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How to make mayonnaise at home. How to make homemade mayonnaise? Mayonnaise homemade with a mixer

Mayonnaise - traditional cold sauce, first prepared in France, but received recognition and widespread use around the world. Today you can choose it for every taste in every grocery store or supermarket. But store-bought sauce, even the highest quality and most expensive, in addition to the main ingredients, contains many additives: preservatives, flavor enhancers, substitutes.

A great alternative to industrial mayonnaise is homemade sauce.

There are many recipes for preparing this product: classic, vegetarian, low-calorie, with milk. With only five minutes of free time, and necessary products you can cook delicious healthy sauce and be sure of its naturalness.

It's important to know! To get a thick, pleasant mayonnaise of a uniform consistency, all the ingredients that are used to prepare it must be at room temperature.

Homemade mayonnaise: a classic recipe. How to cook

Mayonnaise according to the classic recipe is prepared without various flavorings, only from the products from which it was first created in the 18th century in France. Even an inexperienced hostess can make the sauce and it will take no more than five minutes, and the thick consistency and delicate taste sure to please everyone.

To prepare homemade mayonnaise sauce according to the classic recipe, you only need 5 ingredients:

  • vegetable oil (ideally olive refined, but easily replaceable with high-quality sunflower oil) - 1 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • two chicken egg yolks without cooking;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp
Today, many housewives demand homemade mayonnaise (classic recipe). How to cook it? Very simple!

Products must be thoroughly shaken. A mixer will work perfectly, but it is acceptable to use a whisk or a wooden spatula.

  1. Wash the eggs thoroughly with soap and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Separate the yolks and put them in a deep plate or pan.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the yolks.
  4. Beat the mixture with a whisk or spatula until completely dissolved. The yolks should turn white.
  5. Continuing to beat, pour in a spoonful of oil.
  6. Introduce all the oil in small portions.
  7. Add vinegar, beat for another 2-3 minutes until a solid consistency is obtained.

Note! To avoid delamination of the product, adding vegetable oil into the whipped substance should be slow and gradual.

Introducing too quickly can cause flakes and a runny sauce.

homemade mustard mayonnaise recipe

Most housewives consider this recipe for homemade mayonnaise a classic. You will need:

  • 200 ml of non-aromatic vegetable oil;
  • two egg yolks;
  • 9% table vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • mustard ready, preferably thick - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;

This is the recipe for the famous Provencal mayonnaise. It is prepared in the same way as the classic one, but mustard is added at the end of the process of whipping the mixture.

Homemade mayonnaise without mustard

Mustard gives the mayonnaise sauce a piquant and spicy taste, but if its use is contraindicated due to possible allergic reactions or in baby food, without this ingredient it is quite possible to do.

Piquancy can add pepper or finely chopped dill.

Mayonnaise from quail eggs at home

One variation of the classic homemade mayonnaise is a sauce made with quail eggs. Taste finished product differs little from the traditional one, but the use of quail eggs eliminates the risk of salmonella infection.

The recipe involves the use of the following components:

  • sunflower oil - a glass;
  • 6 whole quail eggs;
  • apple cider vinegar, table - 20 drops;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • mustard and sugar - 1 teaspoon each.

The ingredients are mixed with a mixer in the following sequence:

  1. Sugar, salt are added to the contents of quail eggs, everything is thoroughly beaten.
  2. Oil is added slowly.
  3. When the sauce acquires a uniform consistency, vinegar and mustard are added and everything is mixed again.

Costs note that delicious and high-quality sauce is obtained only from fresh eggs. They are twice as heavy as the old ones (their weight is about 12 g).

Homemade mayonnaise: a classic recipe with lemon. How to cook

Many housewives replace table vinegar in a mayonnaise sauce recipe with lemon juice, this gives it a characteristic sourness.

For mayonnaise with lemon juice, you will need the following products:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 200-250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 yolks or 1 whole chicken egg;
  • 1 tsp mustard, as well as sugar (it’s not scary to do without these components);
  • half a small spoon of salt.

To create a fragrant sauce, you must strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Wash the lemon, cut off half and squeeze the juice out of it, 1 tbsp. into a deep bottomed saucepan.
  2. Pour sugar, salt, add mustard, mix everything intensively with a wooden spatula or fork.
  3. Carefully beat the egg or yolks into the resulting mixture, grind everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Very carefully pour in the oil, whisking the products until thick.

Mayonnaise with lemon juice is ready! You can use it for your favorite dishes, enjoying the extraordinary taste.

Diet mayonnaise at home

Mayonnaise sauce, which is obtained by cooking according to classic recipes, is very high in calories - up to 650 kcal! Such a calorie content is fraught with the danger of rapid weight gain with frequent eating.

Since the high calorie content of the product is due to the fact that it is based on vegetable oil, it means that in order to reduce the number of calories, the sauce must be prepared without oil. As a basis, you can take less high-calorie foods.

The recipe for a dietary mayonnaise sauce, the calorie content of which is three times lower than usual, is as follows:

Given the calorie content of vegetable oil, when preparing mayonnaise, it can be replaced with cottage cheese
  • 100-120 g of cottage cheese (liquid or mixed with sour cream);
  • 1 boiled egg yolk;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare the sauce, you need to knead the yolk well with mustard, then with salt, then gradually add cottage cheese, mix everything until a homogeneous consistency. Add squeezed lemon juice, any spices to the resulting sauce.

Homemade mayonnaise: a low-calorie recipe

Another low calorie option classic sauce is mayonnaise, prepared on the basis of yogurt or low-fat sour cream. The number of calories in it is even less - up to 148 kcal per 100 g of product.

Instead of vegetable oil, you can also take sour cream

To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 g of natural yogurt, you can sour cream;
  • one hard-boiled chicken egg yolk;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard, lemon juice (apple cider vinegar);
  • salt, spices on the edge of a teaspoon.

The cooking procedure is the same as in the dietary mayonnaise recipe.

In order to bring the taste of the low-calorie sauce as close as possible to the traditional one, reducing its energy value by half, it is recommended to replace half of the vegetable oil for the classic recipe with cottage cheese or sour cream. Then the list of ingredients will look like this:

  • 100 g of refined oil (in a light version, olive oil is preferable);
  • 100 g sour cream (cottage cheese, yogurt);
  • lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - 5-10 ml;
  • 3 boiled yolks;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 5 g sugar substitute, preferably honey.

All products, except for oil, are rubbed, and then vegetable oil is slowly poured in, while gently mixing the mass.

Vegetarian Mayonnaise: Recipe

Since vegetable oil is allowed for vegetarians, unlike butter, homemade mayonnaise can be prepared based on it according to the classic recipe, excluding only eggs from the composition. You can try to cook a vegetarian mayonnaise sauce in vegetable oil with the addition of vegetable broth.

Vegetarian mayonnaise is made with vegetable broth.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • half a cup of warm vegetable broth (you can use cucumber pickle);
  • 5 g lemon juice;
  • 5 g mustard;
  • a pinch of salt and sugar.

In 20 ml of broth, dilute the starch until completely dissolved, then pour it into the remaining broth. Put mustard, sugar, lemon juice, salt. Beat everything with a whisk, gradually pouring in the oil, whisking the mixture thoroughly.

The sauce turns out to be very thick and tasty, contains a small amount of calories, it is also suitable as a dressing for salads in fasting.

Homemade mayonnaise - recipe in a blender with vinegar

Quick cook homemade sauce, just as thick and tasty, no worse than a store-bought one, an immersion blender will help. Modern kitchen electronic assistants facilitate the work of housewives, allow you to easily and quickly, without making any effort, achieve the desired result.

To make mayonnaise sauce with vinegar, you need:

  • break one whole chicken egg into a blender cup;
  • add 0.5 tsp. granulated sugar, salt and mustard;
  • beat everything at the lowest speed until the mass becomes homogeneous, for 2 minutes;
  • pour 1⁄2 tsp. balsamic (wine, you can apple) vinegar;
  • drop by drop pour in 100 ml of vegetable oil and continue to beat for 3-4 minutes until a viscous consistency is obtained.

Note! Before use, homemade mayonnaise sauce prepared according to classic and other recipes should be cooled for two hours in the refrigerator, transferring it to glass jar.

Mayonnaise without eggs at home

If for some reason eggs are not eaten, then traditional mayonnaise cannot be included in the menu, because it necessarily contains eggs or egg powder. But you can replace it with a sauce that does not use eggs.

In terms of taste, it will in no way be inferior to store-bought mayonnaise or home-made mayonnaise prepared with the addition of eggs, since its taste depends on various additives: vinegar, mustard, lemon juice. Here's what you need to prepare:

  • 100 ml sour cream (yogurt);
  • 150 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5 g mustard;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 5 g of salt, table vinegar;
  • turmeric (to give yellow color).

It is not forbidden to add a little starch (1 tsp), ground pepper or other spices.

Lean mayonnaise

During Lent, vegetable oil is allowed, but foods containing eggs and dairy products cannot be eaten. That is why the use of the classic "Provencal" in the post is not good.

Lean mayonnaise can be prepared based on soy milk

Here's a home made one next recipe sauce, you can safely eat in the post! Vegetarians will also like it. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • half a glass of soy milk;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp sugar, mustard, lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt

The components are whipped in a blender, with a mixer or manually with a whisk: first, milk is mixed with sugar, salt and mustard, then butter is poured into the mixture little by little. At the end, sprinkle lemon juice.

Mayonnaise with milk at home

Adding milk during the preparation of mayonnaise sauce is possible if there is a desire to make a low-calorie or vegetarian product - milk in classic recipe successfully replaces eggs. For this you need:

  • half a glass of milk;
  • 150 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 5 g mustard;
  • 10 g of granulated sugar (or substitute);
  • 5 g of salt and any vinegar.

Mix milk with salt and sugar until they dissolve, then slowly, without stopping whisking, pour in the oil. After obtaining a mixture of thick homogeneous consistency, add mustard and vinegar.

Should know! If the prepared product is not fully used on the day of preparation and it is intended to be stored for several days, then the milk should be taken as fresh as possible, it is advisable to boil it. Even better if it is ultra-pasteurized milk.

homemade mayonnaise calories

The calorie content of classic homemade mayonnaise is about 650 kcal, since it consists almost entirely of vegetable oil - one of the most high-calorie foods(890 kcal/100 g).

The less oil in the composition, the lower its calorie content: the lean and vegetarian version of the sauce contains about 400 kcal. The energy value homemade dietary mayonnaise sauce, compared to the classic one, is three times less and is only 200 kcal per 100 g.

Mayonnaise according to Dukan

Every person who understands the intricacies of various diets will confidently state that neither store-bought nor home-made mayonnaise is contraindicated for any diet. But Pierre Ducane created original recipe, which has become a classic for many and is recommended for use in diet food especially as part of a high protein diet.

Get delicious mayonnaise with a minimum number of calories, you can if you cook it as follows:

  1. Boil 2 eggs and remove the yolks from them.
  2. Mix them and add 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 tsp. mustard.
  3. Add 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and the same amount of kefir to the mixture and beat well.
  4. At the end, for taste, you can put a pinch of salt, sugar substitute, ground pepper.

The calorie content of Dukan's sauce is only 150 kcal, so you can safely season it vegetable salad or water boiled meat or fish without prejudice to the figure.

Homemade mayonnaise - a recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya, a popular TV presenter-culinary specialist, suggests preparing homemade mayonnaise sauce like this:

  • separate 2 raw yolks from protein;
  • grind 2 cloves of garlic in a mortar, put the resulting mass to the yolks;
  • put a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of mustard (if possible, Dijon), 1 tsp. granulated sugar and apple (wine) vinegar;
  • beat the mixture thoroughly for a minute;
  • slowly pour in 150 ml of vegetable oil, without stopping the blender, then another 200 ml, whisking everything for two minutes;
  • after the sauce has acquired a thick consistency, you can stop whipping, transfer the sauce to a glass jar, put it in the refrigerator.

Garlic and Dijon mustard give the mayonnaise sauce a spicy and unusual taste which compares favorably with the classical one.

Japanese mayonnaise recipe

In Japan, they prepare a sauce called Tamago-no-mono. In appearance, it is similar to classic European mayonnaise, but has a more delicate texture. By adding national spices to it, Japanese sauce acquires an unusual specific taste.

Cooking it yourself at home became possible with the advent of Japanese food and shops specializing in the sale of goods for making sushi in our country. Main difference Japanese recipe cooking from the classic in that the Japanese make their mayonnaise based on soybean oil (you will need 1 glass of it), rice vinegar (2 tablespoons) and white miso paste (50 g).

Japanese mayonnaise recipe includes Japanese lemon and white ground pepper

In addition, you will need:

  • 3 yolks;
  • zest of Japanese lemon;
  • white ground pepper;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

The following order of preparation should be followed:

  1. Beat the yolks thoroughly with a whisk.
  2. Add vinegar to the mixture, beat thoroughly.
  3. Next, without ceasing to beat the mixture with a whisk, pour in soybean oil drop by drop.
  4. When sauce thickens, add miso paste, chopped lemon zest, pepper and salt.
  5. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.

Tamago-no-mono is ready! You can use it in making sushi or pour over it rice noodles. Although it will also add a spicy taste and unique aroma to any other dishes.

Batter for fish (simple recipe with mayonnaise)

Delicate air batter for fish can be easily prepared based on homemade mayonnaise sauce. Everyone can choose the appropriate cooking option: classic or dietary, with mustard or Dukan's recipe. A simple batter recipe provides:

  • 150 g of any mayonnaise;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of water;
  • salt and spices to taste.

homemade mayonnaise beat with eggs and spices, then add water and small parts of flour. Again, beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk. The batter should have a consistency like sour cream. It is possible that all the flour is not needed.

Add more vegetable oil to thicken the mixture.

Why homemade mayonnaise does not thicken

Very often, inexperienced housewives, when trying to cook mayonnaise, do not accurately observe the proportions of products. This leads to the fact that it turns out to be liquid.

Should know! The more vegetable oil in the mayonnaise sauce, the thicker it will be. Therefore, if the cooked product is not as thick as we would like, you need to add a little more oil to it and beat thoroughly.

Too thick sauce can be thinned by pouring a spoonful of warm water.

How long does homemade mayonnaise last in the fridge?

Personally prepared mayonnaise should be immediately transferred to a clean glass jar and stored in the refrigerator. Since all the components of homemade mayonnaise are natural, its shelf life is short - an average of 3-5 days.

With each day of storage taste qualities products are lost, the benefits are reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to do it in large volumes at once, it is better to spend five minutes preparing a new portion, and enjoy fresh sauce every time.

PP (proper nutrition) - replacing mayonnaise at home

Various additives are an integral part industrial production mayonnaise, but they are unlikely to benefit the human body. In addition, the calorie content of store-bought mayonnaise, depending on mass fraction fat content is 600-800 kcal / 100 g, and this is a lot, especially for people who are watching their weight.

Homemade mayonnaise, including the classic recipe (you already know how to cook it) is completely natural, and if you have problems with being overweight, you can use low-calorie and dietary mayonnaise sauces that are widely used on the menu proper nutrition. And this is their main advantage!

Making your own mayonnaise is easy. Don't be afraid to experiment! Trying to make sauce different recipes, you can find the recipe for the perfect mayonnaise sauce for yourself and always be completely sure of its naturalness.

And from this video you will learn the principles of making homemade mayonnaise:

Mayonnaise is a mandatory dressing for each New Year's table. It is used in various salads, including in the Olivier salad, beloved by many. Today it has become fashionable to cook mayonnaise at home. We decided to tell you a few simple recipes to help create this popular sauce at home.

Yolk mayonnaise

Many housewives use a blender or mixer with a suitable attachment to make homemade mayonnaise. We suggest using the good old way, namely, whipping mayonnaise with a whisk.


1 egg yolk

1/2 tsp mustard

a pinch of sugar

a pinch of salt

100 ml olive oil

1/2 tsp lemon juice

Cooking method

To prepare mayonnaise, we need one egg yolk, which we beat well with a whisk with mustard, salt and sugar. Gradually pour olive oil into the finished homogeneous mass (you can replace it with sunflower oil, or you can combine it in a 1: 1 ratio). The secret of this mayonnaise is that it should not be whipped too fast and not too slow. As soon as the resulting mass begins to stick to the whisk, the mayonnaise can be considered ready. To make it light, but not white (remember, homemade mayonnaise is not perfectly white like store-bought), add a little lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar.

whole egg mayonnaise


If you are a modern woman and do not want to mess around with a whisk, we offer you a recipe for mayonnaise, which is prepared with a blender in just one minute.


150 ml sunflower oil

0.5 tsp mustard

0.5 tsp salt

0.5 tsp Sahara

1 st. l. lemon juice

Cooking method

Making homemade mayonnaise in a blender is a fairly simple task. There is no need to monitor the consistency, the amount of oil and other details. It is enough to pour all the ingredients in order into a container and lower the blender nozzle there. The secret lies precisely in the nozzle, which whips the ingredients in a short period of time, turning them into the mayonnaise mass we need.

Milk mayonnaise


Mayonnaise is made from milk. It also miraculously becomes thick and tastes like traditional mayonnaise on eggs.


150 ml milk 2.5% fat

300 ml sunflower oil

2-3 tsp mustard

1 st. l. lemon juice

salt and sugar to taste

Cooking method

Milk room temperature pour into blender container. Add sunflower oil and beat with a blender (not a mixer!) until a thick emulsion is formed. Add salt, sugar, mustard and lemon juice to the prepared mixture and beat for another 5 seconds. Surprisingly, even without eggs, you get real mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise from quail eggs


Gourmets love to experiment and prepare mayonnaise on quail eggs. His recipe is also very simple.


6 quail eggs

150 ml sunflower oil

0.5 tsp salt

0.5 tsp Sahara

0.5 tsp mustard

a pinch of ground black pepper

1 st. l. lemon juice

greens to taste

Cooking method

Mix eggs, salt, sugar, mustard and pepper and beat with a blender for a minute. Then add sunflower oil a little at a time until the mayonnaise thickens. Add lemon juice to the finished mayonnaise, whisk again and mix with herbs. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator to thicken it. The only difference between this recipe and the standard mayonnaise is that not chicken, but quail eggs are used. They are said to be more gentle and useful. But here it is better to rely on your own taste.

I think many housewives at least once thought about how to make homemade mayonnaise so that it tastes no worse than store-bought. Some may have tried to make mayonnaise at home, but it didn't work out, it didn't whip, it flaked, or something else happened to it. In general, today I will write a recipe for making homemade mayonnaise, which always turns out! And it not only turns out the right consistency, it turns out very tasty.

The preparation of such mayonnaise takes only 5 minutes (this time, along with the preparation of products). That is, making mayonnaise yourself is faster than going to the store. But in order to make mayonnaise, you need to make it with an immersion blender. In this case, there will be a 100% result! In the case of preparing mayonnaise with a mixer, with a whisk, you need to take other recipes. But everything is not so simple in them, you need to pour the oil very carefully, you need to beat for a long time, you need to take the ingredients at the same temperature and it still may not work out.

In general, take an immersion blender, a bowl from it (or a jar - not a wide dish) and read on what ingredients are needed. I will write two recipes for homemade mayonnaise: with egg and with milk.

Remember that homemade mayonnaise does not keep for a long time, as it contains raw eggs (shelf life is 2 days, maybe 3). Mayonnaise in milk can be stored a little longer and given to children.

Quick mayonnaise "Provencal" in a blender with an egg

Make mayonnaise in the quantity indicated in the recipe. If you need more mayonnaise, make it again. Use one egg at a time, so you get a guarantee that everything will work out. Eggs for mayonnaise should be taken as fresh as possible. You can buy mustard ready-made. But if you want to get the most natural product, make your own mustard from the powder.

Any acid can be put - lemon juice, vinegar (table or fruit). Take only refined oil so that it is odorless. If the oil is unrefined, the taste of oil will be felt in mayonnaise, which is not very pleasant. Salt, sugar, mustard, acid, first put a little. Then taste it and add the ingredient that you are missing. Thus, a delicious Provencal mayonnaise is obtained, but natural.

  • refined vegetable oil - 180-200 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp

How to make mayonnaise with a blender

1. Break an egg into a narrow blender bowl (you can take a jar). An important nuance - the yolk must be whole, not floating.

Many people say that the egg should be at room temperature, like all the ingredients, so that they blend more easily. You can take the egg out of the fridge ahead of time to be on the safe side. I usually take an egg from the refrigerator and everything works out.

2. Pour vegetable oil to the yolk, put mustard, salt, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar. In this recipe, all the ingredients are added at once, no gradual infusions are needed. The only thing, after cooking, you can add acid or salt with sugar to your taste and beat again.

3. Now take an immersion blender and cover the yolk with it. Press the blender into the bottom of the bowl.

4. Turn on the blender to maximum speed and beat for the first 10 seconds without lifting the nozzle from the bottom of the bowl.

5. The yolk will begin to emulsify with the oil, white mayonnaise will start to come out of the holes in the nozzle!

6. Then, after 10 seconds of holding the nozzle near the bottom, start whipping the mayonnaise with up and down movements, as usual. The oil will be mixed in small portions with the yolk and real mayonnaise will be obtained.

7. Beat 1-1.5 minutes until you get homogeneous mass. Taste and, if necessary, bring to taste and mix everything again. That's all! Quickly and without hassle, you get real homemade mayonnaise, thick and tasty.

Make mayonnaise according to this recipe and you will succeed.

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs in milk

If you are not sure about the quality and freshness of the eggs, or if there are children in the house who will eat salads with mayonnaise, prepare this sauce with milk. In this case, it will be stored longer than mayonnaise with an egg.

Important! Milk for this recipe must be at room temperature. Mayonnaise will not work from cold milk. Natural milk without vegetable additives is also better whipped.

The ratio of milk to vegetable oil should be 1 to 2. Put the amount of salt, sugar, mustard, vinegar to your taste.


  • milk - 100 ml
  • refined vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Apple vinegar(or lemon juice, or table vinegar) - 1 tbsp.
  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • natural yogurt - 150 gr. (optional for calorie reduction)

How to make mayonnaise with milk.

1. Pour milk and vegetable oil into a jar or blender bowl. Pour all at once, not in portions. You need to beat this mayonnaise, like the previous one, with a submersible blender. First, beat near the bottom for a few seconds, and then beat in smooth movements from top to bottom.

2. When the whole mass is whipped (about 1 minute), put all flavoring additives into mayonnaise: mustard, salt, sugar, vinegar. Beat again. Mayonnaise should be thick. Taste the sauce and add missing flavors as needed.

3. On this mayonnaise is ready. If desired, you can add natural yogurt without sugar (150 gr.). Thus, the calorie content will decrease, the mayonnaise will be lighter.

4. Ready mayonnaise turns out like real Provence. Very tasty and natural. To give mayonnaise a new flavor note, add crushed garlic, chopped herbs, capers or your favorite spices to it.

This mayonnaise is suitable for dressing salads. When heated (baked), it will delaminate.

Mayonnaise has gained wide popularity in all countries of the world. This sauce is added to almost all dishes, so many housewives prefer to cook it on their own. culinary world does not stand still, experts have come up with many variations of homemade mayonnaise. It is obtained from milk, cheese, butter and other products. But first things first.

Mayonnaise according to the traditional recipe

  • mustard (any) - 40 gr.
  • lemon fresh - 30 ml.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 50 ml.
  • sunflower oil - 145 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 30 gr.
  • crushed pepper - a pinch
  • fine salt - a pinch
  1. To prepare homemade mayonnaise, you must bring the products to room temperature in advance. Prepare a blender, send to it a raw egg and beat well for 2 minutes. Pour sugar with salt, add mustard, pepper, pour in lemon juice.
  2. Repeat the whipping manipulations by immersing the blender in the bowl of food. Continue stirring while pouring in the olive oil and sunflower oil. Add oils slowly so that the composition becomes uniform.
  3. You can adjust the consistency of mayonnaise: the more sunflower oil you pour in, the thicker the sauce will turn out. Beating with a blender continues for 2-3 minutes. Then the mayonnaise needs to be cooled.

Curd homemade mayonnaise

  • fatty cottage cheese - 130 gr.
  • milk 2.5-3.2% - 65 ml.
  • sunflower oil - 70 ml.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • mustard - optional
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon fresh - 10 ml.
  1. First, make sure that all the ingredients for making homemade mayonnaise are at room temperature. Separate the yolk, the protein is not required. You can replace lemon juice with vinegar in the same ratio.
  2. Connect curd mass with milk, add chicken yolk. Start pouring in vegetable oil in a thin stream, stirring with a fork. Now work through the entire contents of the blender until smooth.
  3. At the final stage, add a little salt according to the recipe, citrus juice, mustard (optional). Again, mix everything thoroughly and remove the sauce in the cold to cool.

Mayonnaise on quail eggs

  • mustard - 10 gr.
  • yolk quail egg- 7 pcs.
  • walnut or sunflower oil - 245 ml.
  • lemon fresh - 20-25 ml.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • freshly ground pepper - at the end of a knife
  1. Separate the yolks from the eggs in advance and let them lie down at room temperature. Then mix with half of the total volume of oil and beat well with a blender / mixer for 4 minutes.
  2. Enter lemon juice, a little mustard of your choice, salt and pepper. Stir again, start pouring in the remaining volume of oil in small portions.
  3. When all components become homogeneous, evaluate the density of mayonnaise. Taste, add more salt and pepper if needed. Thickness can be adjusted by adding oil. Refrigerate before serving.

  • granulated sugar - 30 gr.
  • fresh egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • sunflower oil - 270 ml.
  • olive oil - 100 ml.
  • apple cider vinegar or lemon juice - 25 ml.
  • salt - at the end of a knife
  • pepper - pinch
  • mustard - 25 gr.
  1. As in all previous cases, make sure that all products have lain at room temperature for a sufficient time in advance. Choose homemade eggs with bright orange yolks.
  2. Prepare a deep bowl in which the ingredients will be mixed. You will also need a mixer or blender, in extreme cases - a whisk.
  3. Separate the yolks from the proteins, send the latter to a bowl. Season with salt and pepper and granulated sugar, while looking enter the mustard. Whip the contents of the bowl until smooth.
  4. Now slowly continue to pour olive and sunflower oil into the main ingredients. Introduce the oils carefully by a teaspoon, otherwise they will not mix well with the egg mixture.
  5. Then at the end you can pour in the leftovers, then mix thoroughly with a mixer or blender at high speed. Again, control the consistency of the butter sauce: the more you add, the thicker the mayonnaise will be.
  6. At the final step, pour in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the same ratio. Beat the sauce again with a blender (mixer, whisk) for 2 minutes. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, try.

Homemade lean mayonnaise

  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • crushed pepper - to taste
  • mustard - 10-15 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • sunflower oil - 370 ml.
  • homemade fat milk - 0.2 l.
  1. It should be said in advance that the list of ingredients can be replenished if you add your favorite spices and spices to mayonnaise. This will give the sauce a nice flavor.
  2. Make sure the milk is warm, but not hot. Combine it with room temperature butter, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes until thick.
  3. Add seasonings, pepper, salt. Enter lemon fresh, beat for another 2-3 minutes. In order for the sauce to harden, it must be sent to the refrigerator for a while.
  4. Mayonnaise home cooking can be offered to a child who is already 5 years old. The sauce does not contain chemical impurities and eggs, which in most cases are contraindicated for children.

Mayonnaise with rice for vegetarians

  • olive oil (refined) - 0.25 l.
  • rice round or long (boil in advance) - 120 gr.
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  • ground salt - a few pinches
  • lemon fresh - 30 ml.
  • mustard - 10 gr.
  1. After you boil the rice, cool it and place it in a blender bowl. Pour in the olive oil, then beat the ingredients until smooth for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Enter the mustard, once again carefully work through everything. Slowly add the rest of the oil into the resulting puree, continue whisking until a smooth homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Season the sauce with sugar, salt and lemon juice. Stir and set aside to allow all granules to dissolve at room temperature.
  4. To spice up mayonnaise, add pieces pickles, dill or garlic cloves, passed through a press. Let the sauce refrigerate before serving.

  • olive oil - 200 ml.
  • milk - 210 ml.
  • mustard - to taste
  • salt - in fact
  • cream thickener - 7 gr.
  • lemon juice - 35 ml.
  1. Use a suitable container. Add butter and milk to it. Turn the components into a homogeneous substance with a whisk or mixer.
  2. After that, add the remaining ingredients to the mass. Repeat the manipulation using a household appliance. Beat the products to the desired consistency. Ready. Store mayonnaise in the refrigerator.

Pea mayonnaise

  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • mustard - 25 gr.
  • pea flakes - 35 gr.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • water - 175 ml.
  • apple cider vinegar solution - 25-30 ml.
  • pepper - a couple of pinches
  • salt - 3 gr.
  1. Boil the peas until you get porridge. Pass through a sieve or grind with a blender until smooth. If the mass came out thick, enter the water according to the recipe.
  2. It is important that the gruel resembles jelly in its structure. Cool this mixture naturally. Enter the oil, beat the ingredients for 1.5-2 minutes.
  3. In the resulting mixture, add a sweetener, salt, pepper. Supply the mayonnaise with mustard, pour in the vinegar solution. After combining the ingredients, work the contents with a blender for 2 minutes. Cool down, serve.

Mayonnaise with beets

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 195 ml.
  • boiled beets - 50 gr.
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 7 gr.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  1. Send the eggs and sunflower oil to a deep bowl, beat the food until smooth. For convenience, use a mixer or blender. After that, enter the missing components, except for the beets.
  2. Repeat the procedure with the kitchen appliance. After the root crop is boiled, grate it on a fine grater. Add to the main mass, beat for some time. Unique mayonnaise is ready to eat.

  • olive oil - 670 ml.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • lemon juice - 35 ml.
  • salt - to taste
  • egg yolk - 3 pcs.
  • pepper - to taste.
  1. Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces. Fry the product in oil until golden. In parallel, beat the egg yolks in a blender, adding salt.
  2. Continue whipping the animal product, mixing in the vegetable oil. As soon as the mixture becomes thick, add lemon juice.
  3. In the meantime, you don't have to stop whisking. Manipulation must be carried out at high mixer speed. As soon as the oil runs out, add allspice and add garlic paste.
  4. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly, put them in the refrigerator for several hours. In the allotted time, the product will infuse and gain the necessary taste. Apply composition as directed.

Mayonnaise with cheese

  • sunflower oil - 350 ml.
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  • mustard ready - 15 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • cheese hard varieties- 110 gr.
  1. Combine salt, eggs and mustard in a common container. Bring the components to a homogeneous mass by any available means. As soon as a light foam appears on the surface, mix the sunflower product into the composition.
  2. Keep in mind that when whipping the components, the oil must be poured in a thin stream. As soon as the mass thickens, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir again. Peel the garlic and get a pulp from the vegetable.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add the prepared ingredients to the total mass. Whisk again until smooth. Send the bowl of mayonnaise to the refrigerator. You can use the sauce after a few hours.
  4. If you want to experiment, you can add various spices to the main components, depending on the dish, or hot peppers Chile. This way you can create perfect sauce to a certain dish.

Japanese mayonnaise

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • soybean oil - 200 ml.
  • white miso paste - 55 gr.
  • yuzu (lemon) - 1 pc.
  • rice vinegar - 17 ml.
  • ground white pepper - 4 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Extract from chicken eggs yolks, beat them into a homogeneous gruel. Pour vinegar into the mixture, use a mixer. Beat the ingredients with a kitchen appliance, gradually pouring in soybean oil.
  2. After that, stir in the miso paste, while whisking does not need to be stopped. Next, wash the Japanese lemon and grate the zest on a fine grater. Add mass to the main components along with spices. Whisk the food, you're done.

It is easy to make your own mayonnaise at home. It is enough to familiarize yourself with classical technology product preparation. You can add various spices to the main ingredients. Create the perfect sauce for your specific dish. Delight households with unique additives to various products.

Video: delicious homemade mayonnaise in 2 minutes

It is almost impossible to overestimate the popularity of mayonnaise sauce. Indeed, can you imagine festive feast without delicious salads generously seasoned with mayonnaise? Yes, and in our daily menu, most of us use this delicious sauce with great pleasure. And contrary to all the groans of nutritionists, there is nothing to worry about. It's all about what kind of sauce can really be called mayonnaise. Unfortunately, almost any purchased mayonnaise prepared under industrial conditions is not mayonnaise. In beautiful packages, we are most often offered a dubious mixture of thickeners, stabilizers, flavors, preservatives, etc. But real mayonnaise consists only of vegetable oils, egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar and a small amount of seasonings. Sounds very different, doesn't it? And yes, the taste is very different. Real mayonnaise, a wonderful invention of French culinary experts, is really a very tasty, delicate, pleasant sauce that is ideal for many cold and even some hot dishes. But you can try real mayonnaise only by preparing it with your own hands. That is why today we invite you to learn and remember with us how to make mayonnaise at home.

The traditional mayonnaise sauce recipe is very simple. It is a water-fat emulsion consisting of 80% vegetable fats, 15 - 19% fresh egg yolks, a spoonful of vinegar and seasonings to taste, depending on which dish this mayonnaise will be served with. In itself, the preparation of this sauce is also not fraught with any special difficulties. It just takes a little patience and precision. But the result always literally amazes those who cook and try real homemade mayonnaise for the first time. The tenderness and taste of homemade mayonnaise are so different from the taste of the usual purchased sauce that from now on you will definitely want to cook your own mayonnaise more and more often, truly delighting your loved ones delicious meals, tinted and complemented by the taste of the real french sauce. And it’s worth putting a little imagination, and you can easily create a whole palette variety of sauces, ideally suited to each specific salad, to each dish that you cook. It is enough to add a little spicy vegetables or herbs, spices and spices, and your mayonnaise will sparkle with hundreds of new shades of taste and aroma; just change the recipe a little, adding yogurt, lemon juice or even water, and the fatty sauce will become much lighter, more tender and less caloric.

And yet, despite all the seeming simplicity, the preparation of mayonnaise requires knowledge of small culinary tricks and secrets that will help you avoid common mistakes and will not allow you to spoil this delicious and delicate sauce.

Today "Culinary Eden" carefully collected and recorded for you all the most important tips and culinary secrets thanks to which even quite inexperienced housewives can easily understand how to make mayonnaise at home.

1. First of all, a few words about what kitchen utensils you will need to make homemade mayonnaise. The easiest way to make mayonnaise is with a mixer or blender. But keep in mind that such mayonnaise usually turns out to be somewhat coarser than hand-made sauce. If you want to cook real mayonnaise according to all the rules, then you will definitely need not too wide, but deep non-metallic dishes. It is best to prepare mayonnaise in a glass or porcelain dish. Metal glasses or bowls are bad because acids added during cooking are sure to oxidize the metal, which can give your sauce an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, you will need a good whisk for whipping and a convenient dish with a thin spout so that you can carefully pour in the oil in as thin a stream as possible.

2. The basis of mayonnaise sauce are vegetable oils. And the choice of these oils must be approached with special care. The main part of the mayonnaise oil fraction should be high-quality refined deodorized oils. Before you start preparing your sauce, be sure to smell and taste a drop of oil. Remember that even a slightly rancid oil, or an oil that has even the slightest shade of foreign smell, is completely unsuitable for making your sauce. A good mayonnaise oil should be crystal clear, absolutely odorless. In addition to the base deodorized oil, you can add to your sauce not a large number of aromatic oils. Most often, olive oil is used for this. Choose the best, highest quality extra virgin olive oil, but add very little, literally one tablespoon per 100 ml. base oil. Too much olive oil won't make your mayonnaise any better, but it will ruin it, giving the sauce an unpleasant bitterness.

3. The second largest, but not least, ingredient of real homemade mayonnaise is, of course, fresh egg yolks. And here your choice should be not only careful, but also extremely careful, because you will add the yolks to mayonnaise raw. This means that you must be completely sure that both the chickens and the eggs themselves have passed the most stringent veterinary control and are definitely not infected with salmonella. Of course, eggs from under a domestic chicken are much tastier than eggs shop. Still, feel free to demand veterinary certificates from sellers in the market or on farms. Not just the taste of your sauce depends on it, your health depends on it. Be sure to check the freshness of the eggs you bought. Fill a deep saucepan with water and dip the eggs into it: immediately take away the floating eggs - their freshness is already in great doubt. Break each egg and separate the yolk into a separate bowl, check its freshness by examining it and smelling it, and only then transfer it to the rest of the prepared yolks.

4. And yet, sometimes the desire to cook the most delicious mayonnaise overcomes all our fears, and we buy eggs from a familiar village grandmother. Of course, in this case, there is no question of any veterinary certificates, and we just hope that the eggs from the village chicken will not only be very tasty, but also quite safe. In this case, it does not hurt at all to protect yourself and your relatives not only with hope, but also with a small culinary trick. Separate the yolks from the proteins, mix them with a little water and lemon juice or vinegar, place them in a small saucepan, arm yourself with a kitchen thermometer and heat the yolks in a water bath to 65 ° C, stirring and grinding constantly. Watch carefully so that the yolks do not begin to curl and thicken. As soon as the temperature reaches 65°, immediately remove the saucepan from the water bath and plunge into cool water.

5. The third obligatory component of mayonnaise is acid. It can be freshly squeezed and filtered lemon juice or vinegar. The acid not only helps to make the emulsion of the sauce more stable, but also serves natural preservative which will allow you to store your mayonnaise for several days. The most tender and delicate taste is obtained from mayonnaise cooked with lemon juice. If you prefer a sauce similar to the Provencal store, then you can safely use vinegar. Natural apple or white wine vinegar is best, however, a drop of fragrant balsamic or red wine vinegar also does not hurt, giving your sauce a special touch of aroma and homemade charm. But it is better to refuse the use of white table vinegar or diluted vinegar essence altogether. Such vinegar will give your mayonnaise a too rough, pungent smell, clogging not only the taste of the sauce itself, but also the dish seasoned with such sauce.

6. Having understood the theory, it's time to move on to practice! Let's try to make real homemade mayonnaise in the traditional manual way. Remove from the refrigerator in advance and let all the ingredients of the sauce warm to room temperature! Two chicken yolks place in a glass bowl, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finished table mustard, a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper. Beat thoroughly with a whisk until a smooth homogeneous mass is formed. Continuing to beat, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, pouring it in a very thin stream. Stir everything again until smooth. Continuing to beat the sauce with a whisk, take a dish with 350 ml in your other hand. vegetable oil and start adding it literally drop by drop, whisking constantly. In no case do not rush and do not pour in a lot of oil at once - the sauce will immediately fall into fractions, and you will have to start all over again. If you did everything right, then at the end of whipping, all the butter with yolks will turn into a homogeneous thick emulsion. Add another tablespoon of lemon juice or aromatic vinegar to the sauce and mix thoroughly. Your sauce is ready!

7. Too difficult for the first time? No problem. Let's arm ourselves with a tabletop blender and prepare an easier version of homemade mayonnaise. Place two chicken or seven quail yolks in a blender bowl. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar, ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon black pepper. Scroll everything together for just a couple of seconds at maximum speed. In a separate bowl, mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Pour the oil in a thin stream through the hole in the lid of the blender, constantly beating at the highest speed. The position of the blades of the blender and the high speed of whipping will allow you to get excellent homemade mayonnaise without any extra effort, in just 10 seconds.

8. Want to give your appetizers a charming flair of oriental cuisine? Offer them spicy homemade mayonnaise. In a blender bowl, place one egg along with the protein plus one more yolk. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon liquid honey, 1 teaspoon curry powder, ½ teaspoon salt. Scroll everything together for a couple of seconds. Mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of roasted sesame oil. Turn on the blender at maximum speed and pour the oil mixture in a thin stream through the hole in the lid. Beat for another 10 seconds and your spicy mayonnaise is ready.

9. For salads and appetizers with fish and seafood, light green mayonnaise. Finely chop the parsley and dill leaves in advance, so that together you get about two tablespoons of greens. Place two yolks in a blender bowl, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon lemon peel, ½ tsp salt and a pinch white pepper. Whisk everything together for a couple of seconds. Mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil and 50 gr. cold pressed olive oil. Turn on the blender at maximum speed and pour the oil in a thin stream through the hole in the blender lid. Scroll for 10 seconds. Then add 50 gr. low-fat yogurt and chopped herbs. Scroll everything together for a couple more seconds.

10. Of course, it is best to prepare mayonnaise immediately before use and in such quantity that will be immediately used. But the lack of time most often forces us to prepare a certain amount of mayonnaise in advance, for several days at once. In this case, the finished sauce must be stabilized so that the emulsion does not break up into components after a couple of hours. It's not at all difficult to do this. It is enough to pour one tablespoon into the already prepared sauce. hot water and stir thoroughly immediately. This simple trick will make the sauce emulsion much more dense and stable. Such mayonnaise can be safely stored in a tightly closed jar placed in the refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise should not exceed two to three days. And here the point is not even that the sauce can deteriorate, but that during this time the mayonnaise will already lose both the tenderness of the aroma and the delicacy of the taste.

Well, on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more original ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to make mayonnaise at home.