the original grain and two fractions. Let's determine the type of flour on the R3BPL device.

The results of the research will be entered in table 2.

Table 2 - Research results

Table 3 - Whiteness of varietal flour

V/S Over 54 units Device R3BPL
1/S 36-53 units
2/S 12-35 units
wallpaper Below 12

Conclusion: Using the results of Table 2 and Table 3, we can conclude the effect of grain size on the yield and quality of flour.

The larger the grain, therefore, it will have more endosperm, which means that the whiteness of the large grain will be higher. This is what we see from our research results. Under laboratory conditions, we obtained 2nd grade flour (large fraction) and wholemeal flour (fine fraction and original grain).

Lab #3

Calculation of the composition of grinding batches of grain

Objective. Mastering the methodology for calculating the composition of a grinding batch of a given quality for varietal milling of wheat.

Grain batches arriving at the mill differ in a number of quality indicators: vitreousness, gluten content, ash content, etc., which is due to the varietal characteristics of grain, soil and climatic conditions of cultivation and other factors. Processing such different quality batches of grain will result in flour that does not meet the requirements of the standard. This is especially true for low-quality grain batches.

It is possible to ensure the stability of the quality of flour by pre-mixing several batches of grain located in the mill elevator. Forming a grinding batch, it is possible to mix different components according to one indicator, for example, vitreousness or gluten. It should be emphasized that vitreousness most accurately expresses the technological, biochemical and energy characteristics of the grain. To a certain extent, this indicator determines the choice of the conditioning mode, the yield of grains "in the broken process", the yield of flour and its quality, as well as the specific energy consumption for grinding. In addition, at mills equipped with high-performance complete equipment, each section requires a grinding batch of a certain vitreousness.

The recipe for the grinding batch is pre-prepared 10-15 days before the start of grinding, so that during the ten-day stop, the technologist can make certain adjustments to the technological scheme for preparing and grinding grain.

Typically, a grinding batch is made up of two or three components.


The weighted average value of the grain quality indicator accepted for calculation, which is determined by the formula:

Specific values ​​of the accepted quality indicator for the grain of each of the three components;

The total mass of the grinding batch is determined by the formula:


where is the mass of each component required to compile the grinding batch.

Deviation from vitreousness is determined by the formulas:


For the case of compiling a grinding batch of two components:

For the case of compiling a grinding batch of three components:



Make a grinding batch of wheat grain of the total mass M =8000 tons. The following types of wheat grain are available, with vitreousness:

The weighted average vitreousness of the party =62. Find the mass of each component.

For two parties

The weighted average value of the grain quality indicator accepted for calculation is determined by the formula:

For cases of a three-component grinding lot:


To determine the amount of grain of each component of the grain mixture, you can also use the rules of inverse proportion, and to check the resulting solutions - the rules of mixing.

Table 4 - Calculation by the method of inverse proportion

Conclusion: studied the methodology for calculating the composition of a grinding batch of a given quality for varietal milling of wheat.

Lab #4

Determination of the technological efficiency of the separator

Objective. Studying the process of separating impurities from the grain mass and determining the separation efficiency of a multicomponent mixture.

Basic theoretical provisions

Initial batches of grain, despite preliminary cleaning in farms and elevators, contain in their mass a significant amount of various impurities of mineral and organic origin. Thus, the grain mass entering the processing is a mixture consisting of the grain of the main crop and other components. When preparing grain for grinding, such a mixture should be separated in order to isolate only the grains of the main crop.

The process of mechanical separation of mixtures into their constituent, more homogeneous fractions is called separation.

To analyze and evaluate the technological process of separating granular mixtures, which include grain mixtures, there are methods that allow obtaining the most objective indicators of the effect of separation of the initial mixture into its constituent components.

Before proceeding to the definition of indicators of the technological effect of separation, it is necessary to introduce some terms and concepts.

Initial mixture- a grain mixture consisting of one or more components and intended for separation in a separator.

Fraction- part of the mixture separated on the separator. The fraction may consist of one or more components included in the initial mixture.

Fraction Purity- the relative content of the main component in this fraction in fractions or percentages of the output.

Fraction output- the ratio of the amount of fraction material to the amount of the initial mixture, expressed in fractions or percentages of the amount of the initial mixture.

Degree of extraction the ratio of the amount of a component in a fraction to the amount of the same component in the initial mixture.

The general regularity of the separation process is that the initial mixture as a result of separation is divided into parts /new mixtures/, which are qualitatively different from the original mixture. New mixtures / fractions / in their composition are more homogeneous in terms of the characteristics that underlie the separation of the mixture / length, width, thickness, etc. /, and the more homogeneous the obtained fractions on this basis, the higher the separation effect.

The quality of the separation process is evaluated by the completeness of the isolation of each of the components in its pure form.

The task of cleaning is to separate the worst component / impurities / from the grain mass in order to enrich the best component / grain / with the least loss of the latter to waste.

The indicator of the separation effect is the indicator E. The physical essence of this indicator is theoretically substantiated by the example of sorting a two-component mixture into two fractions /Fig. 1 /. Let Q = 1 be the initial mixture to be separated. Suppose that the specified mixture is to be divided according to the attribute X into two components: <р \ and <р 2 .

Picture 2 Grain separation schedule

Due to the imperfection of the separator in the fraction Q 1 contains some part of q particles of the component φ 2, and in the second fraction Q 2 - R- component particles φ 1 .

Purity of the first fraction φ 11 =

and the second faction q 22 is equal to: q 22 = .

With the ideal operation of the separator, i.e. in the optimal mode, the initial mixture will be divided into 2 fractions with a maximum indicator of their purity φ max 1 ,

and φ max 2 .

If the separator is not working optimally, then φ 11< φ max 1 , a φ 22< φ max 2 Because the φ 11 > φ max 1 a φ22 > φ2, then the content of the first component in the first fraction (its purity) will increase by φ 11 - φ 1, and the content of the second component in the second fraction will increase by φ 22 - φ 2 compared with the content of these components in the original mixture.

The maximum possible increase in the content of components in both fractions with the optimal operation of the separator will be respectively equal to φ max 1 - φ 1 ,

and φ max 2 -φ 2. Consequently, the degree of enrichment of the first fraction will be equal to the ratio of the actual increase in the concentration of the first component in it to the maximum possible, i.e.: ;

and, accordingly, the degree of enrichment of the second fraction:

The overall separation effect E is defined as the weighted average of the enrichment of both fractions:


In a particular case, when the initial mixture can be separated into components in pure form, i.e. φ max 1 = φ max 2 \u003d 1, the indicator E will be equal to:

(10) where , and the output, respectively, of the first and second fractions.

Extending the conclusion to complex mixtures, the overall technological effect of separating an n-component mixture into n fractions can be represented as:

(11) where φ i - the content of the i-th component in the initial mixture;

φ ii - purity of the i-th fraction;

Wi - output of the i-th fraction.

Description of the laboratory setup

The work is carried out on a laboratory separator. The separator consists of a frame, a sieve body and a receiving hopper with a feeder. The sieve body makes 200 oscillations per minute using an eccentric mechanism on a drive shaft rotated by an electric motor.

Figure 3 - Schematic diagram of the separator

Second sieve with round holes 0.5 mm to separate large impurities that have passed through the receiving sieve.

The third sieve with rectangular holes measuring 2.2x20 mm to separate coarse grains.

Fourth undersowing sieve 1.7x20 mm in size for separating small impurities. A fine grain is obtained from this sieve.

Thus, the main component /grain/ is released by passing through a sieve with a diameter of 5 mm and exiting from a sieve of 1.7x20 mm. The second component / large impurities / is separated from the first two sieves with 6x6 holes. mm and 5 mm in diameter. The third component /small impurities/ - by passing through a sieve with holes measuring 1.7x20 mm. 4. Order of performance of work.

From the batch of grain intended for cleaning, two samples are isolated: one /50g/ for analysis, the second /2 kg/ for cleaning on the separator.

The first sample is subjected to technical analysis for the content of removed impurities in the grain before the machine, i.e. determination of the content of components φ 1 , φ 2 and φ 3 in fractions of a unit or percentage.

The second sample is passed through the separator until the sieves are completely free from the waste product. The three fractions obtained are weighed on a balance. Weighing results, expressed as a percentage in the initial mixture, are considered as the yield of each fraction W ] , W 2 and W 3 .

Samples of 50 g are taken from each fraction emitted after separation to determine the purity of the fraction by the content of the main components in them, namely φ 11 , φ 22 and φ 33 .

Table 5 - Results of the first separation

Based on the obtained results, determine the separation efficiency of the initial mixture according to the formula:

Separation time 53 sec.

Productivity is 67.92 kg/h.

Table 6 - Results of the second separation

Separation time 10 sec.

Productivity is equal to 360 kg/h.

Conclusion: the higher the operating mode of the separator, the lower the efficiency of the separator.

Educational and methodical materials Laboratory workshop 2014


State budget professional

educational institution

Krasnodar Territory

"Krasnodar Polytechnic College"

Topic 1.1.2 Technological process of cooking soups of national cuisine.

(variable part)

for the specialty 19.02.10. Technology of catering products

bone broth

Bone broth for its nutritional and palatability inferior to meat, because, unlike meat, bones do not contain extractive substances; from the bones pass into the broth, mainly adhesives and fat. The broth from beef and mutton bones is cooked for no more than 4.5-6 hours (depending on the age of the animal), and the broth from veal and pork bones cook for 2-3 hours. Many experienced housewives for improvement taste properties and appearance, 30–40 minutes before the end of cooking, put baked into the broth, that is, cut into two longitudinal parts and fried in a dry frying pan, onion heads, carrots, celery root.

Ingredients for the Basic Bone Broth Recipe:


1000 g -

2 pcs. -

1 PC. -

1 PC. -

5 pieces. -

1 PC. -

1 tsp -

To prepare bone broth, you need to take bones (beef, pork or lamb), water, carrots, onions, parsley root, black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Wash the bones in cold water changing it two or three times. To better extract fat and other nutrients, the bones should be cut lengthwise and across into small pieces (5–6 cm), since soluble substances are better extracted from crushed bones. The vertebral bones must be cut across; cut the articular heads of the tubular bones into several parts, and leave the tube intact; cut flat bones into pieces.

Put prepared bones in a deep saucepan of small diameter and pour them with cold water.

Put the pan on the fire, bring the contents to a boil as quickly as possible, and then carefully remove all the foam from the surface with a slotted spoon so that during further cooking it does not break up into small flakes and does not worsen the appearance of the broth. Reduce the fire, preventing further rapid boiling. During cooking, periodically remove excess fat, as it emulsifies and hydrolyzes, so the broth may have an unpleasant greasy taste. The presence of a small layer of fat contributes to the preservation of aromatic substances in the broth. Beef and lamb bones should be boiled for about 4–4½ hours, and veal and pork bones for 2–3 hours. With longer cooking time, the taste of the broth deteriorates.

Peel the carrots and cut in half lengthwise. Peel the onion, leaving two layers of husk, and cut in half. Peel the parsley root.

Place the onions and carrots, cut side down, in a dry cast iron skillet and roast until browned, not burning.

40 minutes before the broth is ready, put onions, carrots and parsley into it. Parsley root is put into the broth in fresh, without baking. Salt the broth 30 minutes before it is ready.

At the end of cooking (5 minutes before readiness) put spices into the broth.

Strain the finished broth first through a colander, and then through three layers of gauze soaked in water and well wrung out. Bone broth can be completely clear or cloudy. It depends on the presence of proteins and fat. The hot broth should have sparkles.

Laboratory work 2.

Theme: Cooking dressing soups European cuisine. Borsch.


The content of the work:

1. Prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: Borsch "Ukrainian".

3. Rate their quality.

2. Fill in the table:

Borsch (step-by-step instruction )


Beef 600 g

Potatoes 300 g

Beetroot 300 g

Cabbage 200 g

Onion 150 g

Carrot 150 g

Tomato paste 2 tbsp

Garlic 1 tooth

Vinegar 6% 1 tsp

A piece of old fat 10 gr

Parsley root (sushi) 0.5 tsp Celery root (sushi)

Boil the meat for 1.5 hours in salted water.

Cut the boiled meat into pieces and send back to the broth.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Shred the cabbage finely.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater.

Fry onions and carrots until golden brown.

Add the beets, sprinkle them with vinegar and add the tomato paste, parsley and celery root, sugar.

Pour a little broth, simmer for 30 minutes.


Add potatoes to the broth, salt, cook for 5 minutes.

Add cabbage, cook for 10 minutes.

Add tomato paste, stir, cover the pan with a lid and simmer everything together for 4-5 minutes over medium heat.
Then add fresh parsley.

Add browned vegetables, salt and pepper.

Grind (you can grate on a fine grater) a small piece of bacon with garlic and add to the borscht. Remove from heat and let sit for half an hour

Laboratory work 3.

Topic: Cooking filling soups of European cuisine. Rassolnik "Leningradsky" pickle with barley.

Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:

1. prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: pickle "Leningradsky", pickle with pearl barley.

2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

End of form

Pickle with barley (step-by-step instruction)


Beef 500 g

Pearl barley 150 g

Potatoes 500 g

Pickled cucumbers 300 g

Cucumber pickle 250 g

Onion 150 g

Carrot 150 g

Tomato paste 2-3 tbsp

Boil the meat for 1 hour in salted water.

Cut the boiled meat into pieces and send back to the broth.

Rinse the barley, add to the broth and cook for 30 minutes.

Cut potatoes into small slices.

Add potatoes to barley broth, cook for another 15 minutes.

Finely chop the onion. Grate carrots on a medium grater.

Cucumbers cut into strips.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add carrots, fry.

Add cucumbers and a little broth, simmer for 15 minutes.

Add tomato paste, stir, remove from heat.

Add the roast to the boiling broth.

Also add cucumber pickle, bay leaf, pepper. Season with salt if needed and cook for 10 more minutes.

Formatting, submission:

Lab 4


Topic: Cooking filling soups of European cuisine. Pickle with kidneys, Children's pickle


Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:

1. prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: Pickle with kidneys, Children's pickle

2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

Pickle with kidneys

(step-by-step instruction)


meat broth (preferably veal)

beef kidneys - 2 pcs.

potatoes - 3-4 pcs.

carrots - 1 pc.

bulb - 1 pc.

pickled cucumber - 3-4 pcs.


greens (dill, parsley)

bay leaf - 2 pcs.

black pepper (ground) - to taste

salt - to taste

sunflower oil - for frying

1. It should be noted right away that it is better to cook the veal broth in advance (it is advisable to take a piece of veal with a bone). Then you need to soak the kidneys in cold water (it is advisable to take large kidneys, they should be soaked for several hours, while the water must be changed periodically). Then the kidneys are boiled until tender, and salt is added at the end of cooking.

2. Now let's prepare the vegetables. To do this, peel the onions, carrots and immediately potatoes. Now cut the onion into cubes, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Warm up in a frying pan sunflower oil and fry vegetables on it.

3. In the meantime, grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater (if you wish, you can simply cut them into cubes) and put them in a small saucepan, add the pickle from the cucumbers (enough to cover the cucumbers completely) and set to stew under the lid over low heat.

4. Cut the kidneys into strips and add them to the fried onions with carrots, continue to fry over low heat (under the lid). Now bring the meat broth to a boil, and then put the chopped potatoes into it. When the broth boils again, add the roast with the kidneys and continue to cook until the potatoes are ready. When it is cooked, we begin to add cucumbers and herbs.

Form start

End of form

Children's pickle

(step-by-step instruction)

It looks almost like soup, but is cooked with sour cucumbers. The sourness corresponding to the pickle appears, but the tomato and frying are completely absent. Hence the name "baby".

About the broth. AT children's menu it is better to use the so-called "secondary broth". It is cooked as usual, but immediately after boiling water with meat, the first water is drained and a new portion is poured. With the first portion of water, we remove all unnecessary fat and toxins from the meat.

Servings: 6

Cooking time: 1 hour

Calories: Low Calorie

Calories per serving: 120 kcal


chicken broth - 2 l

medium-sized potatoes - 2-3 pcs.

small carrot - 1 pc.

onion - 1 pc.

rice - 2 tbsp. l.

sour cucumbers - 2 pcs

greens - a small bunch

salt to taste

1. Take a pre-prepared broth or boil, salt to taste. Strain and put on fire.

2. Cut cucumbers into small cubes or cubes, squeeze out excess liquid and add to boiling broth. Boil for 5-7 minutes.

3. Peel and wash vegetables.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or in your usual way.
Add to broth.

5. Also cut the onion into cubes,
add to the broth after the potatoes.

6. Grate carrots on a medium grater or cut into cubes.
Add to broth.

7. At the end of cooking, add 2 tablespoons of rice.

Boil everything until the potatoes are ready.

Finely chop the greens and add to the pickle.

Let it brew for 30 minutes

Laboratory work 5.

Topic: Cooking potato soups of European cuisine. Potato soup with meatballs and vermicelli.

Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:


2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

Potato soup with meatballs and vermicelli

( step-by-step instruction)


Minced meat 400 g

Potatoes 500 g

Carrot 200 g

Onion 200 g

Breadcrumbs 3 tbsp

Vermicelli 50 g

Add the breadcrumbs to the minced meat, salt, pepper and mix well.

Form small meatballs from minced meat.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut potatoes into cubes.

Fry onions and carrots in sunflower oil.

Add potatoes to boiling water and bring back to a boil.


Then add the frying to the potatoes, boil for 5 minutes.

Carefully place the meatballs one by one into the pot. Boil 10 minutes.

At the end, add thin vermicelli. Salt and pepper the soup. Add bay leaf and herbs. Cook for 5 more minutes.

Formatting, submission:

Laboratory work 6.

Topic: Cooking potato soups of European cuisine. Potato soup with mushrooms.

Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:

1. prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: Ukrainian borscht, Leningradsky pickle, fresh cabbage soup, soup with pasta

2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

Cheese soup with mushrooms

(step-by-step instruction)


Processed cheese (cream): 350 gr;

Noble mushrooms: 150 gr;

Potatoes: 3-4 pcs;

Leek: 100 gr;

Carrots: 1 pc;

Dill greens: a bunch;

Salt: 1.5 - 2 teaspoons;

Black peppercorns: 5-6 pcs.

Prepare frozen mushrooms:

white, boletus or boletus,

although with any other mushrooms it will also turn out very tasty.

Put a saucepan with 2 liters of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Put mushrooms into boiling water. Boil for about 15 minutes.

If you have dry mushrooms, then you need to cook them a little longer, about 30 minutes.

Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.

Peel and grate carrots.Cut the leek and lightly mash with your hands

Add salt, black pepper and cream cheese to the soup

15 minutes after the start of cooking the mushrooms, add the potatoes.

Boil 10 min. Add carrots and leeks, cook for 10 more minutes

. Put greens in a pot with cheese soup and turn off the heat

Serving the dish:

Finely chop the dill

Cheese soup with mushrooms is best served with crackers or white bread.

Laboratory work 7.

Topic: Cooking cold soups of European cuisine. Okroshka.

Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:

1. prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: Ukrainian borscht, Leningradsky pickle, fresh cabbage soup, soup with pasta

2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

Okroshka on kefir with meat green peas

(step-by-step instruction)


polka dotscanned - 1/2 Cup cilantro - 1/2 cup
dill - 1/4 cup
green onion- 1/4 cup
cucumber - 1/4 cup
beef or sausages - 220 g.
eggs - 3 pieces
carrots - 1 medium carrot
potatoes - 2 pieces
kefir or yogurt - 2 cups
water - 1.5 cups
black pepper, salt

okroshka will be very handy. Okroshka refers to cold soups that have a serving temperature of 7-14 degrees. These are seasonal soups and products can replace each other. Okroshka is prepared on kvass, on vegetable broth, on kefir, on whey and even on birch sap. You can cook okroshka with sausage, meat and just vegetables. If we use meat to prepare okroshka, then we first boil it, cool it, and then cut it into cubes or strips. Okroshka can also be prepared with vegetables, it is also prepared only without meat products. If several meat products are used for cooking, then you will get mixed meat okroshka.

We will cook this okroshka with whey and sausage, although it would be more interesting with bread kvass and meat.

Prepare all ingredients, boil and chop.

Meat or sausages (it was sausages that turned up under my arm), boil and cut into circles

Chop the egg

Dice boiled carrots

and boiled potatoes

to mix everything.

Dilute kefir with water

and pour over the rest of the ingredients..

Sprinkle with black pepper and salt to taste. Mix.

Laboratory work 8.

Topic: Cooking cold soups of European cuisine. Cucumber gazpacho with mint.

Target: Introduce students to the technology of making dressing soups.

Tools, inventory and utensils : pots, frying pans, wooden boards, knives, spoons, plates, pouring spoons.

The content of the work:

1. prepare and arrange for serving the following dishes: Ukrainian borscht, Leningradsky pickle, fresh cabbage soup, soup with pasta

2. Taste prepared dishes

3. Rate their quality.

Work sequence

1. Study the step by step instructions.

2. Calculate the gross weight of products according to the proposed recipe, calculate the amount of raw materials for 1.2 servings.

2. Fill in the table:

3.Receive the products, prepare the workplace. Prepare a meal. Make a description of the technological process.

4. Organoleptic assessment of the dish.

5. Make an assessment of the cooked dish and enter the results in the table:

Cucumber gazpacho with mint

(step by step recipe)


7 large cucumbers,

1 red onion.

young onion 2 pieces,

bunch of arugula

2 heads young garlic(or three cloves of the "old"),

bunch of mint,

small bunch of chives

a couple of tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (or lime),

salt-pepper, olive oil

Garlic - to taste. And in general, adjust all mixtures for gazpacho yourself according to the proportions of vegetables - they are very different everywhere.

We clean cucumbers.

We cut one cucumber into very small cubes, the rest into circles.

We clean the garlic and onions. Half a red onion, young onion and chives finely chopped. We mix everything - this will be our gas station.

Young garlic is not as spicy, but very fragrant. But still - try it, you need to be careful with it. Mint and arugula (it will add spice) remove hard stems.

Cucumber slices, garlic, half a sweet onion, young onion, mint and arugula mix, pepper, sprinkle olive oil and let marinate for 20 minutes. Do not salt yet (!) Otherwise, the cucumbers will immediately release the juice.

Salt and send to a blender.

We filter through a sieve.

Try it, maybe you need to straighten the taste with salt, pepper or lemon juice.

Put our mixture of finely chopped vegetables in the center of the plate and pour the liquid. You can use a little balsamic vinegar instead of lemon juice.

Instructions for cutting vegetables

Cutting tubers, root crops.


  1. Choose a large potato tuber

    Cut into 2mm thick

    Stack the plates on top of each other

    Chop across straws 4-5 cm long

    Use for deep frying


    Choose potatoes with a diameter of 3-4cm

    Cut into slices 0.7-1cm thick

    Cut the resulting plates into sticks

    Use for frying to make pickles,

soups with pasta and other dishes


    Cut potatoes into slices

    Cut the slices into strips

    Cut the resulting sticks across into cubes

    Use large cubes for soups with cereals,

borscht naval, Siberian,

medium stews - for cooking the dish "Potatoes in milk",

stewing and frying,

small cubes - for salads, garnish for cold dishes.


    cut into medium raw potatoes in half

    Then along the radius into 3-4 parts

    Use to make pickle

stew, beef stew, deep frying


    Cut a medium sized potato in half

    Put on the board

    Cut the halves in half again

    Cut into slices 1-2mm,

large cut into sticks,

then across into slices

    Use raw - for frying,

and boiled - for salads and vinaigrettes


    Trim raw or boiled potatoes

    Shape into a cylinder

    Cut crosswise into circles 1.5-2mm thick

    Raw use for deep frying, the main way,

    Boiled for baking fish, meat, frying

Instructions for cutting cabbage and onion vegetables

Sliced ​​cabbage


    Cut half of the cabbage into several pieces

    Chop across straws 1-3 cm long

    Use for borscht (except naval and Siberian),

lettuce, cabbage cutlets, extinguishing

Checkers (squares)

    Cut half of the cabbage lengthwise into strips 2..2.5 cm wide

    Cut the strips across the leaves into squares

    Use for borscht "Fleet",

"Siberian", vegetable, peasant soup,

cabbage soup, stew, condiments.

chopping cabbage

    Shred the cabbage into strips 1-2mm thick

    Cut into small cubes

    Use for minced meat


    Cut small cabbages in half lengthwise

    Cut the stalk so that the leaves do not fall apart

    Cut along the radius into several pieces

onion slicing


1. Cut the onion crosswise into slices 1-2mm thick

2. Divide these circles into rings

3. Use for barbecue,

deep frying,

decorating cold dishes and as a side dish for shish kebab

Half rings (straws)

    Cut the onion along the axis into 2 or 4 parts

    Lay cut side down

    Shred into semi-circles 1-2mm thick

    Use to make soups, sauces, vinaigrette


    Choose small bulbs

    Cut in half lengthwise

    Cut the halves into 3-4 pieces along the radius

Cubes small (crumb)

    1. Cut the onion in half lengthwise

      Cut into plates 1-3mm thick

      Cut the plates crosswise into cubes with a section of 1-3mm

      use for cereal soups.


MDK. 03.01 Technology for the preparation of complex hot culinary products


(mastered professional competencies)

Key indicators of training outcomes

Forms and methods of control

PC 3.1. Organize and carry out the preparation of complex soups.

- choice of methods of organization and technology of preparation of complex soups;

- drawing up technological and technical - technological maps for prepared soups;

- selection of technological equipment for the organization of work on the preparation of complex soups;

- selection of technological equipment: fixtures, tools, equipment for the preparation of semi-finished meat products;

-analysis of the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

- analysis of the technological process of preparing complex soups, identifying errors and correcting them.

Current control in the form:

- laboratory and practical classes;

- examinations on the topics of the MDK;

- testing according to the rules of operation of technological equipment.

Conducting brokerage of raw materials and finished products

SPO Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex culinary products PM 03