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How to cook frozen mackerel in the oven. Stuffed mackerel baked in the oven

What does the story say about fish dishes

We know from school history lessons that fish was on the menu of primitive people. After all, it was much easier and safer to catch her than the beast. In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, fish dishes were valued on a par with meat dishes. Fish was served fried, boiled and smoked. Fish dishes were supplemented with sauces from herbs and olive oil and wine. In Russia, fish replaced meat during fasts. She was caught in rivers and lakes, but herring and cod were imported. The Japanese have traditionally made up a large part of the diet with seafood. The statistics speak for themselves: the average Japanese eats almost 75 kg per year. fish, while the Russian - only 10 kg.

About the benefits of fish

When choosing between marine and freshwater fish, preference should still be given to marine fish. The most important advantage of marine fish is the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in it. These acids, by strengthening blood vessels, make them more elastic, therefore, minimizing the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the presence in marine fish of such important microelements as iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, as well as vitamins A, D, E, F helps to strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of cancer. Regularly using sea ​​fish, you will forget the way to the dentist and optometrist. And women of Balzac age will keep their elastic skin without wrinkles. These advantages are enough for fish to be an effective medicine. But it is not only useful, it is also very tasty. From fish you can cook a huge number of dishes.

Mackerel - cheap and healthy

Which fish do you prefer? All of these benefits are found in high-calorie varieties of fish, such as salmon, tuna, halibut, pink salmon, salmon. Unfortunately, not each of us can afford to regularly see these expensive delicacies on the table. But, fortunately, there is a wonderful mackerel fish or, as it is also called, mackerel. She has all the above listed qualities of expensive red fish, but her price is much lower. No wonder she is called the people's nurse.

This fish can be prepared so that it will be the highlight of the dinner party or dinner party. Do you want to make sure of this? We invite you to evaluate following recipes stuffed mackerel:

Stuffed Mackerel: recipes with photos

We need three mackerels. Of course, it’s good if the fish is freshly caught, but fresh-frozen mackerel is more accessible to everyone. We remove the heads from two carcasses, leave one carcass with the head. The gills must be removed, the fins too.

We cut two mackerels into fillets. Be sure to remove the black film that lines the abdomen from the inside.

We cut the mackerel that remained with the head along the back. Near the tail and head, cut the ridge with scissors and carefully remove it. We clean the belly of the fish from the insides, black film and bones, if they remain there.

As my grandmother says, fish needs three "P": salt, pepper, acidify. So we do: salt, pepper and acidify well with lemon juice.

We crush several cloves of garlic with a garlic press, add seasoning for fish and send it to marinate for at least half an hour.

After the fish, you need to add chopped garlic, a mixture of seasonings


  • prepared and pickled mackerel carcass - 1 pc;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc;
  • small onions - 2 pcs;
  • canned green peas - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • olive oil, salt, pepper;
  • since stuffed mackerel in foil will be cooked, you will need a roll of foil.

Recipe one: mackerel stuffed with carrots, onions and peas.

  1. We clean the carrots and rub on a grater. We also clean the onion from the cover shirts and cut into small pieces.

  2. Stew carrots and onions in olive oil, salt and pepper. Add a spoonful of canned green peas and mix the resulting mixture.

  3. We form a boat from foil. We lay onion circles on its bottom, pour with olive oil. The onion will not let the belly of the mackerel burn, the finished fish can be easily rearranged on the dish.

  4. Filling the fish minced vegetable, close the foil but not tightly.

  5. If you are preparing mackerel stuffed with onions, then it is better to cut the carcass of the fish from the side of the abdomen and lay it on its side.
  6. Lay the prepared fish on a baking sheet.


  • prepared and pickled mackerel carcass, cut into two fillets;
  • champignons - 5-6 pcs;
  • small onions - 2 pcs;
  • hard cheese with a piquant taste - 150g.
  • olive oil, salt, pepper.

Recipe Two: Stuffed Mackerel with Mushrooms and Cheese

  1. We clean the mushrooms from the skin and cut into plates.

  2. Finely chop one onion. We will stew it in olive oil along with chopped champignons. Salt, pepper.

  3. Cut the second whole onion into slices. Place them on a piece of foil and drizzle with olive oil. Lay each fillet on the foil separately, skin side down.
  4. Lubricate the fillet with mayonnaise.

  5. Spread a layer of mushrooms with onions on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

  6. We close the foil, leaving the milestone of the fish completely open. Otherwise, the melted cheese will stick to the foil, and all the beauty will be ruined.

Recipe three: mackerel stuffed with cheese and prunes

This Mackerel Stuffed Recipe is cooked exactly the same way as Mackerel. stuffed with mushrooms, only instead of mushrooms we use prunes.

Wash prunes well hot water, dry in a paper towel, cut into pieces and spread on a layer of mayonnaise. Onions are not added to minced meat.

Stuffed mackerel with photo

Mackerel in the oven - general principles of cooking

Mackerel in the oven is one of the most versatile and delicious fish dishes. Mackerel prepared in this way can be safely served both at the festive table and at the usual family dinner. Fish does not require long baking - after 30-40 minutes, the dish, as a rule, can already be served. There are many recipes that tell you how to make mackerel in the oven deliciously. The most common way is to use foil or a special baking sleeve. The fish is evenly baked, but at the same time remains juicy and fragrant.

Mackerel can be cut into pieces and rolled in spices, or you can stuff the whole carcass with vegetables, lemon and herbs. Of the seasonings, white and black pepper, allspice, mustard seeds, salt, garlic, bay leaf or a special mixture of spices for fish are most often used. Mackerel can be stuffed with lemon and onions, carrots, potatoes or greens with garlic. Soy sauce is often used for marinade. If the fish is baked in a sleeve, you can put not only onions and lemons there, but also cherry tomatoes, olives and other products.

Mackerel is very tasty in the oven in pots or a jar, although this cooking method requires a little more time (on average, about an hour). But the finished result fully justifies the time spent - the fish languishes in its own and vegetable juice and it turns out very tender, juicy and appetizing.

Mackerel in the oven - preparing food and dishes

If you decide to cook mackerel in the oven, the first thing to do is cut the fish. We defrost the mackerel, cut off the head, tail and fins (we don’t throw it all away, since the “waste” can be used for soup), remove the insides. Be sure to cut off the black film. The fish can be baked with a whole carcass, after stuffing it with herbs or vegetables, or simply cut into portions and put on a baking sheet. Each piece is rubbed with oil, salt and pepper. You can also leave the fish for an hour and a half in a specially prepared marinade.

Prepare the necessary vegetables: cut the onion into thin half rings, grate the carrots or cut into slices, peel the potatoes and cut into small slices (or straws). Prepare in advance right amount spices, chop the greens, cut the lemon into thin semicircles.

From the dishes you will need a cutting board, a sharp knife and a bowl for sauce or marinade. Prepare an oven tray: grease it with oil and line it with parchment paper. The oven must be preheated (although some recipes where fish is cooked in a jar or pots do not require preheating). The fish itself can be baked in foil, sleeve or parchment paper.

Mackerel recipes in the oven:

Recipe 1: Mackerel in the oven

This recipe is useful to the hostess who wants to cook a quick and delicious dinner for the whole family. Mackerel turns out to be incredibly fragrant and juicy, even those who do not particularly like fish will like the dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Bulb;
  • Two spoons of tomato sauce;
  • Mayonnaise - two or three tablespoons;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • A mixture of spices for fish;
  • Lemon.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the fish: defrost, clean, cut. We remove the insides, cut off the films, cut the carcass into pieces. Roll each piece in seasonings, salt and pepper. Take a medium onion and cut into not too thick rings. In a cup or bowl, mix mayonnaise with tomato sauce or ketchup (take 2-3 tablespoons of each ingredient). We heat up the oven. Dip each piece of fish in the sauce and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Put the onion between the pieces. Pour the fish again with mayonnaise and ketchup (you can make a net) and put in the oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes (until crispy). Serve fish with lemon wedges.

Recipe 2: Mackerel in foil in the oven

Many housewives prefer to cook mackerel in the oven in foil. This allows you to preserve the aroma and juiciness, the fish is baked evenly and it turns out very tasty. AT this recipe vegetables, seasonings and mayonnaise are also used.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Potato;
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • Spoon of mayonnaise;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

We cut the fish, be sure to cut off the dark film. We remove the insides, also cut off the head and gills. Peel the potato and cut into small pieces. Carrots can be cut into strips, and onions - into half rings. Rub the fish with salt inside and out. Lubricate with a small amount of mayonnaise and season with black pepper. We spread the foil, put the mackerel on it. We stuff the carcass with vegetables, everything that does not fit is laid out around. Wrap the mackerel in foil and place in the preheated oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes until done. Such mackerel in the oven is good both hot and cold.

Recipe 3: Mackerel Baked in the Oven

Fragrant mackerel in the oven with garlic and herbs. The recipe itself is very simple, there are no additional ingredients in the form of vegetables. The beauty lies in the use of garlic, herbs and seasonings.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Garlic;
  • Fragrant pepper;
  • Salt;
  • cilantro;
  • Parsley;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Olive oil.

Cooking method:

We process the fish: we wash it, cut off the head with gills, remove the insides. Rinse again inside, dry. Crush the garlic clove in a mortar along with salt and pepper. Add two tablespoons of oil to the garlic and lemon juice. Grind one more clove together with greens. We rub the fish with garlic mass inside and out, distribute the rest of the mass inside. We fill the carcass with herbs and garlic, wrap in foil, leave to marinate for 40 minutes. Bake in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.

Recipe 4: Mackerel in the oven in the sleeve

Instead of foil, you can use a "sleeve". The fish is excellently tasty and juicy. To make mackerel even more fragrant and piquant, you can stuff it with onions and lemon. If the dish is being prepared for the festive table, you can put a few cherry tomatoes and olives in the “sleeve”.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Onion;
  • Lemon;
  • Olives;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • cherry tomatoes;
  • Olive oil.

Cooking method:

We cut the fish, remove the insides and gills, cut off the dark film. Rinse the fish thoroughly, inside and out, and pat dry. We cut the onion into half rings and put it in a bowl, pepper, salt and knead a little with our hands. Lemon cut into thin semicircles. In two tablespoons of olive oil, stir the salt and pepper, rub the fish mixture (inside and out). Stuff the fish with lemon and onion. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. We tie the “sleeve” for baking at one end, put the rest of the lemons and onions in it, put the mackerel on top. Lay the halves of the tomatoes and olives, tie the other end. Let bake for half an hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can make an incision on top so that the fish is browned. Ready meal decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 5: Mackerel in the oven in a jar

A very simple recipe for mackerel in the oven, for which you need a small jar. Preparing the fish is extremely simple, all you need to do is prepare the carcass and cut the vegetables.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the mackerel: defrost, cut off the head and tail, remove the insides. The carcass is properly washed and dried. Cut the fish into small pieces. We clean the carrots and rub on a grater. We cut the onion into thin half rings. Rub the fish pieces with salt. Now we take liter jar and lay out the fish and vegetables, alternating the ingredients. Do not forget about peas and bay leaf. We fill the jar to the top and pour everything with two tablespoons of oil. Cover the jar with foil and put in the oven for an hour.

Recipe 6: Mackerel in the oven in pots

Another recipe that tells how to cook mackerel deliciously in the oven. We will need small pots in which meat is usually cooked. The fish turns out simply excellent - tender, juicy and very fragrant. Surprise your guests with this simple but original festive dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • A mixture of spices for fish;
  • Lavrushka;
  • Salt;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mustard seeds.

Cooking method:

We defrost the fish, remove the insides, cut off the head and tail. Cut the carcass into pieces and rinse thoroughly. We rub the carrots on a grater, cut the onion into half rings. Rub the pieces of mackerel with salt. Pour a little oil into each pot. Throw in the peppercorns and mustard seeds. Now we put the ingredients in each pot in this order: first some carrots, then pieces of fish, then onions and carrots again. The sequence may be different, the main thing is that the mackerel is between the vegetables. Pour a tablespoon of oil on top and put a bay leaf. We cover the pots with lids and place in the oven. Bake for about an hour. Serve the fish with chopped herbs and lemon slices.

Recipe 7: Mackerel in the Grill Oven

Craving a fragrant grilled golden fish? If your oven is equipped with such a function, realizing your desire is as easy as shelling pears. We need mackerel, seasonings and soy sauce. The rest is a matter of technique.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Soy sauce - ¼ cup;
  • Lemon;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • Pepper white;
  • Coriander;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Ginger.

Cooking method:

We cut off the fins and head from the fish, make an incision on the belly and remove the insides. The carcass is properly washed and dried. From each side we make four transverse cuts. In a deep bowl soy sauce add mustard, peppers, coriander and a little salt. Mix everything and put the fish in the marinade. We leave for about one hour. We cut the lemon into thin semicircles, clean the ginger and cut into thin plates. We lay a lemon and ginger in each cut, set the "grill" mode. Let the fish cook until done. Serve with chopped herbs and sauce.

Recipe delicious sauce for mackerel in the oven:

We make liquid caramel from a small amount of sugar, add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, a little lime juice and Worcester sauce to it. Stir and heat until thickened. The mass is mixed with pieces hot pepper, chopped onion, garlic, green onion and cilantro. We also add some lime juice and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

main secret cooking mackerel in the oven is as follows: you should not completely defrost the fish, you can start cooking it when it remains a little frozen;

- The head may not be cut off. Such baked mackerel looks more “solemn” and will decorate the festive table well;

- if you put the mackerel directly on the foil, the skin may burn a little. Therefore, on the foil, you should first lay out the onion rings and carrots, and only then - the fish. Vegetables are also distributed on top of the mackerel;

- the foil envelope should not have holes, otherwise the liquid will begin to evaporate and flow out onto the baking sheet. Burnt juice will give the fish a “unique” burning taste;

- mackerel itself is a fatty and juicy fish, so you need to use very little vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

 Post this to yourself:

If you want to save money from family budget, then you can do it on your diet. This is not about switching to porridge and bone broth, but about including fish dishes in your diet. Most varieties of fish are much cheaper than meat, and by purchasing it frozen, you can save a lot of money.

In addition, fish healthier than meat, because it contains important fats and a huge amount of protein. In this article, we offer you several recipes for stuffed mackerel. Mackerel is a white oily fish that tastes delicious no matter how you cook it.

In terms of nutritional properties, mackerel is not inferior to expensive salmon varieties. Try Stuffing Mackerel delicious stuffing and you will get an incredible meal! Vegetables are most often used for the filling, but you can experiment with adding dried fruits and various spices.

Stuffed mackerel can be prepared in several ways. The most delicious fish will turn out if you bake it on the grill. However, not every hostess has such an opportunity. It's OK! You can use a conventional oven or a slow cooker.

Stuffed mackerel - preparing food and dishes

If you decide to cook stuffed mackerel, then you need to start cooking in order to prepare the fish. If your mackerel is frozen, you need to completely defrost it, then remove the fins, you do not need to cut off the head and tail. Remove the gills, entrails and black film that covers the cavity of the fish from the carcass. If this is not done, then the finished mackerel will be bitter.

How to get bones and spine? Cut it with scissors at the head and tail, and pull it out, selecting the bones as well.

To implement some recipes, you will need one and a half fish - you will stuff one, and half will come in handy as an integral part of the filling. The second part of the fish needs to be cut in any way convenient for you, leaving only the fillet part. What else will be in the filling? It can be vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, prunes.

Fish is best cooked in the oven, baking it on the deck. But if you have an air grill or a slow cooker, then you can use these "helpers". In the slow cooker, you need to select the “Baking” or “Baking” mode and cook the stuffed mackerel for 40-50 minutes. In the air grill, set the temperature to 200 degrees and put the fish on the lower grate. Bake for 35-40 minutes.

In the oven, fish should be baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. It is best to wrap it in foil, so stuffed mackerel will be juicier. Unfold the foil 10 minutes before cooking, then the fish will be covered with a delicious crispy crust.

Stuffed mackerel recipes:

Recipe 1: Stuffed Mackerel with Vegetables

Such a dish will cost you quite cheaply, but it will turn out incredibly tasty. You can cook fish for a regular dinner, as well as for holiday table.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel - 1 1/2 fish
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Bulb - 1 piece
  • Butter for frying
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the fish. Salt and pepper part of the mackerel and set aside for now. Cut the other half into small cubes.
  2. Let's prepare vegetable stuffing. To do this, finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. After heating the frying pan, and greasing it with oil, fry the vegetables.
  3. Mix the prepared vegetables with chopped fillet, salt and refrigerate for an hour in a closed container.
  4. In the part of the fish that we will bake, we place the filling. Put the stuffed mackerel on the deck. We bake it for about an hour.
  5. Pour the fish with warm marinade, and when it cools, put the mackerel in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Mackerel with Mushrooms

By cooking mackerel according to this recipe, you will get a delicious and very hearty meal.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms (any) - 300 grams
  • Mackerel - 1 carcass
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the fish.
  2. Let's prepare the filling. To do this, finely chop the mushrooms, chop the onion. Fry the onion first, then add the mushrooms. You need to fry the vegetables until all the water is gone from the vegetables. Salt. Let the stuffing cool down.
  3. Put the fried mushrooms into the mackerel carcass, then bake it in the oven.

Recipe 3: Stuffed Mackerel with Cheese

exquisite cheese dish which you will definitely like. Take two fish and any kind of cheese, salty is best.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel - 1-1/2 carcasses
  • Cheese of any salty variety - 300 grams
  • Spices
  • Khmeli-suneli

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the fish carcass into two parts: for stuffing and for stuffing.
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with chopped mackerel fillet and spices. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, then stuff the carcass. Bake the fish in the oven, wrapping it in foil.

Recipe 4: Stuffed Mackerel with Prunes

This recipe is often used by chefs in Catalonia. Try this stuffed mackerel.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fish - 1 ½ carcasses
  • Prunes - 150 grams
  • Sour cream
  • Salted hard cheese - 150 grams
  • Walnut - ½ cup

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the carcass: cut it into two parts.
  2. Pour prunes with hot water for 15 minutes, then dry it on a napkin and chop into strips.
  3. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Cut half of the mackerel carcass into cubes.
  5. Mix cheese, fish fillet, sour cream and prunes, stuff mackerel with this mixture.
  6. Wrap the mackerel in foil and place in the oven to bake.
  7. Ten minutes before cooking, open the foil and sprinkle the fish with crushed walnuts.

Recipe 5: Stuffed Mackerel with Eggplant and Basil

Another original recipe which you will definitely like. You will need eggplant, fresh basil and sun-dried tomato.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel - 1 carcass
  • Eggplant - ½ piece
  • Dried tomatoes - ½ cup
  • Sour cream
  • fresh basil
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare mackerel.
  2. Cut the eggplant into thin strips, then simmer it with a piece of butter over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix chilled eggplant with tomatoes, sour cream and chopped basil. Stuff the mackerel with the mixture and bake the fish in the oven, after wrapping it in foil.
  • Why do you need to put the stuffing mixture in the refrigerator? So the ingredients are better saturated and become one, which will make the taste of the finished dish rich and harmonious.
  • Try the Lemon Stuffed Mackerel. The fish will turn out to be very “interesting” in taste, as sour lemon will make fatty white meat more tender and light.
  • If you have a frozen carcass, and you need to cook fish urgently, what should you do? Place the mackerel in a bag of water. So the fish will thaw faster, and you can cut it.
  • Such a mixture of carrots with onions and canned peas, olives and capers with stewed eggplant, cheese with sour cream and olives.. You can add raisins and dried apricots to vegetables, which will make the taste of the finished fish deeper.
  • Don't forget the spices! Dried basil, parsley, dill, suneli hops, basil, white and black pepper. To make stuffed mackerel more delicious, you can rub the inside of the fish with salt and spices.

Smoked or salted mackerel- a very frequent guest on our tables, while mackerel in the oven is not so popular, and in vain! Mackerel in the oven is a very tasty and incredibly fragrant dish, and a spectacular serving with vegetables and herbs allows this simple fish to become a real hit festive feast. In addition, baked mackerel is low in calories. dietary product, which keeps its beneficial features and nourishing body fatty acids Omega-3, vitamins B12 and D, as well as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, zinc and iodine. Among other things, mackerel meat contains “good” cholesterol, and the protein present in it is absorbed by the body three times faster than beef. Why not bake this wonderful fish in the oven?

To begin with, you should choose high-quality fish, and in order to do this correctly, pay attention to its appearance and smell. Fresh fish- wet and shiny, its gills are red and do not have mucus, and the scales fit snugly to the carcass. The eyes of a good mackerel are convex, transparent and moist, the abdomen is flat. Mackerel should have a characteristic fishy smell, and its carcass should be elastic (dents will quickly disappear when pressed with a finger). The presence of damage and spots on the surface of the fish, cloudy and sunken eyes, dull and dry scales, sticky fins and an unpleasant smell should alert you.

Remember that fresh mackerel can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, and if it is gutted, then the shelf life increases to 2-3 days. If you are cooking with frozen mackerel, do not forget to defrost it properly - this is done in the refrigerator, but not in any way. warm water or when room temperature. Compliance with this simple nuance is the key to getting juicy and useful fish in the exit oven.

Mackerel in the oven can be cooked different ways- it can be baked whole in foil or in a sleeve, stuffed or baked in slices, while these options can be diversified by adding vegetables, such as onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans or broccoli. Stuffed mackerel is a special topic, since such a skillfully decorated dish looks very festive and elegant, admiring all those gathered at the table, and it is very easy to prepare. Filling options for mackerel can be very diverse - vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, cheese or boiled eggs and combinations of these ingredients.

When removing the insides of a mackerel, be sure to remove the black film from the belly, as it can give the fish a bitter taste and ruin the dish. If you are confused by a specific fishy smell, it can be eliminated with the help of simple marinade- lemon juice with spices. And finally, remember that mackerel is a rather fatty fish, so you should not add too much mayonnaise, vegetable oil or fatty sauce to it when cooking.

Surprisingly tasty and healthy mackerel in the oven is already asking for your table! Well, let's quickly go to the kitchen, shall we?

Mackerel baked with onion, lemon and herbs

2 mackerel carcasses,
1 onion
1 lemon
1 tomato (optional)
a bunch of dill and parsley,


Gut the fish, remove the gills, rinse well under running water and dry. Rub the inside and outside of the fish with salt and pepper. Make several transverse cuts on the carcass, into which you then need to insert onion half rings, slices of lemon and tomato, if used. Put the remaining onion, lemon and sprigs of greens into the cavity of the fish. Lay each fish on a separate sheet of foil, greased with oil, and wrap it in an envelope. Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about half an hour. Serve the finished fish hot in foil, carefully unrolling it.

Mackerel on an onion pillow with cumin in the sleeve

2 large mackerels,
3 bulbs
2-3 bay leaves,
a pinch of cumin or more to taste
salt and spices for fish to taste.

Grate the prepared fish with salt and spices inside and out. Cut the onion into half rings and mix with cumin. Put the onion in the baking sleeve, add the bay leaf, put the fish on top. Seal the sleeve by making a few holes in it with a toothpick so that steam escapes during cooking. Bake on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 35 minutes. If you want to brown the fish, 10-15 minutes before cooking, you should carefully cut and open the sleeve.

Mackerel baked with potatoes and tomatoes

2 mackerel carcasses,
2 bulbs
500 g potatoes
500 g cherry tomatoes,
4-5 garlic cloves,
1/2 lemon
dill and rosemary greens to taste,
salt and ground black pepper to taste
seasonings for fish to taste,
vegetable or butter.

Mackerel can be baked whole or in the form of a fillet, dividing the fish into two parts. Grate the prepared fish with salt, pepper and spices inside and out. Leave to marinate for half an hour. Meanwhile, peeled potatoes, cut into several pieces, boil in salted water until almost cooked. Let him dry a little. Cut cherry tomatoes and garlic in half. Onion cut into half rings.
Prepare two sheets of foil for two fish. Grease each sheet with oil and put the fish on it. Put potatoes and tomatoes next to it, sprinkle with chopped garlic. Onion and a few sprigs of greens are placed inside the fish or between two fillets, sprinkle with the remaining onion on top. Wrap the foil in an envelope so that there are no gaps. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35 minutes. Drizzle the finished dish with lemon juice and serve.

Stuffed mackerel baked in the oven

3 mackerels,
1 bell pepper,
1 carrot
1 small onion
200 g frozen green beans
2 tablespoons lemon juice,
1 teaspoon dried herbs to taste (eg oregano)
salt and ground black pepper to taste
vegetable oil.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion cut into half rings, carrots grated on a coarse grater, diced bell pepper and bean pods. Simmer until vegetables are soft. Salt and pepper to taste, add dried herbs and stir. Gut the mackerel, cut off the head and tail, remove the spine and bones. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Stuff the fish vegetable mixture and secure the belly with toothpicks. Lightly oil the fish and wrap each in a separate sheet of foil. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil can be opened so that the fish is browned.

Mackerel baked with vegetables in sour cream

1 large mackerel
4 potatoes
1 large carrot
2 large tomatoes,
1/2 bunch of parsley or dill
4 tablespoons of fat sour cream,
vegetable oil,
salt and spices to taste.

Gut the fish and remove the head. Cut into portions and rub with salt and spices. Boil sliced ​​potatoes in salted water for 7 minutes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly brown the fish pieces. Then lightly fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots, and then the tomatoes cut into pieces. In a baking dish, greased with oil, put the fish, then vegetables and chopped herbs. Add sour cream, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. Cover the form with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

Mackerel baked with mushrooms and cheese

2 mackerels,
300 g champignons,
1 onion
100 g hard cheese,
50 g mayonnaise,
2-3 garlic cloves,
1/2 lemon
4 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon fish spices
salt and ground black pepper to taste
vegetable oil.

Remove the insides and fins from the mackerel, cut off the head and tail. Remove the backbone to make a fillet. Rinse and dry the fillets well. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise, fish spices, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Each fish fillet grease with the resulting marinade, put in a large container, wrap cling film and refrigerate for an hour.
Mushrooms cut into slices and fried in vegetable oil until the liquid evaporates. Add chopped onion and fry for a few minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Put the mackerel on a baking sheet lined with foil, which must be lightly oiled. Drizzle fish with soy sauce and sprinkle with chopped garlic. Lay on top fried mushrooms with onions, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about half an hour.

Rice casserole with mackerel in the oven

1 smoked mackerel
250 g boiled rice,
2 eggs,
2 tomatoes
100 g cheese
50 g butter,
salt to taste.

Thoroughly mix rice with raw eggs. Lightly salt to taste, if needed. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts, put one part in a baking dish, greased with butter. Top with peeled and sliced ​​mackerel. Then lay out the salted tomato slices, and then the remaining rice. Put the butter, cut into small pieces, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour. Serve the casserole warm or chilled.

Mackerel in the oven - excellent diet dish, which can be an excellent component of a healthy diet. From a delicate fragrant fish, flavored juicy vegetables, neither adults nor children will refuse, so do not put off the matter indefinitely and cook this wonderful dish as soon as possible! Enjoy your meal!

Choose a large mackerel for stuffing. If it is frozen, defrost it on the shelf of the refrigerator, it is advisable to leave it overnight.

Wash, dry with paper towel. Near the fin, near the upper part near the head, we make a transverse incision with a sharp knife. Its depth should be no more than 1 centimeter. Unfortunately, I got one and a half.

Stepping back from the tail 2.5 centimeters, make 1 more of the same cut.

Make the third incision along the back, from one transverse incision to the second, reaching with a knife to the spine, cut the costal bones.

Insert the scissors into the transverse incision and cut the spinal bone at the head and at the tail with them.

This is what a cleaned fish looks like. My incisions are too deep, make them less deep. It is enough to make a depth of 1 centimeter.

We rub the carrots on a fine grater.

We rub the cheese on a fine grater.

Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add pepper to vegetables, continue to fry for another 2 minutes.

Add champignons, sour cream, mix and sauté for another 2 minutes. The fire is small throughout the frying of all vegetables. Salt, pepper, add marjoram, set aside to cool.

The filling is ready, and since we sautéed over low heat, the vegetables and mushrooms remained soft, slightly fried and not overcooked.

Enjoy your meal!