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Meat dishes. Salad "Men's tears"

If you check guests and want to treat them with an over-the-top savory m "jas" - cook them lower tusks. It will be so appetizing, and it will smell so on your Christmas table, that a vegetarian can’t get busy, so that you don’t want to have a feast, wanting to be alone. Our bottom wines give you a unique and unforgettable taste - we guarantee you.

It’s not enough for a dish to look good in terms of its effectiveness on a human heart with oiled chunk of m "jas. And the axis of the rib with prune gіdnimuyut competition. you don’t need to work anything: don’t soak in the shchos, don’t wrap it, don’t pickle it.The classic duet is pork and prunes, like a plant on the heights, plus the juice of the cibula, spices and pepper.Harmony, well, what else can I say.

Sometimes you really want just a juicy and fragrant m "yas, at this time you can’t have a chance to go to a barbecue for a place. In addition, this grass is not too sweet, it’s wanting and appetizing. At this time you can cook a wonderful alternative: cook a steak Pork in the oven... On the Christmas table, such a grass can come out with great success like a hot dish with a side dish.

Stravi, prepared stews, not only savory, ale and dark brown. At quenching of impersonal prevag before greasing: in stewed products, vitamins and microelements are saved more often, stubborn speech and carcinogens do not dissolve, as it can be used when burning non-acidic fats. If you need a simple recipe for a savory hot stew, stewed pork - those who you joke. Vaughn is getting ready to be richly shvidshe, lower yalovichina, and її m "iso to go out lower, juice and m" yakshe.

It is accepted that it is deliciously prepared m "yaso and the top of culinary mastery. In the world seasoned, juiced, m" yak - you are guilty of good preparations of pork shreds or yalovichini. The recipe for cooking m "jas in French by itself gives the skin people the ability to cook miracles and savory steaks with stuffing. Moreover, in order to please your loved ones with such a dish, you don’t need to be a master, but you need special cooking skills.

Homemade tavern is all loved by m "clear grass, like ever to embellish your Christmas style. Obviously, m" a clear delicacy can be bought in any supermarket, but the relish of home m "jas does not look like anything else. Tim more you will know, With what kind of meat and spices your tavern is prepared. Our homemade dish comes out even more savory, fragrant and juicy. First smut - there are no preservatives in it, that’s why the tavern is even more tender!

We encourage you to cook pork steak in a frying pan. Steak (in the form of ancient Greek "smear") - as a matter of course, preparations of the meat shreds of m "jas, which were cut from the carcasses of creatures across the fibers. The history of the steak speaks to its roots at the hour of Old Rome. hour. Pork steak in a frying pan has a rich aroma and miraculous relish, transforming a wonderful supper into a Christmas one.

If you lead an active way of life, then pork with kvassole can become your ideal snack, an insult or a supper. It's wonderfully easier to prepare a dish full of vitamins, proteins, mineral salts and richness of other brown words! Sitno, tasty and inexpensive!

You can cook grass for a friend on a sacred or just a smart menu for additional products, for example, such as vegetables and m "yaso. And all to the one who zapіkayutsya veggies from m "yas at the tops, fragrant spices and under foil.

The recipe does not carry in itself anything collapsible or laborious, but you want to try and troch zusil. Ale, believe me, it won’t be more foldable, I’ll cook the best shmaka m "yasa. You can buy a knuckle in some kind of m" clear country. That part of the carcass of a pig, as if rotting in the upper part of the leg. By itself, it will make m "jascious and ready-made, it looks savory. Until then, the method of preparing shank, baked in an oven with a bowl and spices, can be a great front for fantasy. the table will look absolutely new and unique dish.

Hutsul's cuisine is rich in various flavors prepared with savory herbs. Today I would like to present your uvazi one more sitne, more fragrant and even simpler dish - Hutsul-style banosh. The whole dish is common even in the skin of the Hutsul homeland, cook this dish more often 3-4 times a day. Banosh, until recently, having become vazhavsya їzhey bіdnyakіv, yak ryatuvala hutsulіv in famine. At the same time, the herb of corn boroshn and sour cream has become a traditional herb of the Hutsuls and is respected for delicacies.

Ho-choo ma-sa!!! And I also want to let it go for a while, but see yourself as a clearer person. King, in a word. Do you want? Then let's try to cook at once m "jaso in a royal way. Strava, it is necessary to say, not from the folds themselves in the preparation. So, the products for new needs are simple, like, I'm going to put it in a skin booth. Timing effect: from simple ingredients come out like this relish!

Pork with mushrooms in sour cream sauce to finish with blueberries and rich grass. It can act as an independent one, so mushrooms can be served as a side dish, but you don’t need grass in an additional sauce. Ale, in order, you can serve up rice, potatoes, and grilled vegetables, and then you will become full of fire, and be-evenings will be just beaten with it: blue, savory and unforgettable.

Preparing and serving the fight in the mountaineers is one thing. We will especially savory and juice the home-made biscuits in the mountaineers. This dish is not prepared in a warehouse especially practical. Zavdyaki our ingredients, the liver will be so juicy and fragrant, that it will be impossible to stand up in peace, so as not to try yogo.

Bigus is a traditional dish of Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Russian cuisines, which fascinates with its relish and aroma. Preparing such a dish is simple, so that the ingredients themselves come to the rescue, as they see sik and fat, which is so necessary for the bigus, so that it becomes rich and savory in a right way.

Meat dishes have always been and remain the most popular and most beloved. Nothing is more appetizing than the smell and sight of freshly roasted meat. And so that expectations do not deceive hopes, you need to know how to cook meat. Here you will find delicious and healthy recipes, as well as useful tips for proper cooking meat.

What to cook with meat

All meat recipes

Meat baked in the oven large piece, is one of the favorite festive dishes. And today I want to tell you how to bake pork in honey sauce to keep the meat juicy...

This simple recipe deserves special attention. Before cooking the liver in batter, the liver is soaked in grated onions. Thanks to this, it turns out incredibly tasty, tender and juicy ...

For this unusual meat dish, the boneless loin is best suited, which is pure meat without bones, veins and sebaceous veins. And we'll also need...

This liquid hot dish with vegetables and meat can be made from almost any meat. Of course, according to the canons of the Caucasus, the classic khashlama is made from lamb, but it turns out no less tasty from beef ...

I suggest trying a delicious recipe for lard. All preparations take just a few minutes, and then the fat cooks itself. The ingredients are classic, so there will be no difficulties here either ...

Cooking the liver is easiest by frying it in a pan, but there are a few subtleties that I want to talk about now. The liver always turns out incredibly tender and tasty ...

Chicken roll is prepared very easily, quickly using commonly available ingredients. The dish has a delicate refined taste. All this makes it a godsend for the festive table...

A traditional dish of the Turkic peoples (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tajiks, etc.). Everything is extremely simple, affordable and satisfying. As the Star Wars hero Master Yoda would say: "Good food"....

Using smoked bacon for kulesh, or, as it is also called “loin” in Ukraine, I kill two birds with one stone with one shot. Firstly, I significantly reduce the cooking time of the dish ...

The dish turns out to be beautiful, satisfying and healthy, and what is most remarkable is that in summer stew can be cooked with fresh beans, which greatly speeds up the cooking process...

According to the recipe of Count Stroganov, you can cook not only beef, but also liver. It turns out no less tasty and refined. True, cooking the liver in Stroganov's style has its own subtleties and nuances ...

In summer, when the bazaar is already full of cheap vegetables and herbs, do not miss the moment, by all means treat your family to this famous Central Asian dish. For practical housewives...

Soft, juicy and very tender liver chops. They are easy and quick to prepare, they always turn out soft, which cannot be said about fried liver. Even on the second day they remain tasty and soft...

An ideal dish for a holiday or for a special occasion, on the one hand, the dish is quite budgetary, from affordable products, on the other hand, it reveals the culinary talent of the hostess...

The liver itself is quite a delicious nutritious food, but to make it a real delicacy, I suggest cooking the liver with vegetables ...

Cutlets are prepared from minced meat and mushrooms, they are very juicy, tasty and fragrant. Delight your family with a new dish, cook them for lunch or dinner...

How to cook Peking Duck for a beautiful lacquered crust, how to make Mandarin Pancakes and Hoisin Sauce, is detailed here...

Delicious recipe for pork heart stewed with vegetables in tomato sauce. An excellent alternative to meat, especially since it is not inferior to meat in its gastronomic qualities...

A simple, practical and very tasty recipe for homemade lard, which is cooked in onion peel. The fat is very, very tender and fragrant, it literally melts in your mouth ...

The dish is prepared very quickly and simply, but it turns out yummy - you will lick your fingers. What is the view of fried pieces of liver under a fur coat of apples and caramelized onions worth ...

The perfect dish for every day - tasty, inexpensive, allows you to quickly prepare an amazing lunch or dinner. The recipe is quite simple, even a beginner can handle it ...

This recipe uses a mixture of honey and soy sauce and spices, thanks to which very tender meat and a very beautiful spicy-sweet golden brown crust are obtained ...

Delicious lamb liver recipe, liver stewed with onion and tomato pulp. Any tomato sauce can be used in place of fresh tomatoes. Great quick meal for every day...

Disputes do not subside that there are real Siberian dumplings. Some say that these are dumplings, which are first frozen and only then boiled. Others that minced meat should only be...

The recipe is very simple and quite fast, without unnecessary gestures, but the result is always excellent! To cook such a ham, we need pork, or rather a boneless ham or ...

A recipe for real gourmets, it turns out a very tasty and beautiful dish, and also quite simple and cheap. Ingredients: duck neck, buckwheat, onion, carrot, a little...

Simple, fast and cheap recipe, and most importantly - all natural, without preservatives, dyes and other chemicals. An excellent alternative to sausages and industrial liver pate...

To make the cutlets softer, they usually add White bread. But carbohydrates, which include bread, do not go well with meat, another thing is eggplant cutlets ...

Shawarma has become synonymous with "quick and tasty food". Despite the fact that you can buy shawarma on the street, it is still better to spend quite a bit of time and cook shawarma at home...

Although manti is jokingly called "big dumplings", their Asian origin causes some differences - this is the use of lamb, southern spices, use with hands, not with a fork ...

The taste of these cabbage rolls is like in childhood: tender, juicy, fragrant. They are prepared quickly and simply, even an inexperienced cook can easily cope with this recipe. Ingredients: cabbage, minced meat, tomato sauce...

It is worth trying real Georgian khinkali once - and that's it, you are forever a fan of this dish. I offer a proven recipe, it is close to an authentic recipe, so it will turn out delicious ...

This economy recipe is a real lifesaver that allows you to quickly prepare a delicious and unusual lunch. This will require a little minced meat, buckwheat, onions, eggs ...

A very simple, tasty and economical recipe for barbecue minced meat and vegetables. We take any vegetables that we have, and you can cook them in the oven or in the traditional way on the grill ...

Be sure to prepare the famous for the holiday Georgian dish. The recipe is simple, the products are available. And how to cook, is described in great detail in a step-by-step recipe with a photo ...

Fricase is white meat in a white gravy. The most commonly used chicken, and traditionally it is the chicken carcass that is taken, although you can cook fricassee from chicken breasts alone ...

Undercuts according to this recipe are prepared very quickly and simply, the meat itself turns out to be exquisite, tender and fragrant. This dish is suitable for every day and for a holiday, underlining is prepared for Easter...

It will take more than one hour to cook a real homemade roast, as our grandmothers cooked it, but with one little trick, you can make a roast much faster...

An amazing dish. Delicious, practical, very quick and easy to prepare. The result exceeds all expectations. Try it, it's really tasty, and what is the most delicate gravy worth ...

These meatballs are always so juicy and so appetizing that it is simply impossible to refuse, and what is this fragrant and very tasty gravy worth! They are very easy and quick to make...

There is nothing complicated in preparing this famous dish! The products are the simplest and most affordable, the preparation is a little long, but in general it consists of elements that every housewife has done many times in her kitchen...

To enjoy the divine taste of this famous Georgian dish, it is not necessary to go to an expensive restaurant. This delicious treat can be made at home...

A simple and delicious recipe for dumplings with meat, economical and practical. You can take any meat for dumplings, beef, pork or poultry will do. Ingredients: meat, onion, salt, pepper, flour, water...

This traditional meat dish of the Caucasus, the Balkans and Central Asia is cooked on skewers and is the main competitor to barbecue. Many gourmets consider kebab even tastier than shish kebab...

One of the most delicious recipes, the main ingredients of which are potatoes and chicken. Potatoes and chicken pieces baked in sour cream sauce turn out very juicy...

It turns out very tasty and appetizing chops, tender and juicy. As a side dish, we serve either vegetable salads, pickles, sauerkraut or potatoes, pasta or rice...

Despite the halo of mystery, this Georgian dish is prepared quite simply. We look at the step-by-step recipe, as well as the main secrets of cooking chakhokhbili. Ingredients: chicken, tomatoes, onion, spices...

A simple and yet very tasty recipe for chicken rolls. It will take only three ingredients, but the dish turns out to be unusual: tender and juicy. Ingredients: chicken breasts, onions and carrots...

The fat according to this recipe is white, tender and very tasty, it melts in your mouth like a cake. And it can be stored for a long time and does not turn yellow. Ingredients: lard, salt...

These lazy cabbage rolls are just as juicy and delicious as traditional cabbage rolls, when minced rice is wrapped in cabbage leaf, but they cook two to three times faster. Great quick meal...

Duck in the sleeve is much easier to cook than the traditional way. Such a duck turns out to be more tasty, juicy and fragrant. Ingredients: 1 duck carcass, quince or apples, salt, pepper, seasoning...

Very simple, delicious and quick recipe, the ribs of a young lamb are cooked on the strength of half an hour. Great solution for quick dinner. Ingredients: lamb ribs, onion, garlic, salt...

This roll is good because it can be cooked with different fillings and it always turns out tasty and festive. You can cook a roll in two ways, I described both, you just have to choose the most suitable one ...

I cook these tender and very tasty diet cutlets almost all year round, they are both hearty and light, they are loved by children and adults. Yes, and how not to love, because meat and cabbage are so great combined ...

There are many ways to roast a leg of lamb. The simplest and most delicious, which even a beginner can handle, is to bake lamb in a sleeve. The meat is crispy, juicy and tender...

An unusual recipe for minced meat and zucchini. Stuffed zucchini stewed in sour cream sauce, they are unusually tasty and fragrant. You can bake in the oven, or you can stew ...

Factory sausages are convenient and practical, but for all their advantages, they cannot even be compared with meat sausages cooked at home. Ingredients of homemade sausages: beef, garlic, salt, pepper...

This tasty and practical dish has been well known to everyone since Soviet times, and it is no less popular today. From the most ordinary sausages and dough, you can very quickly prepare a delicious and hearty dinner...

Very easy and delicious recipe juicy lamb cooked in a frying pan. The recipe gives advice on how to choose meat and how best to roast lamb. Ingredients: lamb, salt, spices...

To chicken breast It turned out juicy and tender, you need to know how to cook it. How to marinate breast in wine and how best to fry it is described in detail in this simple and tasty recipe...

Lamb ribs- a favorite lamb dish, they are fried on a grill or a pan, baked in the oven and even in a slow cooker. I recommend this recipe, the amazing taste of lamb in a spicy sweet and sour sauce...

At first glance, preparing an escalope is simple, but in order for it to turn out to be fried, juicy and soft at the same time, you need to know what kind of meat to choose and how to fry it. Read more about the secrets of cooking ...

Usually, tomato sauce or tomato paste is added to goulash, but in this recipe there are no extraneous flavors, chicken and mushrooms dominate. Try this tender, tasty and quick dish...

Prepare this chicken for the holiday, especially it will come in handy on February 23rd. The ideal meat dish for men, tasty, beautiful, solid protein. Meat lovers will definitely appreciate such a culinary delight...

If you want to surprise your guests, then cook the Nelson schnitzel. For this dish, tender pork, minced meat and cheese are taken. Cream, wine and herbs are added. And all this splendor is baked ...

baked chicken and buckwheat If you cook them separately, it turns out delicious. Not if you stuff the chicken with buckwheat and bake everything together in the oven, then it turns out to be generally delicious ...

I recommend this dish. The meat is so tender that it literally melts in your mouth. The brizol is prepared simply, it turns out so beautifully that you can put it on the festive table ...

Bought beef liver Haven't decided what to cook for dinner or lunch yet? Then try this one simple recipe. It turns out not just liver cutlets, but real liver sweets ...

Amazing Recipe, all the ingredients are simple and affordable, preparing the basics is extremely simple, but the result exceeds all expectations. Be sure to cook this delicious and hearty meal...

This dish was invented relatively recently, but thanks to the simplicity and speed of preparation, it has firmly entered our kitchen. To make the meat soft, it is important to know a few simple secrets ...

This simple liver dish is inexpensive, quick and delicious. I offer a recipe for liver fritters with carrots and semolina. Fritters are very tender and juicy...

Mmmm ... boiled pork, who does not love her. You don't have to wait for big holidays to enjoy a delicious baked ham. I share a simple, tasty and practical recipe for boiled pork in the oven ...

Be sure to cook this delicious, quick and practical dish. Chicken, along with potatoes, are practically cooked in the oven themselves, but all the rave reviews go to the hostess...

Pork marinated in red pepper is one of the traditional dishes. What is good about this marinade is that it is prepared very simply and that's it. necessary ingredients can be bought at any store...

Prepare this tasty and practical dish. Goulash can be served with any side dish, be it vermicelli, buckwheat porridge or rice. Always a delicious and satisfying meal...

The most ordinary dish gets an exquisite taste if you add a little mushrooms. Try this delicious champignon goulash, which can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish...

There is an opinion that beef is tough meat, that it needs to be cooked for a long time. In fact this is not true. The beef can be tender and juicy. Try this quick and delicious recipe...

This meat dish is one of the most beloved dishes for a reason, it is fragrant, nutritious and invariably tasty. There are many different recipes roast, my recipe is simple, delicious, quick and practical...

This dish has several advantages at once: it is prepared quickly, it turns out tasty and beautiful, in addition, all the ingredients are simple and quite affordable: pork, onion, sour cream and spices...

Delicate cake from liver cakes and vegetable filling will decorate any holiday table. Cooking it is quite simple, the main thing is to know a few simple secrets so that the cakes turn out ...

At the same time, a very simple and insanely delicious dish. Just looking at this pot roast cooked in the oven immediately starts salivating. Try it and you won't be disappointed...

An indispensable dish for lovers of tasty and healthy food. It is also ideal for those who follow their figure. To the listed pluses, one more should be added - a very practical recipe ...

This liver dish is prepared very quickly and simply, but it is eaten in the blink of an eye. Even my son, who is painfully picky in food, chooses liver in sour cream between his favorite chicken and liver ...

All hostesses love this simple and practical dish. And how not to love it, because you can quickly and tasty feed the whole family, and cutlets are perfectly stored, you can cook for several days ...

For a holiday, especially New Year, be sure to cook a delicious and beautiful jellied meat. And if someone does not know how to cook it, then this recipe with detailed description each step will help to cope with this task...

This simple and practical dish was first invented by the peoples of the Turkic and Mongolian tribes. Chebureks quickly won recognition and love all over the world, became the number one dish in the arsenal of many housewives...

it french dish It is no coincidence that our people fell in love. Practical, fast and tasty. Mushrooms with chicken can be baked in cocottes or clay pots, or in a large form ...

It is no coincidence that turkey meat is considered the most delicious and tender, which is why it is cooked for Christmas and all major holidays. Despite the apparent complexity, preparing this dish is quite simple ...

A very simple and practical dish. Peppers can be served both with mayonnaise and sour cream, or boiled in tomato sauce. And each time it will be a completely different dish ...

Each housewife has her own recipe for cabbage rolls. Some wrap minced meat in grape leaves, others add chicken meat ... But to make cabbage rolls juicy and tasty, one cannot do without these tricks ...

One of the most popular and favorite meat dishes are, of course, chops, but, as is often the case, just chops get boring. To prevent this, prepare these delicious cheese chops ...

This dish is loved not only by adults, but also by children. Rice, fried potatoes or spaghetti can serve as a side dish. These meatballs are so juicy and tender that you will definitely want more...

Duck meat is surprisingly tender and tasty, so it is no coincidence that duck is served on all major holidays. Baking a duck in the oven is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, it is important to understand the main thing ...

Roast duck is always very tasty, and duck stuffed with liver, apples and nuts is generally an unsurpassed delicacy. I offer my holiday recipe ducks...

Mexican tortilla has been known since ancient times. Even the ancient Indians of the Mayan and Aztec tribes prepared it. She enjoys incredible popularity even now. A cake is being prepared from corn or wheat flour ...

If you are expecting guests and decide to cook some unusual dish, then this meatloaf with original filling minced meat and bananas...

Very beautiful and tasty dish pork meat, tomatoes, garlic and minced meat. A great addition to it will be a generous vegetable salad Or a baked potato...

We all love it delicious and juicy dish. But ... it's no secret that battered chops usually contain a lot of fat. A few tips on how to make this quick and practical dish useful...

Translated from Spanish, "dormilon" means asleep, loving to sleep. Yes, we are talking about that careless chicken who fell asleep so soundly that she did not notice how she turned out to be not only without a head, but even without bones ...

A very practical recipe, it turns out tasty and economical. As for the dough, it is simply magnificent: plastic, easy to mold and does not fall apart, it is a pleasure to work with it ...

Try delicious homemade dumplings. The dough made according to this recipe always turns out to be plastic, easily rolled out and molded well. And in order for the filling to turn out juicy, it is necessary ...

For everyday, slightly abnormal life, it is important to be able to quickly, tasty, and most importantly, it is useful to feed the family. And this fried chicken in the oven, just a real magic wand ...

  • Cooking recipes
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      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

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      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • dessert

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Snacks

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Conservation

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Cooking recipes

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • M'yasni stravi

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Non-licorice vipichka

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • First fight

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Songs of Stravi

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Fish and seafood

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Salati

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Licorice Vipichka

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • sauce

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi in ​​a micro-furnace

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi in ​​multivariate

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi in ​​Khlibopichtsi

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi z borosna

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • Stravi z ovochіv

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

    • lay down
    • Cooking recipes

      Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Alcohol drinks

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Non-alcoholic drinks

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Hot Stravi

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • dessert

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Snacks

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Conservation

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Cooking recipes

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • M'yasni stravi

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Non-licorice vipichka

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • First fight

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Songs of Stravi

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Fish and seafood

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Salati

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Licorice Vipichka

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • sauce

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi in ​​a micro-furnace

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi in ​​multivariate

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi in ​​Khlibopichtsi

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi z borosna

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

      • Stravi z ovochіv

        Starting a manual service to search for recipes, cooking has become even easier: it’s enough to choose the ingredients you have, and the system will see a list of ingredients, so you can cook. Simple and detailed recipes will help you create your own culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. You will know the recipes for savory savory dishes at your place - vegetarian songs, with meat, fish, mushrooms, pershy and main herbs, culinary recipes for hot drinks, desserts, appetizers, sauces, drink empty. Use the stench for cooking at home minds, so you can easily prepare everything from the list without spending additional zusil. We hope that on our site you will be able to know those who will help you to please your loved ones. Having looked over our recipes, you will understand what to create the most banal, it would be possible to cook in a special way, give them subtlety and originality. Getting ready is the right art. Here you will know the culinary recipes of the most addictive countries of the whole world and you will definitely be able to cook your own masterpiece! Cook for the joy of that savory to you!

        If your homeland cannot live without meat, then you will definitely want to please them with something savory. M'yasnі stravi can be original and tsikavimi. Change into your own - joke the recipe, which will be to your liking, and proceed before cooking.

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    Scientists claim that the use of a large number meat. The nutrition of a modern person consists of a variety of products of plant and animal origin, however, meat dishes remain among the most beloved and sought-after dishes.

    People enjoyed the meat of this animal in the Stone Age, constantly improving their culinary masterpieces. For example, a unique portion was prepared in Mexico by roasting a piece of pork weighing more than 3,000 kg. And our records are reflected in the most delicious recipes for popular dishes.

    Meat stewed with prunes in a slow cooker

    Composition of ingredients:

    • meat tenderloin (cut from the neck or shoulder blade) - 1 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
    • prunes - 200 g;
    • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
    • drinking water - 500 ml;
    • tomato paste - 20 g;
    • salt, peppercorns, bay leaf.

    For getting delicious dish in a slow cooker we use not very fatty meat, and if desired, we change the water for broth, sour cream, tomato juice, wine, yogurt or even beer.

    Cooking method:

    1. We wash the pork well, cut it into portions, place it in the bowl of the appliance, greased with vegetable fat. Brown the pieces of meat by setting the “Frying” program for 10 minutes. In this case, the water should boil completely.
    2. We attach finely chopped onion and tomato paste to the meat, cook for another quarter of an hour, after which we add the washed prunes and parsley, add and pepper.
    3. Pour out the selected composition of the liquid, set the “Extinguishing” mode on the unit and the cooking time is 1.5 hours. Do not forget to mix the ingredients of the dish.

    Look how tender and deliciously smelling the meat stewed with prunes in a slow cooker turned out!

    Juicy baked loin

    Grocery list:

    • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • boneless pork - 600 g;
    • any kind of vegetable oil - 20 g;
    • a mixture of peppers, thyme, rosemary.

    Cooking order:

    1. Thoroughly rinse the loin, blot it with paper towels. We combine salt, a mixture of peppers, dried thyme and basil in a bowl (a pinch each). Mix the composition well, rub it thickly over the entire meat piece.
    2. We place the loin in a frying pan heated with oil, fat layer down, fry each side of the product over high heat until golden brown. We must "seal" all the meat juices inside the piece under the created appetizing crust.
    3. For a better flavor, we throw garlic cloves into the dishes, cover the loin with foil, send it to the oven (190 ° C) for 20 or 40 minutes. The cooking time depends on the size of the piece that we bake: long and thin or small but thick.
    4. Having finished cooking, we leave the meat piece for half an hour to "rest" in the closed state.

    When all the juices and flavors of the meat have “taken” their places, we cut the juicy baked loin into portions, enjoy the tender and fragrant food.

    Meat dish accordion

    List of components:

    • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh mustard - 20 g;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • pork - 1 kg;
    • tomato - 20 g;
    • soy sauce, lemon juice - 10 ml each.

    Cooking steps:

    1. For the presented recipe, we use first-class meat: cut from the thick edge (rib part). We thoroughly wash the pork, dry it with napkins, then cut it, but not completely, so that the piece remains intact. The thickness of the layers is up to 2 cm.
    2. We combine mustard, sauce, lemon juice, minced garlic in a bowl. Mix the mixture well, rub the meat with the resulting marinade. We do not skip places between the divided slices. We use the desired amount of salt, given that there is quite a lot of it in the soy composition.
    3. We divide the tomato and cheese into thin plates. Lay the pork on a foil-lined baking sheet. We insert a slice of tomato and cheese between the meat slices, we form the product in the form of an accordion.
    4. We wrap the product in foil, send it to the oven for 2 hours. We bake the dish at t 180 ° C. We open the paper 30 minutes before the end of the process so that our culinary “musical instrument” gets an appetizing golden color.

    The meat dish "Accordion" is ready for your delicious presentation!

    Braised pork in soy sauce

    Required products:

    • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • pork neck - 800 g;
    • any kind of vegetable oil;
    • starch;
    • soy sauce - 180 ml;
    • ground paprika - 2 tsp

    Cooking process:

    1. Divide the meat piece into small pieces.
    2. We spread the paprika in a spacious bowl, pour in the soy sauce. If the taste in the resulting mixture is not enough salt, add it according to personal preferences.
    3. We place the chopped meat in the prepared composition, which we distribute among all the pieces. Leave the product in this state for at least an hour. The longer the marinating process, the more delicious the finished dish is.
    4. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry portions of meat for 5 minutes until golden brown. Add finely chopped onion and garlic processed in the same way. In no case do not pass it through the press.
    5. Continue heating for another 7 minutes, then dissolve the starch in a glass of drinking water, pour the composition into the dishes with meat and mix the ingredients of the dish well. Stew food for up to 25 minutes on a quiet fire, closed.

    The appetizing aroma of pork penetrated all corners of the house. Garnish is ready. We are happy to serve the family excellently stewed pork in soy sauce.

    Pork chops with mushrooms

    Composition of products:

    • small bulb;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • pork - 600 g;
    • mayonnaise - 100 g;
    • fresh champignons - 150 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Finely chop the washed and dried mushrooms. Finely chop the onion, fry it until transparent.
    2. Add champignons, continue cooking until the liquid has completely evaporated and a pink crust appears on the mushrooms.
    3. We divide the pork into layers up to 1.5 cm thick, cover with a film, diligently beat off on both sides. We do not repeat the experience of the "tuzik with a rag"!
    4. Season the meat with salt and pepper, quickly fry in oil until golden brown. We turn over the pieces, we continue the process of formation of a pink crust. Then we process the chops with mayonnaise sauce.
    5. We spread the mushroom composition on the hot layers, sprinkle the products with cheese chips. Next, cook the dish in the closed state until the cheese is melted.

    An ancient man, at the sight of such an amazing dish, would have been completely delighted!

    Classic meat azu

    List of products per pound of pork:

    • pickled cucumbers (can also be pickled) - 6 pcs.;
    • onion - 2 heads;
    • any kind of vegetable oil - 30 ml;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • potato tubers - 6 pcs.;
    • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • tomato paste - 40 g;
    • pepper, salt, parsley.

    Cooking features:

    1. Let the finely chopped onion and cucumbers chopped into thin plates in a frying pan with oil. Add tomato paste mixed with drinking water, chopped parsley sprigs, garlic squeezed through a press.
    2. We cut the meat into long sticks, fry until a beautiful golden hue. In the same way, we cook peeled and cut into strips potatoes in a separate bowl.
    3. We combine the tubers and meat in one pan, add the prepared sauce, season the products with salt, pepper and spices. Stew the food in a closed form until the roots become soft.

    Tatar cuisine has always been famous for its excellent dishes, but the classic meat azu has absorbed the best qualities of traditional cooking.

    Recipe in French

    Description of components:

    • ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • pork balyk - 500 g;
    • fresh mayonnaise - 120 g;
    • cheese (optional) hard varieties) - 150 g;
    • bulbs - 3 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper, parsley.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the balyk into slices up to 1 cm thick. We get about 6 servings.
    2. We chop the onion into rings. The more we use it, the juicier the finished meat dish will be.
    3. We spread the layers of balyk on the vegetable layer, then we place the tomatoes divided into thin circles. We season them with a thick net of mayonnaise and close the decorated dish with small chips of grated cheese.
    4. We send the form with food for 40 minutes in the oven. When the melted cheese is browned, it will look like snow-drenched mountain peaks, we take out our culinary masterpiece from the oven.

    Since the meat is cooked in French without a single drop of oil, it can be safely classified as a dietary dish, which is useful for both adults and kids.

    Beef: the best recipes

    This kind of potpourri on culinary themes has collected the most popular main meat dishes prepared in various technological variations.

    Classic beef stroganoff

    Composition of ingredients:

    • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
    • homemade sour cream - 100 g;
    • beef (rump or fillet) - 1 kg;
    • vegetable oil;
    • flour - 120 g;
    • salt, pepper, herbs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the meat well and pat dry with paper towels. We divide the piece into layers up to two fingers thick, then cut into long sticks.
    2. Fry finely chopped onions in a pan with oil. After 7 minutes, add the pieces of beef. We continue cooking over high heat, constantly stirring the ingredients of the dish.
    3. When the strips of meat become golden, sift the flour on them. Pour half a glass of ready-made broth or drinking water, simmer the dish for 5 minutes, then add fresh sour cream. We mix the products well, after 3 minutes we serve the food to the table.

    We complement the classic beef stroganoff, as is customary in civilized places, with a side dish of mashed potatoes. We decorate the dish with chopped parsley.

    Jellied beef and chicken

    Grocery list:

    • chicken legs - 4 pcs.;
    • beef shank, legs and ribs - 2 kg;
    • carrot;
    • purified water - 2.5 l;
    • turnip with peel;
    • laurel leaves - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic cloves - head;
    • peppercorns;
    • salt, cloves.

    For rich jelly, we always use beef with veins and cartilage. It is this product that contains the amount of collagen necessary to obtain the jelly composition of the dish.

    Cooking steps:

    1. It is advisable to cut large bones into pieces with a cutting machine while still in the store in order to avoid the presence of fragments that will inevitably appear if you chop the product yourself.
    2. We thoroughly wash the ingredients of the dish, place the beef with bones in enamel pan. Pour in hot drinking water (the ratio of liquid and meat product is 1: 1), taking into account the fact that part of it will certainly evaporate. After the boil begins, pour out the liquid.
    3. We fill the dishes with clean water in the required proportion, add the washed onion along with the husk, parsley sprig, peeled carrots, peppercorns. Continue cooking over high heat.
    4. When a new boil begins, reduce the heating intensity to a minimum. The correct broth during cooking should barely tremble. This is a must for a delicious meal!
    5. We boil the products for at least 4 hours, then put clean chicken legs in the jelly. Bring the broth to a boil again, eliminate the active gurgling of the liquid. Cooking for 2 more hours. Add bay leaves and salt to the pan. Its amount should be slightly larger than in the soup broth. An unsalted dish will be tasteless!
    6. We are finishing cooking. We remove the meat from the pan, separate it from the bones, finely chop it, lay it out in forms, pour it with strained broth. Chopped garlic is added to the plates or directly to the pan 5 minutes before the end technological process. If desired, decorate each serving with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles of boiled eggs.

    After 4 hours, the luxurious beef and chicken jelly will harden in all its splendor. Let's not forget to get a vigorous mustard!

    Salad "Sunflower" with boiled beef

    List of components:

    • chips ("Pringles" or "Lays");
    • fresh mayonnaise - according to preferences;
    • boiled beef - 350 g;
    • cheese - 250 g;
    • champignons (raw or pickled) - 350 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • bulb;
    • hard-boiled eggs - 6 pcs.;
    • black olives.

    Cooking order:

    1. Cut the champignons into small pieces, fry together with chopped onion until golden brown, lightly salt and pepper.
    2. We clean the pre-boiled eggs, chop into small pieces.
    3. Boil the beef until soft, cool, finely chop the product.
    4. We spread the meat layer on a serving dish, process it with a mesh of mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese chips. Flavor it with white sauce, then place the mushroom composition (fried or pickled).
    5. Next, we add layers of coarsely grated egg whites and yolks, not forgetting to process them with mayonnaise. Our dish already resembles a bright sunflower. It remains to depict black seeds on the "solar messenger". For this, we have prepared halves of olives. As petals lay out crispy chips.

    The sunflower is probably the only flower on earth that has benefits and incomparable beauty. Our version has a third side - the incomparable taste of a magical "plant"!

    Meat stew with potatoes in a slow cooker

    Required products:

    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
    • meat (beef, chicken or pork) - 600 g;
    • tomato paste - 50 g;
    • drinking water - 500 ml;
    • oil (sunflower or olive) - 60 ml;
    • pepper, salt, other desired spices.

    Cooking process:

    1. We clean the vegetables, coarsely rub the carrots, chop the onion with rings, squeeze the garlic cloves through the press. Cut off the skin from the potatoes, divide the tubers into halves or quarters.
    2. Chop the meat into small cubes. We set the “Frying” program on the device and the cooking time is 20 minutes. Pour fresh oil into the multicooker bowl, fry the meat pieces until golden brown.
    3. Add parts of root crops, bay leaf, tomato paste to the dishes of the unit. Season the food with salt, pepper, other spices, pour in purified water or broth, mix the ingredients of the dish. We change the program of the device to “Extinguishing” or “Baking”, turn off the unit after two minutes.

    Our ancestors could not even dream of such a magical way of preparing their favorite meat dishes!

    Classic roast beef

    Composition of components:

    • meat Ribeye - 1 kg;
    • honey - 40 g;
    • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • balsamic vinegar - 30 ml;
    • salt pepper;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking features:

    1. For getting classic dish a piece of meat cut from the dorsal part of the animal (rib cut) is needed. Lubricate the product with fresh mustard, leave for 2 hours to marinate.
    2. We turn on the oven at t 220 ° C, put the prepared beef on the grate, under which we must install a baking sheet to collect fat. We bake the product for 40 minutes.
    3. Mix oil, honey and vinegar in a bowl, add a little mustard. We take the meat out of the oven, process the product with the resulting composition. We continue cooking for another 10 minutes, lowering the heating temperature to 180 ° C.

    Season the dish with the sauce a few more times until the piece is covered with an amazing caramel crust. Classic roast beef is ready!

    Beef steak in a pan

    Product set:

    • vegetable oil;
    • selected beef tenderloin, decorated with two steaks;
    • salt, spices "French herbs".

    Cooking steps:

    1. So that the piece of meat does not “shrink” in the pan during the heat treatment, we cut off the upper tendons and films from the pieces.
    2. Sprinkle the steaks with coarse salt and pepper. Gently patting the meat, rub the spices into it. We have already “fallen in love” with these cute and very expensive cooking items.
    3. We heat the cast-iron cookware or grill pan well, grease it with fresh vegetable fat, then quickly fry the workpieces, literally a minute on each side of the layers. Next, reduce the heat, continue the process until the desired degree of readiness of the meat.

    Put the beef steaks on warm plates, cover them tightly with foil. After a few minutes, the dish will acquire a finished taste.

    Juicy beef chops

    List of components:

    • breadcrumbs (without any additives);
    • a piece of young veal - 500 g;
    • egg;
    • flour;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt, lemon juice, pepper (preferably white).

    Cooking sequence:

    1. We cut a piece of meat into thin portioned slices, do not beat off very much with a culinary chopper. We mean that veal does not like "rudeness".
    2. Place the egg in the bowl, shake well. Put the crackers and flour on separate plates.
    3. We heat the pan with oil, roll the steak in flour, alternately pressing down both sides of the meat. Next, dip the chop into the egg composition, then bread with crushed breadcrumbs.
    4. We put a piece in hot fat. Repeat the whole procedure with another slice of beef. Fry the products until golden brown, then turn over (we do this only once), continue the process until the breading is golden brown.

    Season juicy beef chops with pepper and salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, serve in company with fresh vegetables.

    Turkey meat dishes

    You should not be reminded of the beneficial properties of this popular product, which is included in the diet food table. Hot meat dishes prepared from it are distinguished by low calorie content and excellent taste.

    Turkey fillet in creamy sauce

    Composition of ingredients:

    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • sweet pepper and in the form of powder;
    • fat cream - 500 ml;
    • turkey fillet - 800 g;
    • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. We wash the poultry meat, dry it with napkins, cut the product into small cubes. Fry the pieces in lean fat until golden brown.
    2. We chop the peeled carrots, free the onion from the husk, divide it into small strips. Remove the seeds from the pepper, chop the fruit into medium-sized pieces. Add vegetables to the turkey, fry until soft, then season the food with salt and spices.
    3. Now pour in fresh cream, continue the cooking process for another 20 minutes by simmering over low heat.

    Serve the dish hot with a side dish of pasta, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

    Oven roasted whole turkey

    Grocery list:

    • walnuts - 600 g;
    • homemade sour cream - ½ cup;
    • turkey - up to 7 kg;
    • pomegranate sauce - 250 g;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh apples - 6 pcs.;
    • salt and regular sugar - ½ cup each;
    • cloves, cinnamon, pepper.

    To make the turkey juicy and tasty, we choose a steam (shortly after slaughter) carcass with a fleshy breast and thick legs.

    Cooking order:

    1. We marinate the bird prepared for baking. To do this, put it in a spacious dish. We combine salt, sugar, spices and drinking water in a bowl. Thoroughly mix the mixture, grease the outer and inner parts of the turkey with a fragrant composition, leave it in this state for 12 hours.
    2. For the filling, grind the fruits with a blender walnuts. Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil until golden brown.
    3. We peel the apples, remove the core, cut the fruit into small slices. We heat the butter fat to a boil, fry the pieces of fruit along with a small amount of sugar, cinnamon, black pepper and cloves. The kitchen was immediately filled with breathtaking aromas of the East.
    4. Combine prepared onions, chopped nuts and pomegranate sauce in a bowl. We get a mass that is similar in consistency to minced meat.
    5. We select part of the nut composition, put it together with the fried apples inside the turkey. We combine the remaining mixture with sour cream, add the pomegranate component, process the outer part of the carcass well with the resulting sauce.
    6. We spread the bird on a baking sheet, send it to the oven for 3 hours, heated to t 180 ° C.

    It can be very problematic to prepare meat dishes for the festive table, because you need to take into account the tastes of each guest. A roasted whole turkey in the oven is a win-win option for any celebration.

    Meat cutlets in a slow cooker

    List of components:

    • egg;
    • bulb;
    • bread - 2 slices;
    • turkey fillet - 600 g;
    • milk - 70 ml;
    • vegetable oil;
    • clove of garlic;
    • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking process:

    1. Bread is freed from crusts, soaked in milk.
    2. We turn on the unit to the “Frying” mode, pour a little oil into the multicooker bowl, spread the chopped garlic clove, finely chopped onion. Roast vegetables for 15 minutes until soft.
    3. We separate the fillet from the bones, cut it into pieces, grind it in a food processor along with white bread squeezed from milk.
    4. Season the resulting mass with salt and pepper, add the egg and onion composition. We knead the minced meat well, form small cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, put the products in the bowl of the appliance treated with oil.
    5. We leave it on the program "Frying". We cook cutlets for 10 minutes in an open form, turning the dish over as a delicious crust forms. Close the unit, continue the process for another 10 minutes.

    To serve the resulting dish of minced meat, we will prepare a side dish of a difficult salad! And it, of course, will be fresh summer vegetables.

    Breaded turkey fillet chops

    Composition of products:

    • vegetable oil;
    • egg;
    • turkey fillet - 800 g;
    • crushed crackers;
    • sifted flour;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Wash the turkey meat, dry with towels. We divide the fillet into small layers up to 2 cm thick. Excessively thin slices will turn out to be dryish. We do not break off the pieces very much. We mean it, "wielding" a culinary hammer!
    2. We put three plates on the table. In the first, which is closer to the fire, pour the crackers, drive the egg into the middle one (stir it with a fork), sift the flour into the last one.
    3. Heat a frying pan with oil, season the chops with salt and pepper. We take a slice of meat, roll in flour, dip in an egg, coat with breadcrumbs, dip in hot fat. We process the rest of the meat in this way. We spread the portions at a distance from each other, fry until a golden crust forms on both sides of the pieces.

    Breaded turkey chops will become especially tasty if you sprinkle them with cheese chips at the end of the process.

    Roast meat with potatoes

    List of ingredients:

    • lemon;
    • Bulgarian pepper;
    • turkey fillet - 500 g;
    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • mustard - 30 g;
    • homemade sour cream - 50 g;
    • carrot;
    • ginger, salt, spices.

    Cooking technology:

    1. In a spacious bowl, mix fresh sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, spices and grated ginger. Cut the bird fillet into portions, leave for half an hour in the resulting marinade, and then fry in oil until golden brown.
    2. We clean the vegetables, divide the potatoes into quarters, coarsely chop the carrots and peppers (without seeds). We evenly distribute the prepared products among the pots, pour over the remaining marinade, season with salt and pepper. At the end of the assembly of the dish, lay out portions of the turkey.
    3. Sprinkle the food with herbs, close the dishes, bake for 20 minutes in the oven (200 ° C).

    Roast turkey meat turned out very appetizing, tasty and fragrant. It's a pity that the supplement was not enough!

    Turkey ham

    Product set:

    • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
    • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
    • turkey breast - up to 1 kg;
    • mustard - 20 g;
    • salt, spices, dry seasonings.

    Cooking features:

    1. We combine 100 g of salt and a liter of drinking water in a bowl. We mix the composition, lower the bird fillet into it. If there is not enough brine to completely submerge the meat, double the volume of the mixture.
    2. After 3 hours, we remove the product from the salty “bath”, dry the turkey with paper towels. Cut the garlic cloves in half. We pierce the meat with a sharp knife in several places, stuff the cavities with pieces of vegetable.
    3. We place a mixture of herbs (basil, paprika, coriander seeds, hot and black pepper) in a bowl, add mustard and oil. Mix the composition until a thick mass is formed.
    4. We process the brisket with the resulting sauce, place it in a container, leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours, closed.
    5. We spread the meat on a baking sheet, bake for 40 minutes in the oven at t 220 ° C.

    The turkey ham will remain in the oven until it cools completely, after which the delicacy will be finally ready.

    Baked in mustard marinade

    Dish ingredients:

    • turkey fillet - 500 g;
    • homemade sour cream - 60 g;
    • olive oil;
    • mustard with grains - 60 g;
    • mixture of peppers, salt, spices.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse well and dry the bird fillet with napkins, pierce it with the end of a sharp knife blade. We do this in about 20 places.
    2. We spread fresh sour cream, mustard, two tablespoons of oil, spices and salt (to taste) in a bowl. We mix the mixture, thoroughly coat the turkey with the resulting sauce, including the inside. We leave the product to marinate for several hours.
    3. We wrap the fillet in foil, put it on a baking sheet, send it to the oven for half an hour (200 ° C). Open the paper, cook the dish for another 15 minutes until a golden crust forms on the meat.

    Turkey baked in mustard marinade, you can complement it with your favorite side dish or enjoy eating a juicy piece with fresh bread in the form of a delicious sandwich.

    cooking chicken

    Culinary compositions from poultry meat make up our daily menu, decorate festive feasts, and bring pleasure to family dinners. See what delicious meat dishes you can cook quickly and quite economically!

    Chicken fillet casserole with champignons

    Composition of ingredients:

    • cream (fat content 20%) - 600 ml;
    • potatoes - 400 g;
    • chicken fillet - up to 1 kg;
    • vegetable oil;
    • onion - 450 g;
    • champignons - 600 g;
    • cheese - 350 g;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the meat into portions, fry in oil until golden brown.
    2. Boil frozen mushrooms in salted water, after 15 minutes we recline in a colander. We divide the cooled large champignons into parts, do not touch the small ones.
    3. We sauté the onion chopped in half rings until soft.
    4. Coarsely rub the peeled root crops, squeeze out the excess liquid, place the mass in an even layer on the bottom of the form greased with vegetable fat.
    5. We spread the fried pieces of meat on the potatoes, then we place the mushrooms and onions. Pour the dish with heavy cream, send for 30 minutes in the oven (180 ° C).
    6. We take out the form from the oven, sprinkle the products with cheese chips, continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
    • Bell pepper(preferably red) - 2 pcs.;
    • onion turnip - 4 pcs.;
    • butter - 60 g;
    • domestic chicken - up to 2 kg;
    • chili pods - 2 pcs.;
    • ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • a head of garlic;
    • salt, hops-suneli seasoning;
    • cilantro and parsley - in a bunch.

    Cooking order:

    1. We wash the chicken well, divide it into portions, place it in a cauldron or thick-walled dishes.
    2. We clean the onion from the husk, chop in half rings. In the same form, cut the sweet pepper (without seeds). Fry vegetables in a pan with oil, send to poultry meat.
    3. We scald the tomatoes, dip in cold water, free from thin skins. We chop the vegetables into cubes, attach to the rest of the products.
    4. We put the closed dishes with the chakhokhbili components on the fire. When signs of boiling appear, reduce the intensity of heating, simmer the food for up to 40 minutes.
    5. A quarter of an hour after the start of the heat treatment, add chopped garlic, finely chopped chili pods, chopped herbs, spices and seasonings to the cauldron. Mix all this deliciousness, simmer for another 7 minutes.
    6. cheese "Gouda" - 100 g;
    7. rye crackers - 70 g;
    8. garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
    9. The main condition for creating delicious salad"Caesar" is to use only fresh and high-quality vegetables.

      Cooking steps:

      1. Pour chicken fillet with cold drinking water, add a little salt, cook until soft, but not overcooked. We disassemble the chilled meat with our hands or crumble into small cubes.
      2. Wash tomatoes and arugula well. We divide the tomatoes into thin slices, put them in a deep salad bowl. tender spicy herb blot with paper towels, add to bowl.
      3. We free the boiled chicken (and quail) eggs from the shell, cut into half rings, attach to the rest of the products. We also put chopped garlic and croutons here.
      4. Season the dish with soy sauce, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.

      Gently mix the Caesar salad with boiled meat, finish the decoration of the luxurious dish with slices of the famous Dutch Gouda cheese.

      Chicken fillet in foil in the oven

      Required products:

    • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • carrot;
    • asparagus - 250 g;
    • chicken fillet - 3 pcs.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • French mustard - 40 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • red onion (Yalta).

    Cooking process:

    1. We wash the chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel. We clean the carrots and onions, cut the vegetables into thin slices.
    2. In a spacious bowl, beat the egg, add oil (olive or butter) and mustard with grains. We season the composition with garlic cloves, salt and your favorite spices, passed through the press.
    3. We place the meat on the foil, pour over the sauce, place the vegetables on top. We wrap the products in paper, put them on a baking sheet.
    4. If we cook the fillet in portions, we wrap each slice with vegetables individually in aluminum paper cut into squares. We bake the dish for 30 minutes at t 180 ° C.

    Dietary meat dishes such as chicken are especially useful when baked in the oven. The foil saves the product from the heat of the oven, preserves its juicy and tender qualities in the cooked fillet.

    Wings in soy-honey marinade

    List of components:

    • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • honey - 40 g;
    • chicken wings - up to 10 pieces;
    • soy sauce - 20 ml;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt, pepper, spices.

    Cooking steps:

    1. We wash the chicken joints well, separate the extreme phalanges. If desired, we leave these parts too - lovers of "crunch" will not forgive us for the lack of mouth-watering pieces.
    2. We combine the rest of the ingredients of the recipe in a bowl, squeeze the garlic through a press, mix the soy-honey marinade. We fill meat product the resulting sauce, leave for 2 hours, closed.
    3. Posting chicken wings in a baking dish or in a cooking sleeve. It all depends on what result we want to get: a dish with a ruddy glazed crust or softer and more tender meat.

    We bake the wings for 40 minutes at t 190 ° C. Serve hot with fresh vegetables and boiled new potatoes with dill.

    Chopped chicken cutlets

    Product set:

    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 50 g;
    • oil (sunflower or olive);
    • chicken breast - up to 500 g;
    • starch - 25 g;
    • salt, pepper, herbs.

    Cooking method:

    1. We separate the fillet from the bones, send it to the freezer for 10 minutes to simplify the subsequent processing of the product. Now we easily separate the meat into thin layers, then cut them into very small cubes. We spread the product in a spacious dish.
    2. Add a fresh egg, chopped herbs and mayonnaise to the chopped fillet. Mix the composition well, add starch, salt and pepper. We make a batch of minced meat, send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
    3. We heat the pan with vegetable fat, take out the chopped meat, form small cutlets. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

    It takes quite a bit of culinary wisdom to make a slide of seductively golden chopped chicken cutlets. They are so juicy, tender and attractive - you just want to bite off!

    Casserole with potatoes and chicken in a slow cooker

    Composition of ingredients:

    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
    • butter - 20 g;
    • homemade sour cream - 200 g;
    • chicken fillet - 500 g;
    • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
    • sifted flour - 90 g;
    • tomato paste - 30 g;
    • paprika, salt, pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. When making a dish, you can use chicken fillet in the form of minced meat, for which we chop the pieces of meat together with onions in a food processor. If desired, cut the bird fillet into the smallest cubes, combine with chopped onions and other ingredients, make chopped minced meat.
    2. In any case, season the resulting mass with salt, spices and herbs. Thoroughly mix the products.
    3. In a separate bowl, beat fresh eggs, add tomato paste and sour cream to them, sift the flour. Thoroughly mix the composition until a sauce of a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter, place a layer of peeled and thinly sliced ​​potatoes on the bottom. Flavor the tubers with part of the prepared sauce, then lay out a layer of chicken fillet(minced meat).
    5. We complete the design of the casserole with circles of root crops. Season them with salt and pepper, process them with a semi-liquid filling. We make sure that it penetrates into all the slits of the top layer.
    6. We select the “Baking” program for the operation of the unit, set the time to 60 + 30 minutes. The duration of the process depends on the readiness of the potato wedges.

    You will never get such a delicious casserole in a restaurant. This is an exclusive homemade masterpiece!

    Gastronomic addictions accompany a person along the entire path of evolutionary development. Where humanity will go next is a big question, however, meat dishes will always delight people with their the best flavors and fragrant aromas.

    C E D E N N I
    At the process of development of human society, gastronomic signs were formed for a long time, similar to and antipathy among different peoples of the world. National cuisines were created, as if they were not part of the national culture. Today, the skin people have their own national cuisine, which is characteristic of their own, in the light of others, national strains.
    At the heart of the national skin culinary lie two main chinniki: a set of fresh products and methods of their processing. Two factors are closely related to one another. The selection of seasonal products is determined by the fact that nature and material production give - farming, animal husbandry, various crafts. , Ekononichniy. So, in national kitchen cuisines, the regional intelligence with the oceans with the seas, it is meaningful to take the stunted і seafood. national crops vegetables, fruits, etc.
    The geographic and climatic situation of the okremih krai was also amazing for the variety of victories and savory speeches in zhi. For example, the peoples of pivdenno-shidnoi Asia, Africa, Pivdennoy America and іn, vicorist for the preparation of herbs more spices, seasonings, hospitable sauces. The people of the Pivnіchnyh krajn give the priority to lesser trouble.
    However, not only did the set of sourness determine the character of the national cuisine. Vykoristovuyuchi one and the same product, different people in the process of cooking straws zaradzhuyut youma their unique relish. As a butt, you can bring such a popular product as rice. Vіn є the basis of eating rich people who inhabit the Asian continent. Ale stravi z new, prepared, primer, Uzbeks, Indians or Chinese, accept as absolutely different.
    To go out only to those who have national skin cuisine, vicarious one and the same syrovina, zastosovuє raznu technology and adopt thermal processing, their own, pritamanni only їy poєdnannya produktіvі.
    From what has been said, it is possible to grow biscuits: national cuisine is created by a national community of people, a community of powerful features and savory spryyatti. Tse zovsіm does not mean that the national cuisine is still closed, caught once and for all. Cooking is one of the least isolated parts of the national culture. Mutual penetration and mutual influx of national cuisines one on one zavzhd mali and mіtse. We can know a lot of sleeping, for example, between the Turkish and Bulgarian national cuisines, as they put a lot of things in Turkish cuisine in their own hands. There are not a few similar national countries among the peoples of Transcaucasia, Pivnichnoy Asia, which allow us to speak, for example, about the wildly Caucasian, Middle Asian cuisine.
    And yet, the mutual infusion of national cuisines one on one does not include the self-sufficiency of the skin from them, so like the skin of the people we hope to be some kind of strain, among them we will create another nationality, our own special taste.
    Already at the same time, with full right, we can say that in our eyes modern Russian cuisine is being peopled, Russian pies, Ukrainian borscht, Uzbek pilaf, Georgian shish kebabs and Georgian soup-Azerbaijani are also embellished in the equal world.


    Georgian cuisine has won great popularity not only in our country, but beyond the cordon. Rich something from the Georgian lands, such as shashlik, soup - kharcho and others have become international. Among the most popular herbs with birds are chikhirma - broth with chicken or turkey, spices with borosh, spicy egg and cibulei, chakhokhbіl - chicken grass with a large bowl of oiled onions, spices. Speaking about the specific Georgian countries, one cannot help but guess about the popular Georgians - kvass with lamb (lobio), various recipes, preparing dozens of them.
    Everywhere in Georgia, special pies - cheesecakes - khachapuri are brewed from the world, yakі tezh є national grass. Before speech, Siri is also nevid "my part of the national cuisine.
    The broth, so called khash, which is made from lamb heads, pans and lamb brisket is smoked or stuffed, is especially popular.
    In Georgia, the garnis are widening, serve at some hour of rock before obidu and in the evening, resolutely wash and clean the greens (fallow in the season: parsley, krip, watercress, tarragon, m "yatu, basil, green cibula and others). Together radishes, radishes, whole tomatoes, sturgeons, capsicums are served from greenery to the table. , strongly seasoned with red pepper and chopped greens. Serve tkemali until the clear season.
    Cold vegetable appetizers are prepared with orchid, jams, pickles and pickled vegetables and greens. Eggplants, kvassola (pods and grains), red and green tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables are widely grown. In addition, as a snack on the table, serve different ribs and m "clear products.
    Most appetizers in Georgia are seasoned with various spices, spicy herbs, hairy peas, sauces, pomegranate juice, wine juice, etc.
    Cold herbs are beautifully decorated with various gray spicy greens, torn cybules, green pomegranates, pea oil.
    Georgian cuisine has the widest range of soup condiments. Season with vegetables, eggs, cereals, peas, gostry sauces and other products. Let’s fill up soups, such as kharcho, soup with kvass, serve gani (porridge with sumish millet and corn flour) and mchadi (corn cakes).
    In Georgian cuisine, for cooking various dishes, yalovichina, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish are widely used.
    When preparing straws from m "yas, all types of thermal processing are zastosovuyutsya: cooking, lubricating, stewing, baking, etc.
    Georgian cuisine is very different and in its own way the Vishukan. However, the most beloved straves of the Georgian table are strays, smeared on the go. Lubricate on the horn like m "clear, ribn, so it is vegetable, dairy (syr) products.
    The products are strung on rozhen, placed over stingers without polum "I vugilliam and lubricate until cooked. The most favorite herbs on rozhni and Georgians are shashlik stuffed with bacon and green vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant) and okist or brisket of a young lamb.
    Straw and snacks from m "yasa.
    Hot m "clear straves and snacks at a bagato m are reminiscent of cold straves and snacks. The most important thing is the fact that hot m" clear straves are served with different heat treatments. This Pole has a peculiarity in the preparation of hot herbs and snacks. Hot dishes and snacks are included in the menu after cold ones. The stench rejoices with hospitable relish and a small commitment. For their preparation of vicorist, m "yaso m" clear products (tare, sausages), offal (movie, nirki, scars). Be-yak_ products, vicory for the preparation of hot herbs, on the cob to go through thermal treatment. At the same time, great physical and chemical changes are introduced into them, which will saturate the fullness of savory flavors and the shortest conquest of hedgehogs. With thermal processing, the products are crushed, which makes it easier to chew; there is a large number of disease-causing microorganism and some shrill speeches; new flavors and aromatic speeches are being established, like spicing the sight of herbal juices.
    At the enterprises of the community eating establishments, the following main methods of thermal processing of products are developed: boiling and oiling. Vykoristovuyutsya also combined and additional methods of thermal processing, in which the sprats of the main methods are combined.
    Cooking - the purpose of heating products in the homeland. Cooking boovaє:
    1. Main way; (at a small amount of water).
    2. Admission; (At a small number, water under the roof).
    3. Steaming; (at special wardrobes or on grats).
    Lubrication - the purpose of heating the product without fat in different quantities.
    Oiled up:
    1. Main way; (for a small amount of fat).
    2. Deep-fried; (for a great amount of fat).
    3. At the spirits; (in special wardrobes at a temperature of 270).
    4. On the grill (oiled on hot fire).
    1. Gassing - ce smearing the product to a golden streak, and then adding spices.
    2. Zap_kannya - boiled, smeared, poached, or sirі napіvfabrikati pour sauce and bake at the oven.
    3. Brezirovanie - tse poached m "yas in a concentrated broth, and then smeared in the oven.
    4. Cooking with a distant coating - glue the product on the cob, then coat it.

    1. Burning - zastosovuyt for the primary processing of poultry, yalovichi, mutton, pig and veal legs (on gas burners).
    2. Blanching - laying products on a sprat of whilin at a boiled water.
    3. Passivation - coating products with a small amount of fat and pasivation.
    The technological process of preparing food is not based on thermal processing, but on the consumption of carcasses of slaughtered creatures on the premises of the community eating. M "yaso should be overtaken, cooled and frosty. Ostigle m" yaso - tse those, like after picking up carcasses on beaten, it reached in natural minds or cooling chambers for at least 6 years. M "jaso, cooled to a temperature in the tovschі m" yazіv + 4-0, called cold. M "jaso, individually frozen to a temperature in the tovschі m" yazіv is not higher - 6 is called a freezer. In the fallow season, yalovichi and mutton are divided into two categories, and pork for fat - (the fatness of the fat is more than 4 cm) and m "clear (the meat of the piglet is 1.5 to 2 cm). M" the piglets are divided into two categories. To the first category, lay milk pigs with a vіd 1.3 to 5 kg.
    The technological process of processing m "jar" at the enterprises of the communal eating consists of the following operations:
    1. Vіdtavannya.
    2. Washing and drying.
    3. Carcass.
    4. Preparation of beverages.
    Freezing m "yaso vydtaє tsіlkom, hovіsvshi carcass on the hooks, or stacked on grates in special chambers - defroster. Or in the chambers at a temperature of +4 +6 with a stretch of 3 - 5 deb. clear juice may I save the taste of the product. M "yaso sled mity quickly under a jet of running water, and all the shmaki, appointments for processing are missed. It is impossible to miti m" if it is already cut, so when it is muddled, it is transferred from the surface to the middle of the m "yasa, on the back of the hand, and then we’ll come out of a jet of water. It’s like m "jaso to be washed with dribbling pieces, especially since the removal of brushes, tse viklikaє waste of juices, and by the same token, a decrease in the food value of m" jar. at the water protein, mineral speech and vitamins of group B to go near the water. Rinse the m "yaso and dry it. Dry the m "yaso on the gratins with either servettes. Cut the carcass into quarters on the cob. Then, cut the skin quarter into parts. virіzku (klubov m "yaz), divide into posterior pelvic and transverse parts. Pigs, veal and lamb carcasses are cut in front of the crepe, cut across into two halves - front and back. Divide the front half: shoulder blade, neck, loin, brisket; back - on two bones.

    After that, the m "tongue is cremated, and the fatty tissue in the bones is good. This operation is called deboning. Then the parts of the m" jar are cleaned out of the tendon and spleen, cartilage is removed.

    Zayva a lot of fat should be removed, having filled the ball two - three millimeters, to that the fat is transcended to the overworld viparation and saves the juiciness of the jar. what was left in the boning of small pieces of m "jar, you can see small bones, tendons, cartilage, blood-bearing vessels, fat and spitting. Such an operation is called Zhilovka.

    From the preparation of the parts of the m "jas, prepare various drinks. Ale, first, start preparing the drinks, it is necessary to know that the m" is the first, for everything, with a sack of white and it is necessary to try to save all the lives of the speech. M "yas" also have vitamins present, the head rank of V. Kharchov's group (biological) has the value of whites of m "yas, their digestibility to harvest the temple. Ale won in the significant world to lie in the method of preparing slaughtered creatures, part of the carcass, the method of saving and preparing grass. So, for example, laying m "jaso for boiling in cold water, we spend a lot of life-giving speeches, so we go to the motherland, at that hour, spend significantly less, as m" jar for boiling, put in hot water. Even less waste when lubricated m "yas, however, this way of cooking does not start the bazhany. It's too hard to overheat m" jars, to that, with the greater world, the value and conquest of whites will decrease.

    TECHNOLOGY for preparing hot herbs from m "yas"

    The result of the processing of the yalovichi ink is such large pieces of the finished product:
    1. Cutlet m "jaso (dry cuts, appear in stripping m" jar, m "like in the neck part, homilka, as well as cuts in carcasses of the 2nd category).
    2. Tovsty edge (dorsal part).
    3. Thin edge (cross section).
    4. Parts of the hind leg (flank, outer, upper, inner).
    5. Shoulder part (shoulder and shoulder).
    6. Pidlopatkova part.
    7. Thoracic part.
    8. Edge, (in carcass category 1).
    9. Virizka.
    Kharchov’s value and culinary power of large-scale brewed products from yalovichi lie in the quantity and type of good fabric that can be found in the m "jas. (smeared). The scapula, flanks and lateral parts of the hind leg may have a significant amount of good tissue and dwindle thermal processing - cooking or quenching.
    The neck, flank and edge of the carcass have a low yield of up to 80% of successful fabric. To that qi part before the thermal processing, it is thoroughly pored or passed through the meat grinder.
    Deyakі krupnokuskovі napіvbrakti z yalovichini vykorivuyutsya for varіnnya, lubrication and quenching z distant prіzuvannâ on portions. For example:
    Roast beef - lubricate the visor, thin and thin edges (cloths m "jas with a vag of 1.5 to 2 kg.).
    Yalovichina, stewed or yalovichina stuffed - vicorist or sour part of the hind leg (pieces of m "jar with a weight of 1.5 - 2 kg.). A quarter of the m" jar before extinguishing is stuffed with carrots, parsley or bacon, cut into small sticks. M "yaso cooked from the brisket, m" like the shoulder blades or the hind leg and along the edge.
    To large-sized preparations from lamb, veal and pork one can see:
    1. Cutlet m "jaso (shmatki from stripping and trimmings from shiї).
    2. Two loins (m "yak with the back and transverse part with rib brushes)
    3. Two bones.
    4. Two brisket (costal part of the middle cavity without chest bone and without chest part of the flank).
    5. Two blades.

    From the great shmatkіv mutton prepare the offensive:
    Lamb seat lubricated - prepared for banquets or for 6 - 10 persons. The finished product is cut from the transverse part, not from the ridge. The thin edge of the m "jar is pulled up and tied around" with twine at the sight of the saddle.
    The lamb brisket is stuffed for the preparation of this drink. rice porridge with small pieces of dried apricots and shank or passed through a meat mincer with lamb liver and m "yas" with additional chopped onions and diced pork lard.
    From the great shmatkіv pork prepare the offensive:
    Carbonate - the loin is deboned.
    Boiled pork - deboned okist.
    Pork is lubricated - m "yakot shoulder blades rolled up.
    A cream of large-sized drinks made from yalovichi, lamb, pork and veal also prepares large-sized portioned drinks. In addition, the brewed products are made on natural, equal ruby. Natural portions of beverages are prepared from the shortest parts of cowhide, lamb and pig meat, 1-2 pieces per serving, marked with masa and sing form. To fluff up the fabrics of the m "jas and nadannya yoma of the song form, you should beat on the cob, and then pan (moisten at the ice and roll in finely trimmed breadcrumbs from white bread).
    represent small shmatochki m "jas of singing mass, form and rosemary. Before the dribnoshmatkovy drinks, one can also see the m" jar - the stone drink - stew.
    From the yalovichi virіzki, only natural drinks are narrated - portions and dribnoshmatkovyh.
    Portion drinks:
    Beef steak - rounded piece without fat, 2 - 3 cm thick.
    Langet - two oval-shaped pieces without fat, 1 - 1.2 cm thick.
    Fillet - round-shaped zavtovshki 4 - 5 cm.
    Roast beef - shmatok m "like a mass of 1.5 - 2 kg; cut into shmatki after lubrication, 2 - 3 per serving.
    Bet-Strogonov - small pieces of m "jar" in the form of bars with a length of 3 - 4 cm. I vag 5 - 7 gr.
    M "yaso for shashlikiv (basturma) - pieces of m" jar with a mass of 30 - 40 gr. From the tovstoy and tank edge, offensive drinks are being prepared:
    Portion natural:
    Entrecote - shmatok oval - dovgastoy form tovshchina 1.5 - 2 cm.
    Portion breading:
    Rishteks - shmatok m "like oval - dovgastoy form, torso 0.8 - 1 cm.
    Bet-Strogonov - pidzharka - pieces of 10 - 15 gr.
    From the upper and inner parts of the hind leg, portioned drinks are made:
    Zrazi vydbivnі shmatochki irregular rounded shape, 1 - 1.5 cm thick (1 - 2 per serving).
    Beth Strogon:
    From the lateral and outer parts of the hind leg are cut:
    Portion drinks.
    Yalovichina spirit - shmatki m "yasa oval or chotiricute irregularly shaped torso 2 - 2.5 cm. (1 - 2 per serving).
    Dribnoshmatkovyh napіvfabrikati:
    Azu - shmatochki m "yasa in the form of bars, dozhinoy 3 - 4 cm. I mass 10 - 15 gr. From the scapular and subscapular parts and the edges are cut with dribnoshmatkovy drinks.
    Goulash - pieces of m "yasa in the form of cubes, with a vag 20 - 30 gr.
    From pork they are narrated like natural portions, so it’s not portions that are panned and dribnoshmatkovy brewed. Also, the drink is prepared with mutton. From the pork loin they cut: natural portioned drinks.
    Escalop - shmatki m "yakoti (legene part) oval - flat shape, torso 1 - 1.5 cm. (2 per serving)
    The cutlet is natural - a piece of m "jar of oval-flat shape with a rib tassel, a length of no more than 8 cm, stripped and trimmed in the form of a m" 2 - 3 cm.
    Portion breaded drinks:
    The schnitzel is an oval-dovgas-shaped piece, 2-3 cm thick.
    Cutlet vidbivna:
    Dribnoshmatkovyh nap_vfabrikati
    M "yaso for barbecue
    Out of the box, portions of breaded drinks are narrated:
    Dribnoshmatkovyh napіvfabrikati:
    M "yaso for barbecue
    From the shoulder blades and shiї draw:
    Pork spirit
    From the brisket cook dribnoshmatkovyh napіvfabrikat - stew
    From the lamb loin are cut:
    Portion natural drinks
    The cutlet is natural
    Barbecue in Karsky
    Loin on the rozhnі
    Cutlet vidbivna
    Dribnoshmatkovyh nap_vfabrikati
    M "yaso for barbecue stew
    3rd eye:
    M "yaso for barbecue
    3 blades:
    lamb spirit
    M "jaso for pilaf - pieces of masa 10 - 15 gr.
    From veal for the preparation of portioned natural drinks, only a loin is made. Natural cutlets are cut on the back of the part. From the cross - escalope, from m "like a loin and an osteum - schnitzel (breaded).
    The same drinks are made from minced meat, as well as meatballs, zrazi, meatballs, rolls, and vodka.
    The technology of preparation of straws from m "jas and m" clear drinks in the field in varieties, smeared gas and zapikanni.
    M "if you cook it up to the temperature of boiling water in the rivers, then by the water or at the vіdvarі z ovochіv. If you put it in boiling water, then the upper bowl of the bіlkіv swirls softly, so that the burying of the speech enters the warehouse of the m "jar, at the transition To the homeland. Just put it into the cold water, then the speech, the most important part, go over to the broth. Mova go about retail proteins of mineral salts and parts of other speeches. Squirrels that have passed into the broth under a high temperature influx and so called kick. They don’t know the pin, to that there is a food value, in such a rank, I lower the life-giving qualities of the broth. Purify and wash the m "jaso next put it in boiling, salted water with seasonings. Strength protects the m" clear juices in the event of a complete transition to the homeland. The water is guilty of spoiling m "jaso. It is necessary to put the pot on the cob on a strong fire, then cook the m" jar on a weak fire, under the roof. If pins come out from the surface, then add peeled vegetables and cook until fully cooked. For example, add salt to the boil. Ready m "yaso viklasti, give the stacks to the broth, cut into portions and sprinkle with hot broth, to save from hanging.
    For brewing m "yas, vicorous dishes are made, for making minced metal.
    Yalovychyna brewed PID sauce with horseradish.
    Prepare the m "yaso (breast, shoulder blade) with a small piece of cheese, put it in a saucepan and pour hot water over it so that only the m "yaso" was twisted. Bring to a boil and, changing the fire, cook for 2 - 3 years. 30 minutes before the end of the cooking, add carrots, rape and onions cut in pieces, selera and parsley - straws, bay leaf, peppercorns and strength. After the end of the cooking, make the broth angry and prepare the sauce with horseradish for the new one. M "yaso and vegetables put on a dish. M" yaso cut into portions, garnish with boiled potatoes and pour sauce.
    PORK cooked.
    Prepare the m "jaso (shovel) lightly with a sap, sharply burn, wrap it with twine, pour boiling water over it, add salt and cook on a weak fire. Naprikintsі varіnnya add promіtі і cleared veggies. Ready m "jaso cut with skibka, zavtovshki 1 cm across the fibers. Put on a dish, sprinkle with broth, sip parsley. Garnish with boiled potatoes. Okremo serve sauce, horseradish.
    Lamb cooked in tomato sauce.
    M "yaso cook the same way, like yalovichina and pork. If you become m" yakim, add chopped tomatoes, peeled and diced apples. Cook until done. Ready m "jaso cut 3 - 4 pieces per serving. Cool the broth and strain. Wipe apples and tomatoes, zmishati with broth, add strength, zukor, ocet, put narizane m" jar and boil. Put m "jaso on a dish, sip parsley, garnish with boiled potatoes.
    Greased m "jas.
    M "yaso, recognized for lubrication, may be high-yielding, lower without plіvok and tendon. M" yaso of the highest grades after lubrication is filled with hard fibrous. Lubrication does not last long and is stored in heated jar near hot dishes on the kitchen stove. Place jar in heated fat. When you close the bottom of the dishes on the m "yasі utvoruєtsya z pіdrum" yanenikh blіkіv. Quickly guards m "jaso in the waste of juices, and in the epidemiological seepage of fat. In addition, the quickness, may have a lot of savory taste. It is not too late to put the jar in the frying pan too tightly, shards of steam, which are seen when lubricated, make it easier to make the room of the jar on the entire surface of the jar. M "yaso smeared with shmatki, cut across the fibers. Comrade shmatkiv to lie down in the form of a strain and is indicated by a report recipe. Without intermediary, before greasing m" you need to salt, pepper and soak in a borosno or pan (for example, tse panirovane virib). Lubricate the oil on medium heat, so that it is fried in the middle, do not burn. temperature, to that at which the decomposition of fat occurs, moreover, m "yaso rises.
    Utensils that are victorious when lubricated m "jars.
    For a small amount of fat: a frying pan with minced metal, a metal spatula, and a dish for serving.
    At the great amount of fat: saucepan, metal spatula, drushlyak, cook a dish for serving.
    SCHNITSEL WITH HOURS(yalovichina).
    The finished product is lightly beaten, grated with silla, pepper, breaded in a finely chopped cibul. Beat the eggs, add a bosom and a tertiary hourly. Dip the schnitzel in qiu sumish, then breadcrumbs and lubricate with hot fat on both sides. Serve with buttered potatoes and salads.
    M "jaso cut with sacks, beat, sip sill, pepper, soak in ice, then in cibuli again on ice and white breadcrumbs. Fry from both sides in a hot frying pan until a brown streak appears when serving water Sochka, which is settled as a result of smearing. Okremo serve lubricated potatoes, salad or stewed cabbage.
    BARANOV brisket stuffed with porridge,(mutton).
    The prepared brisket is stuffed, sewn up or stabbed with a skewer, rubbed with cilia and pepper and zucr, fried from both sides on hot fat. Bring to readiness in the oven. Minced meat: cook rozsipchatu greek or rice porridge, cool. Pork fat, shank, rіpchasta tsibula finely chop, smear, when lubricated, salt, pepper, add promit and chopped dried apricots, parsley, basil. Everyone zmіshuyut z porridge. When serving, I cut the brisket one by one, pour over with clear juice and olive oil.
    M "yaso for extinguishing can be more of a low grade, lower for grease, with tendons, as well as old creatures.
    Basically, the extinguishing is made up of grease, and then we cook under the lid for a long time. Smear m "jaso, at once settling into a smeared with juice and fat, it is necessary to transfer it to a saucepan, pour a small amount of broth or water, cover it with a lid and simmer on a weak fire. In the world of boiling juice, it is necessary to add water or broth.
    The extinguishing process, which is three times longer, helps to "yakshuє m" so that the steam, settles when extinguished, gets stuck under the lid, penetrates into the fabric and grows "yakshuє її. Extinguish the next until the feast, while m" the jet will not become m " yakim When it is too late, the m "jasos will rise, the fat will melt, the juices will turn into sauce, the quantity of m" jars will change and the grass may not look bad. M "yaso, yak was stewed correctly, you can save your shape, and the sauce is to blame but thicken. M" yaso is quenched with a large shmat, vіd vіd 1.5 to 2.5 kg, (stuffed liver), portion shmats (vіdbivnі zrazi), drіbnimi shmatki (goulash), and more great (stew). You can also quench virib from chopped meat.
    Ugrian goulash(yalovichina).
    Preparing the finished product with salt, retelno sipati boroshnoy. Lubricate with hot fat on the sides of the mouth. Transfer the jar into a saucepan, and put the cibula on the fat, put it with fat to m "yas, add water to the broth and stew to m" yakost. to m "yasa and put out all at once a sprat of khvilin. Serve on a round dish with dumplings, pasta or potatoes. Okremo serve a salad with orchid vegetables.
    Tushkovane m "yaso with agrusu and peas(pork).
    M "jaso cut into small pieces, brush in fat, put in a saucepan, add strength, pepper, chopped peas, lemon zest, agrus and stew under the lid until cooked. potatoes.
    Ragout DI Monton.(Mutton).
    M "jaso cut into large cubes, salt, pepper. Add cibula, carrots, licorice peppers cut into rings, bay leaf and rosemary leaves. Smear everything in a frying pan, sip boar and add tomato puree. Dilute one quarter of a liter with water and one quarter of red wine litre.
    Liver and baked m "yaso.
    M "yaso for zapіkannya owe is of the highest quality, without coarse plіvok and sinew, and also not more fat, so like more fat m" yaso is given when preparing for a long time. The level of ripening of the m "jas" is also added to the yak_st of the strain, so often the m "yaso is marinated in front in vegetables or dressings with otstu. At the process of preparing m "jas, it is necessary to water it with juice, which is seen in the liver. Slide m "yaso sapkoy, salt, obsipati boroshnoy, pіdrum" yanit from the sides in the frying pan with hot fat, transfer to a saucepan of a suitable size, pour the fat over it, pouring out the oil, put it in the oven and pich, pouring it with fat and juice liver. M "I'm ready, it's easy to be pierced by a see-saw, with which you can see a vision of a vision, not even brighter.
    M "jaso in English (undercooking, in the middle of the erysipelas or chervone). Lubricate with strongly heated fat and bake in a very hot oven. Such a dish needs to be prepared from high-grade and only fresh m" jar.
    M "jas can also be baked on grates. For which grati grease, put salted m" jars on it, pour fat and put it in the oven. Pіd grati pіdstavlyayut deco, schob stіkav sіk. Cim juice is poured over m "yaso for an hour of the liver.
    Vіdvarne, lubricated, liver m "jaso can be baked in various sauces (bechamel, with horseradish, etc.). Seal slid in fire-fighting grasses and shallow saucepans. Prepare and narize m" jar on a fat-greased dish, pour sauce and sip grate with syrup (Tilsitsky, Emmental,) or with breadcrumbs and sprinkle olive oil. Put in a heated oven and a short zapkati. If the sauce and the sir are zarum "to succumb, vinnyat and vіdrazu are taxes.
    Fillet stuffing(yalovichina).
    Preparing shmatok m "jas" densely stuff with shppigu bars, rub the sill with black pepper, let it stand for 30 hvilin and pidrum "sweat in a pinch of oil. Put the m "jaso on the deco, add hot water and pekti in the oven, pouring juice. Ready m" jar cut across the fibers, lay the dish on the grill and pour the sauce over the tops. From above, sip dryly chopped parsley or croup. Garnish with a folding vegetable garnish.
    Yalovichina, baked with qibulei.
    Yalovichina is cooked with additional carrots, parsley root, cibuli, celeri until ready. Narize with thin slices, put in a stewpan and sip with pepper.
    Peel the cibula, cut it into strips, pour it with sour cream and stew until cooked, season it with butter and sill, put m "jaso" on the preparation, sip with breadcrumbs, drizzle with butter and put it in the oven. Serve with boiled potatoes and sip dry chopped parsley.
    Obmit the brisket, boil 20 quills, put them in a small saucepan, salt and pepper, put the cibula on the beast, cut into rings. Pich, often pouring sour cream sauce. Turn the brisket frequently. If you become m "like, pіdrum" on a strong fire, then we'll vinnyat, cut and serve with potatoes and fresh cabbage salad.
    Okist or cut a spatula across the fibers, two or three pieces per serving, lightly salt, pepper, put a frying pan with fat on the roasting pan, put it on top of the cuts with rings, grease the cibula, pour with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and zapkati. Serve hot with vegetable salad and greens.
    LIVER with quince(mutton).
    M "like fatty mutton, cut into small pieces, add cuts of cibula, cilantro, pepper, ruban greens of cilantro. Mix everything. Remove the core from the quince, clean it, cut it into small pieces. Put m" jar, the beast of the quince, into the bottom of the saucepan. Pich, in the oven, add water, do not mix.
    Soak white bread in milk, veggie, zmishati with spices, spices, cheese.
    In a pan greased with fat, put the minced meat, shifting the yogo with thin skewers to the bacon. Bake in the oven, serve with mashed potatoes and salads with fresh cabbage.
    Here, in the Kuban, it is important to see the peculiarities of cooking other countries, so much so that most of them are in the Russian, Ukrainian, and Georgian cuisines. The only peculiarity is characteristic only of the Pvdenny districts of the country, which can not be done without vegetables due to the type of heat processing.
    Cіna є groshova varazhennya vartostі goods. Have your own hand, vartіst goods tse povnotsіnna pratsya. To that c_na v_dobrazhaє vitrati suspіlnoї pracі, nebhіdnoї for product selection.
    Ціноутворення в громадському харчуванні має свої особливості, пов"язані зі специфікою господарської діяльності підприємства. На відміну від підприємств роздрібної торгівлі, які для покриття витрат і реалізації товарів одержують торгові знижки з роздрібних цін, підприємства громадського харчування несуть також витрати на виробництво і організацію споживання кулінарної To this end, for the production of culinary vitrates and vitrates for service support for the products of P.O.P.
    For its ecological essence, prices, prices, and differences in the distribution price for goods of the national economy. In this way, the specifics of price creation in the community catering are based on the fact that for the production of vitrate according to the choice, the implementation and organization of the promotion of culinary products, as well as the removal of profits from sales prices, and the inclusion of trade.
    Formation of sales prices at the hromadas' eating is zdiisnyuєtsya for additional calculation. The prote method of calculating the products of the hromada eating is already peculiar and is considered as a calculation on industrial enterprises. The public eating establishments only have a planned calculation of sales prices, just as in industrial enterprises they add up the price and the actual, product co-production. The result in the community eating in the process of calculation does not show co-variability, but the presence of a price on the calculation of products. When calculating the selling price in the hromada eating place, it looks like direct vitrate, only normative vitrati syrovini according to the approved recipe norms. All planning of spending money on the production and sale of products of the community eating, as well as planning of surpluses, are included in the calculation side by side, with an increase in reductions and surcharges on the variety of cheese.

    Sale price

    A set for the production of vegetable and cereal "cutlets, meatballs, casseroles with a productivity of 5 ths. Conveyor molding machine panning on both sides.
    Apparatus for pasiruvannya tsibuli and carrots is folded from two round frying pans with a stirrer of a bacon conveyor for mixing products, unification with a thermal attachment for stewing vegetables.
    Intensive refrigeration cabinet designed for rapid temperature reduction of hot products to 4 - 6 C in functional containers installed on racks.
    Refrigerating chambers accommodate a bookcase with prepared herbs and products, as if in the distance they want to distribute or to the kitchen.
    Proper organization of work areas during the preparation of the first and other events allows speeding up the preparation and final hour by 20 - 30% and reducing the release of products.

    1 - sink;
    2 - miina bath;
    3 - cutting stylets;
    4.5 - 7 - tables;
    6 - supermarket. lead PU - 0.6;
    8 - shells;
    9 - refrigerator cabinet ШХ - 08;
    Organization of work and m "clear shop.
    При організації робочих місць в м"ясних цехах необхідно забезпечити виготовлення напівфабрикатів різних видів відповідно до кулінарним розрубаємо туш, раціональне використання відходів, організацію контролю за якістю напівфабрикатів, облік м"ясопродуктів та виходу готових напівфабрикатів за видами, ціною, суму.
    Jobs in m "clear shops are organized for two technological processes:
    1 - processing of the m "jar of the VRX, which should be near the workshop in quarters or in the form of drinks;
    pork - savory products and savory carcasses;
    lamb and veal - carcasses;
    2 - processing of poultry, game and offal.
    Defrostation of ice cream is organized in special chambers - a defroster with a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees C and a moisture content of 85%.
    M "yaso is delivered to the workshop on trunnion vises TG - 130 and GT - 100, transfer racks with hooks for moving the carcasses of m" jar or behind the monorail.
    Washing and discussing. Washing is carried out in special rooms or baths for an additional shower-shield. Wash m "jaso dry with savored servets no more than 5 quills, then, as when drying, it is heated again, it is stained for 1.5 to 2 years.
    Cutting carcasses into pieces. The whole operation is carried out on a different style for the help of a "jasnitsky sokiri" or a "string circular saw".
    The cutting stile can be round or square. The round one is made from solid wood (oak, birch), the square one is made of bars on glue and is fitted with a hoop made of stainless steel. Stіlets maє handles for transferring.
    On working places for deboning m "jars, they install molding tables with a width of at least 1 m. . Under the roofs of the tables, there are hanging boxes for storing tools and inventory.
    For deboning the m "jar, the vicorous boning is done - great and maliy. Order from the boning tables to put re-baths, vіzki or other containers, where the m "jaso is stored.

    1 - style
    2 - table with number of inputs
    3 - box for spices
    4 - wag
    5 - obrobna board
    6 - tool box
    7 - cutting stylets
    8 - reloading rack
    9 - bathtub
    For re-vantaging, mixing and panning drinks, it is organized around the working place with brewing tables (the scheme is higher).
    A working place for the preparation of minced meat and the preparation of preparations has a new ability to improve the operation of preparing minced meat, dosing, molding of preparations.

    1 - front bath with m "jar";
    2 - a box for saving planks
    3 - picking steel;
    4 - obrobna board;
    5 - a box for storing tools;
    6 - m "jacutter;
    7 - minced meat;
    8 - cutlet-forming machine;
    9 - a box for storing tools;
    10 - picking steel;
    11 - obrobna board;
    12 - police for collecting spices and breadings;
    13 - a box for picking up tools;
    14 - transfer rack for trays;
    15 - a transfer bath with m "yacott" prepared before cutting;
    16 - re-bath for rinsing stale bread;
    M "jasos for minced meat are cut on a working place for preparing drinks and processed on m" jars.
    Take away minced meat with other components of cutlet masa for strong recipes, mix and divide into portions for types of finished product.
    For the molding of cutlets at great enterprises and in special workshops, a machine with a productivity of 2,000 cutlets per year is required.
    Instructed to install transfer baths with seasoned minced meat and a rack for trays with prepared beverages.

    Safety technique for robots on mechanical and thermal control.
    In this hour, it is important to show yourself to the work of any kind of acceptance without stagnation of possession. There is more acceptance of the communal eating, where for the preparation and release of the air, you can see different mechanical and thermal conditions.
    It is widely recommended to bring up to the necessity of flooring and a wide training of service personnel with the rules for the safety of the operation of the electric power, so that the violation of these rules is brought to the point of obstruction, burning and death of people.
    To avoid hitting the right personnel with an electric strum at P.O.P. zastosovuyt іndivіdualnі і zagalnі zabі zahistu.
    Electric mittens, kilimki, galoshes and insulating pads are worn to individual needs. It is recommended to use dry hands, clothes and sweat when working with electricity.
    Before the stormy defenses, the protection against the damage is seen to be grounded, extinguished and automatically switched on.
    And also, in order to save the unfortunate moods, it is necessary to know the attachments and the rules of operation of the possessions.
    Do not deprive without seeing the inclusion of the possession of that electrical appliance. After the completion of the work and switching on the electric lighting (emergency crimson). All possessions, refrigeration cream, can be turned off.
    Kozhen pratsіvnik hromadskogo tavern is guilty of self-improvement of the rules of fire safety. When fire is detected, or a sign of fire is necessary:
    1. Start a job and turn on the victorious possession.
    2. Negay povіdomiti for the phone at the fire of the guard.
    3. Zastosovuvati on the possibility of entering the evacuation of people, extinguishing the fire and material values.
    Kukhar goiter "for an hour of work and wear a sanitary robe for you: the hair is tucked away under the head, the sleeves of the robe are turned up to the elbow, or zipped at the wrist.
    It is not possible to stab with the heads of overalls and trims in the guts of pins, curse and thorn and prickly objects.
    Before the cob of work, the cook's goiter "explains to put in order your work space for safe work and review:
    1. Justice and bachelorhood.
    2. Availability and correctness of grounding.
    3. Compliance with the work of drawing, repeated showering.
    4. Check the correctness of the folding of the change mechanisms.
    Proshtovhuvat the product at the ventilating funnel with your hands, with the heating of the surface of the plates, the frying pan and the heat, water turned on.
    In the event of any malfunctions or malfunctions in the establishment, cookery goiter, it is negligent to declare the manager of the virobnitstvom or the administration of the enterprise, and before the adoption of them, do not proceed to work.
    Lamb brisket stuffed with buckwheat porridge.
    1. Brisket - 1 kg. 200 gr.
    2. Greek porridge - 250 gr.
    3. Dried apricots - 100 gr.
    4. Shinka - 70 gr.
    5. Cibulya ripchasta - 50 gr.
    6. Borosno wheat - 10 gr.
    7. Spices - 5 gr.